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CHILDS: "Well, it's one of those small-town things; stacks of letters asking for time and sympathy. It's just a stall, a bunk. Just won't pay, that's all."

CLARK: "Maybe they haven't the money. Maybe their collections are slow. Many things can happen, you know-illness, death in the family; there's a thousand different reasons why people can't pay their debts."

CHILDS: You know I didn't intend to speak of it, but honestly, Dick, it's a terrible disease you've got.

CLARK: Disease?

CHILDS: Yes, your old complaint that you were troubled with at college. You're a rank sentimentalist and you're getting worse every day. You seem to forget that you're in business, the law business, and it's from the law business that you expect to make your money, isn't it?

CLARK: That was the original idea, yes?

CHILDS: Well, you never will if you keep giving the other fellow a shade the best of it all the time. I remember when you graduated you were an honor man. You gave promise of being a great lawyer; but it was a promise, that's all. Five years you've been at it, and where have you got to? Nowhere. Why? Because you use this, (Pointing to his heart.) Instead of this. (Pointing to his head.) Now, I know and you know, that you're a whole lot better lawyer than I am; but I'm a darned sight more successful, you must admit that.

CLARK: That's right. You're a great success and I'm mighty glad of it, Carlton.

CHILDS: I'll tell you just how it happened. It's because I play the game and you don't. You're always dealing in sentiment; handing out sympathy; or else you're looking around for someone to pity. That's no way to get along in this world.

CLARK: Great Scott! A man's got to be human.

CHILDS: Certainly, certainly, you've got to be human. But is there anything more human than for a man to protect himself?

CLARK: Oh, I don't know. That's what they all say. You must be right.

CHILDS: Of course I'm right. You've got to harden yourself against these things. That's why I was so anxious to send you out on this Hudsonville thing-for the experience. It's only because I've known you so long and I'm so interested in your work that I'm talking this way. CLARK: I know. I understand all that. don't have to explain that to me.


CHILDS: Do you know what you really ought

to do?

CLARK: Yes. I ought to shoot myself, I


CHILDS: No. Get a job with a collection agency. Specialize in collecting tough bills. That's how I got my training. You've got to get so you can look a man straight in the eye and take his last two dollars, even if you know he's going to starve to death. Never give the other fellow a shade the best of it, and above all, don't try to be too honest.

CLARK: Why, I always thought that honesty was a man's greatest asset.

CHILDS: It is. A certain degree of honesty, yes. I don't mean to say you should be dishonest. You mustn't go over the line. You've got to keep out of jail, of course. The idea is that you've got to get what you want in this world.

CLARK: All right. That's fine. But how about a man's conscience?

CHILDS: Dick, "conscience" is a word that is absolutely unknown in business.

CLARK: I don't know-you may be right. CHILDS: You've got to be mean, mercenary, and merciless. Get so that you can say, "No, no, no!" If a man asks you for anything, say "No." Keep on saying it to yourself till it becomes a habit. Can you say "No?" Did you ever say "No?”

CLARK: Yes-Certainly I can say "No."
CHILDS: Let me hear you spell it.

CLARK: What?



CHILDS: That's right. Keep spelling it. Spell it every night till you fall asleep. Let me ask you something. Did you ever do a favor for a man and find him grateful? CLARK: Yes.


CLARK: Oh, I don't know. I can't think that fast now.

CHILDS: Of course you can't. You've got to wake up to the fact that every man is out for himself and that your friends are measured by the size of their pocketbooks. Are you ever going to be able to do that?

CLARK: Well, if that's the only way, I suppose it's got to be done-that's all.

CHILDS: NOW you're coming down to earth. Are you going to make up your mind to go to Hudsonville and collect that bill?

CLARK: I'll try.

CHILDS: Don't say you'll try. Say you'll do it. Is it settled?

CLARK: Yes, yes. I'll do the best I can. A man can't do any more than that. (He pauses in deep thought.)

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George M. Cohan as "Richard Clark" (Pointing): "This isn't a tough world. It's a beautiful world, a peach of a world, if you think right and live right, and find out what is the most important thing in life

CHILDS: What are you thinking about now? CLARK: My railroad fare and hotel money. I'll need about fifty dollars, I guess. Will you let me have it.

CHILDS (Very coldly and bluntly): Why should I let you have fifty dollars?

