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Actium, 144

Acts, 12, 19, 46, 143, 266
Aculeate, 260
Adamant, 80
Addison, Joseph, 75

Address to the Deil, xci, 105
Ado, 36

Adulatore et amico, De, 44
Adust, 171

Advancement, 164
Advancement of Learning, xliv,
lii, 5, 10, 18, 25, 28, 34, 43,
50, 57, 61, 69, 71, 84, 106,
132, 204, 234, 235, 240,
261, 270

Adventure, 5, 163

ADVERSITY, OF, lxxi, xciv, 22

Advised, 81

Advoutress, 87

Aeneid, 61, 137, 165

Aeschines, 135

Aesop, 179, 202, 204, 243

A Cat and Venus, 180

A Cock and a Diamond, 55
A Fly upon a Wheel, 243
Momus, 204

Aesopi fabulae Graeco-latinae,

Aesopi Phrygis et Aliorum Fa-
bulae, 244

Aestivation, 209

Affect, 3, 180

Affection, 31

After, 181

Agamemnon, 17

Agesilaus II., 37, 187, 202
Agricolae, Vita Julii, 9, 242

Agrippa, 121

Alchemist, The, 172
Alcibiades, 197

Alcibiades, Life of, 199

Alcoran, 71

Alexander the Great, 83, 88,

134, 166, 198

Alexander, Life of, 166

Alfonso X., 249
All one, 263
Allay, 6

Alley, 100

Allow, 79

All's Well that Ends Well, 183
Almaigne, 268

Almost, 197


Amos, 252

Amyot, Jacques, lxxvi, 76
Anabaptist, 18

Anathema, 57

Anatomy of Melancholy, The,
3, 22, 77

Anaxagoras, xxx

And, 108

ANGER, OF, 258

Angry, 261

Annales, 9, 25, 86, 102, 104,

121, 164, 241

Anselm, St., 88
Answer, 192
Antecamera, 209
Antic, 177

Antimasque, 177
Antiochus III., 244

Antoninus Pius, 235

Antony, 21, 43, 120, 121, 135,
144, 236

Antony and Cleopatra, 43, 77,
124, 227

Antony, Life of, lxxvi, 57
Apelles, 198

Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae,


Apologie or aunswer in_defence
of the Church of England,

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Ancient of Gray's Inn, xxii,

Anecdotes of, xx, xxi, xxiii,
xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, xxxiv,
xxxix, xliii, liii, lvii
Attorney-General, xlvii
Baron Verulam, xlvii
Birth, xv

Character, lvii, lviii, xcv, xcvi
Death and burial, liii, liv
Diplomatic service, xxii, xxiii
Fall and condemnation,
xlviii, xlix, 1, li
Knighthood, xliv

Lord Chancellor, xlvii
Lord Keeper, xlvii
Marriage, xliv

Member of House of Com-
mons, xxvi, xxvii, lxvi, xcii,

Portraits, liv, lv, lvi, lvii
Privy Councillor,_xlvii
Queen's Counsel Extraor-
dinary, xxxvii, xxxix, xli,

Solicitor-General, xlv
Undergraduate, xx, xxi, xxii
Viscount St. Alban, xlvii
Will, liv, lvii, lviii

Advancement of Learning,
xliv, lii, 5, 10, 18, 25, 28,
34, 43, 50, 57, 61, 69, 71,
84, 106, 132, 204, 234,
235, 240, 261, 270
Apology in Certain Imputa-
tions concerning the late
Earl of Essex, xxxvii, xlii,
Apophthegmes New and Old,
lii, lxxxvii, 20, 24, 35, 55,
67, 69, 84, 96, 100, 112,
125, 197, 199, 239, 260

Augmentis Scientiarum, De,
xxiii, lii

Controversies of the Church
of England, An Advertise-
ment touching the, xxviii
Colours of Good and Evil,
Of the, xxxvii
Commentarius Solutus, lxiv,


Custumae aptae ad Indivi-
duum, xxvii

Declaration of the Practises
and Treasons attempted

and committed by Robert
late Earle of Essex, A,

Discourse of the Plantation
in Ireland, lxvii

Essaies (second edition),
xlvii, lxx, 183, 200
Essayes (first edition),

Essayes or Counsels, Civill
and Morall, lii, lxi, lxiii,
lxvii, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxvii,
lxxix, lxxx, lxxxii, lxxxv,
lxxxviii, xc, xciv, xcv, xcvi,
129, 207

Francis Bacon (Great Eng-
lishmen of the Sixteenth
Century), lvii

Francis Bacon: His Life and
Philosophy, liv, lvi
Historie of the Raigne of
King Henry the Seventh,
The, lii, 137, 167

Instauratio Magna, xlviii
Letter of Advice to Queen
Elizabeth, xxvii, xxviii
Letter to Lord Burghley,
xxix, xxx, xxxi
Lord Bacon, lv, lxxx

Masques, xxxii, xlvii, xlviii,
lxv, lxxxii

Meditationes Sacrae, xxxvii
Novum Organum, xlviii
Opera Moralia et Civilia, lii
Saggi Morali del Signore

Francesco Bacono, 129
Sapientia Veterum, De, xlvii,
23, 129

Sermones Fideles sive Inte-
riora Rerum, lii
Sylva Sylvarum: or A Na-
tural History, xxi, xxiii,
xxiv, lii, liii, lxi, 175, 179,

Temporis Partus Maximus,
xxviii, xlviii

Union of the Kingdoms of
England and Scotland.
Certain Articles or Consid-
erations touching the, lxvii

Works of Francis Bacon,
The, liii, lv, lvi, lvii, 15,
37, 54, 61, 62, 76, 90, 91,
94, 154, 165, 178, 182,
199, 204, 270
Works of Francis Bacon,
Lord Chancellor of Eng-
land, The, lv

Bacon, Sir Nathaniel, xvii, liv
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, xv, xvi,
xvii, xxiv, li, liv, lv, lxv, 220
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 2d, xvii
Bajazet II., 88
Banquet, 206

Barberry, 215

Barnham, Alice, xliv

Barnham, Benedict, xlv

Barriers, 177

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