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"WO years ago Floyd E. Brickel was a clerk in a bank in Akron, Ohio. Today he is the secretary of the million dollar United Savings and Loan Company of Cleveland.

How did he do it? Was it "pull"? Was it luck? Let Mr. Brickel tell you in his own words.

Three Successive

"When I first went into the banking work," writes Mr. Brickel, "I saw a big opportunity to succeed and determined to do it. I saw that the officials of the bank had a considerable knowledge of law and it seemed to help them immensely in their everyday work. So I enrolled in the Blackstone Institute for training in Modern American Law with its application to the Administration of Business.

"One day I was doing some work which threw me in contact with the president of the bank. The knowledge I showed in handling several legal questions surprised him. He said he thought every business man ought to know law.

"A short time later the Board of Directors elected me Secretary and General Manager of the bank. Three months later I was elected VicePresident and Treasurer, and then shortly afterwards I was called to my present position at a handsome increase in salary.'

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Legal Training Brings

The experience of Mr. Brickel and of thousands of other men shows the formula which brings real business success. That formula is an application to everyday affairs of the principles of LAW. Law is fundamental. Every act of business-from a simple contract in sales and delivery, to the organization of a big corporation has back of it a

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legal principle. It is natural, therefore, that law trained men should be in demand by all modern efficient business concerns who base a man's earning capacity upon the degree of responsibility he can assume.

Today through the Blackstone Legal Training Course and Service- you can learn law at home in your spare time easily and quickly, and at very low cost, just as 40,000 others are now doing. The opportunity to be admitted to the bar is also given.

Among the contributors to the Course are ExPresident Taft and 80 other well-known business and professional men.

Write for 118-Page Book

For those who want to earn promotion as Mr. Brickel has done and for those who want to enter an independent and profitable profession, the Institute has published an attractive 118-page booklet of everyday legal pointers. You may have a copy upon request without any obligation.

A few minutes reading of the book will show you how to become more successful in business or professional life and will also give you some tips you can use at once in your daily business affairs. Send for your copy today. Blackstone Institute, Dept. 1591, 608 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois.

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composite, being Celtic, Roman, Saxon, Danish and French, with a new infusion of Latin and Italian by the priests, considerable Greek and contributions from every other language, blended at last into one. This

is what makes it so hard to learn and so effective to use. Of one or two languages we can say that they are always something: Italian always melodious; Spanish always mellifluous-a language of love. But English is not always anything; it is what we make of it. That is why the English-speaking writers and orators show a greater variety of style than those of any other language. Some call English clumsy. Indeed, a clumsy mind can make it seem so; but the language itself is solid as a heavy beam of steel, and flexible as a Damascus sword-blade, which could be bent double without snapping. What writer has such strength and majesty as Shakespeare, and such lightness in his tender passages, sonnets, and lyrics, or more exquisite delicacy than Shelley and Swinbourne? Some of Shelley's lines seem like language melting into music. Any individuality or thought or emotion can find in

our language expressions that fit. We have the grandest language in the world, capable of more appropriate uses than any other. For this reason, and because the people who speak it are the most powerful and aggressive, ours will some day be the prevailing tongue.

There is the language; help yourself-you can have of it what you choose, and it is your own fault if you do not select a rich and full vocabulary for your daily use. It is a very good plan to read periodically a few pages of the dictionary under different letters, marking the words that seem good to remember. You can not thus select the best words, however, for the true way to learn their value is to learn it in use from conversation, oratory, and books. Good use of words gives them a much wider meaning.

We can tell from one's conversation what kind of people he has grown up with, lived among and imitated. If one is not fortunate enough to mingle with persons whose language is pure, then nothing is left but to study the best writers and speakers.

(To be continued.)



HE mill cannot grind with the water that has passed." Nor can you do anything with the time that has gone by. The sand that has run through your life's hour-glass cannot run through again. We can do nothing with the past except to profit by its lesson. If it has been painful and bitter and hard, that is all the more reason why we should let it go; why we should not any longer allow it to mar our lives. It has certainly thwarted us, pained us enough already. Let us put it behind us now and begin again.

If you have botched 1920, if you have not succeeded in your undertakings, if you have been a failure in the past, if you have been humiliated by your mistakes, your shortcomings, the paucity of your achievement; if you have been foolish, wasting your time, your money, your life, do not drag these ghosts over the


New Year line to haunt you and mar your efficiency for another twelvemonths. Don't let the past sap any more of your energies, steal any more of your time, destroy any more of your peace and happiness.

As Kipling says, “There is for you nothing irremediable, nothing ineffaceable, nothing irrecoverable in anything you may have said or thought or done." There is no past so black or so bitter that it cannot be redeemed. Do not let it sap any more of your energies, waste any more of your time, destroy more of your peace or happiness.

Live in the here and now. Let this be the bugle call for the New Year. Live your life fully, completely,. richly. Do not make this a mean, stingy, povertystricken year. Pack this year, not next year, with all the good things you can command. TO-DAY'S THE DAY

DLENESS never won distinction in the world, and never will. The world does not owe us a living, but every man owes the world work. God made man for employment and we cannot dodge the issue. The Road to Recognition.

A MAN may fight fiercely to hold his own in business; but he does

not need to fight to get ahead of someone in the elevator, or up the car steps, or at the post office window. And no matter how strong competition is, business and personal courtesy make it easier and pleasanter for everybody.-William H. Hamby.

Do You Speak Correct English? Or do you only think you do?

Correct English is the Password of Culture Do you realize that the only means a stranger has of "placing" you, that is, of reading your early associations and present education, is by the English you speak or write?

