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" Let wreaths of triumph now my temples twine, (The victor cried) the glorious prize is mine ! While fish in streams, or birds delight in air, Or in a coach and six the British fair, As long as Atalantis shall be read... "
An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope ... - Page 231
by Joseph Warton - 1806 - 416 pages
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Miscellaneous Poems and Translations

Alexander Pope - English poetry - 1712 - 368 pages
...LetWreaths of triumph now myTemples twine, (The Viftor cry'd) the glorious Prixe is mine! "While Fifh in Streams, or Birds delight in Air, Or in a Coach and Six the Britijh Fair, As long as Atalantis fhall be read, Or the fmall Pillow grace a Lady's Bed, While Vifits...
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Bell's Edition, Volumes 75-76

John Bell - English poetry - 1796 - 524 pages
...160 " Let wreaths of triumph now my temples twine, (The victor cry'd) the glorious prize is mine ! While fish in streams, or birds delight in air, Or...British fair, As long as Atalantis shall be read, 165 Or the small pillow grace a lady's bed, While visits shall be paid on solemn days, When num'rous...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: In Four Volumes Complete. With His Last ...

Alexander Pope - 1778 - 410 pages
...triumph now my temples twine, The Viftor cry'd, the glorious Prize is mine ! While fifh in ftreams, or birds delight in air, Or in a Coach and Six the Britifh Fair, As long as Atalantis fhall be read, ,16$ Or the fmall pillow grace a Lady's bed, While...
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The Works of the English Poets: Pope

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 406 pages
...Atalanti;, (hall be read, 165 Or the fmall pillow grace a Lady's bed, While vifits (hall be paid on folemn days, When numerous wax-lights in bright order blaze, While nymphs take treats, or affignations give, So long my honour, uame, and praife, (hall live I 170. What Time would fpare, from...
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A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Pope. Gay. Pattison ...

1794 - 918 pages
...fhall be read, Or the fmall pillow grace a lady's bed, While vifits (hall be paid on folemn ¿syi. When numerous wax-lights in bright order blaze, While nymphs take treats, or aflignation* give, So l.iiijjmyhonour.namc.and praifc.fliall live! 17: What time would fpare, from...
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The Rape of the Lock,: An Heroi-comical Poem,

Alexander Pope - Epic poetry, English - 1798 - 146 pages
...! ' Let wreaths of triumph now my temples twine,' The victor cry'd, ' the glorious prize is mine ! While fish in streams, or birds delight in air, Or...bed, While visits shall be paid on solemn days, When num'rous wax-lights in bright order blaze, While nymphs take treats, or assignations give, So long...
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The rape of the lock, an heroi-comical poem. Adorned with plates

Alexander Pope - 1801 - 140 pages
...! ' Let wreaths of triumph now my temples twine,' The victor cry'd, ' the glorious prize is mine ! While fish in streams, or birds delight in air, Or...bed, While visits shall be paid on solemn days, When num'rous wax-lights in bright order blaze, While nymphs take treats, or assignations give, So long...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: With His Last Corrections ..., Volume 2

Alexander Pope - 1804 - 236 pages
...! 160 Let wreaths of triumph now my temples twine, (The victor cry'd) the glorious prize is mine I While fish in streams, or birds delight in air, Or...British fair, As long as Atalantis shall be read, 165 Or the small pillow grace a lady's bed, While visits shall be paid on solemn days, When num'rous...
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The poetical works of Alexander Pope. With his last corrections ..., Volume 1

Alexander Pope - English poetry - 1807 - 316 pages temples twine," The victor cry'd, " the glorious prize is mine! While fish in streams, or hirds delight in air, Or in a coach and six the British fair, As long as Atalantis shall he read, . 165 Or the small pillow grace a lady's hed, While visits shall he paid on solemn days, V\...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Volume 1

Alexander Pope - 1807 - 474 pages temples twine," The victor cry'd, " the glorious priae is mine t Vhile fish in streams, or hirds delight in air, Or in a coach and six the British fair, As long as Atalautis shall he read, Or the small pillow grace a lady's hed, "While visits shall he paid on solemn...
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