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Cronheim, Walter. Die Pütterschen Arbeiten über die Ernährung der Wassertiere. Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonkunde, 1909, 4, 225. Add. 1909.1

Crook, A. R. The lithographic stone quarries of Bavaria, Germany. Stone, Chicago, 1894, 9, 379–390. Add. 1894.1

Contains figures of a number of fossil fishes.

Crooke, William. Things Indian; being discursive notes on various subjects connected with India. New York, 1906. Add. 1906.1

Sacred fish, 221-223. Crowe, Fish guano in Norway. Journ. Soc. Arts, 1882, 30, 346. Add. 1882.1

Crozier, William J., & Hecht, Selig. Correlations of weight, length and other body measurements in the weakfish, Cynoscion regalis. Bull. Bur. Fisheries 1913 (1914), 33, 141-147. figs.

Add. 1914.1

Csengō, Nándor. A csuka fejvázáról Ueber das Kopfskelet von Esox lucius] Allatt. Közlem. Köt., 1914, 13, 107-127. 2 pls. fig. Add. 1914.1

Cuénot, Lucien. Les couleurs des poissons. Naturaliste, 1892, 2. ser. 6, 149-152. figs. Add. 1892.1

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Growth of fishes in the aquarium. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 189395 (1895), n. s. 3, 167. Add. 1895.2 Notes on rare or interesting specimens (Clupea alosa, Auxis rochei, Thynnus thynnus, Myliobatis aquila). Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1893-95 (1895), n. s. 3, 274-277. Add. 1895.3 Rearing of fish-larvæ. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1893-95 (1895), n. s. 3, 168. Add. 1895.4

The species, the sex, and the individual. Nat. Sci., 1898, 13, 184–239. Add. 1898.1 Conclusions largely drawn from study of


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Curtis, Winterton C. Crossobothrium laciniatum and developmental stimuli in the Cestoda. Biol. Bull. 1888-90 (1890), 5, 125. Add. 1890.1 The life history of Scolex polymorphus, of the Woods Hole region. Journ. Morph., 1911, 22, 819.

Add. 1911.1 Curtis, W. C., & Lefevre, George. See Lefevre & Curtis.

Cuvier, (Baron) Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert [1769-1832] For memoir and list of writings, see Bowdich (Mrs.), T. E. Memoirs of Baron Cu

vier, with a list of his writings. New York, 1833. 120 p. 8°.

Mémoire sur les os de reptiles et de poissons des carrières à plâtre des environs de Paris. (In his Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles de quadrupèdes, etc. 1st ed. Paris, 1812. iii, 1-20 p. pl. Add. 1812.1

A reprint of Cuvier, G., 1810.1.

Des ossemens et squelettes de poissons. (In his Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles. 2. ed. Paris, 1822. iii, 338-349 p. pl. 76.) · Add. 1822.1 A new edition of the preceding.

Die Zähne der Fische. Wiedemann's Archiv. Zool. Zoot., 1805, 3, 205-214; 218-221. Add. 1805.1

Cuvier, G., & Duvernoy, G. Leçons d'anatomie comparée. Paris, 1846.

D., G. Visscherij aan de zuid-west kust van Africa. Tijdschr. Vereen. Nederl. Zeewezen, 1905, 4. jaarg., 221. Add. 1905.1

D., J. A. D. On the breeding of fish and the natural history of their generation. Philos. Mag., 1809, 34, 368-372. Add. 1809.1

Consists of extracts from Hannöver. Mag., 1763, 1764, 1765.

See also Jacobi, S. L., 1763.1

Daday, Jenö. Nematodes, rotatoria, crustacea, hydrachnida, mollusca and pisces of Lake Balaton.] (In Resultate der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees, &c. Kir. Magyar Termész. Társulat, Budapest, 1897. 2. 4°.) Add. 1897.1

Dagry, A. Envoi d'alevins de carpesmiroirs à Tananarivo (Madagascar). Bull. Soc. Acclim. France, Paris, 1914, 61, 505. Add. 1914.1

Dahlgren, Ulric [1870- ] The electric motor nerve centers in the skates (Rajida) Science, 1914, n. s. 40, 862-863. Add. 1914.1

Cells of the same origin as the motor cells of anterior horn. Aberrant nuclear type.

Embryonic history of the electric apparatus in Gymnarchus niloticus. 9. Congr. Internat. Zool., Monaco, 1913 (1914), 379. Add. 1914.2

Preliminary to Dahlgren, U., 1914.1.

The habits of Astroscopus and the development of its electric organs. 13. Yearbook Carnegie Instit. Washington, 1914, 201–203. Add. 1914.3 Details regarding electric organs derived from parts of at least three eye muscles on each side.

A remarkable polarity in the motor nerve cells of the electric apparatus of Tetronarce occidentalis. C. R. 9. Congrès Intern. Zool., Monaco, 1914, 216. Add. 1914.4

Daland, Judson. Beri-beri due to decomposing fish. N. Y. Med. Journ., 1895, 61, 316-318. Add. 1895.1


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Dames, Wilhelm Barnim [1843-1898] Ueber Ancistrodon Debey. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell., 1883, 35, 655670. Add. 1883.1

Eocene and Oligocene fossil fish teeth.

Ein mit hyperostotischen Bildungen versehener Schädel eines subfossilen Pagrus von Melbourne. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1890, 162-167. figs. Add. 1890.1

Dana, J. D., & Herrick, E. C. Description of Argulus catostomi, a new parasitic crustaceous animal. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 1837, 31, 297.

