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Heger, Johan Ludwig. Landwirthschaftliche Teich- und Weyher-Lust, oder gründliche Information zur edlen Fischerei, etc. Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1727. xx, 135 p. 8°. Pre-Linn. 1727.1

Heins, Martin (præses) Analysis exercitationes 225. J. C. Scaligeri ad Cardanum de piscium habitaculis et allēlophagia, seu mutuâ Laniens. Inaug. Dissert. Wittebergæ, 1639. 4°. Pre-Linn. 1639.1

Thomas Saurmann, respond. Hellant, Andreas [ -1789] (respond.) Dissertatio de novo in fluviis Norlandiarum piscandi modo. Om et nyt sät at fiska i Norländska elfwar. Inaug. Dissert. Upsaliæ, 1738. 28 p. pl. 4°. Pre-Linn. 1738.1 A. Celsius, præses. Copy, N. Y. P.

Berättelse om laxens alstrande,

i ackt tagit vid des fiskande. K. Svensk. Vetensk. Acad. Handl., 1745, 267.

Pre-Linn. 1745.1

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Henelius, Nicol. Silesiographia renovata. 2 vols. Wratislavia (Breslau), 1704. 4°. Pre-Linn. 1704.1

Fishes of Silesia described.

Hennike, J. C. Nachricht von einer besondern Fischkrankheit. Frankisch. Samml., Nürnberg, 1756, 2. 23 p. Pre-Linn. 1756.1

Heppe, C. Wilh. von. Der in denen, bey dem Forstjagdwesen und der Fischerey vorkommenden Fällen sich selbst räthende Jäger. Augspurg, 1753. 8°. Pre-Linn. 1753.1

Another ed.: Augspurg, 1763.

Der sich selbst räthende Jäger, oder 117 auserlesene, zum Theil sehr delicate Casus und streitige Fälle, welche bei dem Forst-, Jagd- und FischereiWesen vorkommen. Augsburg, 1754. 8°. Pre-Linn. 1754.1

Heresbach, Conrad [1509-1576] Rei rusticæ libri quatuor. Thereutices, hoc est, de venatione, aucupio atque piscatione compendium. Coloniæ, 1570. 4°. Pre-Linn. 1570.1

Conrad Heresbach is one of the old farmers discussed by Donald G. Mitchell, in his "Wet days at Edgewood." (1865.1) His book as a whole, and particularly those parts relating to fish and fishing, were often reprinted. The most notable editions will be given by titles and others by years. Bosgoed lists an ed., Coloniæ, 1571 in 8°. The next ed. seems to be:

Rei rusticæ libri IV universam rusticam disciplinam complectens. Item de venatione, aucupio atque piscatione compendium. Coloniæ. 1573. Pre-Linn. 1573.1 vii, 713, 12 p.

Fishes, pp. 690-713.

Other Latin eds.: Cologne, 1594, 1595, 1603. The first English version is:

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Other English eds., or more probably reprints, are: London, 1578, 1586, 1594, 1596, 1600, 1601, 1604. Next comes Googe's enlarged ed. of 1614, "The whole art and trade of husbandry," etc. followed by Gervase Markham's greatly augmented version of 1631. Copies, 1570 (Latin), & 1614 (English) eds., N. Y. P.

The whole art of husbandry contained in foure bookes, etc. Booke iv. Of poultrie, fowle, fish . . . and the art of angling . now renewed, corrected, enlarged and adorned with all the experiments and practises of our English nation, which were wanting in the former editions. By Captaine Garvase Markham. London, 1631. 4°. Pre-Linn. 1631.1

Libri quarti de re rustica pars quæ agit de piscinis et piscium vivariis. Ejusdem thereutices pars tertia de piscatione. Helmstadt, 1657. 4°.

Pre-Linn. 1657.1

The editor, Hermann Conringius, has here brought together the matter relating to fishing and fishponds contained in "De re rustica" and the "Thereutices." For a modern English version of "De piscatione," which aims at "rendering as nearly as possible the style and colour of the epoch," with a brief introduction by T. Westwood, see "The angler's notebook and naturalists' record," etc., pp. 117, 133, 149, 165. London, 1880.

The most famous English ed. is:

The perfect husbandman, or the art of husbandry. In four books. Book IV. Of poultry, fowle, fish and bees with the . art of angling. By C. H., B. C., and C. M., ingenious artists. London, 1658. vi, 385 p. 4°.