CLARK: I understood Mr. Leggitt to say you'd attend to that part.

CHILDS: Again I ask: Why should I let you have fifty dollars?

CLARK: Oh, well; of course, if you don't want to give it to me, all right.

CHILDS: There you go! You're weakening again. Don't do that. Demand it as your right. Don't apologize for what's coming to you. Yell your head off till you get it!

CLARK: Give me fifty dollars! : CHILDS: That's the idea. Change your point of view. Learn to be mean. And the meaner you get, wish you were meaner. (Hands him

money.) Did Leggitt speak to you about a man named Hiram Leeds?

CLARK: Yes, he told me to make some inquiries.

CHILDS: Get all the information you can, especially about the reason he has for trying to buy that account against J.Hudson and Company. Leeds is a big man in that part of the country. He's got a lot of money, too. Make his acquaintance. Have a talk with him. Find out what the old geezer is up to, understand? CLARK: I think so.

CHILDS: Don't say you think so. Say you know. Be positive. Be positive about everything. Now, remember, this means a whole lot to you, so, when you go in to collect this bill, don't fall for any hard-luck stories. Breeze right in full of determination. Keep gritting your teeth and be dead cold to everything and (Continued on page 140)

Will the Next


of the
the United States

Be a Woman?

Why an Absurdity of 1916 May Be a Reality of 1924


Author of "How Presidents Are Made"

HEN Senator Warren G. Harding, President-elect of the United States, in one of his campaign speeches, suggested that a woman in the Cabinet was one of the probabilities of the future he did not make a wild prediction but one that is very likely to be fulfilled during the next presidential term. But the senator might have gone further, for woman suffrage throughout the nation means women in politics with all the rights and privileges of men. In the pre-convention period of the next presidential campaign, women are going to figure very prominently and, in my opinion, one or both of the major political parties, and certainly all of the minor parties, will name a woman for VicePresident.

Do you realize what that means? If the ticket is successful it will mean a woman in the Senate as its presiding officer; a woman attending the Senate's secret sessions; a woman casting the deciding vote when the senators are equally divided on any important matter, and it is only on the most important matters that the Senate is thus divided.

Of course, it is a rapid pace that our newly enfranchised voters are setting, but this is the time of swift movement. Four years seems but a short time between emancipation and the second office in the land with only one life between the woman and the Presidency, but we must recollect that progress in these days goes by leaps and bounds. Furthermore, since the last two amendments to the Constitution, prohibition and woman suffrage, nothing is impossible under the political sun. Four years ago a person who would have predicted that, in 1920, the United States would be bone-dry and women could vote for President in all the States, would have been called a fantastic dreamer. And yet, how quick

ly the two amendments were adopted. Now that women have come into power for the ballot is the power in this country-it will not be strange if they should demand equal recognition in politics. A vice-presidential nomination is near equality because it is in direct line to the highest office, with only a human life between the Vice-Presidency and the Presidency.

Mr. Harding May Place a Woman in His Cabinet


T is very natural to expect that a woman will be in the Cabinet. In all probability a new department will be created for the purpose, although there are women capable of holding present cabinet positions. In this matter of equality, it is absurd to say that women can vote, but are unequal to men in other respects. There was a time when the anti-suffragist, driven to the last ditch in argument, would bring forth the supposed clinching argument that women could not be soldiers, consequently women should not vote; that is, in the last analysis, the voting power had to be backed up by force, and force meant men bearing arms. But even that fallacy has been disrupted in the last four years-a most wonderful period.

There was the Woman's "Battalion of Death” in the World War, not to speak of the various corps and numerous positions they filled with great satisfaction in connection with the Allied Armies. Besides, there are the Girl Scouts. Boy scouts are embryo soldiers and girl scouts may become soldiers in the future. While it is unlikely that a woman will be selected as Secretary of either the State, Treasury, War, Navy, Justice, or Commerce departments, there is no valid reason why a competent and equipped woman should not be at the head of the Post

office Department, the Agricultural Department, or the Labor Department.

She May Be Secretary of Public Welfare


'N all probability, however, a Department of Welfare will be created for the first woman cabinet-officer. The preamble of the organic law recites that the Constitution was formed for a number of things, among them to "promote the general welfare." Senator Harding suggested such a department and, no doubt, an energetic woman would find sufficient to do in a department of this kind to keep her as busy as the average cabinet member. Quite a number of existing bureaus could be transferred from other departments to a welfare department where they would be more properly administered.

