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Scott, Note on the occurrence of cancer in fish. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. Wellington, 1892, 24, (n. s. 7), 201. pl. Add. 1892.1

Scott, Andrew. On copepods living in the nostrils of fishes. Ann. Soc. Nat. Hist., Edinburg, 1900, 153–155. Add. 1900.1

On the fish parasites, Lepeophtheirus and Lernæa. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Labor., Liverpool, 1900, 63-115. 5 pls. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1900-01 (1901), 15, 188-241. 5 pls. Add. 1900.2

Scott, A., & Herdman, W. A. See Herdman & Scott.

Scott, George G. The relation of aquatic animals to the water in which they live. Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1914, 17, 1090-1093. Add. 1914.1

Original of Scott, G. G., 1914.2 Scott, Thomas. Notes on interesting fishes. 6. Ann. Rept. Fishery

Board Scotland, 1888, 264-265.

Add. 1888.1

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Scudder, Charles W., & Smiley, Charles W. See Smiley & Scudder.

Scupin, E. Etwas über Anabiose (Wiederaufleben) bei eingefrorenen Wassertieren. Wochenschr. Aquar.Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 3. Jahrg., 333336. Add. 1906.1

Seal, William P. An inquiry as to the proper care of living things held for popular amusement and instruction or for purposes of biological research. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 285-287. 2 pls. Add. 1889.1

On the desirability of the establishment of great public aquaria in the United States. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 1890, 20-26. Add. 1890.1

Seale, Alvin. Poisonous fishes of the Philippine islands. Bull. Philippine Bur. Health, 1912, 1-14. 4 pls. Add. 1912.1 Preservation of commercial fishery products in the tropics. Philippine Journ. Sci., 1914, sec. D, 9, 3.

Add. 1914.1

Sebillot, Paul. Le folk-lore des pêcheurs. Paris, 1901. Add. 1901.1 Reviewed by W. Bugiel. Mittheil. Anthrop. Gesellsch. Wien, 1902, 32, 415.

Sedgwick, Adam (geologist) [18541913] On the geological relations and internal structure of the magnesian limestone and the lower portions of the New Red Sandstone series, etc. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, 1835, 2. ser. 3, Add. 1835.1

37-124. On the distribution of pelagic invertebrate fauna of the Firth of Forth and its vicinity during the seven years from 1889-1895. 16. Ann. Rept. Fish

Fossil fish, p. 116-118, pls. 8-11. Records Palæothrissum magnum, P. macrocephalum and P. elegans from Marl-slate of Midderidge and East Thickley, Durham.

Sedgwick, Adam, & Murchison, R. I. On the structure and relations of the deposits contained between the primary rocks and the Oolitic series in the north of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, 1835, 2. ser. 3, 125-161. Add. 1835.1

Fossil fish of Caithness [Devonian] schist, p. 141-144, pls. 15-17. Three new species of Dip


Seemann, Berthold. Viti: an асcount of a government mission to the Vitian or Fiji islands in the years 18601861. Cambridge, 1862. Add. 1862.1

Sharks in fresh-water, p. 148, 384; Fishing with juice of Barringtonia speciosa and Derris uliginosa, p. 339; with nets and spears, p. 384.

Seligmann, C. G. The Melanesians of British New Guinea. London, 1910. 766 p. 79 pls. & 50 text-figs.

Add. 1910.1 Fish, avoidance of eating, 681; totems, 1112; fishing charms, 178; nets, names for, 215; magic, 294; rights, 468; taboos, 576-577.

Seligo, Arthur. Ueber den Ursprung der Fischnahrung. Mitteil. Westpreuss. Fischerei Ver., 1905, 17, no. 4, 52.