Pre-Linn. 1658.1

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Hernandez, Francisco [1514-1578] For a notice of this author (who was physician to Philip II) and of his writings, see Rich, O. "A catalogue of books relating principally to America 1493-1700." London, 1832. pp. 72-74. Also Sabin, J. "Bibliotheca Americana," vol. VIII, pp. 239-241 (1868.1), and Lichtenstein, M. C. H., in Abhand. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1827, 88-127.

Quatro libros de la naturaleza y virtutes de las plantas y animales, que estan recevidos en el uso de medicina en la Nueva España y el metodo y correccion y preparacion, que para administrallas se requiere, con lo que Francisco Hernandez escrivio en lengua latina. . . Traducido y aumentados muchos simples y compuestos y ochos muchos secretos curativos por Fr. Francisco Ximenez. Mexico, 1615. 4°. 203 p. Pre-Linn. 1615.1


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Rerum medicarum Novæ Hispaniæ seu thesaurus, plantarum, animalium, mineralium Mexicanorum historia ex Francisci Hernandi Novi Orbis medici primarii relationibus in ipsa Mexicana urbe conscriptis à Nardo Antonio Reccho. . . Collecta notis illustrata; cum indice, et historiæ animalium et mineralium libro. Romæ, 1628. 950 p. Pre-Linn. 1628.1

This is the first ed. of Recchus' Latin version. Others are: Rome, 1641, 1648-49, 1651. There is said to be an earlier Latin translation, Rome, 1626, editor not known. The most valued edition of all is:

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the plants, animals and minerals of Mexico. An edition of the "Opera" (most parts hitherto unpublished) was begun at Madrid, 1790, but got no further than the issuing of "De historia plantarum," etc.

Herodotus [c. 484-425 B. C.] For a sketch of his life and a commentary on his works, together with bibliographical details about their publication, see article in Encyclopædia Britannica, vol. XIII, 11. ed., 1910, by George Rawlinson & E. M. Walker.

Historia. Venice, 1474. fol. Pre-Linn. 1474.1 Other early eds. are: Rome, 1475; & Venice, 1494 & 1502. Copies of these in H., Y., Col., & L. C.

An English translation of books I & II of the "Historia was published in London, 1584, but the first complete English version is:

The Aegyptian and Grecian history of Herodotus, translated from the Greek by Isaac Littlebury. 2 vols. London, 1709. Pre-Linn. 1709.1

2nd & 3rd English eds. are: London, 1723 & 1737.

Editions in various languages have appeared, too numerous to mention. The history of Herodotus is most available for present day English readers in the 4 vol. edition by George Rawlinson, New York, 1866. The references below apply, however, to any edition.

Ichthyophagi: Babylonian, book 1, chap. 200; of the Nile, book II. chap. 77; of Elephanta, book II, chap. 77. Fishes of the Nile, book 11, chap. 77. Habits of Nile fishes, Ibid., chap. 93. Fishes in Lake Moeris, Ibid., chap. 149. Fishes of Lake Prasias in Pæonin fed to horses, book v, chap. 17. Herodotus is said to refer to fossil fishes of Mt. Lebanon, but this has not been confirmed.

Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio [1549-1625] Historia general de los hechos de los Castellanos en las islas y tierra firme del Mar Oceano. 4 vols. Madrid, 1601-15. fol.

Pre-Linn. 1601.1 Contains accounts of the fishes of the West Indies and of fishing with the remora. Various translations & editions follow.

Description des Indes Occidentales, qu'on appelle aujourdhuy le Noveau Monde, etc. Amsterdam, 1622. fol. Pre-Linn. 1622.1

Nieuve Werelt, anders ghenaempt West-Indien. Amsterdam 1622. fol. Pre-Linn. 1622.2

Novus orbis, sive descriptio Indiæ occidentalis, metaphraste G. Barlæo, etc. Amstelodami, 1622. fol. Pre-Linn. 1622.3

Beschreibung dero Insulen und dess festen Lendes Jenseit dess hohen

grossen Meers, so man nennt West Indien (In De Bry. America. Pt. XII. - German. Zwölffter Theil der newen Welt. 1623. fol.) Pre-Linn. 1623.1

The general history of the vast continent and islands of America, commonly called the West Indies, from the first discovery thereof: with the best account the people could give of their antiquities. Translated by Capt. John Stevens. 6 vols. London, 1725-26. maps. cuts. 8°. Pre-Linn. 1725.1

Other eds. are: Amsterdam, 1622 (Latin); Paris, 1660 & 1671; Antwerp, 1728; Amberes, 1728; Madrid, 1726 & 1729-30; London, 1745. Found also in Churchill's "Collection of Voyages," vol. V. 1732; and in Kerr's "Voyages and Travels," vols. III & V, 1824.