You Cannot Afford to Speak Poor English Correct Speech and Accurate Pronunciation are essential to progress in business and in society. Your ease among educated people depends upon your confidence in your own speech. You may tactfully conceal your ignorance in other subjects, but every time you utter a word, your education and refinement are judged by the kind of English you speak. BUSINESS PEOPLE need Correct English for their advancement; PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE need it in their associations; SOCIETY PEOPLE need it in club and drawing-room; TEACHERS need it in the schoolroom; PARENTS need it in the home; EVERYBODY needs Correct English.

Do You Sayin'kwirry for inquiry;

ad'dress for address'; cu'

pon for coupon, press'idence for prece'dence; al'lies for al-lies'; epitome for epit'o-me; ac'climated for acclimated; progrum for program; hydth for height; ali'as for a'lias; oleomarjerine for oleomargarine; grimmy for gri'my; comparʼable for com'parable; etc.?

Do You Say-between you and I; a raise in salary; a long ways off; a setting hen; let's you and I go somewheres; those kind of men; that coat sets good; I don't know as I can; a mutual friend; the bread raises; providing I go; one less thing; where will I meet you; he referred back to; a poor widow woman; money for the poor Belgiums; etc.?

Do You Know When To Use -sits or sets; laying or lying; farther or further; drank or drunk; who or whom; I or me; lunch or luncheon; affect or effect; council, consul or counsel; practical or practicable; etc.?

Can You Pronounce Foreign Words Like -masseuse, 'cello, bourgeois, lingerie, décolleté, faux pas, hors d'oeuvre, maraschino, Ypres, Sinn Fein, Bolsheviki, Reichstag, Il Trovatore, Thais, Paderewski, Nazimova, Galli-Curci, Les Misérables, etc.?

Miller System of Correct English for Cultured Speech

Adapted for Individual Study or Club Classes

A practical, intensive course of 15 lessons for Men and Women of the business, professional or social world, progressive teachers, up-to-date parents, etc., in simplified applied Grammar, Rhetoric, Vocabulary, Punctuation, Common Errors, Correct Pronunciation of 525 misused English words, of War Names, of Operas, Musicians, Artists, etc., also of French, Italian, German, and Latin Phrases in common use, Good Form in Letter Writing, and many minor items that contribute to cultured conversation, poise and personality.

It Costs You Nothing to Examine the Course

To Benefit Progressive People Everywhere

who cannot attend these classes, THE MILLER
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This is the same course that the teacher has been giving for years in various cities of the United States to hundreds of enthusiastic students in large classes, clubs, department stores, etc. The students represent all grades and all ages and include all types of Business Men and Women, Managers, Secretaries, Teachers, Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers, C. S. Practitioners, Musicians, Readers, Writers, Speakers, etc. The Miller System of Correct English-843 Tremont Bldg., Boston, Mass.

It costs you nothing to examine the course and learn for yourself whether it is what YOU need. Just fill in or copy the coupon below and mail to

Send No Money -Use Free Examination Coupon


The Miller System of Correct English, Dept. S, 843 Tremont Building, Boston, Mass.

Please send, for my inspection, your 15-lesson COURSE in CORRECT ENGLISH. If I decide to keep the course, I will send you five dollars and receive the SELF-CORRECTING KEY. Otherwise I will return the lessons within five days. Write or print name and address plainly.



WANTED Leaders everywhere to organize classes in clubs, stores, factories and independently.

Teachers and Clubs should ask for circular

"How to Conduct a Money-Making Study Class."

Laugh with Us!

IZZY "They have been married about five years."
DIZZY-"Did she make him a good wife?"
Izzy-“No, but she made him a good husband.”—
Williams Purple Cow.

"WE have just learned of a teacher who started

poor twenty years ago and has retired with the comfortable fortune of fifty thousand dollars. This was acquired through industry, economy, conscientious effort, indomitable perseverence, and the death of an uncle who left her an estate valued at $49,999.50.”Seneca Vocational School.


HE Honorable Buckram J. Bogus is a candidate for Congress, is he not?"

"No. He exposed himself to the nomination, but it didn't take."-Kansas City Star.

MRS. PROFITEER was very proud of the stunts

they were doing at the smart private school to which she had sent her daughter.

"My dear," she said to her friend, "she's learning civics if you please."

"What's civics?" asked the friend.

"Civics? My dear, don't you know? Why, it's the science of interfering in public affairs."-London Post.

A YOUNG Californian often visited a leading Santa

Barbara hotel because of its excellent honey. When the young man got married the wedding trip included this hotel, so that the bride might taste this ambrosial spread.

But the first morning there was no honey on the breakfast table. The bridegroom frowned. He called the old, familiar waiter.

"Where's my honey?" he demanded.

The waiter hesitated, looked awkwardly at the bride, then he stammered: "Er-Mamie don't work here no more, sir."

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COOK-"Well, Oi'm sorry Oi can't be wid ye."Boston Transcript.

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The Man Who Positively Knows Wins


It's the fellow who "knows" that gets head. The man who knows "how" and "why" gets the worth-while jobsand the big salaries that go with them. Let the master minds of industry show you the short cut to real success. The very methods and ideas that made eighty men the biggest men in their fields will be sent to you for a week's free trial.

Accountancy and Business Management

This great Business Library is a complete business training for the beginner and a handy reference work for the executive. It covers every line of business-shows new and better ways of doing things-explains methods by which other men have made moneyand best of all shows how you can make more money and rise to the position you would like to have. The seven big volumes bound in genuine American Morocco contain 2700 pages and hundreds of valuable charts, diagrams and illustrations.

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After a week's examination you can either return the books
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Chicago, U. S. A.

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