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Cobo, Bernabé. Historia del nuevo mundo per el P. Bernabé Cobo, de la Compania de Jesus. Publicada por primera viz con notas y otras ilustraciones de D. Marcos Jiminez de la Espada. 4 vols. Soc. Bibliof. Andaluces, Sevilla, 1890-93. 4°. Add. 1891.1

Fishes, vol. ii, p. 127-131; 149-190. Fishing with the remora, vol. ii, p. 180-181.

Cocco, Anastasio [1799-1854] For biography and works see Atti Soe. Tose. Sci. Nat. (Mem.), Pisa, 1891, 11, 173212.

Su di alcuni nuovi pesci del mar di Messina. Giorn. Sci. Lett. Arti Sicilia, Palermo, 1829, 26 (ann. 7), 138-147. Add. 1829.1

Sullo Schedophilus medusophagus. Giorn. Cabin Messina, 1829, 1, 30-32. [not seen] Also quoted as Giorn. Innominato Messina Ann., 1829, 3, 57. Add. 1829.2

Cenni sul genere Ruvettus e sui caratteri che lo distinguone. Observatiore Peloritani, 1833 (April 13). Add. 1833.1

P. 18, Ruvettus; orthotype R. pretiosus Cocco.

Cockerell, Sydney C. (compiler) Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibition, 1908. Manuscripts xxviii, 133 p. 162 pls. Add. 1908.1

Introduction, 18 p. Exhibits nos. 80-83 are of illuminated manuscripts from the 12th and 13th centuries, some containing illustrations of fishes.

Cockerell, Theodore Dru Alison [1866- ] Flat-fishes. Nature, 1890, 42, 53-54. Add. 1890.1

The fauna of the Florissant (Colorado) Shales. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1913, 4. ser. 36, 498-500. Add. 1913.1

The scales of the South American characinid fishes. Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 1914, 9, 92-113. 6 pls. Add. 1914.1 Codrington, R. H. The Melanesians: studies in their anthropology and Add. 1891.1 folk-lore. Oxford, 1891.

Fishing methods, 316 319: hooks, nets, shooting and spearing, pots, poison, kites, spider-web nets, noosing, traps, etc.

Cohen, Philip. Marine fish and fisheries of New South Wales, past and present, in their commercial aspect. Sydney, 1892. 30 p. 8°. Add. 1892.1

Prepared for the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893.


Coker, Robert E. Condicion en que encuentra la pesca marina desde Paita hasta Bahia de la Independencia. Bol. Ministerio Fomento, Lima, Peru, 1908, 6, 53-117. Add. 1908.1

Condiciones de la pesqueria en Mollendo. Bol. Direc. Fomento, 1910, 8, 50-64. Add. 1910.1 Estudio sobre la pesca en el Peru. Bol. Direc. Fomento, 1910, 8, 8-16. Add. 1910.2

El Lago Titicaca y sus resursos. Bol. Direc. Fomento, 1910, 8, 29-39. Add. 1910.3

Lake Titicaca, "The most remarkable lake of the World." Internat.

Coker, R. E. Rev. Gesammt. Hydrobiol. Hydrograph., 1911, 4, 174–182. Add. 1911.1

Las industrias de la pesca y del guano en el Peru. Ann. Direc. Fomento, 1913, 1, 28-69. Add. 1913.1

Translation of 1908.1

Water-power development in relation to fishes and mussels of the Mississippi. Rept. U.S. Comm. Fisheries, 1913 (1914), append. 8, 1–28. 6 pls. Add. 1914.1

Cole, F. J. Notes on the vascular system of Myxine. Anat. Anz., 1914, 46, 478-485. fig. Add. 1914.1

Coles, Russell Jordan [1865- ] Effect of thunder on fishes. Copeia, 1914, no. 5, 1. Add. 1914.1

Collier, J. H., & Hooper, J. The American parlor aquarium or fluvial aqua vivarium. New York, 1866. 143 p. illust. 12°. Add. 1866.1

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Collinge, Walter Edward [1867– Lecture on the sensory canal system of fishes." Trans. Caradoc Field Club, 1893-96, 1, 71-72. Add. 1893.1

Collingwood, Cuthbert. Remarks upon some oceanic forms of hydrozoa observed at sea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 20, 309–314. Add. 1867.1

Fishes living in association with pelagic medusæ, p. 311.

