The Journal of Thomas ChalkleyThis historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1808. Excerpt: ... h"is leg was well, he met with another accident by a fall, which disabled him, and made him lame to his death, never recovering the hurt he had by that fall, which was after this manner; he was sitting in a chair by his door on a plank, which not being set fast, it fell, and he, to save himself from the stroke of the plank, fell with his hip on the stones, and got hurt exceedingly, notwithstanding he was remarkable for his activity; he would walk, though so aged, and also lame, as far as the Work-house, Devonshire-house, and Bull and Mouth meetings, two or three miles from home. The last bad accident that befel him was about three weeks before his death, when, being walking in the timber yard, a single plank, which stood against a pile, fell down, and striking him on his side, threw him down; he complained not much of the blow till about a week after, when he was taken with a violent pain in his side, on the very place where he received the stroke, and when his cough took him, with which he was often troubled, the pain was very great; howbeit, through means of a searcloth he received some ease, and the pain of his side abated, and the cough went off; but a violent flux followed, and it brought him very low, and extreme weak; so that it was thought he could not continue long; upon which notice was sent to me, and I went to see him, and found him very low; but he revived, and changed often in this last illness; I having been to see him five or six days before, having an account that he was ill, I then found him cheerful, and thought he might recover. He continued all the time of his illness in a patient and resigned frame of mind; on a first day, in the afternoon, he took his bed, being the 6th of the first month, and in the evening, after the afternoon mee... |
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The Journal of Thomas Chalkley: To Which Is Annexed, a Collection of His Works Thomas Chalkley No preview available - 2015 |