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WITH the very best intentions, Miss Araminta

Muffit obtained permission to visit the occupants of the local prison, to talk with them, and to help them to begin life anew.

One man, obviously well-educated, interested her. He always rose when she spoke to him, and bowed pɔlitely when she left. One day she screwed up her courage to put the question:

"May I ask why you are in this distressing place?" "Certainly, madam," he replied. "I am here for robbery in a seaside hotel."

"Oh, how interesting!" stammered Miss Araminta. “Were—were you the proprietor?"

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"Personality Supreme

The Magic Watchword of SUCCESS!


VERY MAN OR WOMAN, young or old, rich or poor, who wants a greater and truer success in life, will profit by reading this book. It deals with Personality-the magic watchword of success.

With personality, men and women born in direst poverty, with every obstacle to overcome, with no help from any one, have risen to success, to power, to prosperity, to fame, to fortune, to recognition as world figures.

Without personality, men and women born to luxury, with help from friends, with the finest education, have failed to grasp opportunities before them, fallen victims to circumstance, and ended as failures or the most mediocre of successes. We all know it is true,but why?

Perhaps you have believed personality is a gift, a quality with which one is born into the world, and otherwise does not have. Perhaps you have searched long and earnestly for personality, believing it can be acquired.

You Can Win Personality

In either case, this book "Personality Supreme" has a message for you so big, so broad, so inspiring,-it will be as a breath of life to your very being. No matter who or where you are, what you are doing, have done, or want to do, this book brings you the glad news that Personality can be consciously acquired and developed by any one.

This book sheds the clear light of science on your problems. It strips Personality of its mystery, its vagueness. It shows you why the uneducated poor boy often wins the highest rewards of life, and why the college graduate may fail miserably to make any real mark.

It brings you the startling facts about a new type of education, to develop personal power. It takes you to the very fountain-head of progress, the scientfic training of your hidden, unused, neglected powers.

Unlocks the Door to Your Hidden Powers

Successful men and women have always developed one of more of these qualities, consciously or unconsciously. It has remained for Dr. Stanley L. Krebs, internationally recognized as a psychologist, philosopher and lecturer, to place before you the principles and methods of "The Science of Personal Success" in such clear and simple language that any one able to read magazines and newspapers can grasp and apply them. You will find it the most fascinating thing that ever came into your life.

Dr. Krebs has devoted his lifetime to helping men and women to greater personal success. He has received the highest praise and endorsement for the wonderful work he is doing. John Wanamaker, the Philadelphia merchant, said: "The education of our salesforce in their work with him has been of great benefit to us all." (For 3 years he gave daily lectures to over 3,000 Wanamaker employees.)

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The results of this training are immediate and lasting. You will grasp a broader vision of life.-feel within you a new surge of power. You will begin to develop and control the unused power of your being which will take you where you want to go,-make of your life what you want it to be.

If you have within you the desire to live a fuller and truer life, to make your days and weeks count as months and years in your march toward prosperity and happiness, to do where before you have dreamed, to succeed where before you have wished, send the coupon for "Personality Supreme." Do it today,-now! You will look back to it as one of the great moments of your life.



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Gentlemen: I want the help of the principles and methods set forth in your book "Personality Supreme." Please send it free of charge or obligation.



As a Step on the SUCCESS Pathway-Send NOW for this Book

The Voice in the Night

(Continued from page 32)

nothing. The wind tossed the tall branches over my head; the driving rain lanced down and lashed at me; the chill of wind and rain bit at my bones. But I found no one, no trace of any one, nothing.

At length, I gave up the fruitless search and turned to pick my way back to the road. As I went, 1 stopped, now and then, to look back. I found my horse, still hitched safely to the bridge; and, with a feeling that I had done all a man might do, and a thought that my ears must have deceived me, I set out for home . . . and reached it safely . . . and slept . . . and next day delivered the will as I had been directed.

My patient died a few weeks later, as I said before. James Norman disappeared. The incident slumbered in my memory, all but forgotten, until my visit to the prison a few days ago.


HE old doctor's Pile hused in his narraHE old doctor's pipe had long since been tive, and filled it again, and looked across at the young man with a smile.

"Are you interested?" he asked.

"Surely," the young fellow responded. “ButI'm not sure I see your point just yet-the secret-service guards idea

"That comes now," the old physician interrupted. "That comes now. The thing that convinced me I was meant to live, meant to go about my life, guarded for destiny."

"Go on," said the young man; and the old doctor set a match to his pipe and again began.


OCTOR NEWELL is the prison physician, as you may know, the old doctor continued. He is a very able practitioner; and he has taken advantage of his opportunities to study with some care the manifestations of criminology in the men who come to him. He wrote to me, inviting me to come to the prison to see a patient of his -a life convict sentenced six months ago for some crime in the city, who showed peculiar effects of degeneracy over a period of many years. That is beside the point, however. I accepted his invitation; and he met me in the prison office and conducted me to his little hospital, and left me with the man while he himself answered a sudden call from the workshops where a prisoner had injured himself on the machines.