Rambles of a naturalist on the shores and waters of the China seas. London, 1868. Add. 1868.1

Numerous general notes on fishes; also flyingfishes, commensal fishes, etc.

Collins, A. S. Shad eggs. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 5, 441. Add. 1871.1 Increase in size after impregnation.

Collins, Joseph. Catalogue of the collection illustrating the fishing vessels and boats, and their equipment; the economic condition of fishermen; angler's outfits, etc. London, 1883.

Add. 1883.1

Catalogue of the exhibit made by the United States of America in the Great International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883.

Inauguration of the frozen herring trade. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 81-83. Add. 1884.1

Notes on the habits and methods of capture of various species of sea birds that occur on the fishery banks off

the eastern coast of North America, and which are used as bait for catching codfish by New England fishermen. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 10, 311– 338. pl. Add. 1884.2

Some observations on the cod gill-net fisheries and on preservatives for nets. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 58-59. Add. 1884.3

Edible qualities of the smoked kingfish (Scomberomorus cavalla, Cuv.) Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 359. Add. 1885.1 Fishing on an edge of the Grand Banks. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1885, 5, 256. Add. 1885.2 Proposition to prepare kingfish by smoking. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 360. Add. 1885.3

A curious knife found in the flesh of a codfish. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886, 6, 381-383. fig.

Add. 1886.1

Gill-nets in cod fishery; a description of Norwegian cod nets, etc., and a history of their use in the United States. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 265-288. 12 pls.

Add. 1886.2

The gill-net cod fishery (In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 5, vol. i, p. 225–233. 9 pls. 1887) Add. 1887.1

The beam-trawl fishery of Great Britain, with notes on beam-trawling in other European countries. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 289-407. 23 pls. & 34 figs. Add. 1889.1

Some reasons why the fishermen of Nova Scotia use salt clams (Mya arenaria) for bait in the Bank handline cod fisheries. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 425–428. Add. 1889.2

Suggestions for the employment of improved types of vessels in the market fisheries, with notes on British fishing steamers. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1888 (1890), 8, 175–192. 12 pls. Add. 1890.1

The fishing vessels and boats of the Pacific coast. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1892, 10, 13-48. 12 pls. 4 text-figs.

Add. 1892.1

Report upon the division of fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889 (1892), 16, cix-cxxi. Add. 1892.2

Report upon the participation of the United States Fish Commission in the centennial exposition held at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1888. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889 (1892), 16, 869-885. pl. Add. 1892.3

[On fisheries and the organization of fishermen] Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 1894, 84-92. Add. 1894.1

Report of the United States commissioner to the International Fisheries Exhibition of 1898 at Bergen, Norway. Senate Doc. no. 39, 56. Congress. Washington, 1901. Add. 1901.1 Extensive report on fishery apparatus and appliances.

Collins, J. W., & Goode, George Brown. See Goode & Collins.

Collins, Wilkie. The pilchard fishery on the coast of Cornwall. Harper's Mag., 1851, 2, 630-633. Add. 1851.1

Colnett, James. A voyage to the south Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific ocean for the purpose of extending the spermaceti whale fisheries, etc. London, 1798. 179 p. Add. 1798.1


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Ricerchi sui vermi parassiti del Gobius avernensis Cenestr. Boll. Soc. Rom. Stud. Zool., Roma, 1898, 7, 1-17. pl. Add. 1898.2

Configliacci, Pietro [1779-1844] Sull' analise dell' aria contenuta nella vescica natatoria dei pesci. Giorn. Fis. Chem. Stor. Nat. (Brugnatelli), 1809, 2, 347-376, 381-409, 477-497. - Journ. Chem. Phys. (Schweiggers), 1811, 1, 137-163. Add. 1809.1

Complete reference for Configliachi, P., 1809.1.

