Laid them before you, you would throw them off, To pay your present debts. Tim. Let all my land be sold. Flav. 'Tis all engag'd, some forfeited and gone; And what remains will hardly stop the mouth Of present dues: the future comes apace: What shall defend the interim? and at length How goes our reckoning?? Tim. To Lacedæmon did my land extend. Flav. O my good lord, the world is but a word; Were it all yours to give it in a breath, How quickly were it gone? Tim. You tell me true. Flav. If you suspect my husbandry, or falsehood, 5 Return so much,) He does not mean so great a sum, but a certain sum, as it might happen to be. Our author frequently uses this kind of expression. • Though you hear now, (too late!) yet now's a time,] i. e. Though I tell you this at too late a period, perhaps, for the information to be of any service to you, yet late as it is, it is necessary that you should be acquainted with it. It is evident, that the steward had very little hope of assistance from his master's friends. 7 - and at length How goes our reckoning?] How will you be able to subsist in the time intervening between the payment of the present demands (which your whole substance will hardly satisfy) and the claim of future dues, for which you have no fund whatsoever; and finally on the settlement of all accounts in what a wretched plight will you be? Call me before the exactest auditors, With riotous feeders; when our vaults have wept And set mine eyes at flow. Tim. Pr'ythee, no more. Flav. Heavens, have I said, the bounty of this lord! How many prodigal bits have slaves, and peasants, Timon's? Great Timon, noble, worthy, royal Timon? Tim. Come, sermon me no further: No villainous bounty yet hath pass'd my heart; Unwisely, not ignobly, have I given.1 8 our offices-] i. e. the apartments allotted to culinary purposes, the reception of domesticks, &c. 9 a wasteful cock,] Of the various explanations of the commentators, the following appears most intelligible. A wasteful cock is what we now call a waste pipe; a pipe which is continually running, and thereby prevents the overflow of cisterns, and other reservoirs, by carrying off their superfluous water. This circumstance served to keep the idea of Timon's unceasing prodigality in the mind of the Steward, while its remoteness from the scenes of luxury within the house, was favourable to meditation. 1 No villainous bounty yet hath pass'd my heart; Unwisely, not ignobly, have I given.] Every reader must rejoice in this circumstance of comfort which presents itself to Timon, who, although beggar'd through want of prudence, consoles himself with reflection that his ruin was not brought on by the pursuit of guilty pleasures. STEEVENS. Why dost thou weep? Canst thou the conscience lack, To think I shall lack friends? Secure thy heart; Flav. Assurance bless your thoughts! Tim. And, in some sort, these wants of mine are crown'd,2 That I account them blessings; for by these Enter FLAMINIUS, SERVILIUs, and other Servants. Serv. My lord, my lord, Tim. I will despatch you severally. You, to lord Lucius, To lord Lucullus you; I hunted with his Commend me to their loves; and, I am proud, say, Flam. As you have said, my lord. Flav. Lord Lucius, and lord Lucullus? humph! [Aside. Tim. Go you, sir, [To another Serv.] to the se nators, (Of whom, even to the state's best health, I have Deserv'd this hearing,) bid 'em send o'the instant And try the argument-] The licentiousness of our author forces us often upon far-fetch'd expositions. Arguments may mean contents, as the arguments of a book; or evidences and proofs. JOHNSON. *-crown'd,] i. e. dignified, adorned, made respectable. E2 I have been bold, A thousand talents to me. (For that I knew it the most general way,)3 Tim. Is't true? can it be? Flav. They answer, in a joint and corporate voice, That now they are at fall, want treasure, cannot Do what they would; are sorry-you are honour able, But yet they could have wish'd-they know not but Something hath been amiss a noble nature With certain half-caps, and cold-moving nods, They froze me into silence. Tim. You gods, reward them! I pr'ythee, man, look cheerly; These old fellows Have their ingratitude in them hereditary: Their blood is cak'd, 'tis cold, it seldom flows; 'Tis lack of kindly warmth, they are not kind; And nature, as it grows again toward earth, Is fashion'd for the journey, dull, and heavy. Go to Ventidius, -[To a Serv.] 'Pr'ythee, [Το 3 FLAVIUS,] be not sad, - I knew it the most general way,] General is not speedy, but compendious, the way to try many at a time. 4 5 at fall,] i. e. at an ebb. intending-] is regarding, turning their notice to other things. JOHNSON. 6 - and these hard fractions,] Flavius, by fractions, means broken hints, interrupted sentences, abrupt remarks. -half caps,] A half-cap is a cap slightly moved. Thou art true, and honest; ingeniously I speak, No blame belongs to thee:- [To Serv.] Ventidius lately Buried his father; by whose death, he's stepp'd give it these fellows To whom 'tis instant due. Ne'er speak, or think, That Timon's fortunes 'mong his friends can sink. Flav. I would, I could not think it; That thought is bounty's foe; Being free itself, it thinks all others so. [Exeunt. ACT III. The same. A Room in Lucullus's House. FLAMINIUS waiting. Enter a Servant to him. Serv. I have told my lord of you, he is coming down to you. Flam. I thank you, sir. Enter LucULLUS. Serv. Here's my lord. Lucul. [Aside.] One of lord Timon's men? a gift, I warrant. Why, this hits right; I dreamt of a silver bason and ewer to-night. Flaminius, 8 - ingeniously-] Ingenious was anciently used instead of ingenuous. -free-] is liberal, not parsimonious. |