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Ibañez, Vicente Blasco, 'Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis,' 228, 175— La Catedral,' 239, 336-340.

Ibsen, H., plays, 240, 60, 66—' The Wild Duck,' 241, 50. 'Idea Nazionale,' extracts from, 224, 252, 253, 259.

- of Progress, 234, 100-118. Idealism, the spirit of, 229, 122 et seq. Ideals in Politics, 242, 211–226. 'Il Resto del Carlino,' Journal, 223, 85.

Ilchester, Earl of, 'Henry Fox, First

Lord Holland,' 233, 375.

Iles, G. E., Governor of the Blue

Nile Province,' 223, 7.

Iliad, the, basis of the theme, 226, 4.

Illinois, State of, Agricultural College, grants, 228, 314.

C Illuminates,' secret sect founded, 237, 85.

Illyria, history, 224, 329-tribes, 330 -proposed creation of a Kingdom,


Imbert, Paul, L'Organisation de la Démocratie,' editor of, 233, 479. Immortality and Christian Belief, 227, 1-16.

Imperial Air Policy, An, 240, 74– 92.

College of Science, 238, 71, 82.

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Preference, 225, 326.

Reorganisation, Committee of, 225, 333.

Unity, Dominion Views on, 227, 113-160-(1) Australia, 113– 125-(2) New Zealand, 125-134 -(3) South Africa, 135–143-(4) Canada, 452-460.

Unity: The Practical Conditions, 229, 1-26-I. The Empire and its Components, 1-5—II. Allegiance and Sovereignty, 5-12-III. Constructive Methods, 12-18-IV. Parliament or Council? 18-26./

Unity and the Peace Treaty, 235, 286-306.

War Cabinet, 229, 16-18.

Imperialism, illusions, 224, 76.

Import trade, excess over exports, 225, 84, 543.

Impressionists, French, 234, 382.

Imprisonment and Prisons, 238, 375-391.

'In the mouth of Three Witnesses,' 225, 22 note,


Income, National, estimate, 227, 168; 230, 202; 232, 514.

tax and Super tax, yield from, 224, 208.

reform, 227, 32-36graduation scheme, 34, 174.

amount, 230, 195, 199.

net receipt, 239, 126 Commission, 129, 132, 138 schemes for the substitution, 136. Inconvertibility, meaning of the term, 223, 409.

'Indefatigable,' H.M.S., sunk, 226,

Independent Church, 234, 265, 268.
Labour Party, founded, 234,
318, 330.
India, adoption of the gold-exchange
standard, 223, 413.

The Co-operative Movement in, 225, 368-382.

under Lord Hardinge, 226, 99-115.

- Co-operative Movement, 226, 352.

Industrial Movement in, 227, 297-313.

A New: The Malay States, 228, 388-402.

effects of the war on the Mahomedans, 229, 499–502.


Child Education in, 229, 516

Constitutional Reform in, 230, 401-421.

a Nation, Is ? 230, 422-432. administration, 235, 241, 418: 238, 416; lives of the peasants. 235, 243.

Memorial on Political Reform, 236, 42-Montagu-Chelmsford reforms, 46-51, 60-system of


Dyarchy, 48-Legislative Assembly, 50-Government of India Bill, 51-Rowlatt Sedition Inquiry Commission, 52-Defence Act, 53 -riots, 54-the Khalifat Committee, 55-scheme of non-co operation, 57-61-elections for the Legislative Councils, 59. India, The Outlook in, 238, 130–


Bolshevik propaganda, 239, 195-result of policy, 212.

The Future of, 240, 276-290.
British Empire of, 241, 70.

India, 242, 145-161-administra-
tion, 468.

Indian Agriculture, The Future
of, 226, 343-364.

Army, organisation, 234, 245.
Art, 223, 507-526.

Association, 230, 80.

Cotton Duties, 227, 528-541.

Famine Commissions, Reports of the, 226, 348, 349.

Irrigation Commission, Report of the, 226, 343.

Problems and Sir Alfred Lyall, 234, 56–72.

Tariff Act, of 1894..227, 529.

Wheat and the War, 224, 94-107.

Indictment against Christianity
229, 27-48.

Indigo, production of, 224, 522.
Individualism, the term, 242, 14.

Accidents: Their
Causation and Prevention, 232,


Industrial Co-operation Conference, New York, 237, 293-conscription, 295.

Council, A National, 233, 451-469.

Council for the Building In

dustry, 233, 464.

Courts Act, 233, 458.


of Plotinus,' 231, 480 The White
Man and his Rivals,' 235, 234-
'Catholicism at the Cross-Roads,'
240, 1.—on the bee-hive, 241, 291.

Ingleby, C. M., 'The Shakespeare
Controversy,' 236, 230 note.

Ingoldsby, Thomas, 226, 550. See

Movement in India, 227, 297- Ingres, J. D. A., paintings, 239, 267.



