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"The First Month I Earned $1000

-And he might have remained a farmhand



$50 a month job as a farmhand one day-out of a job entirely the next-and then a position that paid him $1,000 the very first month! Such was the sky-rocket career of Charles Berry of Winterset, Iowa. And more remarkable still, it all came about as the result of a sunstroke!

How long he might otherwise have remained a farmhand, no one can say. Certainly, however, his work held little promise of better things for the future. Then one day as Berry followed his plow across the fields, under the scorching rays of a burning sun, he suddenly collapsed in his tracks. Sunstroke! He was forced

to quit.

Subsequently he found employment in a variety store. His reward for long and tetious hours of clerking was $18 a week.

Not a very remarkable job -but it meant the turning point in Berry's life, for it brought the discovery of the way to big earnings. Berry had been noticing the Salesmen who came to call on the proprietor of the store. He noticed their prosperous appearance; they stopped at the best hotels, travelled on the fastest trains; and there was an independence and variety about their work that made their careers look like one long vacation compared to Berry's job.

One day Berry fell into conversation with one of the Salesmen.

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"Yes," the latter said in answer to his question, "Salesmen do make big money. And here's the reason: the success of any business deThe man who sells pends upon the amount of goods sold. His services are in is producing profits for his firm. demand everywhere. He commands big pay wherever he goes. And there is no limit to what he can earn."

"But a man must have natural ability to become a Salesman."

"That's an old, out-of-date notion," the Salesman replied. "Salesmanship today is a science-it's just a matter of knowing how. Take myself, for instance, I owe my success to the National Salesman's Training Association. This is a wonderful organization of top-notch Salesmen and Sales Managers formed just for the purpose of fitting men for success in Salesmanship. It enables anyone to become a master of all the Secrets of Selling in his spare time at home. Why, it has made Master Salesmen out of men who had previously been clerks, bookkeepers, mechanics and so on. If I were you I'd write to the N.S.T.A. Just ask them to tell you about their system of Salesmanship Training and Free Employment Service."

Into the Big Money Class

Berry did as the Salesman suggested. The answer he It received from the N.S.T.A. absolutely astounded him. was nothing short of a revelation-it was the most amazing PROOF of the short cut to big earnings that he had ever

Warren Hartle, of 4425 N. Robey Street, Chicago, for example, had worked for ten years in the railway mail service at pay ranging from $900 to $1,600 a year. Then through the N. S. T. A. he became a Master of the Secrets of Selling that brought him $1,000 in thirty days.

George W. Kearns of Oklahoma City made $524 in two weeks. Before this he had never earned more than $60 a month. And C. W. Campbell of Greensburg, Pa., wrote, "My earnings for the past thirty days are $1,526 and I won second prize in March although I worked only two weeks during that month.'

These are only a few of the cases of amazing jumps to big earnings. Berry was absolutely convinced and decided to accept the liberal offer of the N.S.T.A. to fit him for a position as a Master Salesman. In his spare time at home he learned the fundamental rules and principles of Salesmanship covering every branch of this fascinating field. Almost before he realized it he was ready to accept a position as Salesman with a big company to which the N.S.T.A. recommended him. The very first month he earned $1,000. One month his earnings ran as high as $2,140.

Startling Proof Sent Free!

The same opportunity that brought Berry his amazing, quick success is now open to every reader of this magazine. You have only to write to the N.S.T.Á. You will receive, without any cost or obligation, the remarkable Book on Salesmanship and startling Proof that you can quickly become a Master Salesman in your spare time at home. You will read the stories of hundreds of men who today are earning more money than they ever thought possible. What these men have done you too can do.

Surely you owe it to yourself to at least examine the evidence. It was worth $1,000 a month to Charles Berry to write to the N.S.T.A. It may be worth that much or more to you. Just mail the coupon. There is no cost or obligation. Address

National Salesmen's Training Association Dept. 56-G Chicago, Ill.

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Opportunities for Success Readers

Rate 20 cents a word. Ad forms for August issue close June 20th.

Business Opportunities

LEARN THE COLLECTION BUSINESS. GOOD INCOME, quick results. Interesting booklet. "Skillful Collecting" free. National Collectors Ass'n.. Success Street, Newark, Ohio.

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Start a profitable business in your own locality without capital-we furnish everything. Many of our associates are earning substantial incomes-$1,000 to $3.000 a year-you can do as well and probably better. Securing subscriptions for the New Success and the Ma.den books requires little effort and pays big returns. Write for particulars explaining our big new business propositions-it will pay you. The Lowrey-Marden Corporation, 1133 Broadway. New York, N. Y.

"THE SCHEMER," Alliance, Ohio, 32 pages monthly, prints schemes, tips, formulas that pull big money; helped one subscriber make $25,000. YOU want that kind; subscribe today; year, $1.00; trial three months, 25c.

Mail Order Business is your opportunity, Breniser's Famous
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A REAL BUSINESS, $79.00 IN 11 HOURS. We'll actually start you in a $5000 yearly business, teach the work in a few lessons, furnish outfit, co-operate with you, and operate PAINTING PORTRAIT Studio in your home. No apparatus, experience or capital required. We do the hard disagreeable work. Free booklet. TANGLEY STUDIOS 123 Main, Muscatine, Iowa. Checkwriter bargains, any make, wholesale, retail. Allen, Farnham Bldg., Omaha.

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These Classified Advertisements Continued on Page 18

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If you don't want the complete course (Automobile, Trucks and Tractors) get the one that appeals to you most first. You'll come back for the others later. All three courses are only $12.50 when taken together. Separately they are $5.00 each. You save $2.50 by getting all at one time. Our ironclad guarantee holds good on all.

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Here is one of the Courses.

Simple, easy to read and easy to

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