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ment of his affairs. He purchased a beautiful country residence, a few miles from the city of New York, where he hoped to enjoy much pleasure in rural occupation, and in the social intercourse of a wide circle of relations and friends. But pleasing prospects soon disappeared; for, not long after his determination to retire, he was arrested by the hand of sickness. The fever with which he was afflicted left a great weakness in his limbs, and his health and strength became so much impaired as to induce him, by the advice of his physicians and friends, to try the air and climate of England.

In the year 1785, he went to England, and, in a short time, found himself considerably relieved in the general state of his health, but not to that degree as to render it prudent for him to return to America. He settled in Yorkshire, and purchased a house pleasantly situated about a mile from York, where he continues to reside. The weakness of his limbs gradually increased, so that for some years he has found himself incapable of walking more than a few steps in the course of a day, without great inconvenience. He is, however, able to ride in his carriage an hour or two every day, and in summer he is frequently drawn about his garden, in a chair conveniently made for the purpose. To a person distinguished, as Mr. Murray had been, for health, strength, and agility, this confine ment must have been, at first, a heavy misfortune. At present, no one would suppose him to be under the influence of affliction. Time and reflection seem to have perfectly reconciled him to his situation.

Deprived of the usual occupations and amusements of life, and of the common occasions of doing good to others, he has very happily and generously turned his attention to compose literary works, for the benefit chiefly of the rising generation. In this benevolent employ he has found great satisfaction, and met with uncommon success. His English Grammar, with the exercises

and the key, has been much approved of by the public, and adopted in most of the principal seminaries in England. It has passed through many large editions in that country, and been frequently reprinted in Ire land and America.

The merit of this work, and the high character given of it in the different reviews, induced his booksellers to offer him a very considerable sum for the copy-right, which he thought proper to accept. The copy-right of his Introduction to the English Reader, the English Reader itself, and the Sequel to that work, together with the abridgment of the Grammar, all of which have been much commended for their chaste and judicious execution, were disposed of for very liberal prices. Mr. Murray's latest work is "Le Lecteur Francais," a book on the plan of the English Reader. It has already received some very favourable and respectable public as well as private testimonies, and it bids fair to enhance Mr. Murray's repu、 tation, as a writer who is solicitous to improve the taste and understanding, and to form the heart of his young readers. The copy-right of this work also has been disposed of very advantageously.

But this gentleman's views in writing are not mercenary. Hav ing began his literary career from disinterested motives, he has constantly devoted all the profits of his works to charitable purposes; to the benefit of institutions for the relief of the poor and distressed; to assist the needy in procuring education for their children; and to render comfortable those who are more in straitened circumstances.

The work which Mr. Murray first published, and which appears to afford him peculiar satisfaction, is "The Power of Religion on the Mind, in Retirement, Affliction, and at the approach of Death." Having been himself struck and edified with the sentiments expressed by a va riety of characters, at the most solemn period of life, he naturally thought that others would receive

similar impressions from perusing a collection of such testimonies..... Animated by this expectation, he formed the compilation, and interspersed it with many occasional observations and reflections of his own. The book has passed through eleven editions. The first impression was made wholly at Mr. Murray's own expence, and given away, chiefly in the neighbourhood of his own residence. Perceiving that the work met with approbation, he enlarged and improved it. In its present state it has been much praised, and warmly recommended to the perusal of all classes of readers.

Time thus employed, and the rewards of labour thus distributed, prevent that gloom which ill health and long confinement are so apt to produce, and contribute to render Mr. Murray cheerful and happy, in a situation that many would think must be highly distressing. He appears to make the best of his condition, and to look at the bright side of the objects around him.

He is a member of the society called quakers, and is much respected and esteemed by them; but, in all his writings, he has scrupulously avoided introducing, in any shape, the peculiar tenets of the sect. On moral and religious subjects, he confines himself to the leading principles of piety and virtue, and to the general spirit and precepts of christianity. For this judicious care, as well as for the exemplary chasteness of his works, he has received particular commendation.

He married early in life, but he has no children. Mrs. Murray is a person of great merit and respectability, and is faithfully and tenderly attached to him.

Mr. Murray is as highly distinguished by the excellence of his heart as by the powers of his mind. He is a most affectionate husband, a warm and sincere friend, a pleasing and instructive companion. His sentiments are liberal and refined; and the tenour of his life, in conformity with his writings, demonstrates

him to be the uniform, zealous, and judicious friend of virtue and of piety.


From a London paper.