Reconstruction, 226, 295–317.

Innes, Cosmo, 'Lectures on Scotch
Legal Antiquities,' 225, 443.

Scientific Research, 224, 520-Inoculation against typhoid fever,

system, controversies, 241, 441. Industries, dislocation caused by the war, 225, 314-organisation, 328 --co-operation, 329.

Industry, The Economic Future of Women in, 232, 73–89.

and Employment, The Effect of the War on, 223, 266–281.

The Problem of Modern, 237, 275-297.

and Trade, The Effect of a Capital Levy on, 233, 42–61.

and Trade, English and German Banking in Relation to, 226, 532-547.

224, 159,

Insanity, cases of, 232, 298-treat-
ment, 298-300.

Insect pests in New Zealand, methods
to exterminate, 240, 104.
Instituto Nazionale di Credito per le
Co-operative, 235, 437.

Insua, Alberto, stories on the in-
vasion of France, 228, 175.
Insurance Act, 238, 284.
Intellectual Status of Theological
Belief, The, 241, 124–141.

Intelligence Department, 235, 129.

Intemperance, Female, 233, 122– 139.

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Iñes de Castro and Pedro of International,' founded, 234, 335. Portugal, 224, 356–378.

Infant mortality, 225, 128; 228, 470 -principal causes, 471.


Labour Office, The, 235, 191–

Relations, 238, 163–179.

'Inflexible,' H.M.S., 223, 299, 605,
607 at the Falkland Islands, 300.
Inge, Rev. W. R., Dean of St. Paul's,
Patriotism,' 224, 71-'True and
False Ideals of Progress,' 227, 10—
"The Indictment against Chris-
tianity,' 229, 27- The Philosophy Ionia, State of, 239, 177.

Internment Camp, The Psy-
chology of an, 231, 396–408.
'Invincible,' H.M.S., 223, 299, 607-
at the Falkland Islands, 300-
sunk, 241, 113, 121.

[blocks in formation]

Irak under Turkey, 232, 401-411-Irish-Americans, hostility to Engduring the War, 411-423.

Ireland, seditious newspapers, extracts from, 223, 149, 150-Home Rule, German propangada in the United States, 454-Amending Bill, 557, 559-Suspensory Bill, 560.

Parliament of, under Grattan's Constitution, analogy between the Scottish Parliament, 225, 452-454 -proposed reduction of expenditure, 522.

agricultural policy, 227, 187191-control of the railways, 192 -outbreak of rebellion, 231, 236, 285-geographical conditions, 562 -relations with Great Britain, 562, 563, 566.

Sinn Fein and Germany, 230, 214-235.

and Federalism, 232, 445-470.

National Land Bank founded, 235, 440.

Ireland, 236, 155-171; 237, 203218; 238, 198-212.

: Hopes and Fears, 238, 392

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land, 230, 91.

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Rome, and the Republicans, Iron and Steel Industry of Great 240, 404-419. Britain, 227, 542-United States, 543-Germany, 543-557.

Sinn Fein outrages, 241, 189Home Rule Bill, 190-Land Acts, 435-Disestablishment of Church, ib.-Home Rule, 436.

To-day, 242, 361-375. 'Irische Blätter, review, 230, extract from, 229.

Irish Act of 1920..242, 366.


Iron-ore industry, 228, 412.

Irving, Washington, 'The Sketchbook,' 229, 357.

'Is Germany Guilty?' 234, 313. 228-Isaacs, Sir Rufus, Lord Chief Justice

of England, 241, 374. See Read



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of the, 233, 288-303.

Isaacs, S. H., 'The True Boundaries Italian Settecento, Some Aspects

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'Isis,' origin of, 228, 345.

Islam? A Revolt of, 223, 66-77.

and the War, 229, 489-515. League for the Liberation of, 239, 188.

Ismail, Khedive of Egypt, division of the Sudan, 223, 3-characteristics, 226, 29-31.

Kemal Bey, Albania and the Albanians,' 228, 140-advice to the Sultan, 150-at Cettinje, 152interview with Prince Mirko, 153 -journey to Valona, 154-attends the national congress, 156elected President of the Provisional Governnent, ib.-receives the Duc de Montpensier, 158attends the Conference in London, 159-returns to Valona, 161, 166appeal to the Powers, 161-views on the choice of Prince William of Wied, 162-President of the Committee of Public Safety, 167.

Ismet Pasha, Commander-in-Chief of the Turkish army, 239, 171 note. Isotopes, 241, 324.

Istria, population, 229, 182.

Isvolsky, Alexander, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 225, 169-Memoirs of, 236, 402, 406-characteristics, 407, 414-negotiations with Count Aehrenthal, 408-relations with Nicholas II, 413-policy, 415, 417-report of the interview at Reval, 237, 161.

Italian Art, 239, 258.

Crisis, Dramatis Persona of the, 224, 248-265.

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