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Poor at twenty; Rich at forty;
Internationally famous at fifty

You are invited to have FREE a booklet that tells what
few great books make a man think straight and talk well

OOR, friendless, with no education, Benjamin Franklin walked through the streets of Philadelphia alone.

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Yet at forty he was independent; at fifty his company was eagerly sought by the leaders of two continents. What was Franklin's success secret? Something mysterious? Not at all. His secret was nothing more than this: Every day of his life he added a part of some other man's intelligence to his own. He picked the few really great mindbuilding books and read them systematically a few minutes every day.

Are you bigger today than yesterday? You have so few minutes in the day for reading; so few days in a busy life. Will you spend them all with the gossip of the Newspapers, or the mere entertainment of Fiction? Or will you, like Franklin, start now to make the great thinkers of the world your servants? Will you increase your own brain power by adding their brain power to it? What are the few great books-biographies, histories, novels, dramas, poems, books of science and travel, philosophy and religion, that have in them the power to make of their readers men who can think clearly and talk interestingly-men who will not only be ambitious for success, but who will have acquired the broadness of vision necessary to achieve it?

All of these questions, so vital to you, are answered in the free booklet pictured below. You can have a copy of it for the asking.

[blocks in formation]

In it Dr. Charles W. Eliot, who was for forty years President of Harvard University, gives his own plan of reading. In it are described the contents, plan, and purpose of

Dr. Eliot's

Five-Foot Shelf of Books

The reading that makes men and women grow

Every well-informed man and woman should at least know something about this famous library.

The free book tells about it-how Dr. Eliot has put into his Five-Foot Shelf "the essentials of a liberal education," how he has so arranged it that even "fifteen minutes a day" is enough, how in pleasant moments of spare time, by using the reading courses Dr. Eliot has provided for you, you can get the knowledge of literature and life, the culture, the broad viewpoint that every University strives to give.

"For me." wrote one man who had sent in the coupon. "your little free book meant a big step forward, and it showed me besides the way to a vast new world of pleasure." Every reader of NEW SUCCESS is invited to have a copy of this handsome and entertaining little book, which is free, will be sent by mail, and involves no obligation of any sort. Merely clip the coupon and mail it today.


417 West Thirteenth Street
New York

Mail me the free book, "Fifteen Minutes a Day." telling about the Five-Foot Shelf of Books, and containing the valuable article by Dr. Eliot on what and how to read for a liberal education.



N.S. 8-21


Let me send you this big book of Oppor-
tunities with my compliments. There is no obli-

gation. Find out for yourself what is doing in the Electrical Industry. You owe it to yourself
to investigate. This book shows what other ambitious men have done in this field and what
you can do. With this wonderful book I'll also send you complete outline of my method of
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SEND COUPON TODAY-DON'T DELAY Those writing now will save $43.00. This offer is special and is made for a limited time. So mail coupon at once. This is the most unusual offer ever made to ambitious men. So hurry. A.W.Wicks, E. E., Pres., WICKS ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE 3601 Michigan Avenue, Dept. 227-C Chicago, Ill.

3601 Michigan Avenue, Dept. 227-C Chicago, Ill. Without any obligation send me your Big New Book. "Opportunities in the Electrical Field," and full par ticulars regarding your method of training.


Give Me Five Days to Prove I Can Give You aWinning Personality


At my expense examine these amazing yet
simple secrets that will give you a commanding
personality, win you hosts of friends and
materially assist in business and social success
By Arthur Gould

HERE are no strings to this offer. I mean just what I say. You may be the one out of one hundred who I can't convince, or the five out of every hundred who refuse to be convinced. If so, the five day test costs you nothing. It is purely up to you. To any man or woman, any one over eighteen years old, I ask only for the opportunity of placing in your hands the secret of quickly acquiring a winning and dominating personality. Then for five days, you keep this material, read it, study it, and then return it to me or keep it. That's fair enough, isn't it? I show you, satisfy you, before you pay but a trifle of what this secret will bring you back quickly.


And here's a startling fact for you to think A fact, not a fancy. Half those who are struggling along, just making ends meet, have only the lack of personality to blame for their life of drudgery. Many of them are trained men and women, but they fail to convince others because they are devoid of personal magnetism-personality. If you can't convince others in business, how, tell me, can you succeed? You must be seen, noticed, looked up to. Lacking a strong personality, how can you attract that attention so necessary to your success, business or social?

