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Nall, John Greaves. Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, chapters on the. natural history, etc. of the district, with statistics of the East Coast herring fishery, etc. London, 1867. 728 p. 8°. 4 maps. Add. 1867.1

Nanz, Fr. Beiträge zum Bezuge von Regenbogenforellen-Eiern aus Amerika. Fischerei Zeitg. Neudamm, 1911, 14, 833-836. Add. 1911.1

Nardo, G. D. [1802-1877] Proposizione par la formazioni di un nuovo generi di pesci, intitolato Brachyochirus. Ann. Sci. Reale Lomb. Venet., Padova, 1844, 13, 6-8. Add. 1844.1

Sopra due specie di pesci pubblicate come nuove dal prof. R. Molin. Osservazioni. Venezia, 1853.


16 p.

Add. 1853.1 Title from catalogue of the British Museum (Natural History). Bosgoed, and Carus & Engleman say 1854.

Nash, C. W. Fishes (In Check-list of the vertebrates of Ontario and catalogue of specimens in the biological section of the provincial museum, p. 451-452. Department of Education, Toronto, 1908.) Add. 1908.1

Fishes. (In Faull, J. H. Natural history of the Toronto region. Toronto, 1913, 249-271.) Add. 1913.1

Nash, D. W. On progressive development in the cold-blooded vertebrata. Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1833, 2, 465-474. Add. 1833.1

Fishes considered.

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Neal, Herbert Vincent. The mor phology of the eye-muscle nerves. Journ. Morphol., 1914, 25, 1-187. 9 pls. 4 text figs. Add. 1914.1

Squalus acanthias embryos used.

Neale, J. J. Pisces of the Bristol Channel (In James, Ivor (editor) Handbook for Cardiff and district, prepared for the use of the British Association. Cardiff, 1891. v. 244 p. illust. 8°.) Add. 1891.1

Neill, J. Catalogue of reptiles and fish found at King George's Sound. (In Eyre, E. J. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, &c. 2 vols. London, 1845. 1, appendix. 8°.) Add. 1845.1

Nelli, B. Il Miocene del monte Titano nella republica di San Marino. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1906, 5. ser. 15, 2. sem., 741-744.

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Neumann, R. O. Studien ueber protozoische Parasiten im Blute von Meeresfischen. Zeitschr. Hygiene Infektionskr., 1909, 14, 1-112. 6 pls.

Add. 1909.1

Nevin, James. Reminiscences of forty-one years' work in fish-culture. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1910 (1911), 313-318. Add. 1911.1

Newberry, John Strong [1822–1892]. For biography and bibliography, see White, Charles A. "Biographical memoir of John Strong Newberry, 1822-1892." Nat. Acad. Sci., Biographical Memoirs, 1902, 1-22.

The fauna and flora of the Trias of New Jersey and the Connecticut valley. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 188687 (1887), 1-5. Add. 1886.1

Newman, Edward [1801-1876] Some account of an enormous undescribed fish, apparently one of the Raidæ, killed by the crew of H.M.S." Frolic off the coast of California. Zoologist, 1849, 7, 2357-2358. Add. 1849.1

Describes Brachioptilon hamiltoni n. g. and n. sp.; synonym of Manta.

To replace Newbold, T. J., 1849.1; an error.

Aerating aquariums. Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 10, 4383-4384.

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[The fossil fishes of the Grays Thurrock area) (In Hinton, M. A., & Kennard, A. S. Contributions to the Pleistocene geology of the Thames valley. 1. The Grays Thurrock area. Essex Naturalist, 1900, 11, 336–370.)

Add. 1900.1

Nicolai, Joh. Aug. Heinr. Untersuchungen über den Verlauf und die Vertheilung der Venen bei einigen Vögeln, Amphibien und Fischen, besonders die Venen der Nieren betreffend. Isis, 1826, 404-416. Abstract in Bull. Nat. Sci. (Férussac), 1827, 10, 278-280. Add. 1826.1

Nicolas, Notice sur le petit poisson vulgairement connu à Caen sous le nom de montée. Trav. Labor. Caen, 1816, 11. Add. 1816.1

Nicoll, William. A contribution towards a knowledge of the entozoa of British marine fishes. Part I. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser., 19, 6694. 4 pls. Reviewed in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc., London, 1907, 170.

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Add. 1907.1

Essai sur

Nicolson, Père) l'histoire naturelle de St. Domingue. Paris, 1776. Add. 1776.1

Description and figure of batfish, p. 347-348. Nierstrass, H. F., Nengermann, A. A. & Kerbert, C. Gezeichnete Rheinlachse. Fischerei Zeitg. Neudamm, 1911, 14, 699-700. Add. 1911.1

Nieuwenhuis, A. W. In centrallBorneo. 2 vols. Leiden, 1900. illust. Add. 1900.1 Fishing with "tuba," etc. i, 204-215; ii, 47, 106-107.

