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Gosse, Philip Henry [1810–1888] For biography and works, see Auk, 1888, 5, 446-447.-Entomologist, 1888, 21, 264.Humboldt, 1888, 7, 447. Leopoldina, 1888, 24, 171–172. land Naturalist, 1888, 11, 297–302. Proc. Roy. Soc., 1888, 44, xxvii-xxviii. Zoologist, 1888, 12, 382-383. Amer. Micr. Journ., 1889, 10, 92. Canad. Ent., 1889, 21, 17-19. Ent. Month. Mag., 1888-89, 25, 113-114. Nat. Canad., 1889, 18, 81. Proc. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc., 1888-89, 30-31. Canad. Rec. Sci., 1891, 4, 368-369. Geogr. Jahrbuch., 1891, 14, 211. Journ. Jamaica Inst., 1899, 2, 574-581.

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morata [Abstract]. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1887, 42, 357. Add. 1887.1

Experiments on curarised torpedoes. Journ. Physiol., 1888, 9, vi-x. Add. 1888.1

Further observations on the electrical organ of Torpedo marmorata. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1887-88 (1888) 43, 418-419. Add. 1888.2

Electric organ in fishes. Midland Naturalist, 1889, 12, 171–172. Add. 1889.1

[The discharge of Malapterurus electricus] Nature, 1895, 52, 556.

Add. 1895.1

The physiology of electrical organs. (In Schäffer, E. A., Text-book of Physiology, II, London, 1900, 561591.) Add. 1900.1 Refers to Raja batis, Gymnotus, Torpedo and Malopterurus.

Gottberg, Gunnar. Studier öfver lakens (Lota lota L.) ålder, lek och födoamnen hos oss [Studien über das Alter, das Laichen und die Nahrung von Lota lota L. in Finland] Finlands Fiskerier, 1912, 1, 146-162.

Add. 1912.1

Gould, A. A. (editor) [1805-1866] The naturalist's library, containing scientific and popular descriptions of man, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles and insects. New York, 1849. 880 p. illust. 8°. Add. 1849.1

Popular work of little value.

Gould, C. Mythical monsters. London, 1886. 407 p. pl. col. illust. Add. 1886.1

Gourret, Paul. Les appâts de pêche usités à Marseille. Rev. Marit. et Colon., 1893, 117, 427-443.

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Graber, V. Grundlinien zur Erforschung des Helligskeit- und Farbensinnes der Tiere. Prag & Leipzig, 1884. Add. 1884.1 Experiments on color discrimination among fishes, pp. 126-132.

Grabowsky, F. Ceratodus forsteri Krefft. Jahresb. Ver. Naturwiss., Braunschweig, 1897, 10, 198.

Add. 1897.1 Graells, Mariano de la Paz. Exposiciones internac. de pesca y aquicultura de Arcachon y Boulogne-surMer. Madrid, 1867. pl. Add. 1867.1

Gräper, Ludwig. Eine neue Anschauung über physiologische Zellausschaltung. Arch. Zellforsch., 1914, 12, 373-394. 3 figs. pls. Add. 1914.1

"Gelegentliches Vorkommen einer intercellulären Chromatolyse. Befunde am Dottersack von Acanthias."

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Grancher, Usage, pour l'alimentation, des morues dites morues rouges; conditions dans lesquelles cet usage peut être ou non considéré comme nuisible. Rec. Trav. Comité Consult. Hyg. Pub. France, 1887, Paris, 1888, 17, 1-9. Add. 1887.1

Grant, W. De coitu et propagatione salmonis. Analect. Transalpin., [1762] 2, 422. Add. 1762.1

See also Grant, W. Pre-L. section 1752.1.

Grassi, Giovanni Battista. Contributo alla conoscenza delle uova e delle larve dei murenoidi (Aggiunta alla mia monografia sulle metamorfosi dei murenoidi) Mem. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1914, 5. ser. 10, no. 4, 37-43. pl.