Add. 1905.1

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de. Ré

Selys-Longchamps, ponse à cette question]: Doit-on admettre avec Spallanzani que l'anguille (Muræna anguilla Lin.) ne se reproduit que dans la mer, etc.? Cong. Scient. France, Clermont-Ferrand, 1838 (1839), 6. sess., 44-45. Add. 1839.1

Semon, Richard. Die äussere Entwickelung des Ceratodus forsteri (In his Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem malayischen Archipel, ausgeführt in den Jahren 1891-93, etc. Bd. 1, pt. iv., p. 29-50. 8 pls. Jena, 1893) Add. 1893.1

Verbreitung Lebensverhältnisse und Fortpflanzung des Ceratodus forsteri (In his Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem malayischen Archi

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Die Stammesverwandschaft der Wirbelthiere und Wirbellosen. Arb. Inst. Würzburg, 1875, 2, 25-76. 3 pls. Add. 1875.1 Homology, segmental organs of plagiostomes and annelids, p. 45.

Beobachtungen aus den Aquarien des neuen Zoologischen Instituts. Arb. Zool-Zoot. Inst. Würzburg, 1895, 10, 13-36. pl. Add. 1895.1 i. Ueber Farbenveränderungen einiger Fische, p. 13-19. pl. ii. Einige Bemerkungen über die Labyrinthfische, p. 19-32. text-fig.

Sennenbogen, E. Sulla "malattia delle anguille. Neptunia, Venezia, 1902, 18, 135-138; 150-153; 159-163; 171173. Add. 1902.1

Bacillary disease.

See also Sennebogen, E., 1902.1.

Serres, Pierre Marcel Toussaint de. De la découverte du Notaus longicaudus, poisson malacoptérygien, dans les terrains d'eau douce aneuthalassique d'Armissan près de Narbonne (Aude). Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 1858, 2. ser. 15, 492-499. Add. 1858.1

See also Serres, P. M., 1858.1.

Setti, Ernesto. Tristomum perugia n. sp. sulle branchii del Tetrapturus belone Raf. Arch. Parasitol., Paris, 1898, 1, 308-313. fig. Add. 1898.1

Sěvertzov, Aleksyei N. Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach der Evolution der niederen Wirbeltiere: die Segmentierung des Schädels der Neunaugen [Text in Russian) Journ. Soc. Nat., (Zool.), Moscow, 1914, 2, v-vi. Add. 1914.1

Sewall, H., & Langley, J. N. See Langley & Sewall.

Seymour, Edward. Trout-fishing in the Rangeley lakes (In Mayer, A. M., Sport with gun and rod, etc., p. 351378. New York, 1883) Add. 1883.1 This is the full title for Anon. no. 284, iii.

Shak, Theodor Pavlovich. On the vagus nerve of Anguilla vulgaris (Text in Russian] Naturf. Ges. Warsaw, 1896, 3, 23 p. pl. 8°. Add. 1896.1

Sharp, John. The large-mouthed

black bass in Utah. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1897 (1898), 17, 363–368. Add. 1898.1

Shelford, Victor E. Animal communities in temperate America as illustrated in the Chicago region: a study in animal ecology. Geog. Soc. Chicago, Bull. 5, 1913. xiii, 362 p. illust. Add. 1913.1 For numerous references to fishes, see his index.

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Shore, Th. W., & Jones, H. L. On the structure of the vertebrate liver. Journ. Physiol., 1889, 10, 408-428. 3 pls. Add. 1889.1 Petromyzon, Scyllium, Raia, Muræna, and Pleuronectes used, p. 412-414. 2 figs.


Shufeldt, Robert Wilson. Kenntnis der amerikanischen Sägebarsche. Natur und Haus, 1899, 7, 119120. 2 figs. Add. 1899.1

Sicard, Adrien. L'introduction à Marseille du poisson chinois macropode et sa reproduction. Rép. Trav. Soc. Statist. Marseille, 1872, 7. sér. 4 (34), 312-. Add. 1872.1

Etudes sur le poisson King-y-u du Japon et son acclimatation à Marseille. Rép. Trav. Soc. Statist. Marseille, 1880 (1882), 8. sér. 5 (40), 213. Add. 1882.1

Sieber-Schoumow, (Mme.) N. 0. Contribution à l'étude des poissons venimeux; sur le Bacillus piscicidus agilis, microbe pathogène pour les poissons. Arch. Sci. Biol., St. Pétersburg, 1894-95, 3, 226-256. pl. - Pharm. Zeitschr. Russland, St. Petersburg, 1895, 34, 193; 209; 225; 241. Add. 1894.1

See also Sieber, N., 1895.1.

