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blessing? PROTESTANTISM. This, and not Maynooth, is the only regenerating medium for our hitherto blighted soil.



A CIRCULAR has been recently addressed by Mr. Lord to friends of the Protestant cause, with reference to the publication of a work containing an account of the proceedings of the Romish priesthood during the late Irish elections.

Many, indeed most of the noblemen and gentlemen, so applied to, have thought it desirable to have the proposed work published forthwith; and that in any case it should be in the hands of the public before the meeting of Parliament.

The following are selected from some received:

of the many replies

"A publication (such as I anticipate that you have prepared), containing an account of the proceedings of the Romish priesthood during the late Irish elections, cannot but be important, as showing that the priests are not improved by the training at Maynooth, and that Catholic emancipation has not made Romanists free. When will our statesmen learn that Popery is idolatry-that a national endowment of idolatry is a national sin-that what is sinful cannot be expedient either for a nation or for an individual?

"Believe me," &c.

"Such a work would be very valuable, and I should be very glad to have a copy sent to me as soon as it is published."

"Undoubtedly your book ought to be published immediately."

"I most heartily approve of the proposal to publish an account of the proceedings of the Romish priesthood during the late elections in Ireland."

"I should be happy to take a few copies of your proposed publication, containing an account of the proceedings of the Romish priesthood, at the late Irish elections."

"I most thoroughly approve of the proposal to print the doings of those ecclesiastical Quixotes forthwith."

"I implore you to persevere in your efforts, and to give the world the publication you mention. A most valuable service will be rendered, both to the Church and to the Empire."

"I have no doubt of the importance of publishing the Report of the conduct of the Romish priests during the late elections."

"I perfectly agree with the Committee, that it would be desirable that your publication should be forthwith published with thanks to yourself for it."

"I should think that the publication referred to in your circular would be very useful, particularly if out just before the Meeting of Parliament."

"I think your proposed publication will be a very important and seasonable one. Will you be so good as to order half-a-dozen to be

sent here for the Protestant Society of

"I beg to say, I think the immediate publication of the "proceedings" of the Romish priesthood in Ireland is imperatively called for. "I shall be happy to subscribe."

"I should say the sooner the work you have prepared for the is published the better."


"I am quite of opinion that the intended publication should be in the hands of the public before the meeting of Parliament. The importance of the subject cannot be overrated, and I shall be thankful if you would desire a copy to be sent to me."

"As you obligingly asked me for my opinion on the question of publishing an account of the proceedings of the Romish Priesthood during the late Irish elections, I beg in reply to say that I am decidedly in favour of doing so.”

"It would be very desirable in my opinion to place them (the facts) before the public ere Parliament meets. If practicable, would it not be well to present each Member of both Houses with a copy. I am aware this cannot be done without, perhaps, great expense. I shall be glad to contribute 17. 1s. towards the object, when called for, if that will aid you."

"It seems to me very advisable what you propose should be carried into effect, that of publishing the proceedings of the Romish priesthood as soon as possible."

"I am quite rejoiced to think you are preparing to publish an account of the improper influence used by the Romish Priests during the Irish elections this year, and I hope the Committee will be unanimous in their approval of the work.

"I shall be glad to have a copy whenever it is out."

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"I am very glad to hear you have taken in hand, and intend to publish an account of the Romish priesthood; having much to occupy me in this country, I do not expect to be in London before the meeting of Parliament."

"I doubt not but that you have strung together many striking and damning facts that the recent Irish elections must have abundantly furnished, and that you have done this in your customary able manner.'

"In my opinion too much publicity cannot be given to such horrible and wicked proceedings as have been carried on in Ireland, and I cannot avoid saying that our Government for many years have encouraged them, and yet have affected to disbelieve them altogether."

"I consider the House of Commons should grant an inquiry as to the causes of disturbance at our late Irish elections, and I fancy it would be a good plan to prevent all clergy of any denomination from taking any part, except possibly of giving their own votes, but certainly the Roman Catholic priests should be restrained.”

"I venture to say that I approve of your plan and will patronize it. I hope some steps will be taken to reduce Ireland to proper subjection.


called lately on a High Church layman in London, a leading man, who said, 'An union must be brought about with the Church of Rome, and this is what we are about, it must be.' "What a happy thing it would be if all men would speak out.”

"I am very glad you have undertaken the matter to which your circular refers."

"In reply to your note of the 13th, relative to a publication of the infamous behaviour of the Roman priests in Ireland during the late election, I think it ought to be known throughout the world, and therefore you have my best wishes for this fresh exposure of the liberty we may expect from them if once in power."

"I think it most desirable that your publication, containing an account of the proceedings of the Romish priesthood, should be published forthwith. Have the kindness to forward me a copy."

"I can only say that I do not think that you could publish anything more desirable just now than a full exposé of the proceedings of those priests of Papal Antichrist during the late Irish elections. I hope the Committee may think likewise."

