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Are Your Eyes Weak?


Then Read These

Wore Glasses for Sixteen Years,

Discards Them Entirely

I had decided for some time to write you a few words of praise for your wonderful Eye Course, but thought that I would wait until I entirely stopped wearing "Eye Crutches" as you call them.

I had been wearing glasses since I was eight years of age. and did not go a day without them. I am now twenty-four years old, and with just a little effort in practicing the exercises each day, have at last been enabled to discontinue wearing glasses entirely. It just took two months of your treatment to cure my eyes.

I wish to thank you, and say that I cannot express my-
self in words for my great appreciation.
With best wishes for your continued good work, I am
Very truly yours, MRS. D. G. LEWIS.
Shreveport, La.

Course Is Worth More Than Gold

to Her

The Course, "Strengthening the Eyes" at hand, and I am sending money order for which I will keep the Course. It is worth more than gold.

Yours for health, GRACE GUYER,
3116 E. 7th St., Long Beach, Cal.

Writes This Letter Without Glasses

After Only a Week's Trial

Enclosed you will please find money order in payment of course in "Eye Strengthening." I am convinced that this money is the best investment I have ever made.


Vision Improved One Hundred Per
Cent in Two Months' Time

I have been following the precepts of your book for two months and my vision has improved 100 per cent.

When I started at ten feet I could barely see the largest letter. Now I can see the second size letter which is onehalf the size. Yours truly,

L. MEHLER, Waynesboro, Va. His Sight Is Better Than It Has Been

in Years

It may be interesting to you to hear that I have been able to discard my glasses and my sight is better than it has been in years. I would like to know how long the various strengthening exercises should be kept up. The glasses I discarded were for astigmatism, and were right eye 1-25,30 and left eye 1-25,120.

Again thanking you for sending me the books on "Eye Training," I remain, Very truly yours,

R. D. ROBERTSON, 1100 Evergreen Ave., Plainfield, N. J.

received your course last Saturday, and followed the advice Would Recommend Our Eye Strength

in putting aside my spectacles. Last Sunday gave me a
good opportunity to begin the exercises, and when you
consider that I have been wearing spectacles for twenty
years, that was to my mind an achievement. Always
having been instructed to wear my glasses being in danger
of losing my sight, I am writing this letter without specs,
and although I cannot see very plainly, by writing large I
am able to read it all right.
1155 19th St., Milwaukee, Wisc.

Yours truly.

ening Course to Anyone Who

Wears Glasses

I am getting along with the Eye-training Course. Must say, have had good results and would recommend it to anyone who wears glasses. Yours truly,

WM. S. GRINDELL, 1515 Myrtle St., Scranton, Pa.

Our files are filled with just such letters of grateful appreciation as those we publish here.


is a complete course in Eye Health Building. Prepared by Bernarr Macfadden in collaboration with one of the world's leading eye specialists. The lessons are simple. They are practical. And best of all, they produce beneficial results

Facts About the Eyes

The eyes are controlled by nerves and muscles, just the same as other parts of your body. You know that your arms or your legs or your hands or neck or back can be strengthened by exercise. If that were not so, half the people in the world would be going around on crutches.. Well, why put crutches (that's just what glasses are) on your eyes when they grow weak? Why not try exercise?

Hundreds of people have been able to discard their glasses

as a result of sending for Mr. Macfadden's Course in Scientific Eye Training. It is probable you can do the same. Why not try?


Just Mail the Coupon


We would like to have every reader of THE NEW SUCCESS who is afflicted with poor eye-sight try Mr. Macfadden's Eye Training methods. For this reason we have arranged a plan whereby you can have the course sent to you on

almost immediately. As evidence of this fact we call your special attention to Mr. Nern's letter, published above. Mr. Nern was able to discard his spectacles after only one week's use of the course.

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The Editor's Chat

Suggestive Helps for the Multitude of Readers of THE NEW SUCCESS, Who Write to Dr. Marden for Advice


Focus Your Energies

a question as to how Mr. Eugene Grace, President of the Bethlehem Steel Company, had managed to work himself up from the rank of an ordinary truckman in the steel company to the head of that enormous concern, came the reply, "His devotion to everything he undertakes." That is the secret of Mr. Grace's phenomenal rise in the business world: absolute devotion to whatever he undertakes.