· Poisonous fish (Text in Russian] Trudui Obsh. Russk. Vrach, St. Petersburg, 1894-95, 61, 123-146.

Add. 1894.2 Sieurin, P. G. Fiskodling i våra Bericht über die Einführung Fischarten in Finnländischen Skog och Sjö, 1911, 4, 108Add. 1911.1



Seen 109.

Sighorskii, S. Die Anatomie des Nervensystems von Amphioxus lanceolatus [Text in Russian) Sitzber. Naturf. Ges. Kazan, 1895, 28, vuip. 3. 15 p. pl. 8°. Add. 1895.1 Silvestre, Extrait d'un mémoire sur la respiration des poissons, comparée à celle des autres animaux. Bull. Sei. Soc. Philomat., Paris, 1797, 1, 17-18. Add. 1797.1

Simmonds, P. L. The animal food resources of different nations with mention of some of the special dainties of various people derived from the animal kingdom. London, 1885. xii, 461 p. 8°. Add. 1885.1

Simsohn, J. S. Two cases of fish poisoning. Polyclin., Philad., 1887-88, 5, 111. Add. 1887.1

Sinicyn, D. F. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Trematoden. Die Distomen der Fische und Frösche der Umgebung von Warschau. Zool. Centralb., Leipzig, 1906, 13, 681-689.Centralb. Bakteriol., Jena, 1907, 39 (Abth. 1), (Ref.), 667-670. Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 1907, 46-47.

Small, H. B. The animals of North America. 2. ser. Fresh-water fish. Montreal, 1865. Add. 1865.1 Smets, G. Notices paléontologiques. Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles, 18861887. Mémoires, 190. Add. 1886.1 Records Arius egertoni (Dixon) from Eocene of Saint-Gilles, Belgium. Add. 1906.1


Abstracts and reviews of Sinicyn, D. F., 1905.1.

Sirelius, U. T. Ueber die Sperrfischerei bei den finnisch-ugrischen Völkern. Eine vergleichende ethnographische Untersuchung. Helsingfors, 1906. 485 p. 607 figs. 4°.

Add. 1906.1

Review by Sigismund Bátky in Anz. Ethnog. Abth. Ungar. Nat. Mus., 1910, 5. Jahrg., 154156. 19 figs.

Sizov, A. The auditory labyrinth of cartilaginous fish (sturgeon, sterlet, and schiffa; Acipenser ruthenus, A. sturio, and A. schiffa) [Text in Russian] Sitzber. Naturf. Ges. Kazan, 1881, 9, no. 3. Add. 1881.1

Skeat, W. W. Malay magic, being an introduction to the folk-lore and popular religion of the Malay peninsula. London, 1900. Add. 1900.1 Fishing myths and ceremonies, p. 306-317; fishing with the kite at Singapore, p. 485.

Skeat, W. W., & Blagden, C. O. Pagan races of the Malay peninsula. 2 vols. New York, 1906. illust.

Add. 1906.1 Many notes on fish and fishing, particularly included in p. 200-223.

Skene Dhu [pseudon.] The mighty masheer, [Barbus mosal) and other fish, or hints to beginners on Indian fishing. 2 ed. Madras, 1906. 256 p. illust. Add. 1906.1

Sluiter, C. Ph. Ein merkwürdiger Fall von Mutualismus. 1888, 11, 240-243.

Zool. Anz., Add. 1888.1

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Notes on the edible qualities of German carp, and hints about cooking them. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1883, 3, 305-332. 18. Ann. Rept. Comm. Inland Fisheries, Massachusetts 1883 (1884), 56-83. Add. 1883.2

A statistical review of the production and distribution to public waters of young fish by the U. S. Fish Comm. from its organization in 1871 to the close of 1880. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1884), 9, 825-916. Add. 1884.1

Smiley, Charles W., & Scudder, Charles W. Chronological list of pamphlets, publications of the United States Fish Commission, from its organization in 1871 to January, 1885. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1885, 5, 41-48. Add. 1885.1

Smith, Colin. Shower of fishes in Argyleshire. Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., 1826, 1, 186-187. Add. 1826.1

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Note on a rare flying-fish (Cypselurus lütkeni). Science, 1905, n. s. 21, 746. Add. 1905.2 Second known specimen, from Beaufort, N. C.

