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Business will soon need, in increasing numbers, trained accountants, treasurers, credit managers, controllers, cost specialists, auditors, and All over the country forward

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Pace Institute offers, as it has for fifteen years, standardized, professional training in Accountancy and Business Administration-training that prepares for professional Accountancy practice or for executive positions in private business. Study may be pursued in Resident classes in Pace Institute, New York, Boston, and Washington, or by Extension through the mails.


Extension students may enroll for one month's trial instruction with the charge for tuition and texts limited to $7. There is no obligation of any sort to continue the Course. Send for details of this $7 trial offer. Ask also for a complimentary copy of "Making Ready," a helpful booklet which tells of Accountancy-educated men and women who have made good in Business and in Accountancy.

Pace & Pace

Hudson Terminal 30 Church St., New York

Pace & Pace, 30 Church St., New York Send me, without obligation, details of your $7 Trial Extension Offer and a copy of "Making Ready."



Success 7-21


Opportunities for Success Readers

These Classified Advertisements Continued from Page 8

[Rate 20 cents a word. Ad forms for September issue close July 20th.

For Advertisers

ADVERTISING AND PROSPERITY ARE INSEPARABLE companions. Let us prove it. Write now, explaining in full your selling problems. Jacobus Advertising Service, 41-a Bruen Avenue, Irvington, N. J.

Mail-Order Methods

$30.00 a week, evenings-I made it with a small mail order business; continued my regular job day time. Free booklet tells how, 2-cent postage. ALSUC SCOTT, Cohoes, N. Y.



Send for Free Sample and Standardized Prices of your Printing requirements. C. Fantus Co., Printers, 525 South Dearborn Street, Chicago.


Our multigraph letters produce results. $4.00 per 1000. Long runs special quotations. Send for samples, Marietta Multigraphing Co., Marietta, Ohio.

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OIL COOLER for FORDS saves 50% to 75% oil by actual test; keeps engine cool and clean; increases power. Bolts under crank case in place of present inspection plate. Every Ford owner appreciates it. Quick seller, $5.00, big agent's profit. Adamson Mig. Co., East Palestine, Ohio.


AUTOMOBILE Owners, Garagemen, Mechanics, Repairmen, send for free copy of our current issue. It contains helpful, instructive information on overhauling, ignition troubles, wiring, carburetors, storage batteries, etc. Over 120 pages, illustrated. Send for free copy today. Automobile Digest, 517 Butler Bldg., Cincinnati.

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Splendid clerical work opportunity. Spare or whole time. No canvassing, good money. Chautauqua Business Builders, Jamestown, N. Y.

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$6-$18 a dozen decorating pillow tops at home, experience unnecessary; particulars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co., 108 LaGrange, Ind.


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30 different stamps, catalogue $1.00, reduced from 25c to 15c. four collections 50c. Name countries desired. John Fox, 3142 Dale, San Diego, California.


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What has been the great unanswered "Why" of your life? Send postage for FREE ANSWER to your "Why?" Prof. Julius Zancig bas exclusive control of "The Why Series." (Wisdom from the Heavens as given to most widely known occult students of today.) Address Box 637, Asbury Park, New Jersey.

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How Applied Psychology

("Organized Common Sense")

Will Increase Your Earnings

Another man started even with you in life, no richer, no more talented, no more ambitious. But in the years that have passed he has somehow managed to move far ahead. What is the secret of it? Why should he, apparently, have the power to get so easily the things he wants while you must work so hard for all that comes to you?

Another woman, madam, no more able than yourself, has the good gifts of life fairly thrust into her hands. You have compared yourself to her and questioned what there is in her character and talents that you somehow lack.

Learn the Reason From Science

Scientists have found the secret. They can show you how you too can obtain the better things of life. How you can arouse the hidden powers of your mind and make them bring you more influence, a larger income, greater happiness.

Human intelligence acts and reacts according to certain laws known as the laws of Psychol

ogy-"organized common sense." Either by instinct or by study some individuals master these laws. To them the minds of their associates become like fine instruments on which they can play at will. They have but to set the train of circumstances moving and await results. In other words-they apply Psychology.

No Longer the Dream of Theorists

To-day we see Psychology studied by the business man and its principles applied to the management of factory and office. We see men in every profession, as well as those in many lines of industry and business, applying

Psychology to their personal occupations, and from the benefits derived from it greatly increasing their incomes, enlarging the scope of their activities, rising to higher positions of responsibility, influence and power.

Psychology the Direct

Recognizing the need for a popular- understanding of its priceless truths, an organization was founded by Mr. Warren Hilton some years ago to co-ordinate the principles of Psychology and apply them to every-day life-thus the Society of Applied Psychology came into being. Among the members of the Advisory Board, who also contribute to the Society's literature, are such well-known men as Henry A. Buchtel, D. D., L.L.D., Chancellor, University of Denformer Governor of Colorado; Hudson


Method to Success

Maxim, D.Sc., Inventor and Mechanical Engineer; George Van Ness Dearborn, M. D., Ph.D., Psychologist and Author; Harry S. Tipper, Chairman, National Educational Committee, Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, and others.