Could this be said of you, my friend? If so, you cannot complain of your hard luck or failure, for you must have succeeded.

The trouble with most people who do not get on, or who are disappointed, whose ambitions have been thwarted, is that they are not all there in what they undertake. Their energies are split up, they do not focus with that tremendous energy which achieves.

Absolute devotion to the thing undertaken-therein lies the secret of success. You do not need to go any further into the cause or the mystery of any man's If he shows absolute devotion to everything he undertakes, if he throws his whole life, all his energy and ambition, all his being into his work, achievement will follow.


Someone has said of Mr. Grace. "He knows how to make a small job big, to make a big thing out of a small opportunity."

When he wants anything and goes out to get it, he brings it back, he gets what he seeks; failure is not in his thoughts.

Absorption in his work is characteristic of this man. You may say he takes his job too seriously; but no man ever does a big thing who does not focus his energies upon it. A man who takes his job lightly gets small returns, just as a farmer who sows lightly harvests a light crop.

Carrying a Message Part Way to Garcia


HE trouble with many of us is that we carry our messages to Garcia only part way. When we strike the forests, when the unknown confronts us, when we are perplexed and don't know what to do, we flinch, or turn back.

Resolve that you are going to carry your message the whole way; that no matter what stands in the way, you are going ahead; that you are going to hold your own; to be a leader, not a trailer or follower.

Resolve that you are not going to jog along the old beaten path, turning aside from every obstacle, but

that you will blaze your way through forests of difficulty, if necessary, straight to your goal.

Resolve that things are going to move around you because you have discovered you are a real force, a dynamic power.

It is the executive that is wanted-the doer, the practical man; it is not the theorizer, it is not what might, could or would do, but what will do that is wanted everywhere. It is the man who can carry a message all the way to Garcia, who can do the "impossible," who reaches the goal and wins the prize.

The man who can get things done, who can stick to a thing and put it through, who can deliver the goods by honorable methods, is the man the world is looking for. Until you can show you are such a man there will not be a very big place for you.


Who's to Blame?

Y friend, if you are dissatisfied with what you have so far done in life, who's to blame? Do you think you have been cheated because you haven't achieved the success you thought you would? Do you not know that you have gotten what you have paid for, and that there would have been a much larger success for you if you had paid the larger price? For every effort you have made the law of cause and effect has paid you accordingly. If you are dissatisfied with your bargain, you can blame no one but yourself.

You cannot have achievement without paying the price. You cannot get anything without paying the price. Perhaps once in a million times, luck may strike you just as lightning sometimes strikes an individual. But what are the chances of your ever being struck by lightning? An insurance company would regard the chance as practically infinitesimal. A similar thing is true of luck.

Luck is such a negligible quantity that successful men do not regard it. Can you imagine Charles M. Schwab or Thomas A. Edison waiting around for luck to give them a push or a pull? No, they never waited one minute for luck to help them.

If you are dissatisfied with what has come to you in life, don't complain. The very energy you are now expending in grumbling and finding fault would help you to make your life a success. Just think how much you might have achieved, how much better off you might have been if you had used energetically and efficiently all the time that you have wasted waiting around for someone to help you, for some outside influence to give you assistance! Think of the time


Why Suffer From Impaired Health and Vitality?

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Why be the victim of bothersome Ailments that drain the Strength? VI-REX VIOLET RAYS ARE THE



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The Violet Ray, as used in the treatment of the body, sends a spray of mild, tiny currents through every part and organ; flowing through each infinitesimal cell, massaging it, invigorating it. and vitalizing it. That is why one is left with such a delightful feeling of health and buoyant energy after Violet Ray treatment.

The Vi-Rex is not a Vibrator. It does not contract the muscles or shock the nerves. Its magic rays pass through every cell and tissue, creating "cellular massage" -the most beneficial electrical treatment known. It leaves no soreness after use, only a delightful sensation of agreeable relief. Violet Rays penetrate glass yet are harmless even to infants. No shock. No vibrations.