Herrera's account of Orellano's descent of the river Amazon, 1540-41, from the 6th decade of his "Historia general," has been translated and edited by Markham in Hakluyt Soc., Works no. 24, 1859. Fishes, sec. xxv of this.

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The 8th leaf has the following caption: "Of the waters of New England with the things belonging to the same." This gives an account of the fish and their abundance.

Reprinted in Force's Historical Tracts, 1, tract 12. Also in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. 1792 (1806), 1, Extracts in Rept. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 159-160.

Hildebrand, Wolfgang. Neue augirte... viel vermehrte Magia Naturalis. Dass ist Kunst und Wunderbuch, darinnen begriffen . . . wie man nemlich mit . . . Fischen


Hildebrand, W. richten und zu Nutz gebrauchen und damit die Zeit vertreiben kan, etc. Erfurt, 1664. 4°. Pre-Linn. 1664.1

Hildegarde de Pinguia (also styled Saint Hildegard. Abbess of Bingen) [c. 1098-1179] For accounts of the life and natural history observations of this remarkable personage, see Jessen, Carl.

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Ausgabe der Hss. der medic.-naturhistor. Werke der heiligen Hildegard." Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, mat.naturw. Kl., 1862, 45, 1. Abth., 97–116; and Mozans, H. J. Women in Science." New York, 1913, 232–235. Also Geisenheyner, L. 1911.1; Kaiser, P. 1901.1; Reuss, F. A. 1835.1; Wasmann, E. 1913.1 & 1913.2; Fischer-Benzon, R. van. Add. 1895.1.

Physica S. Hildegardis elementorum, fluminum aliquot Germaniæ, metallorum, leguminum, fructuum et herbarum, arborum et arbustorum, piscium, denique, volatilium et animantium terræ naturas et operationes, libris Iv, mirabili experientiâ posteritati tradens. Argentorati [Strasburg), 1533. fol. Pre-Linn. 1533.1

This is the editio princeps.
Another ed. of the same year bears the title:

Physica elementorum sanctæ Hildegardis, sive subtilitatum diversarum naturarum creaturarum libri IX. Argentorati, 1533. fol.

Pre-Linn. 1533.2

Hortus sanitatis, quatuor libris quæ subsequuntur complectens; de animalibus & reptilibus; de avibus & volatilibus; de piscibus & natatilibus; de gemmis & in venis terræ nascentibus. Argentorati, 1536, fol.

Pre-Linn. 1536.1


"Conspectum hujus editionis vide apud Urb. Frid. Bened. Bruckmannum in libello titulus est Untersuchung ob dem Frauenzimmer erlaubt sei, die arzeneykunst aus zu üben." Title and comment from Gronovius.

Titulo physicæ cum Georg. Kraut experimentario medicinæ. Argentorati, 1544. fol. Pre-Linn. 1544.1

This is a revision by Kraut of the earlier book. Kraut also published at Argentorati in 1544 under his own name another book based on the work of Hildegarde.

For a present day edition of this work of Hildegarde, see:

Reuss. F. A. "Der heiligen Hildegard subtilitatum divers. naturarum creaturarum libri IX."


Another modern reprint is in Migne, J. P. "Patrologia latina." Paris, 1855, vol. CXCVII. It is also found in editions of her collected works by Migne and by Pitra, both Paris, 1882.

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An history of animals; containing descriptions of the birds, beasts, fishes and insects of the several parts of the world. . . . In these the characters, qualities, and forms of the several creatures are described, the names by which they are commonly known, as well as those by which authors who have written on the subject have called them are explained. London, 1752. iv, 584 p. 27 col. pls. Pre-Linn. 1752.1

Class v. Fishes. p. 201-318. Another ed. of the 3rd volume, London, 1773. For a later ed. of the "General Natural History," see Hill, John. 1771.1.

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Hippocrates [B. C. 460-375 or 377] For a biography, see Fabricius, Johann Albrecht. Bibliotheca Græca," 17051728, vol. XII, p. 675. Also Encyclopædia Britannica, 1910, XIII, 517-518. For discussions of the zoological features of the work of Hippocrates, see Burckhardt, R., 1904.1, & Eastman, C. R., 1906.2. For an account of the various editions of his " Opera," see Fischer, Joh. Henr. "De Hippocrate, eius scriptis eorumque editionibus." Coburgi, 1777.

