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Astor, Waldorf, The Health of the Austen-Leigh, W. and R. A., 'Life People,' 228, 486. and Letters of Jane Austen,' 232, 302 note.

Astrology, the science, 240, 295, 304. Athanasian Creed, character, 242,


Athene, site of the temple, 226, 8. Athens, system of equalitarianism, 236, 140.

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Atkins, J. B., Life of W. H.

Russell,' extract from, 239, 86.

Atkinson, Meredith, 'Australia: Economic and Political Studies,' edited by, 236, 1.

Atlay, J. B., views on International Law, 224, 422.

Atom, The, 241, 311-328.

Atteridge, Mr,' Napoleon's Brothers,' 224, 468.

Aubert, George, 'La Folie FrancoAllemande,' 234, 304.

'Audacious,' H.M.S., loss of, 223, 154, 157; 234, 128.

Audoux, Mme, Marie-Claire,' 225, 68.

Auer, Dr, Mental Hygiene,' 232, 299 note.

Augier, G., character of his dramas, 237, 334.

Augustovo, battle of, 223, 88, 102. Aumale, Henri d'Orleans, Duc d', collections of works of art, at Chantilly, 240, 365-370-exiled, 366.

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Austin, Alfred, on the staff of the
Standard,' 227, 357.

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Mrs Sarah, portrait, 239, 41–— literary works, 43, 44-correspondence, 43-49.

Australia, navy, 223, 122 note.

-, transport of the wheat crop, 225, 474.

Australia, 227, 113-economic de velopment, 114-establishment of federation, 115-foundation of a system of defence, ib.-advantages and disadvantages of self-government, 116-118-liability involved by membership of the Empire, 118 -result of the Imperial Conference, 119-the Committee of Imperial Defence, 120-proposed scheme of union, 121-125-disadvantages of the confederate system, 122.

fleet of steamers, 232, 484contracts for shipbuilding, 485.

result of admitting Asiatics, 233, 369-373-three futures, 372.

exclusion of Asiatics, 235, 247, 250-isolated position, 292.

: Economic and Political Studies,' extract from, 236, 21democratic republic, 132, 136number of telephones, 308.

Infelix; The Problem of the Northern Territory, 238, 180– 197.

State Paternalism in, 240, 137-151.

Jane; A Personal Aspect,

family allowance scheme, 242,

232, 301-317.



Australian Commonwealth, three
stages, 236, 1-3-Workers' Union,

Labour and Australian
Ideals, 236, 1-23.
Austria, Modern, 224, 463–482.

revolution in Vienna, 231, 263-272-terms of peace, 268-a federal state, 268; 237, 121constitution, 231, 270-conditions of the armistice, 271; 232, 236abdication of the Emperor Carl, 231, 272-proclaimed a republic, ib.

-, Treaty of Peace signed, 235, 11-provisions, 13.

restoration of the Monarchy, 237, 118-123-attitude of the working class, 122.

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reconstitution, 241, 4. Austria-Hungary, opposition to Nationalism, 223, 78-alliance with Germany, 79; 234, 205-strength of the army, 223, 103-retire from the San, ib.-number of ships lost, 115-punitive expedition' against Serbia, 124, 290-292result of the campaign, 126–129— defeat at the battle of the Drina, 128-casualties, 129-annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 247, 424, 445-economic condition, 388 -agricultural industry, ib.amount of trade, 389-policy to promote discord between the Balkan States, 431, 433-ultimatum to Serbia, 439-military convention with Roumania, 447-military operations against Russia, 583594; 224, 266–275, 566-581; 228, 540-inactivity of the fleet, 223,


-, military operations against Italy, 224, 275-279, 585; 226,


239, 580; 227, 232, 250; 228, 262266, 537-539; 229, 276-285; 230, 246-248; 231, 253-255, 266— possessions on the Adriatic coast, 224, 332-Treaty of Vienna, 334— Italian character of the maritime provinces, 335-policy, 338various nationalities, 339, 466— treatment of enemy aliens, 424yield of crops, 453, 458-number of casualties, 561. Austria-Hungary, policy in Serbia, 225, 168-military operations on the Bessarabian frontier, 548.

military operations in Volhynia, 226, 240-value of exports to Roumania, 399-tariff war with, 400-trade with Palestine, 420.

military operations in Roumania, 227, 254-261-relations with Italy, 372, 376; 235, 74— strength of the navy, 227, 471bombardment of Cattaro, 473attacks on the shores of the Adriatic, 474.

military operations in Moldavia, 228, 542.