Because of the very great value of the Society's Basic Course of Reading to the average man and woman, The Literary Digest is cooperating to bring it within the means of every earnest seeker for self-betterment.

FREE—“How to Develop Your Power of Achievement”

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How to Rid Yourself

of Your Catarrh




Without Drugs or Medicine of any Kind



HE majority of the people in our country suffer from catarrh. Some have it from time to time, others have it all the time.

"Catarrh of the head is troublesome-and filthy. Catarrh of the throat causes coughing and much annoying expectoration.

R. L. ALSAKER, M.D. When the catarrh goes into the chest it is called bronchitis. If

Founder of

The Alsaker Way

it is allowed to continue it becomes chronic, and chronic bronchitis means farewell to health and comfort. It robs the sufferer of refreshing sleep and takes away his strength. It also weakens the lungs so that the individual easily falls a victim to pneumonia or consumption.

"Then there is catarrh of the stomach and small intestines, which always means indigestion. Catarrh of the large intestine often ends in inflammation of the lower bowel-colitis.

"Catarrh of the ear causes headache, ringing in the ear and general discomfort.

"Catarrh of the liver produces various diseases, such as jaundice and gall-stones, and often ends in much suffering from liver colic.

"All who easily catch cold are in a catarrhal condition. Those who take one cold after another will in a short time suffer from chronic catarrh, which will in turn give rise to some other serious disease-as if catarrh itself isn't bad enough.

"Either you personally suffer from catarrh, or some member of your family is afflicted. Isn't it time to give this serious danger a little attention, before it is too late, and solve the problem for yourself? You can do it. It's easy.

"Catarrh can be conquered easily and permanently. It has been done in thousands of cases. You can cure yourself-and while you are losing your catarrh you will lose your other physical ills. That dirty tongue will clean up; that tired feeling will vanish; that bad taste in the mouth will disappear; that troublesome gas will stop forming in the stomach and bowels; and the pain will leave your back; headaches will take flight; rheumatism will say good-by and those creaky joints will become pliant."


Realizing the great need of definite, practical information regarding this terrible disease, Dr. Alsaker has prepared a plain, simple instruction book on the cause, prevention and cure of catarrh, asthma, hay fever, coughs and colds. book is entirely free from fads, bunk and medical bombast. It sets forth a commonsense, provedout PLAN, that is easy and pleasant to follow-a plan that teaches the sick how to get well and how to keep well. The name of this book is "Curing Catarrh, Coughs and Colds." It tells the true cause of these objectionable, health-destroying troubles, and it gives you a safe, simple, sure cure without drugs, medicines or apparatus of any kind. You apply this wonderfully successful treatment yourself, in your own house and without the expenditure of an additional penny. There is nothing difficult, technical or mysterious about this treatment. It is so easy to understand and so simple to follow that anyone, young or old, can reap the utmost benefit from it.

If you suffer from colds, coughs, or catarrh in any form. send only $3. to the publishers of "THE ALSAKER WAY," THE LOWREY-MARDEN CORPORATION, Dept. 605. 1133 Broadway, New York, and get your copy of this valuable instruction book. Follow the instructions for thirty days; then if you are not delighted with the results-if you do not see a wonderful improvement in your health-if you are not satisfied that you have made the best $3. investment you ever made-simply remail the book and your money will be promptly and cheerfully refunded.

Remember this: If you want to free yourself forever from catarrh, asthma, hay fever, coughs and colds you can do so. Dr. Alsaker's treatment is not experimental. It is proved-out and time-tested. And it includes no drugs or serums, sprays or salves. And it costs nothing to follow it. while doctor's bills, prescriptions, and so-called patent medicines that do not cure, soon eat a big hole in any man's income. Send for this book today. Follow it faithfully and you will experience the same splendid results that thousands of others are receiving.

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More millions of people are giving serious thought to the Life Beyond-to the Invisible World that surrounds us, than ever before in history. The accumulated wisdom of the ages in the Occult and Psychic-the most remarkable experiences in attempts to penetrate the UNKNOWN, the dim mysterious region that lies between physical and spiritual forces and energies, have been gathered in these fascinating volumes.


are discussed in clear and Understandable language: What Happens at the Moment of Death-How We Progress in the Spirit World-Messages from the Beyond-How to Develop Our Psychic Powers-Our Hidden ForcesThe Sexes Hereafter-Ghosts and Haunted Houses-How Spirit Photography is Possible-How Mental Telepathy Operates-The Marvels of Materialization-Reincarnation and Hindu Philosophy-Mastering the SelfFear and How to Banish it-The Laws of Success-Personal Magnetism-Spiritual Healing-How to Interpret Dreams; and many other important and interesting topics.

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