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Opportunities for Success Readers

Rate 20 cents a word. Ad forms for October issue close August 20th
Business Opportunities

LEARN THE COLLECTION BUSINESS. GOOD INCOME, quick results. Interesting booklet. "Skillful Collecting" free. National Collectors Ass'n., Success Street, Newark, Ohio.

WE START YOU IN BUSINESS, furnishing everything: men and women, opportunity to earn $1,500 to $7,500 yearly operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories anywhere. Booklet free. N. Ragsdale Co., East Orange, N. J.

Start a profitable business in your own locality without capital-we furnish everything. Many of our associates are earning substantial incomes-$1,000 to $3,000 a year-you can do as well and probably better. Securing subscriptions for the New Success and the Marden books requires little effort and pays big returns. Write for particulars explaining our big new business propositions-it will pay you. The Lowrey-Marden Corporation, 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y.

"SCHEMER," Alliance, Ohio, prints big profit producing schemes; one subscriber making $25,000 from three: another $10,000 from one. Try your luck; year, $1.00; three months, 25c.

"How to Insure Success in Real Estate and Insurance Business new plan highly approved everywhere. Send money order or check for $3.00; foreign $4.00. Five days free inspection with money-back guarantee. Macdonald Cooperative Realty Company, San Diego, California.

IF YOU WANT to sell or exchange your property write me.
JOHN J. BLACK, 291st Street, Chippewa Falls, Wis.

START PORTRAIT ART STUDIO. No capital, no experience, no canvassing. Permanent profitable business, home or traveling. Outfit furnished. Learned in few hours. Free booklet. Tangley, 125 Main, Muscatine, Iowa.

We teach you all there is to know about candy making in our Correspondence Course. $50.00 to $100.00 a week can be made at home with a very small investment. The Candy College, Church and Flatbush Avenues, Brooklyn, N. Y.

BE AN AUTO OR TRACTOR EXPERT. Unlimited opportunity for advancement; your own business or working for others. 5000 successful graduates. Good board reasonable near school. Catalog FREE. Cleveland Auto School, 1826 E. 24th St., Cleveland, O.

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MANUFACTURERS wanted for larger production and Homeworkers on smaller scale for Metal Toys and Novelties. Toy Soldiers, Cannons, Cowboys, Indians, Buffalo Bills, Wild Animals, Whistles, Bird Whistles. Race Horses, Prizefighters, Religious Statuettes, Puzzles and hundreds of other Toys and Novelties. Hundred and more made complete per hour. No experience or tools needed. Bronze Casting forms with complete outfit, from $5.00 up. We are buyers of these goods all year, paying fixed prices. Contract orders placed with manufacturers. Exceptionally high prices paid for painted goods. An enormous business offers industrious men an excellent opportunity to enter this field. An open market for these goods all over United States, Canada and South America. Write us only, if you mean business. Illustrated Catalogue and Booklet mailed free. Toy Soldier Manufacturing Company, Office and Showrooms: 1696 Boston Road, New York.

Salesmen Wante



SALESMEN-Introduce attractive window
Associated News Service of world events in pictures. Every retail
store wants this. Liberal commissions. Weekly earnings $50 to
$200. Elliott Service Co., 244 West 49th St., New York.
sary. Send for list of lines and full particulars. Prepare in spare
time to earn the big salaries $2,500 to $10,000 a year. Employ-
ment services rendered members. National Salesmen's Training
Association, Dept. 145-K, Chicago, Ill.

[blocks in formation]

AGENTS, $60 to $200 a Week, Free Samples. Gold
Letters for Store and Office windows. Any one can do it. Big
Demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co..
431 W. N. Clark St., Chicago.

Sensational Opportunity. One sale a day means $200 per
month! Five sales-$1,000 per month!! Marvelous new adding
machine. Retails $15.00. Work equals $350 Machine. Adds.
Subtracts, Multiplies, Divides, Automatically. Lightning Speed.
Errors impossible. Five year guarantee. Used by C. S. Govern-
ment and Largest Corporations. Tremendous demand everywhere.
Amazing profits. Write quick for trial offer and protected territory.
Calculator Corporation. Dept. K, Grand Rapids, Mich.