-, military despotism, 229, 78municipal kitchens, 172-the Southern Slavs, 176-204-military decadence, 573.

policy in the Balkans, 230, 168, 175-Treaty with Serbia, 168.

defeat of the army, 231, 255— surrender, 262.

negotiations for peace, 232, 231-233-note circulation, 497– Public Debt, 499.

on the question of Vorarlberg, 233, 447-449.

result of the system of 'scientific economy,' 234, 209-political structure of the new Republic,

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210-213-work of reconstruction, Austrian and German Alliance,

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Bach, Johann Christian, friendship with Zoffany, 227, 49-death, 50.

and Shakespeare, 239, 360379.

Bacon, Sir Francis, views on militarism, 224, 78-essay 'On the True Greatness of Kingdoms,' 225, 425-' De augmentis scientiarum,' 230, 282-on progress, 234, 108— Novum Organum,' 109 'Advancement of Learning,' ib. -will, 236, 228-essay on Suspicion, 241, 280-essay' Of Great Place,' 345.

-, Roger, discovery of gunpowder, 226, 452-scientific work, 240, 306.

Badajos, capture of, 241, 263. Baddeley, W. St Clair, 'PlaceNames of Gloucestershire,' 228, 347 note.

Baden, Karl Friedrich, Duke of,

administration, 231, 47.

- Prince Max of, appointed Chancellor, 235, 139.

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Baethgen, F., Commentary on the Psalms,' 230, 4.

Bagehot, Walter, views on currency, 228, 63- The English Constitution,' 229, 22-on the office of Prime Minister, 237, 378-essay on Gladstone, 241, 144. Baghdad, the Caliphate of, 224, 173.

-, capture of, 227, 589; 233, 116, 120.

-, condition, 232, 413, 417primary schools opened, 418. occupied, 234, 417.

Railway, 223, 243; 226, 415, 428; 227, 149, 155-157; 228 307; directors, 228, 300.

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Bahadur, Raja Sobhanadri Appa Rao, Zemindar of Telaprole, antiReform speech, 236, 47. Bahrdt, K. F., founder of The German Union,' 237, 93. Bailey, John, 'Some Books on the War,' 224, 483-' A New Life of Wordsworth,' 226, 116-'Swinburne,' 228, 228- Keats and Sir Sidney Colvin,' 229, 459-'Sermons of a Poet,' 233, 317'Records of Longevity,' 236, 226 note.


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Sir Samuel, Cyprus as I saw

it in 1879,' 227, 418.

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Prof., Botany and Religion,' 227, 450.

Bakewell, Robert, improvements in Balkan League, 223, 446.

cattle breeding, 242, 110.

Baku, evacuated, 230, 524.

Government established at, 234, 430-oil industry, 432; 238, 56-Bolshevik Gummet at, 234,


capital of Azerbaijan, 238, 56. -, congress at, 239, 184, 191occupied by Bolsheviks, 190.

Baldwin, Charles, purchases

James' Chronicle,' 227, 354.

peninsula, result of the return of the Turks, 242, 337-345.

Settlement and Greece, 229,


States, policy, 223, 84-wars, 249; 224, 341; 225, 168, 173; 227, 378.

and the War, 223, 424–




Rt Hon. Stanley, correspondence with the Denison House Committee, 240, 193-on extravagance of the Government, 203on the League of Nations, 241, 7— mandate for Tariff Reform, 212, 219-policy, 242, 371, 464. Balfour, Earl, on the German fleet, 224, 592-'Theism and Humanism,' 225, 301-308--on the rise in freights, 481-introduction to 'Politik,' 226, 177-criticism of Treitschke's doctrines, ib.-on the battle of Jutland, 286, 293"Imperial Defence,' 227, 99 noteon the magnitude of the work of

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