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Editio princeps in Greek. No separate PreLinnæan ed. of the "Regimen" has been found, Other early Greek eds. of the "Opera" are: Basel, 1538, & Venice, 1588 (Greek and Latin) fol. Other early eds. (presumably in Latin): Frankfort, 1595, 1621, 1624; Leyden, 1643 & 1665.

For modern versions of the "Regimen," see:

Koraes, N. "[On regimen] Notes sur le traité du régime dans les maladies aiguës et de Athens, l'ancienne médicine d'Hippocrate." 1887.

Kühn, (editor), "On regimen, books I-IV. (In Corpus hippocraticum. 1826-27)"

The 87 treatises forming the so-called Hippocratic collection on regimen have also been edited by Ermerius, 1859-65, and by Littré, 1839-61 (with translation). The treatise "On regimen" is doubtfully by the great physician of Kos, nevertheless it embodies what has been called the Koan system of zoological classification. In book II, fifty-two species of animals are enumerated, seventeen of which are fishes.

Högström, Pehr [1714–1784] Beschreibung des schwedischen Laplands. (In Ehrenmalm, Arvid. Reise durch Westnordland nach der Lapmark. Kopenhagen, 1748. pls. 8°.)

Pre-Linn. 1748.1

Also in Arkstee & Merkus. "Allgemeine Historie der Reisen, etc." 1771, vol. XX. Contains some notes on fishes.

Hövel, Heinr. von. Neuwer wunderbarlicher Thiergarten: in welchem der Unvernünfftigen Irdischen Gethieren, auch der Vögeln und Fischen Natur und Eygenschafften beschrieben etc. 3 parts. Franckfurt-a.-M., 1601, 469 p. 19 Holzschn. 4°. Pre-Linn. 1601.1 Second ed.: Franckfurt, 1613. 4°.

Hoffmann, Moritz [c.1622-1698] Mustela piscis (Aalruppen, Quappen) Lota vulgaris] anatomice examinata. Ephemer. Acad. Nat. Cur., 1722, cent. 9 & 10, 449-450. figs. Act. Erudit., 1723, 143. Pre-Linn. 1722.1

Hohberg, Wolff Helmhard von. Georgica curiosa aucta, das ist: unständlicher Bericht und klarer Unterricht von dem adelichen Land- und Feld-Leben auf alle in Deutschland üblichen Land- und Haus-Wirtschaften 3 vols. Nürnberg, 1701. fol.

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Holst, Georg. En liden artig og konstig fiskebog om adskillige fiskefang, etc. Hafniæ, 1649. 4°. Pre-Linn. 1649.1

Translated from the German.

Homer [c. 11th or 10th Cent. B. C.] For critical comments on Homer and his poems, together with a list of the best modern eds., see article by D. B. Monroe in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.), 1910, vol. XIII. For notes on the animals of the Iliad and Odyssey, see Groshans, G. P. 1846.1; Kums, A.

1897.1; MacDonald, W. B. 1846.1; & Moulé, L. 1909.1.

ence, 1488.

Opera (Iliad & Odyssey). FlorPre-Linn. 1488.1 The editio princeps. Other early and valuable eds.: Venice, 1504 & 1517. No others will be listed. A bibliography of Homer would fill several volumes.

The references to fish (eel & shark) and fishing in Homer are the earliest known in literature:

Iliad, xvi, 406 & 745; xxI, 352 (eels & other fish in river Xanthus), & 692; xxiv, 80: Odyssey, v, 432; XII, 251 & 331; XIX, 113; xxII, 383; XXIV, 418.

Hooge, Romein de [f.1662-1688] Les Indes Orientales & Occidentales, & autres lieux; représentés en très belles figures, qui montrent au naturel . . . poissons, etc. Leiden, [c. 1680). 48 pls. obl. 4°. Pre-Linn. 1680.1 Descriptions in French and Dutch. Hooge was a Dutch engraver. His work is preserved in the British Museum.

Hooke, Robert [1635-1703] Micrographia or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses, with observations and inquiries there upon. London, 1665, 34, 246 p. 38 pls. sm. fol.

Scales of fishes, p. 162.

Pre-Linn. 1665.1

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