Women will fill many places in the government from this time forward. With the power of one half of the votes they can assert their claims in a convincing manner. It is true that thousands and thousands of women are now employed by the government, but only a few in managerial and high-salaried positions. That is going to be changed and with a great deal of rapidity. There are a great many places to be filled when the new administration comes into possession of the government, and there are women who feel competent to fill all of them. At least, they cannot be put aside with the statement, "It's no place for a woman." Because any official place, now that women can vote, is not an unfit place for a woman. The women will have another strong argument for demanding federal positions.


Not Practical for These Offices

N the nature of things it is not practical for women to be Army or Navy officers. These officers have to undergo a long period of training and it will take some time to send girls through West Point and Annapolis and graduate them as lieutenants and ensigns for the future service. Of course, it is only a question of time when both these military training academies will become coeducational, and women, in time, will have commands in the fighting forces of the country. But that will take years, for officers have to be educated for military duty. At the same time, women can point to the thousands of men holding Army and Navy positions and say that the only way the matter can be equalized is by giving women a large share of the nonmilitary places.

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in the preliminary contests in all the States. And as to the Vice-Presidency, the women will be able to name a candidate if they exert their power. It is a simple matter. In the first place, it rarely happens that any canvass is made for the Vice-Presidential nomination. It is generally left for determination after the head of the ticket has been named, and if the nominee for President is from the West, an eastern man is named for second place and vice versa. It is true that men do announce themselves as candidates for Vice-President and seek delegates in the primaries, but I never heard of any one of them being nominated.

But how would it be were a woman, a popular woman with women voters, to announce herself as a candidate for Vice-President and seek the nomination in the primaries? She could have her name placed on the ballots by petition and the women could vote for her. In that way, it would not be at all difficult for a woman to go into the convention with a majority of the delegates instructed for her. In one convention, a majority nominates; in the other, it takes twothirds. But any candidate, man or woman, who goes to a convention with a majority of the delegates, is almost sure to be nominated. In showing how simple it is to get instructions in primaries for Vice-President, I recall instances where the whole interest centering on first place unknown men have had their names placed upon the ballot for Vice-President and secured delegations by nominal default. It is because this opportunity is open for women that some woman will embrace it and perhaps successfully.

What Was Foolish in 1916 Will Be Popular 1924


O complaint can be made if there is a canvass by women for the Vice-Presidency. It is the second place in the government. Five Vice-Presidents have been promoted to the higher office after the death of the incumbents. It has always been asserted that as much care should be exercised in choosing a person for second place as for first, because of the contingency that only one life stands in the way of succession. If it is proper for vigorous campaigns to be made for the highest office, why not for the second place?

I know it has been considered absurd for a man to go out and seek a Vice-Presidential nomination, but times have changed. The Nineteenth Amendment has made a mighty change in the politics of the nation. What was absurd in 1916 and 1920, will be the fashion in 1924. Besides, what person who has any hope of future political preferment will say that a woman is making her

self ridiculous? What women do will not be considered ridiculous and ridicule will not stop them. Women were said to be ridiculous when they picketed the White House, but they forced the President to change his mind and got what they wanted. They were called unscrupulous because they card indexed all the Senators and Representatives, but they forced their bitter opponents to vote for their amendment and won. It is not going to do any good to call women either ridiculous or unscrupulous in politics. They know what it means in the long fight they have made for the ballot. And so, no woman will be deterred from seeking the Vice-Presidential nomination on any such frivolous grounds.

Here is the point: If a popular woman goes

out for the Vice-Presidential nomination in either or both parties, she is going to land it. Of course, if there are many women candidates—if a dozen States have favorite daughters, that would complicate matters somewhat, but it will not alter the fact that there has been a general demand for a woman for Vice-President. And in these times, when women vote in every State, delegates to national conventions will hesitate a long time before they reject a demand that has been clearly voiced by the people, even if expressed in primary elections. For that reason we may very well look forward to the prospect of seeing a woman's name on the ticket nominated by one or both of the major political parties in the next Presidential election.

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UT had I choice of a weapon strong

To hew life's way through the battle throng

God wot, I'd rather the pauper's boon

Of maul and ax, than a golden spoon.

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