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number of schools in Turkey, 227, 158-need to organise the food supply, 179- agricultural policy, 181, 186, 195-use of agricultural motors, 195-ploughs, 199 tractors, 200 number of acres under cultivation, 318agricultural workers, 318, 322population, 321, 328-adoption of Free Trade, 322-position in commerce, 329-relations with Italy, 375, 383, 387-iron and steel industry, 542-competition with Germany, 543-creative inventions, 544-criticism of methods, 545—output of iron, 547, 551-reconstruction of Associations, 555— policy of international agreement, 556-relations with Ireland, 562,


falling-off in the export trade


to Turkey, 228, 296-298-the Consular service, 298, 308-number of foreign banks, 306-want of adaptibility, 310-use of a foreign agent, 311-carelessness in executing orders, 312-defects of the commercial traveller, 314-want of foresight, 384, 386-commercial rivalry with Germany, 403, 412the Bagdad Railway negotiations, 487-528-position in the Persian Gulf, 513, 518-negotiations with Germany, 522–527.

Great Britain, emancipation of serfdom, 229, 405-development of capitalist production, 407-manufacturers and profiteers, 408-classwar between capital and labour, ib.-fall of Capitalism, 409-Cooperative Communism, 412-banking system before the war, 481-83 -maritime commerce, 484.

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hostility of Ireland, 236, 155– 157-policy, 169-171-number of telephones, 308.

position, 237, 181—navy disarmaments proposal, 181-184total tonnage to be scrapped, 182 -strength of the fleet in 1924..183 -submarine tonnage, 186 notewithdraws from the Brussels Sugar Convention, 192-trade with the West Indies, 197-199-mail service, 200-Articles of Agreement with Ireland, 214-number of under arable cultivation, 321-fruit and vegetables, ib.-returns of live stock, 322.




Great Britain, Articles of Agreement with Ireland, 238, 198, 206.

number of newspapers, 239, 84.

number of service air machines, 240, 75-coal, 108-danger from Bolshevism, 321-number of motor-cars, 323, 324-acreage and yield of wheat, 341.

relations with Denmark, 241, 205 with Russia, 207-foreign policy, 208-opposition to the French occupation of the Rhine, 385..

relations with Greece, 242, 335. Greathouse, Charles H., 'Historical Sketch of the United States Department of Agriculture,' 228, 315. Greece, war against Turkey, 223, 241; 239, 170, 174, 178, 213relations with the Balkan States, 223, 427-policy, 437, 447-hostility to Bulgaria, 437-influence on Indian Art, 509.

diplomacy of the Allies, 225, 185-187; 228, 268-appeal from Serbia to fulfil her treaty obligations, 225, 220-policy of neutrality, 223, 226-agreement with the Allies, 227-treachery to Serbia,

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Orthodox Church,' 122-position and education of the clergy, ib.superstitions dying out, 123-relation of the bishops to the parochial clergy, ib.-the work of two Synods, 124.

Greece, shipping losses, 232, 473, 474. position in Asia Minor, 234,


extension of territory, 235, 403 note, 409-result of the election, 410.

claims territories, 239, 163occupies Smyrna, 165-167-foreign relations, 173-retreat of the army, 175, 178-occupies Anatolia, 176 - evacuates it, 178 evacuates Thrace, 180.

foreign policy, 242, 335, 342need for unity, 342-344. Greek architecture, 236, 379.

Fear of Life, The, 242, 41-54. Poetry in English Verse, 224, 297-326.

Portraits in the British Museum, 234, 22-40.

Greeks, ideal of patriotism, 224, 79. total number, 229, 582-refugees, 583.

character, 231, 384.

driven out of Smyrna, 242, 334.

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Greg, W. R., Essays on Political and Social Science,' 234, 235.

Gregory of Nazianzus, lines on bees, 241, 275.

IX, Pope, condemnation of the Modernists, 240, 10.

Grenfell, Julian, 'Into Battle,' 230, 386.

Greville Diary, extract from, 223, 217 note.

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Grey, C. G., Editor of The Aeroplane,' 227, 203, 210 note, 212 note.

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on the 'Resurrection of Hungary,' 229, 239, 245-the creator of the policy Sinn Fein, 239-character, 237, 208 -death, 238, 396-characteristics, 397.

Griffiths, Percival, on the ill-treatment of natives by the Germans, 229, 392.

Grimm Dictionary, 240, 178.

Grodno, evacuated, 224, 575.

Grose, F., Military Antiquities,' 225, 418 note.

Grosse Politik,' 239, 280–282, 285, 286.

Grote, Mrs, Life of her husband,' 231, 22.

