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Deafness, 75

Death, 1213

altar of, 68

approach of, 1472

beloved after, 60
dissolves, 125
fear of, 1113

for one's country, 78
has no friends, 1465
image of, 1204
in the pot, 92, 97

hurt not afterwards, 936
of the saints, 347

one for many, 181
pursues, 79
rest in, 1205
sleep, 1204

spares none, 1596

Deceit justified, 610

Deceive (disabuse), 1415

Deceived in thinking well, 1466,

Deceivers, 528

deceived, 268, 610
Deed and word, 969

Deeds, bad, thought good, 1255
done again, 951

should bear their own punish-
ment, 1021

Deers' horns found, 846
Deficiencies in a man, 1339
Degree, 1438

Delian diver, 851

Deliberation, 1278

Delivered, 1420

Demand, I, 289


Demi-gods, demi-men, 523
Demons of wine, 1166

Depraving a tale, 1072

Desirable things, 1333, 1344, 1350

dreaded as evils, 1253

Desire abandoned, 1472

bad, 426, 1264

for friend or enemy, 1253a
good, 1249

granted, 1019

of many men, 1314
of middle age, 510

Desiring a doubtful good, 1255
Destiny favourable, 329

Detraction, bad, 1248
Detractor, 164

Devil, 654

of envy, 164

Devil's flour, 1467

Devil in his grammar, 1518
Devil-saint, 452, 920
Devil's valet, 1469
Dialogues, 99

Dice, boys deceived with, 528
Diction, inflated, 1062

Die for one's country, 39, 78
Die, he must, 181

he shall not, 131
Diet to the mind, 1241
Dieu vous garde, 479
Difficult, easy, 1356

rather than beautiful, 989
Difficulties solved, 1054

Difficulty, 1234, 1240, 1262, 1273

Diluculo surgere, 1198

Dining when one can, 1477

Dinner, supper, 1606

Direction of energy, 1239
Dirty as a priest, 1625
Discontent, 670

Discords and concords, 86
Discount (to clear), 1417
Discourse better, 321

how to, 350

Diseases, in ique, 1607

Disease hath traces (of love), 1425
of the mind, 1284

Dish, far from the, 1517
Displease, let it not, 286
Disputants agree in choice, 1258
Disrespect, respect, 223
Dissembling, 72

Distinction, 186
Distinguish, I, 290
Diver, Delian, 851
Do it again, 1411

Do what is right, come what may

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Doctor Hat: his fashion, 1458

Doctor, old, 581

Dog, gardener's, or in the man-
ger,' 747, 935

in a rage at a stone, 905
who barks from afar, 1475
to sleep with the, 1586

to awake at the bark of,

Doing his tricks, 1391
Doing more than duty, 1469
Doing right, 1507
Domestic luxury, 895

Done cannot be undone, 951
Door, shut the, 156
Do the deed, 788
Dotage, 1095, 1179

Double good hap, 155
Double surety, 793

Dowry, strife, 413

Dreams, thoughts in, 1389

waking, 608

Dregs (lees), 730

Drench, potion, &c., 1436

Dress beyond one's income, 381
Drinking one water, 397
Drowned, not to be, 135

Drowning in sight of shore, 590,

Due, his, 341

Dumb with grief, 1151, 1152
Durability, 1254, 1256
Dust and blood, 732
Duty, a pious, 1022

Dying, he bit the earth, 28

AGLE in the clouds 755
old, 752

Ear, the gate of understanding,

to cure unwilling, 75, 1135
to tweak the, 833

Early, late, 1195, 1198

rising, 597, 598, 1199-1202,

hurtful, 1220

morning, signs of, 1204-1210
Earth and Heaven mingled, 719
Earth jars, 933

Earthen pot in the threshold, 728
Ease, living at, 1482
Easy, difficult, 1356
Eating the heart, 817
Economy, public, 66
Edge-tool-tongue, 1483

Effects destroy their cause, 1457
Egg, he came of an, 765

in peace, &c., 1556

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Evading one evil by another, 789
Events the test of actions, 1107
Everyone for himself, 503
Evil best unknown, 544

oppose it or yield, 1089
restrained with difficulty, 829
what is compelled is, 1274
Evils which instruct, 1449
Excellence of different kinds, 1316
surpassing, 1349

Excuses, for delay in love, 1036
more ready than pardon, 1279
make the fault worse, 1308
Exile, hope in, 561

Expediency, I'll none of it, 383

parent of justice, 1047
Expense, unthrift, 1167a
Expert, what he relinquishes,
1275, 1360
Expression, turns of, 112, 119,
272, 326a, 1369, 1439

of face, mind, 915, 1026
Extremes, running into, 1443
Extremity, its uses, 1445
Eye, the gate of affection, 1137
one precious, 1274

seeth not, heart rueth not,

Eyes, better the sight of the, 1280

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Form gives being, 462

of pleading, 150

Formidable through our fears, 371
Fortune, bearing it well, 1098

changes like the moon, 1498
every man makes his own, 357
favours, 1075
plays a tune, 580
to fools, 492
too much, 1497
waiting on, 1572
See Fate

Foundations, 1453
Fountain, 412

vessel, 698

Fox, hedgehog, 795
lion, 1500

sleeping late, 1539

to the slaughter, 1568

Frank play, 1178
Freme (to sigh), 1413
Frenzy incurable, 975

Fretting wears one out, 1542
in anger, 810

Friar, Ursuline, 552
Gilbert, 1187

Friar's money, 1637

Friend, common, 984

a mirror, 1474

lending to a, 1569
old, 1612

wishing well to a, 1298

Friendship, familiarity in, 1169
cooling, 1464

close, 594

Frog that swelled, 382

Frogs, tale of the, 1319

From the matter, 200

Froward with the froward, 1144
Frugality in youth, 1096
Fruit ripening, 468
Fruition, acquisition, 1327
Frying-pan, out of the, 666

Furies, maidens ever, 43
Furnished, 1376

Furrow, 820

Fury, courting a, 566

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Game caught, 1642
Games, 1173

Gaming, 592

Gardens of pleasure, 805
Garlick, 555

Garment of knowledge, &c., 1388
Getting, losing, 1184

Giant themes, 332

Gifts require discretion, 373
treacherous, 1299

Girl, brunette, 1522
modest, 1122

who accepts or gives, 1502

Giving promptly, 997

Glass true, 420, 1474

Gloria, end of Psalm, 595

Glory of God, to conceal, 234
Goads, words, 237

Goat's wool (trifles), 392
Gods bar their ears, 1139
God bid now, 646

for us all, 503
works, 534

God's blessing, 661

doing, 1153

glory to conceal, 234
grace, 37

help, 46, 167, 1159

press (voluntaries), 1245
secrets, 1512

Godspeed, welcome, 632

God to fight against, 786
Gods are deaf, 1139

dispose fate, 167
feather-footed, 567
hand of the, 866
men are, 42

Gold, all is not, 477

all powerful, 1523
buys love, 1525
Golden sleep, 1207
Good day, 1195

Good and evil, colours of, 1246-
1274, 1303, 1307-1312, 1317,
1383, 1440, &c.

by common consent, 1255,


far off better than evil near,


hap, double, 155

if praised by the wise, 1259

if praised by enemies,

in things evil, 133, 1459
lasting, 1265

present, 1282
proud to do, 388

things, 1258, 1260, 1306
dear, 566

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