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The Board of Examiners.

1. Write an account of the experimental evidence which proves that the law of the conservation of energy is applicable to the animal machine.

2. What are the effects of asphyxia upon the circulation? How are the effects brought about, and how are they modified by previous section of both vagi? Give a short account of the method you would adopt to demonstrate the truth of your answer.

3. Write a short account of the development of the spinal cord. Explain, as far as you can, to what extent a study of developing cords has contributed to our knowledge of—



The nature of and the course taken by neurons;

The tracts in the white matter.

Mention in outline the methods employed in obtaining such information.

4. Describe, with the help of drawings, what you know of the minute structure of a typical cell including the phenomena of karyokinesis. Mention instances showing how unicellular organisms respond in a definite manner to various forms of stimuli, and show the possible bearing of this in the physiology of higher animals.


5. Supposing the nucleus of the third nerve on the right side of the mesial line is destroyed, explain in what position you would expect to find the

[blocks in formation]

1. Describe areolar tissue and the various kinds of cells be met with in it.

which may

2. Describe the minute structure of the trachea. What is the difference in composition in the air of the trachea just after inspiration and just before expiration takes place? Explain exactly how the alteration in composition is brought about.

3. Give an account, with drawings, of the minute structure of the small intestine as seen in sections vertical to and tangential to the plane of the mucous membrane. Show briefly how the structure of the different parts of the alimentary canal varies in accordance with the local physiological processes which occur.

4. Explain in detail the changes which occur in the physical properties and chemical composition of urine when it is exposed to the air for some days. How are these changes brought about, and how would you proceed to prove your answer?

5. Give some account of the chemical composition and characteristic properties of fats. What fats are contained in the body? Show briefly how fats pass from the alimentary canal into the blood. What happens when fat is—

(a) Boiled with caustic potash?

(b) Boiled with hydrochloric acid?

(c) Digested with fresh pancreatic juice?

6. Write a short account of all the proteids contained in blood under the following heads :

(a) Nature and chemical properties.

(b) Methods of separation and preparation. (c) Physiological significance.

Five questions only to be answered.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Describe the varieties of blood-corpuscles in health and in disease. The detailed pathology of any disease is not included.

2. State what you know concerning sero-diagnosis and its methods, with particular reference to typhoid fever.

8. Describe the microscopic structure, and discuss the origin of conical areas of hæmorrhage in the lung in a case of chronic mitral obstruction.

4. Describe, with formulæ, the methods of hardening, preparing, cutting, aniline staining, and mounting a section of lardaceous kidney in early stage. Describe the appearances in such a section.

5. Describe the macroscopic appearances of malignant tumours of the uterus.



The Board of Examiners.

1. Describe the palate bone.

2. Describe minutely the bony and ligamentous socket in which the head of the astragalus plays.

3. Name the muscles that produce the various lateral and rotatory movements of the head and neck, and specify their precise actions in this respect.

4. Describe the structures entering into the formation of the inferior radio-ulnar articulation.

5. Describe the origins, insertions, relations, and functions of the following muscles :-Obliquus inferior oculi, styloglossus, teres major, obturator externus, levator ani, gluteus medius.



The Board of Examiners.

1. Describe minutely the cerebral communications of the olfactory nerve.

2. Describe the otic ganglion, with its relations, branches, and communications.

3. Describe the course and relations of the first part of the right subclavian artery, with the order of origin of its branches.

4. Describe the external appearance, relations, bloodvessels, and duct of the pancreas.

5. Describe the external appearance and relations of the ovaries, with their blood-vessels and nerves.

6. Describe the cutaneous nerves of the hand.

7. Describe the origin, course, relations, branches, and communications of the peroneal artery.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Describe the soft palate, with its vessels and nerves. Muscles are not to be traced beyond it.

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