WE START YOU without a dollar-Soaps. Extracts, Perfumes, toilet goods. Experience unnecessary. Carnation Co., 213 Olive, St. Louis.

Found! The easiest article to sell. 200% Profit. Write for particulars. Sample $.25. Premier Specialty Sales Co., 806 E Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich.

World's Greatest Auto Invention: no more storm blurred windshields: Mystic Felt works wonders; one rub keeps glass clear 24 hours; steel mountings; fits pocket; Vetter made $75 first day. Security Mfg. Co., Dept. 318. Toledo, Ohio.

Letter Specialists

Convincing letters, booklets, folders for those demanding clearness, exactness, quality in their advertising. Submit your problem: advice gratis. Arthur Crosby, desk 41, Seven East 54th St., New York.

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These Classified Advertisements Continued on Page 8

The Secret of Being a Convincing Talker


How I Learned It In One Evening

AVE you heard the news about
Frank Jordan?'

This question quickly brought me to the little group which had gathered in the center of the office. Jordan and I had started with the Great Eastern Machinery Co., within a month of each other, four years ago. A year ago, Jordan was taken into the accounting division and I was sent out as salesman. Neither of us was blessed with an unusual amount of brilliancy, but we "got by" in our new jobs well enough to hold them.

Imagine my amazement then, when I heard:

"Jordan's just been made Treasurer of the Company!"


I could hardly believe my ears. there was the "Notice to Employees" on the bulletin board telling about Jordan's good fortune.

Now I know that Jordan was a capable fellow. quiet, and unassuming, but I never would have picked him for any such sudden rise. I knew, too, that the Treasurer of the Great Eastern had to be a big man, and I wondered how in the world Jordan landed the place.

The first chance I got, I walked into Jordan's new office.

and after congratulating him warmly I asked him to let me "in" on the details of how he jumped ahead so quickly. His story is so intensely interesting that I am going to repeat it as closely as I remember.

"I'll tell you just how it happened, George, because you may pick up a pointer or two that will help you.

By George Raymond

nouncement stating that Dr. Frederick Houk Law had just completed a new course in business talking and public speaking entitled 'Mastery of Speech.' The course was offered on approval without money in advance, so since I had nothing whatever to lose by examining the lessons, I sent for them and in a few days they arrived. I glanced through the entire eight lessons, reading the headings and a few paragraphs here and there, and in about an hour the whole secret of effective speaking was opened to me.

"For example, I learned why I had always lacked confidence, why talking had always seemed something to be dreaded, whereas it is really the simplest thing in the world to 'get up and talk.' I learned how to secure complete attention to what I was saying and how to make everything I said interesting, forceful and convincing. I learned the art of listening, the value of silence, and the power of brevity. Instead of being funny at the wrong time, I learned how and when to use humor with telling effect.

"But perhaps the most wonderful thing about the lessons were the actual examples of what things to say and when to say them to meet every condition. I found

Special Summer Offer $



Realizing the ever increasing need for such a system as Dr. Law's "Mastery of Speech," for a short time we are making a special summer offer in order to put this amazing work in the hands of a still greater number of people. We are reducing the price from $5 to only $3 for the

summer months.

You should not miss this splendid opportunity. Our five day FREE Trial Offer still holds good-simply fill in and clip coupon. Then, after you have seen the course, send only $3 in complete payment.

But you must act quickly-we can only hold this price open for the summer months.

"You remember how scared I used to be whenever I had to talk to the chief? You remember how you used to tell me that every time I opened my mouth I put my foot into it, meaning of course that every time I spoke I got into trouble? You remember when Ralph Sinton left to take charge of the Western office and I was asked to present him with the loving cup the boys gave him, how flustered I was and how I couldn't say a word because there were people around? You remember how confused I used to be every time I met new people? I couldn't say what I wanted to say when I wanted to say it; and I determined that if there was any possible chance to learn how to talk I was going to do it.

