* ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA.] Among the entries in the books of the Stationers' Company, October 19, 1593, I find "A Booke entituled the Tragedie of Cleopatra." It is entered by Symon Waterson, for whom some of Daniel's works were printed; and therefore it is probably by that author, of whose Cleopatra there are several editions; and, among others, one in 1594. In the same volumes, May 20, 1608, Edward Blount entered " A Booke called Anthony and Cleopatra." This is the first notice I have met with concerning any edition of this play more ancient than the folio, 1623. STEEVENS. Antony and Cleopatra was written, I imagine, in the year 1608. MALONE. BB 2 Varrius, Taurus, Lieutenant-General to Cæsar. tendants on Cleopatra. A Soothsayer. A Clown. Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. Octavia, Sister to Cæsar, and Wife to Antony. Charmian, } Attendants on Cleopatra. Iras, Officers, Soldiers, Messengers, and other Attendants. SCENE, dispersed; in several Parts of the Roman Empire. |