Quer durch Borneo; Ergebnisse seiner Reisen in den Jahren 1894, 1896-1897, und 1898-1900. 2 vols. Leiden, 1904-07. illust. Add. 1904.1

Fishing implements, nets, spears, hooks, poisons (tuba), etc., vol. i, p. 186-195.

For frequent references to fishes and fishing methods, etc., see his detailed index.

Nilsson, Sven [1787-1883] For biographical notice and list of works, see Stock, Geol. För. Förh., 1884-85, 7, 143-144.

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Journ. Fisheries Bureau, Tokyo, 1901, 10, 1-12. pl. Add. 1901.1

Nitsche, P., & Weltner, W. Ueber einen neuen Hautparasiten (Tetramitus nitschei) an Goldfischen. Centralb. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Jena, 1894, 16, 25-30. 4 figs. Add. 1894.1

Noel, E. Treatise on management of freshwater fishes with a view to making them a source of profit to landed proprietors. London, 1841. 44 p. Add. 1841.1

Noetling, Fritz. Fauna of the Miocene beds of Burma. Palæont. Indica, 1901, n. s. 1, pt. 3, 1-378. 25 pls.

Pisces, pp. 372-377, pl. 25. Oxyrhina pagoda, n. sp., p. 372.

Add. 1901.1

Nordenskiöld, Adolf Erik. The arctic voyages of Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld 1858-1879. London, 1879. xiv, 447 p. illust. 8°. Add. 1879.1

Shark fishing, p. 132-133. Other scattered references to fishes.

Nordqvist, Harald. Papers listed as Nordqvist, O. F., 1908.2; 1911.1;

1912.1; 1913.1, and 1914.1, should properly be referred to this author.

Nordqvist, Oscar. For biography see Schneider, O. 1905.1

An American fish in Finland. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1894. 14, 27-28. Add. 1894.1

See also Nordqvist, O. F., 1893.4

Norny, E. R.

Artificial propagation Bull. U. S. Fish Add. 1885.1

of rockfish and eels. Comm. 1885, 5, 315.

Norris, Thaddeus. The Michigan grayling (In Mayer, A. M. Sport with gun and rod. New York, 1883, 493538. figs.) Add. 1883.1 Probably identical with Norris, T., 1879.1, and with Anon., no. 284, iii.

Northrup, A. Judd. Fishes and fishing in the Adirondacks. 8. & 9. Ann. Repts. Forests, Fish & Game Comm., N. Y., 1902-03 (1903), 275294. pls. Add. 1903.1

Nye (junior), Willard. catch and eat fish? Bull. Comm. 1883, 3, 196.

Do snakes

U. S. Fish Add. 1883.1

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Soc. New South Wales, 1888, 2. ser. 3, pt. 2, 1096. Add. 1888.4

Note on the cause of death of fishes in the National Park dam. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1888, 2. ser. 3, pt. 1, 890-891.

Add. 1888.5

Apogon guentheri an oral incubator] Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1889, 2. ser., 3, 1554.

Add. 1889.1 First record of oral gestation in Cheilodipterids.

The reptiles and fishes of Lord Howe Island. Mem. Austral. Mus.. 1889, 2, 52-74. 2 pls. Add. 1889.2

Digest of report on a collection of reptiles, batrachians, and fishes forwarded from St. Joseph river by Sir William MacGregor, administrator of British New Guinea. Ann. Rept. British New Guinea, 1889-1890 (1890), append. W, p. 116. Add. 1890.1

Report on a zoological collection from British New Guinea. I, Reptiles, batrachians and fishes. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1890 (1891), 1, 89.

Add. 1891.1

Edible fishes and crustaceans of New South Wales. Sydney, 1893. 212 p. 50 pls. Add. 1893.1 Published for distribution at World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893.

[Note on two genera of roughbacked herrings, Potamolosa (n. g.) and Hyperlophus Ogilby, distinct from Diplomystus). Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1896, 2. ser. 11 (21), 504–505. Add. 1896.1

See also Woodward, A. S. 1892.2.

Pisces (In his Contributions to a knowledge of the fauna of British New Guinea. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1898, 2. ser. 13 (23), 363) Add. 1898.1 Records seven species of freshwater fishes.

Ogilby, J. D., & Ramsay, E. P. See Ramsay & Ogilby.

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