Ueber die Analyse der Luft aus der Schwimmblase der Fische. Beiträge Chem. Phys., (Schweigger), Nürnberg, 1811, 1, 137-163. Add. 1811.1

Conn, C. Betta bellica Sauv. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 401-402. 2 figs. Add. 1914.1

Geschlechtsunterschied bei Pterophyllum scalare. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 508.

Add. 1914.2

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Scatophagus argus. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., Add. 1914.5 369-371. fig.

Connorton, J. G. A list of the most common fishes, etc., on the southeast coast of Madagascar. Antananarivo Annual, 1892, 259–263. Add. 1892.1

Conrad, T. A. Catalogue of Eocene shells and fish from Shark river. (In Geological Survey of the State of New Jersey, appendix A. 1868. 8°.)

Add. 1868.1 Cook, C. B. See Carroll, Dixie. Cooke, M. C. Fungi producing disJourn. Roy. Micr. Soc., Add. 1880.1

ease in fish

1880, 3, pt. 2, 998.

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Cope, E. D.

Fishes of the Ambyiacu river (Upper Amazon] Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 5, 378-379. Add. 1871.1

See also Cope, E. D., 1871.13.

Synopsis of new vertebrata from the Tertiary of Colorado, obtained during . . . 1873. (Extracted from 7. Ann. Rept. Geog. Geol. Survey, etc. Washington, 1873. 19 p. 8°.). Add. 1873.1

"Only quasi extracted from the report of which it ostensibly forms part. It was published in advance of the 7th annual report as a separate pamphlet; and finally appeared in that report so much modified as to be in effect a different article." (Catalogue of Publications, 3. ed.)

Description of some species of reptiles obtained by Dr. John F. Bransford . . . U. S. N., while attached to the Nicaraguan Surveying Expedition in 1873. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1874, 26, 64-72. Add. 1874.1

Describes Protistius semotilus, n. g. et n. sp., p. 66, from Peruvian Andes.

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Review of Cornalia, E., 1875.1

Cornay, J.E. Sur un cas de mopsie observé chez une truite saumonée. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1847, 25, 116118. Add. 1847.1

Corning, H. K. Ueber die vergleichende Anatomie der Augenmuskulatur. Morph. Jahrb., 1900, 29, 94-140. Add. 1900.1

Cornish, C. J. Animals at work and play; their activity and emotions. London, 1896. 323 p. illust. 8°. Add. 1896.1

The invisible food of fishes, p. 240.

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Coutinho, J. M. da Silva. Two letters (In Fletcher, J. C., & Kidder, D. P., Brazil and the Brazilians, 6. ed. Boston, 1866) Add. 1866.1 Oral gestation in Acara (Geophagus) petroina and other Cichlidæ, p. 627-633.

Cowan, Frank. A dictionary of the proverbs and proverbial phrases of the English language relating to the sea, and such associated subjects as fish, fishing, ice, island, navigation, etc. Greensburgh, 1894. 144 p. 8°. Add. 1894.1

Coward, T. A. Faunal survey of Rostherne mere. II. Vertebrata. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., 1914, 58, no. 9. 37 p. Add. 1914.1

Cox, Philip. Catalogue of the marine and fresh-water fishes of New Brunswick. Bull. New Brunswick Nat. Hist. Soc., 1896, 3, no. 13, 62-75.

Add. 1896.1

History and present state of the ichthyology of New Brunswick. Bull. New Brunswick Nat. Hist. Soc., 1896, 3, no. 13, 27-61. Add. 1896.2

Reduction in the number of finrays of certain flat-fishes. Proc. Miramichi Nat. Hist. Assoc., 1903, 3, 42-47. Add. 1903.1

Extension of the list of New Brunswick fishes. Proc. Miramichi Nat. Hist. Assoc., 1905, 4, 41–44. Add. 1905.1

Cox, U.O. A preliminary report on the fishes of Minnesota. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Minnesota, 1897, Zool. Ser. 3. 93 p. Add. 1897.1

Crantz, David. See Cranz, David.

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