Take twenty Vi-Rex Violet Ray treatments in your own home. These treatments would cost you $50 to $100 at your physician's or beauty specialist's. Now, through our special, liberal offer, you can try Vi-Rex Violet Ray treatments without risking a penny. Use this wonderful machine which attaches to any lighting socket, for ten days. If you do not find quick relief, if you do not feel better, sleep better, eat better. look better, send it back and you will not be out one penny. Prove to yourself that Violet Rays bring you the magic of electricity in its most wonderful curative form. Simply mail the coupon or write a postal. Do it now before our special trial offer is withdrawn.

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and energy you have wasted in grumbling and finding fault!

My friend, what you call your unlucky fate has paid you exactly for all that you have done. If your pay seems small, inadequate, your work has been small and inadequate. Do your best and largest and fate will give you her best and largest rewards.


Ask Yourself

MI living the sort of life that will give me the largest returns in brain energy and gripping thought, in masterful living; that will keep me always fit for the biggest things I am capable of doing? Am I doing the sort of things that will encourage my aspiration, feed my ambition, develop my mental and physical strength, or am I forming habits which will tend to sap the largest percentage of my energy, devitalize me, demoralize my efforts, kill my ambition, mar my ideals?

These are fundamental questions which strike at the very tap-root of our possibilities. What we should be ambitious to do is to bring out the largest possible man, the man we are capable of being, the man we long to be. And we should live and work with this end in view, and not like a man who should say: "I want to bring out the divine possibilities in me, for I realize that I have two natures, two selves, so to speak. The largest possible man in me is ever prodding me on, ever suggesting to me that I bring him out and give him a chance; but I am not willing to pay the price, I am not willing to do the hard work, which would make the larger man possible, and so there is nothing I feel I can do but to go on, year in and year out, letting the little man in me get my living while the larger man is thundering at the very gates, asking to be let out, to be given a chance to make good."

Would You Resign a Job Because It

Was Too Easy?

A NEW YORK man recently resigned a position

which paid a good salary because, he declared, it was so easy it didn't give sufficient motive for calling out the best in himself. Mr. Virgil Pettiman of the Horace Mann School said, "When a man's job is conquered, he begins to grow old; every year devoted to something mastered is a backward step of six months."

We all know that it is by action, by effort that we develop muscle. A man who is put in a high position by a rich father and who has never developed the muscles of his manhood, his initiative, or executive ability, by climbing to the position, does not usually stay there very long. If he does, he is a clog in the business, killing the enthusiasm of those in the ranks by blighting their prospects of a chance to advance. Firms which go outside for men to fill good places instead of filling them from the ranks, little realize how they take away from their employees the strongest motive for climbing. It is encouragement to effort to know that there is promotion ahead for the deserving. My experience has been that men do their biggest work by far while they are climbing, not after they

have reached the top; that while their position is not assured, while they are uncertain as to the final outcome of their efforts, they do their best work. Beware of stagnation or dry rot; beware of deterioration when you think you have reached your goal. It is a dangerous position when a man imagines that he has “arrived,” for then it is human nature to begin to let up in one's efforts, to begin to take things a little easier, get up a little later in the morning, go a little later to work, take a little longer for luncheon, leave a little earlier at night. This is natural; it is human nature that one should try a little harder when one is in doubt about his position, when one is not quite sure that he has “arrived" in the estimation of the world.

It is the climb that develops the muscles; it is the climb that unfolds the powers, calls out the latent reserves. Very few men ever do their best after they have once made a great hit, achieved a pronounced success in whatever line they may be. There are exceptions, but this is the rule.

Many an author has been cursed by one successful book early in his career. I say cursed, because it gave him the impression that the public would read anything he wrote, and he never again took quite the pains or care he did with that first book, for he didn't have quite the motive he had when he was uncertain of his success, uncertain of his place as a writer, while he was straining every nerve to do his best to win a favored place in the public estimate.

When the author is perfectly satisfied with his book, the clergyman with his sermon, the business man with his accomplishment, dry rot has set in, and they are in a rut. It is what we lack and what we long for and are determined to get that keeps us moving upward. This is what urges us on. It has ever lured men and women through all sorts of privations and hardships.