Add. 1914.1

Funzione respiratoria delle sosidette pseudobranchie del Teleostei e altri particolari intorno ad esse. Bios, Genova, 1914, 2, 1-16. 3 pls.

Add. 1914.2 Probranchia (pseudobranchia) equivale ad un foglietto branchiale.

Grassi, Leonardo. I pesci dei laghi di Ganzirri e Faro. Neptunia, Venezia, 1903, 18, 202-207; 213-219; 225-231. Add. 1903.1

Gray, John Edward [1800-1875] For bibliography, see Saunders, J. 1872.1

Catalogue of the specimens and drawings of mammals, birds, reptiles and fishes of Nepal and Tibet, presented by B. H. Hodgson to the British

Museum. 2 ed. London, 1863. 90 p. 12°. Add. 1863.1

Notice of a portion of a new form of animal (Myriosteon higginsi). Probably indicating a new group of Echinodermata. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, 163-166. Add. 1864.1

Describes Myriosteon. M. higginsi n. g. et n. sp. now considered a tube from the rostral cartilage of Pristis.

Gray, John Henry. China, a history of the laws, manners and customs of the people. Edited by W. G. Gregor. 2 vols. London, 1878. ills. 8°.

Add. 1878.1 Chap. 30 deals with modes of fishing in China.

Greco, B. Sulla presenza del Dogger inferiore [Jurassic] al Monte Foraporta presso Lagonegro. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1899, 18. anno, 65-70.

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Green, E. Ernest, Reeves, E. Gordon, & Willey, A. See Reeves, E. Gordon, Willey, A., & Green, E. Ernest.

Green, John [Presentation of and remarks upon the breeding habits of several species of fish from Surinam] Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1858, 6, 328. Add. 1858.1 Oral gestation described for catfishes of Surinam.

Green, Seth. For biographical sketch, See Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1910 (1911), 66–68.

Description of improved apparatus in fish-hatching. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 578.

Add. 1874.1

Green, William Spotswood. The common sole. Nature, 1890, 42, 520. Ibid., 1891, 43, 56. Add. 1890.1

Greene, Carl Hartley, & Greene, Charles Wilson. See Greene, C. W., & Greene, C. H.

Greene, Charles Wilson. The fatabsorbing function of the alimentary tract of the king salmon. Bull. U. S. Bureau Fisheries, 1913 (1914), 33, 149– 175. 4 pls. Add. 1914.1

The storage of fat in the muscular tissue of the king salmon and its resorption during the fast of the spawning migration. Bull. U. S. Bureau Fisheries, 1913 (1914), 33, 69-138. 9 pls. Add. 1914.2

Greene, Charles Wilson, & Greene, Carl Hartley. The skeletal musculature of the king salmon. Bull. U. S. Bureau Fisheries 1913 (1914), 33, 2159. figs. Add. 1914.1

Gregg, W. H. Where, when, and how to catch fish on the east coast of Florida. New York & Buffalo, 1902. Add. 1902.1

Gregorio, A. Sulla fauna delle Argile scagliose di Sicilia e sul Miocene di Nicosia. Pesci. Palermo, 1881. 60 p. 3 pls. 4°. Add. 1881.1

Gregory, E. H. Origin of the elastic fibres in the heart and aorta of the Axolotl and the salmon trout. Journ. Boston Med. Soc., 1897-98, 2, 18-20. Add. 1897.1 Grenfell, Wilfred T. Labrador: the country and the people. New York, 1910. Add. 1910.1

Fisheries treated in some detail.

Greschik, Jenó. A kárász (Carassius] bélcsatornája, különös tekintettel a rugalmas rostokra Der Darmkanal der Karausche, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der elastischen Fasern] Allatt. Közlem., 1914, 17, 177–184. 3 figs. Add. 1914.1

German résumé, p. 222–223. Greshoff, Maurits. Beschrijving der giftige en bedwelmende planten bij de vischvangst in gebruik. Tevens: Overzicht der heroische gewassen der geheele aarde en hunner verspreiding in de natuurlijke planten-familiën. (Monographia de plantis venenatis et sopientibus quæ ad pisces capiendos abhiberi solent). 3 parts. Batavia, 1893-1913. Add. 1893.1

i. Mededeelingen uit 's Lands Plantentuin, no. 10. 1893.