"The first thing I did was to buy a number of books on public speaking, but they seemed to be meant for those who wanted to become orators, whereas what I wanted to learn was not only how to speak in public but how to speak to individuals under various conditions in business and social life.

"A few weeks later, just as I was about to give up hope of ever learning how to talk interestingly, I read an an

that there was a knack in making oral reports to my superiors. I found

that there was a right way and a wrong way to present complaints, to give estimates, and to issue orders.

"I picked up some wonderful pointers about how to give my opinions, about how to answer complaints, about how to ask the bank for a loan, about how to ask for extensions. Another thing that struck me forcibly was that instead of antagonizing people when I didn't agree with them, I learned how to bring them around to my way of thinking in the most pleasant sort of way. Then, of course, along with those lessons there were chapters on speaking before large audiences, how to find material for talking and speaking, how to talk to friends, how to talk to servants, and how to talk to children.

"Why, I got the secret the very first evening and it was only a short time before I was able to apply all of the principles and found that my words were beginning to have an almost magical effect upon everybody to whom I spoke. It seemed that I got things done instantly, where formerly, as you know, what I said 'went in one ear and out of the other.' I began to acquire an executive ability that surprised me. I smoothed out difficulties like a true diplomat. In my talks with the chief I spoke clearly, simply, convincingly. Then came my first promotion since I entered the accounting department. I was given the job of answering complaints, and I made

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When Jordan finished, I asked him for the address of the publishers of Dr. Law's course, and he gave it to me. I sent for it and found it to be exactly as he had stated. After studying the eight simple lessons I began to sell to people who had previously refused to listen to me at all. After four months

of record-breaking sales during the dull est season of the year, I received a wire from the chief asking me to return to the home office. We had quite a long talk

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in which I explained how I was able to break sales records-and I was appointed Sales Manager at almost twice my former salary. I know that there was nothing in me that had changed except that I had acquired the ability to talk where formerly I simply used "words without reason." I can never thank Jordan enough for telling me about Dr. Law's Course in Business Talking and Public Speaking. Jordan and I are both spending all our spare time making public speeches and Jordan is being talked about now as mayor of our little town.

So confident is the Independent Corporation, publishers of "Mastery of Speech," Dr. Law's Course in Business Talking and Public Speaking, that once you have an opportunity to see in your own home how you can, in one hour, learn the secret of speaking and how you can apply the principles of effective speech under all conditions, that they are willing to send you the Course on. free examination.

Don't send any money. Merely mail the coupon or write a letter and the complete Course will be sent, all charges prepaid, at once. If you are not entirely satisfied send it back any time within five days after you receive it and you will owe nothing.

On the other hand, if you are as pleased as are the thousands of other men and women who have used the Course, send only $3 the Special Summer Price in full payment. You take no risk and you have everything to gain, so mail the coupon now before this remarkable offer is withdrawn. Independent Corporation, Dept. L-588, 319 Sixth Ave., New York.


Independent Corporation

Dept. L-588, 319 Sixth Ave., New York Gentlemen:-Please mail me "Mastery of Speech" for 5 days' free trial. If I decide to keep it I will remit $3, the Special Summer Price. Otherwise I will return it to you. It is understood that this coupon puts me under no obligations whatsoever.



N.S. 8-12


Opportunities for Success Readers

These Classified Advertisements Continued from Page 6

Rate 20 cents a word. Ad forms for October issue close August 20th



Send for Free Sample and Standardized Prices of your Printing

requirements. Street. Chicago.

Help Wanted


MEN-WOMEN-GIRLS WANTED. $116-$195 month. Gov-
Hundreds openings. Write immediately for 1st.
Franklin Institute, Dept. M 79, Rochester, N. Y.

ernment jobs. C. Fantus Co., Printers, 525 South Dearborn

[blocks in formation]

Learn to Write Advertisements. Unlimited Demand for trained Advertising men. Earn $60 to $150 a week. We teach you every angle of this highly paid profession in your spare time by mal We help you to secure a position. Write for free book, "Increase ! Salaries and Promotion." Page-Davis Correspondence School, Dept. G-20, Chicago.

