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These two examples will be sufficient to enable the student to make any similar calculations; several of which will be found in the nativity of the author.



These directions suppose the significator to remain fixed in the heavens-the promittor moving conversely (apparently caused by the diurnal motion of the earth on its own axis) until it forms the various aspects; consequently all aspects are measured by the proportions of the semi-arc of the applying planet. Thus suppose a planet posited on the cusp of the seventh house, and another in the tenth, the planet in the tenth must move conversely till it arrives on its cusp, when a quartile aspect will be formed: but should neither planet be placed on the cusp of any house, the proportions on the arc of direction must be found as follows. To direct a significator to any mundane aspect.

Rule 1st. The planet which forms the aspect by moving conversely must be directed whether it be significator or promittor-when the promittor is directed the aspect is direct, but when the significator it is called converse.

2nd. Observe the star which is to remain fixed-that is to whose place or aspect the direction is to be made, and take its distance from the cusp, either of the preceding or succeeding house; find also the distance of the star to be directed (viz. that which moves conversely) from the cusp of that house which forms the required configuration with the cusp of the other house from whence the first distance was taken, and call this last the primary distance.

3rd. Then say, as the horary time of the planet to whose configuration the other is to be directed, is to its distance from the cusp of the house whence its distance is taken, so is the horary time of the planet to be directed, to its secondary distance.

If the secondary distance be on the same side of the cusp from whence the primary was taken, (that is, if the planet will be on the same side of the cusp when the aspect is complete,) subtract the one from the other; otherwise, if on different sides add them, their sum or difference will be the true celestial arc required.

The secondary distance is obtained by taking the proportions arising from the whole semi-arcs, but the horary times are used as being easier.

Example 1st. In the exemplary horoscope, let it be required to find the arc of direction of the sun to the mundane quartile of the moon.

The D's latitude is 2. 52. N. and declination 3. 28. N. The D forms the aspect by moving conversely, and is, therefore, the planet to be directed.

The R. A. of the sun is

84. 57.

[blocks in formation]

Take the distance of the D from the 2nd house thus:

First find her right asc. = 179. 13.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

As 20. 57

1.7: 14. 12: 0.46. the D secy. distance. Primary distance of the D from the 2nd Secondary distance to be subtracted

= 14. 4


Remains the arc of direction D == 13. 18

Example 2nd.

Direct the sun to a sextile of the D.

The sun's distance from the eleventh is 1. 7 Then find the distance of the D from the ascendant, because it forms the sextile to the eleventh house.

Right ascension of the D

+D's sem. noct. arc

= 179. 13

85. 12

264. 25

- the R. A. of the 4th house 221. 57

D's distance from the asc.

42. 28

O's H. T. O dist. D's H. T.

Thus, as 20. 57. : 1. 7. :: 14. 12.:0. 46. D's secondary


The moon's primary distance from the asc. is From which subtract her secy. distance, because the sun's primary distance is on the east side of the 11th, consequently the D is on the east of the asc. when the aspect is complete

Arc to D.

42. 28


41. 42

Example 3rd. Required the arc of direction of the sun to the trine of the moon.

Here the sun, not the moon, must move conversely to complete the aspect; consequently the sun is the orb to be directed.

The distance of the D from the 2nd house is 14. 4. Then find the sun's distance from the 10th house, because it forms a trine with the second, thus:Right ascension of the sun

84. 57

Right asc. of the mid-heaven

41. 57

The O's primary distance from the M. C.

43. 0

D's H. T.
Say, as 14. 12:

D's dist. O H. T.

= O secy.

14. 4:: 20. 57: 20.45-

The sun's primary distance from the 10th house is 43, 0 Subtract his secy. distance, because he does not arrive at the cusp of the M. C. before the direction is complete

Arc of direction, the O to A of D

20. 45

= 22. 15

As the sun is significator, the first two directions are direct, because the promittors move conversely; but the third is converse, because the sun forms the aspect by moving conversely.


Mundane parallels are formed when two planets are equi-distant from the angles of a figure, and are, like all other mundane aspects measured by the semi-arcs of the planets; thus a star on the cusp of the second house would be in mundane parallel to another on the cusp of the sixth, because they are both two houses distant from the fourth; a star on the cusp of the ninth is in the same parallel with another on the cusp of the eleventh, because they are equidistant from the mid-heaven, &c.

To direct a significator to any mundane parallel, direct

or converse.

Rule 1st. Find the distance of both the significator and promittor from the cusp of the angle on which the parallel is formed, and call that distance of the star to be directed to the other's parallel, (viz. the star which moves conversely) the primary distance.

2nd. As the horary time of the star, to whose parallel the other is to be directed, is to its distance from the said angle, so is the horary time of the star to be directed to its secondary distance.

3rd. If the primary and secondary distance are on different sides of the angle, add them. If on the same side, subtract one from the other, the sun or remainder is the true arc of direction,

Example 1st. In the figure before referred to I would direct the moon to the parallel of Jupiter by direct motion, (Here Jupiter moves conversely until a parallel is formed with the moon on the cusp of the Imum Coeli.)

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As 14. 12. 42. 44. :: 18. 30.: 55.40.

2's second

ary distance.

Primary distance of 4 from the north angle 101. 10 Secondary distance, (i. e. the distance he

must be when the parallel is formed)


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55. 40

45. 30

Example 2nd. Let us direct the moon to the mundane parallel of Jupiter (converse motion.)

Here the moon moves conversely until she forms a parallel with Jupiter's place in the figure from the same angle as before. Their distances are found above.

4's H. T.

4's dist. D's H. T.

As 18, 30.: 101. 10. :: 14. 12.: 77.39. = D's second. distance from the Imum Coli on the same side of its cusp.

The moon's secondary distance
Primary distance

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77. 39

42. 44

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