| Edmund Waller - 1722 - 364 pages
...ill-chofen Stone, < , \^ , Soon brings a well-built Palace down. Poets that lafting Marble feek, Muft carve in Latin, or in Greek ; We write in Sand., our Language grows, And like our Tide ours overflows. , , Chaucer his Senfe can only boaft, The Glory of his Number's loft; Years... | |
 | Bibliography - 1722 - 466 pages
...ute ill-chofea Stone, ." Soon brings a well-built Palace down. Poets that laftinc Marble feek, Muft carve in Latin or in Greek.' We write in Sand, our Language grows, And like our Tide, often o'erflows. Our Author obferves, That among the Greeks and the Romans, Learning was... | |
 | Michel de La Roche - Bibliography - 1722 - 494 pages
...we ufe ill-chofen Stone, Soon brines a well-built Palace down. Poets that lafting Mnrble feek, Muft carve in Latin or in Greek.: We write in Sand, our Language grows, And like our Tide, often o'erflows. Our Author obferves, That among the Greek/ and. the I(omam, Learning was... | |
 | Edmund Waller - English poetry - 1744 - 496 pages
...well-built palace down. Poets that lafting marble feek, Muft carve in LATIN, or in GREEK: We write in fand, our language grows, And, like the tide, our work o'er-flows. CHAUCER his fenfe can only boaft; The glory pf his numbers loft ! Years have defac'd his matchlefs ftrain; And... | |
 | Joseph Warton - 1756 - 348 pages
...paflage of POPE. ' Poets that lafting marble feek, Muft carve in Latin or in Greek ; "We write in fand ; our language grows, And like the tide, our work o'erflows. Chaucer his SENSE can only boaft, The glory of his numbers loft ! Years have defac'd his matchlefs drain, And yet HE DID NOT SING... | |
 | Edmund Waller, Percival Stockdale - English poetry - 1772 - 330 pages
...well-built palace down. Poets that lafting marble feek, Muft carve in LATIN, or in GREEK : We write in fand, our language grows, And, like the tide, our work o'erflows. CHAUCER his fenfe can only boaft; The glory of his numbers loft ! Years have defac'd his matchlefs ftrain 3 And... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 276 pages
...well-built palace down. Poets that lafting marble feelc, Muft carve in Latin or in Greek: We write in fand ; our language grows, And, like the tide, our work o'erflows. Chaucer his ftnfe can only boaft; The glory of his numbers loft ! Years have defac'd his matchlefs ftrain ; And... | |
 | English periodicals - 1781 - 510 pages
...well-built palace down. Poets that lafting marble feek, Muft carve in Latin or in Greek. We write in fand : our language grows ; And, like the tide, our work o'erflows. Chaucer his fenfe can only boaft, The glory of his numbers loft : Years have defac'd his matchlefs ftrain; And... | |
 | James I (King of Scotland) - Music - 1783 - 270 pages
...of Scotland : Poets, that lafting marble feek, Muft carve in Latin, or in Greek : We write in fand ; our language grows ; And, like the tide, our work o'erflows. Chaucer his fenfe can only boafl, The glory of his numbers loft ! Years have defac'd his matchlcfs drain, And yet... | |
 | George Ellis - English poetry - 1790 - 346 pages
...well-built palace down. Poets, that lafting marble feek, Muft carve in Latin or in Greek : Wewriteinfand; our language grows, And, like the tide, our work o'erflows. Chaucer his fenfe can only boaft, The glory of his numbers loft! Years have defac'd his matchlefs ftrain, And yet... | |
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