Where be the sacred vials thou should'st fill Ant. Quarrel no more, but be prepar'd to know The purposes I bear; which are, or cease, As you shall give the advice: Now, by the fire, That quickens Nilus' slime, I go from hence, Thy soldier, servant; making peace, or war, As thou affect'st. Cleo. Cut my lace, Charmian, come; But let it be. I am quickly ill, and well: So Antony loves." Ant. My precious queen, forbear; And give true evidence to his love, which stands An honourable trial. Cleo. So Fulvia told me. I pr'ythee, turn aside, and weep for her; Belong to Egypt: Good now, play one scene Like perfect honour. Ant. You'll heat my blood; no more. Cleo. You can do better yet; but this is meetly. Ant. Now, by my sword, Cleo. And target, Still he mends; But this is not the best: Look, pr'ythee, Charmian, How this Herculean Roman does become The carriage of his chafe. * O most false love! Where be the sacred vials thou should'st fill With sorrowful water?] Alluding to the lachrymatory vials, or bottles of tears, which the Romans sometimes put into the urn of a friend. So Antony loves.] i. e. uncertain as the state of my health is the love of Antony. 8 9 to Egypt:] To me, the Queen of Egypt. Anton, a son of Hercules. cc2 Ant. I'll leave you, lady. Cleo. Courteous lord, one word. Sir, you and I must part, but that's not it: Sir, you and I have lov'd, but there's not it; That you know well: Something it is I would, O, my oblivion is a very Antony, And I am all forgotten.1 Ant. But that your royalty Holds idleness your subject, I should take you For idleness itself.2 'Tis sweating labour, To bear such idleness so near the heart And all the gods go with you! upon your sword Be strew'd before your feet! Ant. Let us go. Come; Our separation so abides, and flies, Away. O, my oblivion is a very Antony, [Exeunt. And I am all forgotten,] Cleopatra has something to say, which seems to be suppressed by sorrow; and, after many attempts to produce her meaning, she cries out: O, this oblivious memory of mine is as false and treacherous to me as Antony is, and I forget every thing. Oblivion, is boldly used for a memory apt to be deceitful. 2 But that your royalty, Holds idleness your subject, I should take you For idleness itself.] i. e. But that I know you to be a queen, and that your royalty holds idleness in subjection to you, exalting you far above its influence, I should suppose you to be the very genius of idleness itself. 3 Since my becomings kill me,] There is somewhat of obscurity in this expression; perhaps she may mean-That conduct which, in my own opinion, becomes me, as often as it appears ungraceful to you, is a shock to my insensibility. SCENE IV. Rome. An Apartment in Cæsar's House. Enter OCTAVIUS CÆSAR, LEPIDUS, and Attendants. Cæs. You may see, Lepidus, and henceforth know, It is not Cæsar's natural vice to hate One great competitor: From Alexandria This is the news; He fishes, drinks, and wastes The lamps of night in revel: is not more manlike Than Cleopatra; nor the queen Ptolemy More womanly than he: hardly gave audience, or Vouchsaf'd to think he had partners: You shall find there A man, who is the abstract of all faults That all men follow. Lep. I must not think, there are Evils enough to darken all his goodness: Cas. You are too indulgent: Let us grant, it is not Amiss to tumble on the bed of Ptolemy; him, (As his composure must be rare indeed, * One great competitor:) Competitor means here, as it does wherever the word occurs in Shakspeare, associate or partner. -purchas'd;) Procured by his own fault or endeavour. Whom these things cannot blemish,) yet must An tony No way excuse his soils, when we do bear So great weight in his lightness. If he fill'd His vacancy with his voluptuousness, Lep. hour, Enter a Messenger. Here's more news. Mess. Thy biddings have been done; and every Most noble Cæsar, shalt thou have report How 'tis abroad. Pompey is strong at sea; And it appears, he is belov'd of those That only have fear'd Cæsar: to the ports The discontents repair, and men's reports Give him much wrong'd. Cæs. I should have known no less : It hath been taught us from the primal state, That he, which is, was wish'd, until he were ; And the ebb'd man, ne'er lov'd, till ne'er worth love, Comes dear'd, by being lack'd. This common body, Like a vagabond flag upon the stream, * So great weight in his lightness.) The word light is one of Shakspeare's favourite play-things. The sense is-His trifling levity throws so much burden upon us. Call on him for't:] Call on him, is, visit him. Says CæsarIf Antony followed his debaucheries at a time of leisure, I should leave him to be punished by their natural consequences, by surfeits and dry bones. JOHNSON. • The discontents repair,] That is, the malecontents. Goes to, and back, lackeying the varying tide, To rot itself with motion. 9 Mess. Cæsar, I bring thee word, Menecrates and Menas, famous pirates, Lack blood to think on't, and flush youth revolt : No vessel can peep forth, but 'tis as soon Taken as seen; for Pompey's name strikes more, Than could his war resisted. Cæs. 4 Antony, Leave thy lascivious wassels. When thou once deign The roughest berry on the rudest hedge; Which some did die to look on: And all this 9- lackeying the varying tide,] i. e. floating backwards and forwards with the variation of the tide, like a page, or lackey, at his master's heels. hood; youth whose blood is at the flow. 4 -thy lascivious wassels.] Wassel is here put for intemperance in general. 4 - gilded puddle ) There is frequently observable on the surface of stagnant pools that have remained long undisturbed, a reddish gold coloured slime: to this appearance the poet here refers. |