The man or woman who has mastered the secret of acquiring a magnetic, dominating personality, does not have to take a seat in the background. They attract attention and draw people to them. Their friends or business associates may not know why, but they attract them as the light attracts a

[blocks in formation]

moth. There is something irre-
sistible to that mysterious, yet
easily acquired quality of per-

Secret of Popularity
If Mary Pickford didn't have
a winning personality, do you
think she would be so immensely
popular? It isn't merely a
pretty face that enables a girl to
get into the movies.
look for personality first.
are thousands of good looking
men who can't get into the
movies, capable actors. They
lack personality, and it is their
own fault. Go to a social gather-
ing and one or two men and
women dominate the crowd.


Every one seeks their
company, values their
friendship. Others are
barely noticed. Why?
You know as well as
I do, it isn't their
looks but personality
that draws others to
them. Yet this personality can be yours as though by a
touch of magic.

Send Me Your Name

I have shown thousands of men and women how to develop their personalities, and thereby win business and social success. Let me send you the same material I sent to them. See for yourself at my expense.

Why Personality Governs Your Success Did you ever see a bank president who lacked personality? I can't think of one, and doubt if you can. Above all things a bank president knows the cash value of a good personality, and develops his own. He must to inspire confidence, to make people feel at ease in leaving their money under his management. You see the point. don't you? They develop their personality to inspire confidence, And it's the same the to attract and hold confidence. length and breadth of business. Without personality you are badly handicapped-with t half the battle is won.

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It can

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Make $10,000 a Year



Ostrander Way

Be a real estate specialist. Start in your own
home during your spare time-and build up
a permanent, profitable business of your own.

RE you dissatisfied with your
work, your income or your

Are you deep in the rut of hard work and poor pay?

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Do you long to pull yourself out of the mire of mediocrity?

Then this important announcement is for you.

Read every word of it.

Then do not let another day pass without investigating the OSTRANDER SYSTEM OF BECOMING A REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST, and learning how this wonder-working method will enable you to get out of the timeclock line, and build up quickly and easily an independent, moneymaking business of your own.

What Ostrander Did

With less than $5 in cash, and a startlingly new idea, W. M. Ostrander entered the real estate business, and amassed a fortune of $150,000 in less than five years.

That he astounded the real estate world with his achievement is best evidenced by the following brief excerpts from the press of the country:

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about his work is not worth knowing."-Hotel World. "Mr. Ostrander's methods are as thoroughly correct as they are modern.”—Detroit Free Press. "Mr. Ostrander's success seems to be due to his original methods."-Michigan Farmer. "Mr. Ostrander's success is proof of his ability."-Cincinnati Enquirer.

Mr. Ostrander started in the real estate business during his spare time, without training or experience. He turned his back upon the mosscovered, haphazard, rule-of-thumb methods of the past. He developed a scientific system for handling real estate, that is amazing in its simplicity and remarkable in its results.

This marvelously successful system-proved out and time-testedhe has now fully explained for the use of others. It is complete in only twenty-eight pages (legal size) in typewritten form. It is easy to understand. It is simple to follow. Any intelligent person can use it.

Send for the ÖSTRANDER SYSTEM today. Examine it-free of charge and see for yourself the unlimited, money-making possibilities it unfolds.

There is No Better Business The real estate business is undoubtedly one of the most attractive occupations in the world. Here are a few of its many advantages:

(1) It is a permanent business-as permanent as the earth itself.

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(5) The business is practically unlimited. There are eight or ten million properties the market at all


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(10) It offers big prizes to the ambitious. Deals pay

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Simple enough and plain enough so any one can get results."-T. L. Bayer, Manhattan, Kansas. "Would not take several times the cost for mine if I could not get another."-B. W. Anthony, Detroit, Michigan. "My success with your system is great and I have succeeded in my lifelong dream of establishing a real estate business that is highly promising for the future, and very gratifying at present." -M. L. Paddock, Lead, South Dakota.

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This is the easy, equitable way in which the OSTRANDER SYSTEM can be secured by you. We take all risks. You have nothing to lose and much to gain, as the mailing of this coupon may bring you business success and financial independence. AMERICAN BUSINESS BUILDERS, INC., Dept 836, 1133 Broadway, New York.


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