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Grieve, Sommerville. The common lump-fish. Trans. Edinb. Nat. Soc., 1891, 2, 413-416. Add. 1891.1

Griffen, S. Are sharks man eaters? New York, 1881. 24 p. Add. 1881.1

Griffin, Lawrence Edmonds. A guide for the dissection of the dog-fish. Missouri Valley Coll. Quart. Bull., 1907, 6, 1-65. Add. 1907.1

A fairly complete account of the anatomy of Squalus.

Griffith, Memorandum regarding Salmo orientalis, or Bornean trout. Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist., 1842-43 (1843), 3, 283–284.

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Gronovius, L. T.

Animalium rariorum fasciculus. Pisces. Acta. Helvet., 1778, 7, 43–52. Add. 1778.1 Describes Pteraclis pinnatus, Blennius torvus, and Callorhynchus americanus.

Gronovius, Jo. Frid. Vom Schlammbeisker. Cobitis fossilis. Berlin. Samml., 1775, 7, 645. Add. 1775.1

Groos, Karl (Baldwin, E. L., trans-
lator) The play of animals. New
York, 1898.
Add. 1898.1

Fishes, p. 100, 102, 219, 265.
See also Groos, K. 1902.1.

Groshans, G. P. F. Prodromus fauna Homeri et Hesiodi. fasc. 1 & 2. 183943. Add. 1839.1

Reference from Moulé, L. "Etudes zoologiques et zootechniques dans la littérature et dans l'art. La faune d'Homère." Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 1909, 22, 186.


Grosier, De la Chine: description générale de cet empire; contenant e. a. les trois règnes de son histoire naturelle. 3. éd. 7 vols. Paris, 181820. maps. 8°. Add. 1818.1

Gross, Julius. Description of carp ponds and water gate. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1886, 6, 303–304. 4 figs. Add. 1886.1

Grossinger, Ker. János. Universa historia physica regni Hungariæ, secundum tria naturæ regna digesta. 5 vols. Posonii & Comaromii, 1793-97. 8°. Add. 1793.1 Vol. III. "Historia piscium et amphibiorum Hungariæ," xiv, 400 leaves.

Grotewold, C. Die deutsche Hochseefischerei in der Nordsee. Stuttgart, 1908. 298 p. 75 illust. 8°.

Add. 1908.1

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Reproduces figures and descriptions of fishes of Brazil. Contains an extensive bibliography.

Summary of work done on the fishes of Tortugas. 11. Yearbook Carnegie Instit. Washington, 1912, 148-150. Add. 1912.2 Structures and habits of the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum.

Gestation (uterine) in the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum. Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., 1913, 29, 8. Science, 1913, n. s. 38, 993.

Add. 1913.1 George Marcgrave, a postscript. Science, 1914, n. s. 40, 507-509. Add. 1914.1

The nurse sharks (Ginglymostoma of Boca Grande Cay, Florida. Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., 1914, 30, 63-64. Add. 1914.2

Summary of work on the fishes of Tortugas. 13. Yearbook Carnegie Instit. Washington, 1914, 203-204. Add. 1914.3

Güldenstaedt, Anton Johann. Appendix observationum ad historiam reliquorum cyprinotum cirratorum pertinentium. Act. Acad. Petropol., 1778, pt. 2, Mém. 253. Add. 1778.1 De carpione. ii. De gobione. iii. De

i. tinca.

Guénaux, Georges. Pisciculture. Introduction par P. Reynard. Préface par Charles Delonde. Paris, 1910. 489 p. illust. 12°. Add. 1910.1

Günther, Albert C. L. G.1 [18301914] For biographical sketches see

McIntosh, W. C. in Nature, 1914, 92, 664-666; Scotsman, Feby. 2, 1914; Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1914, 34, 269277; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1915, 88B, xi-xxvii. pl. For an obituary, see Smith, E. A. Zoologist, 1914, 18, 113-116.