"I should think your proposed publication of the late proceedings of

the Romish priesthood in Ireland could hardly fail of doing good, provided there was perfect accuracy in the statements, and it was printed in a plain and simple form, to come within the reach of all to purchase."

"I think such a document as your circular of the 7th instant makes mention of, will be both an interesting and valuable publication; but how far it will have influence over those persons on whom one would more especially desire its having effect, must, I should say, depend very much on the general line of argument which it takes up. If the priests are allowed very much to make out their own case against themselves, by copious extracts from their speeches, Romanist reports of their electioneering and other doings, no doubt many friendly Protestant (?) mouths will be silenced, and for shame be obliged to become dumbboth in and out of Parliament; but if, in addition to this, you draw in your publication some strong Protestant Association conclusions(e. g., the wickedness and impolicy of the Bill of '29, and the necessity for its repeal, &c.,) and if the book or tract be generally characterised by this line of argument and spirit, I do equally believe that it will not have the result intended or anticipated, and may do harm by giving a handle to the so-called Liberal to retort about old Tory prejudices, and thus producing an unwelcome reaction. Your object, I apprehend, in such a publication, is to inform all minds, convince or convert hitherto hostile ones;-will not this object be the more readily accomplished by keeping as closely to facts, and drawing portraits, rather than conclusions, leaving the latter to the individual minds addressed in the publication? A full-length picture of the Father M'Hale tribe-as exhibited by themselves and their organs, the Romish press of the United Kingdom-drawn by no party limner, but by the veritable hands of their ownselves, would be quite repulsive, and telling enough in many quarters, without the necessity for the old labels being attached, to tell us who and what these good people really are. Pardon me for these possibly impertinent remarks. suggestions of an humble individual, for just which may turn out to be just nothing at all. suitical domination, every Romanist Continental government is becoming more and more tyrannical. The new Austrian law against the importation of all foreign books, without especial license, is the last act of that power. Naples, Tuscany, even France, are completely priest-ridden; while in Rhenish Prussia, and Belgium, the same party are not unlikely to gain the ascendancy, by fomenting counter-revolutions, as they did in France, and then stepping into power over the social ruin they have themselves created. Spain's last move has been against the press. It is said that there will probably be no one journal published in Madrid, on account of the severity of the laws. Switzerland has long been distracted, and continues so to be by the same reactionary movements. In the land and fortress of Calvin himself, the Romish intriguers have effected one revolution, and are attempting another. Geneva is in fact either Infidel or Romanist. But a truce to this, one's pen might run on for ever.

"Believe me, sincerely yours,

I offer them as the what they are worth, Under priestly and Je

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By all means let all England know what the priests did at the late elections. I wish I had more money and I would help you with that necessary article."

"I think the proposed record of the Popish priests delinquencies in Ireland would do good, showing the practical effects of Maynooth, and the hostile spirit of Popery to all freedom of opinion even in political matters.

"It would be calculated to strengthen the hands of all who are working against the active and aggressive movements of the Papacy, and especially Members of Parliament, on whose faithfulness and vigour in the coming session we mainly rely, under God, for any effective check being given to Popery. May God direct and prosper you!"

"I have only to wish success to your undertaking, which I think must be productive of much good to the cause. The more widely information is spread of the doings of Popery, and particularly on what is going on in Ireland, the better, for it is but charity to think that if better known thousands would entertain sentiments other than what they do on the subject. Pray put my name down for a dozen of your pamphlets: when out I will contrive to get them sent, and will desire some one to call. It appears to me that the priests in the violent steps they have, and are taking, are unconsciously playing our game. They are in all thoughts and actions under a strong delusion."


Every one, I think, must agree that the proceedings of the Romish priesthood during the late Irish elections, ought to be exposed, by the publication of authentic facts. The cause of Protestantism would, I think, be most benefited by the information which your proposed volume could bring under the notice of the public. I do not know how you find it, but the greatest difficulty hereabouts is to procure attentive readers, the mind of the mass of men is so indifferent on the subject; and the details of Romish ways and doings are so very hateful and disgusting, that very few care to sicken themselves with the recital, and fewer still are disposed to believe them. And so, and so, and so, and by various other modes the Romanist is allowed to insinuate his deadly poison almost with impunity. However, the evils of the system must be proclaimed, so that all may know them if they will, and therefore I shall be glad that the Church and the world should possess the information to which you refer, exhibiting as I am sure it will, the impossibility that any free institutions should exist in connexion with the Papacy."

"You ask my views and opinions with regard to what you propose. Nothing can be more desirable and nothing can be more valuable to open the eyes of the people of this country to the true state of Ireland: but what I feel most incompetent to give an opinion upon is, the most prudent mode of going about it. Your suggestion is an admirable one."

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