When Doctor Newell had gone, I turned to the man on the bed-he was not so very ill, but Doctor Newell was endeavoring to correct his

condition by complete rest-and began to question him and seek his confidence. I saw curiosity creep into his eyes; and of a sudden he asked me sharply: "Are you not Doctor Price?"

“Yes,” I said. "I am Doctor Price? Have I known you?"

“I am James Norman,” said the man.

For a moment, the name suggested nothing to me. I had not thought of James Norman or of the old woman, my patient, for a dozen years or more. I cast back through the years to find some memory of the name; and the man prompted me by naming the woman who had been in my care. Then I remembered him.

"James Norman," I repeated, a little shaken to see to what things the man had come. "I remember you now."

"I got what was coming to me in the end," he said. "I'm here for keeps."

There was no word in me to give the man; for I was shaken with memories. After the instant in which I did not speak, he cast up his hand to me as though with sudden decision.

"Look here, Doctor Price," he said, "did you know I planned to kill you, once, many years ago?"

I thought him delirious; and he saw my thought and laughed. "No-I'm not crazy," he said. "Don't you remember?"

"No," I told him. "Tell me.”

He chuckled a little. There was no repentance in him: there was only a grim amusement at his own plight. "No harm in telling now," he agreed. "You remember the night my aunt sent for you and gave you that will in which she cut me off, and told you to take it back to town with you? Rainy night, it was. In March, I think.”

Instantly the whole picture flashed into my mind, as I have related it to you. I remembered the drive through the dreadful wind and rain, and the words of the old woman, and the sounds of this man's feet in the upper room. "I remember the night," I said.

He grinned. "Well-I wasn't as drunk as my aunt thought. I heard you come in. You remember there was a big stove in the room where she received you, as well as the open fire. And there was a register in the ceiling, leading to the room above. I crept into that room to listen through the register to what she said to you." I was beginning to see a little.

"When I knew she had given you the will," he said, “I determined to kill you, and destroy it,



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and trust to my aunt's dying before she could make another. The plan came to me in a flash. I slipped down the back stairs and away from the house to the little wooded hollow, a quarter of a mile away. And I took a cane with me, to strike you down. My aunt thought I was still in my room and I planned to reënter by the window and come out from the door so that she could swear I had not left the house. Do you see?" "You called for help?" I asked quickly. "It was you who called?"

He nodded with a touch of pride. "I knew you were so full of notions about duty and the like, that you would come to a summons of that kind. And you did."

"You saw me?" I prompted him.

"Sure," he boasted. "I was behind a big oak, just beside the little path, with my cane lifted to bring it down upon your head as you passed. You came within two feet of me, and passed me, and went and stood in the middle of the little open glade there, flashing your puny lamp around and calling; and I slipped away on the hotfoot when I saw."

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road, no human being save James Norman in the little wooded hollow. Therefore, his words A surprised me. I thought he must be mistaken. "You were drunk," I said. "There was no one with me."

He laughed. "Don't try to fool me," he said. "What good does it do? I had had one glass of whiskey that afternoon, and my aunt smelled it on me. That was all. I was not drunk. I saw the man with you."

Something stirred faintly, deep within me. "The man who was with me?" I repeated. "Tell me what was he like?"

James Norman frowned a little. "I could not see him could not see his face," he said. "When you came down the path, past me, he was right on your heels; and when you stood in the middle of the little open patch, looking around, he stood shoulder to shoulder with you. I thought once he had seen me; and it was then I quietly slipped away."

Then Dr. Newell returned and we talked of other things.

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The Man Who Said "I Will" (Continued from page 42)

Of course, Lumb is strong for an education for every man.

“A man should never be ashamed to dig for knowledge," he exclaimed decisively. "There are night schools in nearly every city and town, now, and a man with a limited education has absolutely no excuse for not making up for lost time by night study. There are thousands of men in middle life, holding down small jobs with poor pay, just because they 'cut' school when they were young. What a man puts into his head shows up, sooner or later, in his pay envelope. If the average pool-room loafer would

utilize the time he wastes every night in some kind of study he would soon have a paying job. For the man in a rut, for the man in a blind alley, the way out is through mental training, which is so cheap that it is almost being given away to those who will take it.

"Study awakens additional brain cells and generates mental power. There is no force oa earth that can help a man develop mentally if he is not willing to help himself. His destiny is within. Fortune never disappoints those who are willing to pay the price for success in concentration and self-denial.”

Faith is an invisible and invincible magnet, and attracts to itself whatever it fervently desires and calmly and persistently expects.-Ralph Waldo Trine.

The curiosity of him who wishes to see fully for himself how the dark side of life looks, is like that of the man who took a torch into a powder mill to see whether it would really blow up or not.

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