Musical fishes.

Ray (Raja) (In Encyclopedia
Britannica, 9. ed., 1866, xx, 300. figs.)
Add. 1866.1
Sci. Gossip,
1870, 97-98.
Add. 1870.1
The voyage of the "Vettor
Pisani." Nature, 1884, 30, 365.

Add. 1884.1 Capture of the whale shark, Rhineodon typus at Panama.

Fishes (In Aitcheson, J. E. T. Zoology of the Afghan delimitation commission) Trans. Linn. Soc., 188894, 2. ser. 5, 106-109. Add. 1888.1

List of the species of reptiles and fishes collected . on the Upper Yang-tze-kiang and in the province Sze-chuen, with description of the new species. (In Pratt, A. F. To the snows of Tibet through China. London, 1892 appendix ii. 8°.) Add. 1892.1

sinie, exécuté pendant . . 1839-43,
par une commission scientifique com-
posée de MM. T. Lefebre . . . A. Pe-
tit et Quartin-Dillon, etc. 6 vols. &
atlas. Paris, 1845-51. 8° & fol.)
Add. 1847.1

Poissons, pt. iv, vol. VI, 1847, p. 227-238.

Ichthyologie. I. Le Trigle polyommate, nouveau genre de poisson de la famille des Trigloides. II. Le Zancle centrognathe, nouveau genre de Chetodons. III. L'Argentine leiglosse, nouveau genre de Salmonides. Ann. Soc. Linn. Départ. Maine-et Loire, 1867, 9, Add. 1867.1


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du centre Rediscovery of the tile-fish ("Lopholatilus "). Nature, 1897-98, 57, 53. Add. 1897.1

Günther, Hanns. Biotechnik. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 131133; 229-231. 12 figs. Add. 1914.1

Luftdruckmesser einer Heringsart bei Karpfen und Schlammpeitzger.

Guérin-Méneville, F. Ed. Magasin de zoologie, d'anatomie comparée et de paléontologie par F. Ed. GuérinMéneville. Première et deuxième série avec des tables méthodiques et alphabétiques. 15 parts. Paris, 1831-45. 1085 pls. 8°. Add. 1831.1

Guerne, Jules de. La nourriture de la sardine. La Nature, 1887. 15. Ann., 1. Sem., 362-364. 6 figs. Add. 1887.1 See also Pouchet & Guerne, 1887.1.

Guettard, Jean Etienne. Mémoire sur les glossopterés ou dents de requins fossiles. (In his Mémoires sur différentes parties de la physique, de l'histoire naturelle des sciences et des arts. 5 vols. Paris, 1768-1783. illust. 4°.) Add. 1768.1

Guichenot, Alphonse. Les poissons de l'Abyssinie] (In Voyage en Abys

Add. 1857.1

Guillot, Natalis [1802-1866] Exposition anatomique de l'organisation nerveux dans les quatre classes d'animaux vertébrés, &c. Mém. Acad. Roy. Sci. Brussels, 1844, 16, 369 p. 18 pls. 4°. Add. 1844.1 Guimaraes, Antonio Roberto Pereira. Fish. (In Capello, H. C. de B., & Ivens, R. From Benguella to the territory of Yacca. Description of a journey into Central and West Africa in 1877-1880. Translated by A. Elwes. 2 vols. append. London, 1882. illust. 8°.) Add. 1877.1

Guiscardi, G. Annotazioni paleontologiche. Atti R. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli, 1873, 5, no. 16, 1-5. pl. Add. 1873.1

Records Diodon scilla Ag. from Miocene of Lecce Prov.

Guitel, Frédéric. Sur les bourgeons musculaires des nageoires paires du Cyclopterus lumpus. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1894, 118, 877-881. Add. 1894.1

La baudroie se nourrit-elle de proies vivantes? La Nature, 1913, 41. Ann., 2. sem., 164-166. 2 figs.

Add. 1913.1

Contribution à l'étude d'une larve de Polypterus senegalus Cuvier.

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