Grotefend, E. L., Die Edelherren von Boldensele oder Boldensen,' 227, 342 note.

Lord, of Fallodon, criticism on his foreign policy, 223, 147; 241, 186-opposition to the Union of 1814..223,221-memorandum on a blockade, 224, 229, 242-failure to understand the policy of Germany, 225, 165-attitude towards the Balkan States, 169, 183-on the policy of Germany in the Balkan Grueneisen, V. de,' Le Portrait,' 234, States, 179-tribute to Belgium, 189 characteristics, 261-views

Grotius, Hugo, on International Law, 229, 235.

Groves, General, on the military aeroplanes of Germany, 242, 449



Modern Settings: being versions of the Greek Anthology by various writers,' edited by, 224, 324-326"The Place-Names of England,' 228, 333.

on a policy of blockade, 268, 278-Grundy, Dr G. B., ' Ancient Gems in
member of the War Council, 227,
513-policy in the Balkan States,
228, 353-on the Bagdad Railway,
512, 523-foreign policy, 237, 155
et seq.-on the need for economy,
239, 140-relations with W. H.
Page, 311.

Grierson, H. J. C., 'Poems of Lord
Byron,' Preface to, 241, 250.

William Voris, on the system of bribery payments in the Elberfeld Co., 232, 22-24-work on chemicals, 33.

Sir James, commanding the II Gsell, Paul, 'Anatole France and his Corps, 232, 353-death, ib.

Circle,' 239, 141.

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Guerre, L'Europe au Cours de Gunkel, Hermann, 'Psalmen,' 230,
la, et la Question Polonaise,
230, 474-503.

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Guevara, Velez de, play 'Reinar despues de morir,' 224, 377. Guiccioli, Countess, relations with Lord Byron, 237, 449.

Guild Socialists, the, 229, 436; 230,

327; 233, 463; 237, 280.

Guilds League, the National, 234, 331.

Guitry, Sacha, plays, 240, 68; 237, 348.

Guizot, M., Memoirs,' 223, 218 note, 222 note-letters from Thiers, 228, 282, 284—on the Entente Cordiale, 233, 255-policy, 256-dispatch from Count Mortier, 264-266. Gumbum Abbey, 227, 62, 71. Gummere Richard M., Matthew Arnold,' 241, 142.


Gunnery, School of, 235, 127.

Guns, The Sound of Big, 226, 216-227.

Gunshot Wounds, The Early Treatment of, 226, 452-469.

Gupte, B. A., 'Hindo Holidays and Ceremonials,' 236, 325.

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tion in India,' 229, 516.

Haase, Herr, Imperial Union of Haig and Foch, 239, agricultural co-operative societies, Haigh, E. Agnes, R., 'Child Educa227, 431, 435. Habibullah, Ameer of Afghanistan, policy, 229, 506-508-Malik-ulIslam, 515.

Habsburgs, The Last of the, I. The Emperor Francis Joseph, 235, 60-67-II. Archduke Franz Ferdi. nand, 67-78-III. Karl the First and Last, 78-83.

Haines, C. R., 'Recent Shakespearean Research,' 236, 225; 237, 1.

Haiti, administration, 238, 147, 161.

Hakewell, George, on the merits of the ancients and moderns, 234, 112.

Hadjanesti, General, Commander-in-Hakki Pasha, negotiations, 228, 518,

Chief of the Greek army, 239, 178 -shot, ib.

Hadley, Arthur T., 'Railway Transportation: Its History and its Laws,' 232, 155.

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Haggard, Sir H. R., Rural Denmark and its Lessons,' extract from 225, 30-' Rural England,' 242, 118. Hague Conference, 224, 224, 234, 245; 231, 211–213.

Conventions at the Peace Conference, 223, 565, 566, 576. Haidar Pasha, Port of, destruction, 235, 327.

Haifa, German settlement at, 226, 415-trade, 420.

Haig, Earl, congratulations to the troops, 230, 514.

Sir Douglas, Despatches of,

233, 101–121.

address at the British

Legion, 238, 328,


Hakluyt, Richard, 'The Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation, 230, 260; 236, 78-80-lines to the bee, 241, 279.

Society, Council of the, 236, 80, 82-publications, 83–91. Haldane, Lord, on the Expeditionary Force, 223, 131-result of his visit to Germany, 225, 166-views on army organisation, 254-his Territorial Forces Act, 435-member of the War Council, 227, 513-on the question of teaching areas, 228, 445 Life of Goethe,' 235, 340, 351-Committee on the Machinery of Government, 421 et seq.


and Relativity, 236,

relations with Lord Morley, 241, 185, 188-friendship with Lord Morley, 352-opinion of him, 354,

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