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Non erat iis in diversorio locus. Luc. ii. 7.
Illi non locus est? Illum ergo pellitis? Illum?
Ille Deus, quem sic pellitis; ille Deus.

O furor humani miracula saeva furoris !
Illi non locus est, quo sine nec locus est.

There was no room for them in the inn.
No place for Him! So Him you drive away;
You drive away your God, your God. O, stay!
O height of human madness! wonders rare!
No place for Him! without Whom no place were.


In lacrymas Lazari spretas a Dirite. Lae, xvi.

Felix. 6, lacrymis, ó Lazare, ditior istis,

Quam qui purpureas it gravia inter opes: Illum eam ratili nova purpura vestiet ignia, Ile tras la rymas quam volet ene ras

Upon Lacera kia teares.

Rieb Lazara, rither in those gema, thy teara,
Than Lives in the rabe be wars:

He woumes them now; hot, 0, theyl kit fill wel
With the parle de mut were in Hell!

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Ipsius le crimen, quod tuit ipse, fuit.

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Cai, has a gry that Ciste fesses He is the Christ, Wroth that The Christ confesseth Christ He is! His fault that He is but Himself. I wis.

Thee shall I reckon priest? Strange priest is he

Who leaves not God His own Divinity!



Cum tot signa edidisset, non credebant in ewa. Joan. xii. 37. Non tibi, Christe, fidem tua tot miracula praestant ; ( verbi, ó dextrae dulcia regna tuae!

Non praestant? neque te post tot miracula credunt? Miraclum qui non credidit, ipse fuit.1

But though He had done so many miracle's before them, yet they believed not on Him.

For all Thy sign they still refuse Thee, Lord;
Those agn, blest symbols of Thy reign and word.
uch agne, and not believe? Sure, who did thus
Made unbelief at elf miraculous.


Barksdale, as before, thus renders the latter couplet:

After so many miracles done well,
If that believes not is a miracle.


Ad S. Andream piscatorem. Marc. i. 16.

Quippe potes pulchre captare et fallere pisces;
Centum illic discis lubricus ire dolis.
Heus, bone piscator! tendit sua retia Christus:
Artem inverte, et jam tu quoque disce capi.

To S. Andrew, fisherman.

How cleverly the fishes he beguiles!

He learns to use a hundred cunning wiles.

Ho, thou good Fisher: Christ casts out His net;
Now haste thou to be caught; for thee 'tis set.



Ego sum vox, &c. Joan. i. 23.

Vox ego sum, dicis: tu vox es, sancte Joannes?
Si vox es, genitor cur tibi mutus erat?
Ista tui fuerant quam mira silentia patris !
Vocem non habuit tunc quoque cum genuit.

I am the voice.

'I am the voice,' thou sayest. Thou holy John, If voice thou art, why was thy father dumb?

O silence strange! which as I muse upon,

I see thy voice from God, not man, did come.





Calm-flowing Sea greet Earth with kisses bland,
Earth unto Sea its bosom kind expand.

Let holy Peace on golden pinions steal,

Till each blest brow is mark'd with its own seal.
Ah, why elsewhere for this, need signs be sought?
To each blest brow tears seal enough have brought.
R. WI.


In die Conjurationis sulphureae.

Quam bene dispositis annus dat currere festis!
Post omnes Sanctos omne scelus sequitur.

Upon the Powder-day.

How fit our well-rank'd Feasts do follow!

All-mischiefe comes after All-Hallow.1



Deus sub utero Virginis. Luc. i. 31.

Ecce tuus, Natura, pater; pater hic tuus hic est:
Ille, uterus matris quem tenet, ille pater.

Pellibus exiguis arctatur Filius ingens,

Quem tu non totum, crede, nec ipsa capis. Quanta uteri, Regina, tui reverentia tecum est, Dum jacet hic coelo sub breviore Deus! Conscia divino gliscunt praecordia motu,

Nec vehit aethereos sanctior aura polos.

Query Is there a punning-play on Judas'' All Hail' (i.e. All Hallow) before the Betrayal? G.

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