AN experiment was tried lately on the river Thames, to ascertain the utility of this invention, which is intended not only to preserve the lives of those who wear it, but to enable them, from the buoyancy it affords them in the water, to afford relief to others who may be in danger of drowning, and that without hazard to themselves.

At 12 o'clock at noon, six persons, who had previously had the machines girthed on, leaped out of their boats opposite Parliament stairs, Westminster bridge, and afforded a very curious sight to the spectators, the body being in a perpendicular position, the head and upper part of the shoulders only appearing above the water. In this state, their arms, legs, and all their limbs being at perfect liberty, they went down with the tide through Black-friars bridge, surrounded by a great number of boats; they went though the middle of the stream, until they passed Strand-lane, where they came closer on the shore: they then came abreast of the Temple, where they again put off, which they did with no further trouble than a trifling steerage with their hands.

The machine is very simple in contrivance, being composed of eight divisions, each made of strong sheet copper, firmly soldered and japanned, much on the principle of the balls used to float on cisterns: these are connected by straps, and when the machine is put on, the lower girth fastens round the chest; from thence it is rolled up over the breast, but not higher than the arm-pits; from the upper part straps go over the shoulders, and are secured to the girth round the chest. When on, it has much the appearance in shape

of a horse's collar, the large end downwards. It is very safe, because if even two or three of the divisions should by any accident, but which is hardly possible, lose their wind and take water, there will still be buoy enough to keep up the body.

Á numerous concourse of spectators, on land and water, appeared very highly pleased with the experiment, which met with complete



THE last accounts from Constantinople bring many particulars respecting the present state of Egypt and Syria. Gezzar Pacha, whose object was to attain the supreme authority in Egypt, was succeeded by Ismail Pacha, who acknowledged the supremacy of the porte, but, at the same time, endeavouring to establish himself independent. The particulars which have transpired, relative to Gezzar Pacha, will throw some light upon the politics of the porte and its agents.

The real character of Gezzar Pacha, the tyrant of St. John d'Acre, has never been well known. After a life spent in the commission of the most horrid cruelties and enormities, for the attainment of the supreme authority in a once famous country, this wretch closed his days with the following merciless soliloquy, which he uttered a few moments previous to his decease: "I perceive," said he," that I have but a short time longer to live; what must I do with those rascals in my prisons? Since I have stripped them of every thing, what good will it do them to let them loose again naked into the world? The greatest part of them were governors and men of consequence in the country, who, if they return to their posts, will be forced to ruin a great many poor people, in order to replace the sums I have taken from them; and so it is best, for their own sakes, and for that of


others, that I should dispatch them. They will then soon be in a place where proper care will be taken of them; a very good place, where they will neither be permitted to molest any one, nor be themselves exposed to molestation. Yes, yes, that's best; dispatch them."

In consequence of the above order, twenty-three victims, who had for merly enjoyed the highest stations in Turkey and Egypt, were charitably thrown en masse into the sea, as the most expeditious mode of execution; many others were destroyed by the bowstring.

The object of Gezzar was to obtain the whole government of Syria and Egypt. At the time of his death, he had united in his own person the pachalick of Servia, Damascus, and Tripoli, and the nominal viceroyship of Egypt. The pachalick of Aleppo alone remained for the completion of his desire.

Ismail Pacha accompanied the grand army to Egypt, in the year 1800, and being patronized by the Napif Pacha, obtained the dignity of bashaw of three tails; after this he was put into possession of the government of Marash, but did not long hold it, owing to his great extortions, which surpassed every thing formerly practised by Turkish oppression. He was ordered to suffer capital punishment; to effect which, the grand vizier appointed him to the government of Suwas, whilst a plan was concerted to waylay him on his road thither, and bring him in chains to the Turkisa camp; the meeting, however, between the assassins and Ismail served only to establish his reputation for extraordinary courage and fortitude; for he displayed such gallantry and vigour on their attack, that they were obliged to fly. He then flew for protection to Gezzar, and was kindly received by that chieftain on his complaining that he suffered from the grand vizier's persecution; he followed the fortunes of Gezzar till within a year and a half prior to the latter's decease, when Ismail lost his favour, and was con


sequently committed to prison in Acre, where he remained till the day of Gezzar's decease. Gezzar, having no children, considered Ismail as a man fit to inherit his wealth and power, as he had been bred up in a rancorous hatred to the grand vizier, and in independence of the porte.