There is nothing in life that gives us perfect satisfaction. There is slways something beyond ever urging. ever bidding us forward. There is "a still, small voice" that is ever calling us up and on, and it is that thing we lack that pulls us, lures us, over quagmire and bog, over mountain and valley and stream.

Dream again, my friend, plan again, visualize again, go up and on again; mount again, climb again, resolve again! This is what makes the successful life.

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The Passion for Gain

UR education, our training and our experiences all through life are constantly enlarging our consciousness in different directions. But it rests with ourselves to determine what kind of consciousness we shall cultivate. If, for instance, we concentrate on money getting; if we hold the picture of money constantly in mind, we develop a money consciousness; and if we sacrifice to this the opportunities for developing consciousness along other lines-social, esthetic, musical, or philanthropic, and confine ourselves to the selfish pursuit of money, we will probably get the money but there is the danger that we shall become greedy and avaricious. All that is finer and nobler in our nature may be overcome, crushed out of existence by the overdevelopment of the passion for gain. The money consciousness will be the dominant one in our lives.

How to Play Any
Musical Instrument

A Modern Method of Proven Phenomenal Success Which
Makes Music Intensely Interesting, Easy to Understand,
Studied at Home and Quickly Mastered.


HROUGH this remarkable Method, without musical education or special training, without longdrawn-out study or without learning any complicated "number" or "ear" systems, or "trick-music" or other makeshifts, you can positively, rapidly, economically, and without waste of time or energy, learn to play any kind of music by note in your own home.


This system of instruction is adapted either to the beginner who does not know one note from another or to the pupil who is already familiar with the fundamentals of music. This unique and up-to-date system is a startling improvement and advancement over the old-fashioned, longdrawn-out methods employed by private teachers.

You are taught with surprising directness and simplicity, making every point so clear and easy to understand that it is utterly impossible for any one to make the mistakes so common in musical education. Mere children as well as men and women up to the age of seventy have become accomplished players by taking these highly interesting, inspiring and illuminating instructions.

The method is thorough, so complete, so comprehensive, so carefully planned and executed that you will learn to play with ease.

Would you be interested in learning:

Then send for further particulars.

This method is timetried and proven, and tested during the past twenty-two years. Over 250,000 successful, satisfied pupils in all parts of the world and including all ages, from boys and girls to men and women of seventy-are the proof. Read the enthusiastic letters from some of them, which you will find printed at the right. Our files contain thousands of such letters.

When learning to play or sing is so easy, why continue to deny yourself the pleasure of music? Why deny yourself all of the splendid advantages that this method can give you? Just now we are making a special TUITION OFFER to help advertise the school in your neighborhood. No obligation-simply use the coupon or send in your name and address in a letter or on a post card. Instruments supplied when needed-cash or credit.


I have found your school just what it has been recommended to be. Three months ago I bought a trombone, and I didn't know one note from another. Now I am asking you to send me a student's enrolling blank for my wife, who wants to learn to play the piano.-H.E.Dantz, 304 Glenside Ave., W. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. MORE PROOF

I would not take $100 for the instructions which I have received from your school. I like my lessons very much and fail to find words to express my apYou have preciation. done everything you promised. Delma Ogletree, Dixon, Mich.


All my life I have been in search of just such a course (harmony) as you are giving. During my stay in France I tried everywhere, spent much money for the purchase of books, for lessons from celebrated professors, etc., but could find nothing so clear, precise and practical.Sister Marie Leocimdie, 151 Tremont St., Fall River, Mass. POSITIVE PROOF

I took three courses from you, and then examination, and got a certificate and have been teaching ever since. And now, as I have tried your piano and organ lessons and found them best of all, I want to take violin lessons from you. Bessie Rhiddlehover, Route 5, Box95, Carthage, Tex.


How to multiply and unfold your natural musical U. S. SCHOOL



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Check Instrument You Wish to Play

1436 Brunswick Bldg.,

New York City

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Harmony and
Sight Singing
Drums and

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