For his right noble mind, illustrious virtue, Had his necessity made use of me, [Exeunt. SCENE III. The same. A Room in Sempronius's House. Enter SEMPRONIUS, and a Servant of Timon's. Sem. Must he needs trouble me in't? Humph! 'Bove all others? He might have tried lord Lucius, or Lucullus; Whom he redeem'd from prison: All these three Owe their estates unto him. Serv. O my lord, They have all been touch'd, and found base metal; for They have all denied him! Sem. How! have they denied him? Has Ventidius and Lucullus denied him? And does he send to me? Three? humph!- Must I be his last refuge? His friends, like physicians, * I would have put my wealth into donation, And the best half should have return'd to him,] i. e. The best half of my wealth should have been the reply I would have made to Timon: I would have answered his requisition with the best half of what I am worth. 5 They have all been touch'd,] That is, tried, alluding to the touchstone. Thrive, give him over; Must I take the cure upon me? He has much disgrac'd me in't; I am angry at him, That might have known my place: I see no sense for't, But his occasions might have woo'd me first; And does he think so backwardly of me now, return, And with their faint reply this answer join; [Exit. Serv. Excellent! Your lordship's a goodly villain. The devil knew not what he did, when he made man politick; he crossed himself by't: and I cannot think, but, in the end, the villainies of man will set him clear. How fairly this lord strives to ap 6 - His friends, like physicians, Thrive, give him over;] i. e. "His friends, like physicians, thrive by his bounty and fees, and either relinquish, and forsake him, or give his case up as desperate." 7 such a courage-] Such an ardour, such an eager desire. 8 The devil knew not what he did, when he made man politick; he crossed himself by't: and I cannot think, but, in the end, the willainies of man will set him clear.] Of the various conjectures on this passage, the following seems most probable:-The devil did not know what he was about, [how much his reputation for wickedness would be diminished] when he made man crafty and interested; he thwarted himself by it; [by thus raising up rivals to contend with him in iniquity, and at length to surpass him;] and I cannot but think that at last the enormitics of mankind will rise to such a height, as to make even Satan himself, in comparison, appear (what he would least of all wish to be) spotless and innocent. MALONE. pear foul? takes virtuous copies to be wicked; like those that, under hot ardent zeal, would set whole realms on fire. Of such a nature is his politick love. This was my lord's best hope; now all are fled, Save the gods only: Now his friends are dead, Doors, that were ne'er acquainted with their wards Many a bounteous year, must be employ'd Now to guard sure their master. And this is all a liberal course allows; Who cannot keep his wealth, ımust keep his house. [Exit. SCENE IV. The same. A Hall in Timon's House. Enter Two Servants of Varro, and the Servant of Lucius, meeting TITUS, HORTENSIUS, and other Servants to TIMON's Creditors, waiting his coming out. Var. Serv. Well met; good-morrow, Titus and Hortensius. 9 - keep his house.] i. e. keep within doors for fear of duns, Phi. I wonder on't; he was wont to shine at seven. Luc. Serv. Ay, but the days are waxed shorter with him: You must consider, that a prodigal course Is like the sun's; but not, like his, recoverable. 'Tis deepest winter in lord Timon's purse; That is, one may reach deep enough, and yet Phi. I am of your fear for that. Tit. I'll show you how to observe a strange event. Your lord sends now for money. Hor. Most true, he does. Tit. And he wears jewels now of Timon's gift, For which I wait for money. Hor. It is against my heart. Luc. Serv. Mark, how strange it shows, Timon in this should pay more than he owes: Hor. I am weary of this charge, the gods can witness: I know, my lord hath spent of Timon's wealth, I am weary of this charge,] That is, of this commission, of this employment Luc. Serv. Five thousand mine. 1 Var. Serv. 'Tis much deep: and it should seem by the sum, Your master's confidence was above mine; Else, surely, his had equall'd.2 Enter FLAMINIUS. Tit. One of lord Timon's men. Luc. Serv. Flaminius! sir, a word: 'Pray, is my lord ready to come forth? Flam. No, indeed, he is not. Tit. We attend his lordship; 'pray, signify so much. Flam. I need not tell him that; he knows, you are too diligent. [Exit FLAMINIUS. Enter Flavius, in a Cloak, muffled. Luc. Serv. Ha! is not that his steward muffled so ? He goes away in a cloud: call him, call him. Tit. Do you hear, sir? 1 Var. Serv. By your leave, sir, Flav. Ay, If money were as certain as your waiting, fawn • Else, surely, his had equall'd.] The meaning of this passage may be, Your master, it seems, had more confidence in lord Timon than mine, otherwise his (i. e. my master's) debt (i. e. the money due to him from Timon) would certainly have been as great as your master's (i. e. as the money which Timon owes to your master;) that is, my master being as rich as yours, could and would have advanced Timon as large a sum as your master has advanced him, if he, (my master) had thought it prudent to do so. |