As Gezzar lay on his death bed, he sent for Ismail Pacha from his confinement, who had so little expectation of the change of fortune that awaited him, that he requested to be allowed a few moments to prepare himself for death. On his being brought into Gezzar's presence, he would have begged for mercy, but Gezzar said, "there, I leave you plenty of troops, plenty of money to pay them, and good fortifications to fight in. If you are a man, you will keep them, and my enemies shall have no reason to exult in my death."

Immediately on the death of Gezzar, Ismail seized on the reins of government, and the most perfect obedience ensued in the neighbouring provinces. He however declared that he held the government only until the will of the porte should be known, and, in consequence, affixed the public seal to the immense magazines of treasures left by the deceased.

When the last accounts left Constantinople, the captain bashaw had taken the city of St. Jean D'Acre out of the hands of Ismail Pacha; the latter, however, was expected shortly to be reinstated in his authority.

entertainment; but, in this foolish town, we are obliged to read every foolish book that fashion renders prevalent in conversation, and I am horribly out of humour with the present taste, which makes people ashamed to own they have not read, what, if fashion did not authorise, they would, with more reason, blush to say they had read! Perhaps some polite person, from London, may have forced this piece into your hands; but give it not a place in your library; let not Tristram Shandy be ranked among the well chosen authors there. It is, indeed, a little book, and little is its merit, though great has been the writer's reward! Unaccountable wildness, whimsical digressions, comical incoherencies, all with an air of novelty, has catched the reader's attention, and applause has flown from one to another, till it is almost singular to disapprove even the bishops admire and recompence his wit, though his own character, as a clergyman, seems much impeached by printing such gross and vulgar tales, as no decent mind can endure without extreme disgust! Yet I will do him justice; and, if forced by friends, or led by curiosity, you have read, and laughed, and almost cried at Tristram, I will agree with you, that there is subject for mirth, and some affecting strokes; Yorick, Uncle Toby, and Trim are admirably characterized, and very interesting, and an excellent sermon, of a peculiar kind, on conscience, is introduced; and I most admire the author for his judgment in seeing the town's folly, in the extravagant praises, and praises heaped on him, for he says, he passed unnoticed by

TRISTRAM SHANDY CHARACTER the world till he put on a fool's coat,


Letter from S. Richardson to the Rev. Mr. Hildesley.

London, Sept. 24, 1761.

HAPPY are you in your retire ment, where you read what books you chuse, either for instruction or

and since that every body admires him!

But mark my prophecy, that, by another season, his performance will be as much decried as it is now extolled, for it has not intrinsic merit sufficient to prevent its sinking, when no longer upheld by the shortlived breath of fashion: and yet another prophecy I utter, that this

[blocks in formation]

THOUGH Clarissa wants no help from external splendour, I was glad to see her improved in her appearance, but more glad to find that she was now got above all fears of prolixity, and confident enough of success to supply whatever had hitherto been suppressed. I never, indeed, found a hint of any such defalcation, but I regretted it; for, though the story is long, every letter is short.

I wish you would add an index rerum, that when the reader recollects any incident, he may easily find it, which at present he cannot do, unless he knows in which vo lume it is told; for Clarissa is not a performance to be read with eagerness, and laid aside for ever, but will be occasionally consulted by the busy, the aged, and the studious; and therefore I beg that this edition, by which I suppose posterity is to abide, may want nothing that can facilitate its use.

[blocks in formation]

I have no objection but to the preface, in which you first mention the letters as fallen by some chance into your hands, and afterwards mentioned your health as such, that you almost despaired of going through your plan. If you were to require my opinion which part should be changed, I should be inclined to the suppression of that part which seems to disclaim the competition. What is modesty, if it deserts from truth? of what use is the disguise by which nothing is concealed?

You must forgive this, because it is meant well.

I thank you once more, dear sir, for your books; but cannot I prevail this time for an index? Such I wished, and shall wish, to Clarissa. Suppose that in one volume an accurate index was made to the three works: but while I am writing, an objection arises; such an index to the three would look like the preclusion of a fourth, to which I will never contribute: for, if I can. not benefit mankind, I hope never to injure them.


THIS gentleman was, perhaps, the most eccentric character living since the celebrated Elwes. He was born in Cheshire, of humble parents. His family being numerous, he came to London at an carly age, as he used to say, to shift for himself, and was bound apprentice to a grocer. Mr. Capper soon manifested great quickness and industry, and proved a most valuable servant to his master. It was one of the chief boasts of his life, that he had gained the confidence of his employer, and never betrayed it.

Being of an enterprising spirit, Mr. Capper commenced business as soon as he was out of his apprenticeship, in the neighbourhood of Rosemary-lane. His old master was his only friend, and recom

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