Promotion of fishery trade between the United States and Japan. Pacific Fisherman, 1905, 3, no. 10, 8. Add. 1905.3 The sardine. Pacific Fisherman, 1905. 3, no. 1, 12-13.

Add. 1905.4 Case of epidemic carcinoma of Med. Ann.,

the thyroid in fishes. Washington, 1909, 3, 313.

Add. 1909.1

[Oral incubation in Apogon or Amial Proc. 4. Internat. Fishery Congr. Washington. Bull. Bur. Fisheries, 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 1069. Add. 1910.1 Refers to Philippine cheilodipterids.

The capture of a second specimen of Rhinodon typicus on the coast of Florida] Science, 1913, n. s. 38, 314. Add. 1913.1

The mysterious life of the common eel. Nat. Geogr. Mag. 1913, 11401146. Add. 1913.2

The story of the sturgeons (In Linthicum, J. C. Protection of our food fish) Congressional Rec., Washington, Oct. 17, 1913, 13-14).

Add. 1913.3 Commercial possibilities of the goosefish: a neglected food. Econ. Circ. no. 13, U. S. Bureau Fisheries, 1914. 5 p. Add. 1914.1

Pacific policy of the Bureau of Fisheries. Pacific Fisherman, Seattle, 1914, 12, no. 7, 7. Add. 1914.2

- Report of the United States commissioner of fisheries for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913. Rept. Comm. Fisheries, 1913 (1914). Add. 1914.3 Smith, H. M., Evermann, B. W., Cobb, J. N., & Kendall, W. C. The

fish and fisheries of the coastal waters of Florida. 54. Congress. Senate Document no. 100. 1897. 80 p.

Add. 1897.1

Smith, R. Whitefish and trout in lake Michigan. Rept. State Fish Comm. Illinois, 1906-08 (1908), 25-29. Add. 1908.1

Smith, (Miss) Rosa, afterwards Eigenmann [1859-] Note on the occurrence of Gasterosteus williamsoni Grd. in an artesian well at San Bernardino, Cal. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883 (1884), 6, 217. Add. 1884.1

On Tetraodon setosus, a new species allied to Tetraodon meleagris Lacep. Bull. California Acad. Sci., 1886, 6, 155-156. Add. 1886.1

Smith, William Anderson. Notes on the sucker fishes, Liparis and Lepadogaster. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1885-89 (1885), 9, 143–151. pl. with 10 figs. Add. 1885.1 Structure of sucker. Breeding habits. Parental care.

Smitt, Fredrik Adam [1839-1904] On Trachypteridernas stjertfena. Bio. Fören. Förhandl., 1888, 1, 17-21.

Add. 1888.1 Caudal rays of Trachypterus and Regalecus. Bedrifves det bohuslänska sillfisket på det för landet fördelaktigaste sätt. Aftryck. Landtbruks. Akad. Handl. Tijds., 1895, 55–64.

Add. 1895.1

Smyth, (Capt.) William Henry. Memoir descriptive of the resources, inhabitants and hydrography of Sicily and its islands, with a list of the principal fish, that frequent the Sicilian coasts and waters. London, 1824. Add. 1824.1 List of fishes with Sicilian and English names, appendix- p. lxvi-lxxiii.

Snow, Francis Huntington. Bibliography of scientific publications by members of the University of Kansas. Kansas Univ. Quart., 1899, ser. A, 8, 137-174. Add. 1899.1 Contains list of paleontological papers by F. H. Snow and S. W. Williston.

Snyder, Ch. D. Locomotion in Batrachoseps with severed nerve cord. Biol. Bull., Woods Hole, 1904, 7, 280288. Add. 1904.1

Sobotta, Johannes. Die Befruchtung des Eies von Amphioxus lanceo

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