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Report on operations at Dunbar marine hatchery during the spring season 1898. 17. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1899, pt. 3, 205–209. Add. 1899.1

Dantziger, C., Freeden, W. v., & Rensen, P. v. See Freeden, Dantziger, & Rensen.

Darboux, G., Stephan, P., Cotte, J., & Gaver, F. van. L'industrie des pêches aux colonies françaises. Marseille, 1907. 800 p. figs. maps. 8°. Add. 1907.1

Dareste, Camille. Recherches sur la production artificielle des monstruosités. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1861, 53, 2. sem., 294-298. Add. 1861.1

D'Argenville, Antoine Joseph Desallier. Nachricht von der besondern eigenschaft gewisser ostindischer fische, mit einem aus dem munde geworfenen wassertropfen insekten aus der luft herunter zu stürzen. Stralsund. Magaz., 1767, 1, 58-63. Add. 1767.1

Darwin, Charles Robert [1809–1872] For biography see Osborn, H. F. 1901.1

Naturalist's voyage round the world. New ed. New York, 1872. X, 519 p. illust. Add. 1872.1

Fishes, p. 136; 390-391; 464-465.

Davaine, Casimir-Joseph. Note sur une tumeur singulière contenant une quantité prodigieuse d'oeufs d'helminthe, observée chez un poisson vulgairement nommé aigle-bar [Sciaena aquilar. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1854 (1855), 2. ser. 1, 141-143. pl.

Add. 1855.1

Sur une ligule (Ligula minuta) de la truite du lac de Genève. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1865, 4. ser. 16, 87-88. Gaz. Méd. Paris, 1865, 36 (3. ser. 20), 437. Add. 1865.1

David, R. Botulismus nach Genuss verdorbener Fische. Deutsch. Med. Wochenschr., Leipzig & Berlin, 1899, 25, 127-130. Add. 1899.1

David, (Mrs.) T. W. Edgeworth. Funafuti or three months on a coral island: an unscientific account of a scientific expedition. London, 1899. Add. 1899.1

Fish and fishing at Funafuti, 246-254. Fishing for palu, Ruvettus, 248-250.

David, T. W., & Pittman, E. F. Note on the stratigraphy of the fish

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Angling talks; being the winter talks on summer pastimes, contributed to Forest and Stream. New York, 1883. 78 p. 12°. Add. 1883.1

Dawson, (Sir) John William [1820– 1899] For biography and list of works see Anthrop., Paris, 1899, 10, 735. Bull. Soc. Belge Géol., Bruxelles, 1899, (Proc.-Verb.), 255–256. Geol. Mag., 1899, 6, 575–576. Journ. Geol., Chicago, 1899, 727-736.- Ottawa Naturalist, 1899, 13, 270-274, 280-315. Science, 1899, 10, 905-910. Amer. Geologist, 1900, 26, 1-48. Bull. Amer. Geol. Soc., 1900, 550-580. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1900, 9, 82-84.

Geogr. Jahrbuch., 1900, 22, 439. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1900, 56, liv-lv.

Mem. & Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., 1900, 44, xxxiii-xxxv. Nat. Canad., 1900, 27, 28-29. - Nature, 1899-1900, 61, 80-81. - Scott. Geog. Mag., 1900, 16, 29-30. — Term. Közl., 1900, 32, 691–692. · Canad. Rec. Sci., 1902, 8, 137-149.

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Day, Artemas L. The osseous system of Ophiocephalus striatus Bloch. Philippine Journ. Sci., 1914, 9, sect. D, 1955. 19 pls. 7 figs. Add. 1914.1

Two new cyprinoid fishes of the genus Barbus from lake Manquao, Palawan, P. I. Philippine Journ. Sci., 1914, 9, sect. D, 187–193. pl. Add. 1914.2

Barbus bantolanensis and B. manguaoensis, n. sp.

Day, Francis [1829-1889] The land of the Permauls, or Cochin, its past and its present. Madras, 1863. X, 577, xxxvii p. 8°. Add. 1863.1 Fish and fishing, p. 487-509. Habits of Barbus, p. 502.

Notes on the line and herring fisheries of the north-east of Scotland. 1882. 12°. Add. 1882.1

The fisheries of India. Journ. Soc. Arts, 1883, 609-628. Reprint in Rept. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1883 (1885), 383-413. Add. 1885.1 Brief notes on oral gestation in some Indian Siluridæ. See Day, F., 1873.4.

Some fishes of the district. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Burton-onTrent., 1897, 3, 111-117. Add. 1897.1

Day, Francis, Lankester, E. R., & Hamilton, Edward. See Lankester, Day, & Hamilton.

Day, G. Morland. Trout and grayling. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Burtonon-Trent., 1892, 2, 58-69. Add. 1892.1

Dean, Bashford [1867- ] Contribution to the Devonian fish fauna of Ohio. Ann. N. Y. Acad., 1899-1900, 12, 687. Add. 1899.1

A fish out of water [Protopterus annectens] the second living specimen of a lung fish ever brought to this country. Scient. Amer. Suppl., 1913, 75, 52. 5 figs. Add. 1913.1

A record sunfish [10 feet long, 11 feet vertical) Amer. Mus. Journal, 1913, 13, 370-371. fig. Add. 1913.2

Debierre, Charles. Sur l'appareil hyoidien considéré dans la série des vertébrés. L'arc mandibulaire et l'arc hyoidien. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1885, 10, 487-546. 48 figs. Add. 1885.1

Poissons, p. 490-495. 7 figs.

Deecke, J. E. W. Ueber zwei Fische aus den Angulatuskalken des UnterElsass. Mittheil. Comm. Geol. Landes

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