If ambitious and full of "pep." let me place you in new line. Call on business and professional men to present proposition that they eagerly snap at because they need buy nothing nor pay you anything at that time nor later. How is it done? Well that is my secret. I'll tell you more about it if you write at once. You can easily earn $50 a week or more after you get started-some mer make $9000 per year. Success, 3509 White Plains Avenue, New York.

Male Help Wanted

Splendid clerical work opportunity. Spare or whole time.
No canvassing, good money. Chautauqua Business Builders,
Jamestown, N. Y.

Railway Mail and other Government Clerks needed quickly
(men-women) $1400-$2300. Permanent. Few to travel. Write
Mr. Ozment, Former U. S. Government Examiner, 194, St. Louis,
Mo. Reliable instructions Free.

Help Wanted

Here's your opportunity to make good in big way! New, fast selling office specialty, sells on sight; big demand, tremendous repeater. You can establish fine paying permanent business. Perfection Mfg. Co., 119 So. 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Female Help Wanted

$6-$18 a dozen decorating pillow tops at home, experience unnecessary; particulars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co., 108 LaGrange, Ind.

[blocks in formation]

Secrets of Making More Money in Business



Take One Evening to Prove
That These Methods and Ideas
Will Increase Your Earnings

O you know the short cut to success in your particular line of work? Do you know the proven ways to increase your earnings? Do you know the quickest and surest methods of making more money?

In just one evening you can find out! You can profit by the experience of men who have been most successful in their respective fields. No need to work blindly-no need to waste time in experimenting-no need to make costly mistakes! The tested plans and methods of those who have blazed the way to the top are now brought to you in condensed, concentrated form in the famous "How-Books" of Business published by SYSTEM, the Magazine of Business.

These Books are in handy size-they can be conveniently carried about and read in odd moments. Every page is crammed full of business-building ideas. All superfluous matter is omitted-there are no theories, no generalities. Instead these books get right down to brass tacks and give concrete, practical methods that can be applied at once to your daily work. Each Book contains 128 pages, profusely illustrated, and is bound in cloth with label covers in four colors.

These Books have helped others to make more moneythey will do the same for you. Take advantage of the liberal Money-Back Offer and special low price at once.

Send No Money

Simply check below the Book or Books that you want and mail the coupon without any money. Pay only $1.25 for each on arrival. Then, in one evening's reading see how many money-making ideas and pointers you get. See how

the benefit of years of experience of others is brought to you in concentrated form. Think of getting all the moneymaking secrets each Book contains for only $1.25.

Satisfaction Guaranteed Keep any Book

you order for five days. Then if you are not satisfied that it is worth many times the small price paid, send it back and your money will be promptly refunded. You do not risk a penny and you may easily realize thousands of dollars on this small investment. Mail the coupon NOW. Address Dept. N8, A. W. Shaw Company, Cass, Huron and Erie Streets, Chicago. Mail coupon today.

A. W. SHAW COMPANY, Dept. N8, Cass, Huron and Erie Streets, CHICAGO
You may send me the Book (or Books) I have checked below. I will pay postman $1.25 for each on arrival.
It is understood that my money is to be refunded in full if I return the Book (or Books) within five days.

How To Write Letters That Win-tells how to write letters
that will DO what you want them to do.

How To Talk Business To Win-tells how to talk convincingly
and how to acquire self-confidence before an audience.
How To Collect Money By Mail-tells how America's keenest
credit and collection experts are collecting by mail from all
kinds of debtors.

How To Write Advertisements That Sell-tells how advertis-
ing experts plan, lay out and write winning advertisements.
How To Be Personally Efficient in Business tells how to get
work done on time without worry, fuss or difficulty.
How To Increase Your Sales-tells how "star" salesmen make
sales their methods made clear as day.

How To Advertise A Bank-the best methods picked from the
actual campaigns of able bankers.

78 Proved Plans For Handling And Closing Real Estate Deals -tells how 25 shrewd real estate operators are getting business and making more money.

161 Store Plans To Win New Trade-tells how to face difficult situations in retail selling and gives plans to build up greater sales volume and profits.

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