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in your hand when you go to church, hold it up, and compare what you hear with what you read. Oh! I love to see a forest of Bibles held up while the minister is preaching from the Bible. (Cheers.) Hold up the Bible-not the unwritten word, the shifting sand of tradition, that meteor of the marsh, that would leave you in the quagmire, to find you had followed a phantom and grasped a lie. The question is not what the church says, except as it is confirmed by the Bible, as our glorious sixth article declares. Holy Scripture is that sun that shines amid all the clouds, the glorious fixed rock that braves the blast and the billow, and which earth and hell, and Rome and Tractarianism, never can destroy. (Great cheering.) My lay friends, these, your spiritual liberties, are in danger. I speak not now of enemies without, though I might say that no man can doubt that the repeal agitation in Ireland is the forerunner of some dreadful conflict, that is intended to involve England in its wake, and, perhaps, to hand us over to the tender mercies of France, or of no friendly powers across the Atlantic. (Hear, hear.) But I rather refer to our peril within. Let any man read Mr. Goode's "Case as it is," if he has the least doubt that there is a large body in the Church of England banded together to bring the laity into subjection to the hierarchy, and to set up over us, if not the Pope of Rome, an Anglican Pope in his stead. (Hear, hear.) And if you ask me what, under these circumstances, are your duties? I answer, do not be deluded or beguiled by fair names, and flattering speeches, and voluntary humility, but try men by their honesty and their adherence to their ordination vows. Are they indeed pious who are guilty of "pious frauds?" (Hear, hear.) Are they pious who misquote the Fathers? (Hear, hear.) Are they acting fairly who offer a stronger or a weaker dose of innovation, according to the character they are dealing with? (Hear, hear.) Are they ingenuous and honest who denounce Rome one year, and retract their denunciations the next? (Cheers.) I have read their writings, studied them, prayed over them; and I never met with writings of any set of divines more characterized by tortuous sophistry and unfair dealing, than the notorious "Tracts for the Times" (Cheers) with all their guerillas and light infantry, from "Bernard Leslie" down to "The Warden of Berkenholt," and the songs and ballads which reverend divines are composing for the nursery and the cottage. (Renewed cheers.) Let any upright jury be empanelled, to say whether such writers are acting fairly and honestly, and what will be their verdict? I deny not their sincerity; but they supply another melancholy proof in church history, how any approximation to the fearful principles of Rome darkens and benumbs the mind, and makes it confuse falsehood and truth, good and evil. (Hear, hear.) But, my lay friends, do not fly off and recoil into latitudinarianism and dissent, in fear of high churchmanship. He is the high churchman who abides by his church as it is, every one keeping in his place, laymen, clergy, and bishops, the bishop only primus inter pares ;—and I hope there is not a bishop on the bench that would wish to be higher, for he is quite high enough. (Hear, hear.) There is nothing so beautiful in society as a gentle

slope rising to the summit; broad chasms mar the whole; let us not have the clergy grouped in the fine sacristy, guarded off from the profane vulgar in the outer court. No; let us keep our beautiful and gentle gradations, which give us one common interest. (Much cheering.) In passing, let me remark that I think we attach too much weight and importance to Tractarianism, as if it extended further than it does; I can speak for our good town of Manchester, and I can speak for the great mass of the good old evangelical clergy of Bristol, though there may be two or three striplings and unfledged divines, who talk a great deal about bowing to the communion table, and praying in this place, and reading the Scriptures in that, whilst I do not think their knowledge of Tractarianism goes much further. (Cheers.) If you were to take the great mass of the people, you would find a burst of righteous indignation from them; they would say, "If we are to have popery, let us have barefaced old popery at once; if you are right, you do not go far enough; and if you are wrong, you go too far." (Hear, hear.) It is true, sir. What do they mean by drawing our people down to the edge of the precipice, and then crying, "Oh! stop, stop; we never meant you to fall in !" (Cheers.) I could name a young lady, who, whilst in a state of great anxiety on these subjects, applied to a distinguished doctor (I am ready to give his name to any one in private), and asked for some book to settle her mind; he sent her what think you? The Breviary of the Church of Rome; and that young lady is now safely lodged in the bosom of popery. (Hear, hear, hear.) It is idle, when they have led the poor confiding victim down the slope, to say, "Oh, we did not mean you to fall over at the end into the abyss." (Cheers.) It is too late to stop; and if they were honest, they would go before them, or go with them. (Renewed cheers.) Let me only add, at this late hour, two remarks. Be not supine. Events which used to fill a generation are now developed in a year; they hasten after one another, like shadows in autumn over the waving corn-field; and there is no time to be lost. It may be now, or never; next year the cloud may have burst. Friends, be alive. (Cheers.) And, finally, whilst alert, be not affrighted. It was beautifully said by a dying saint, "There is no danger to the Christian." His daughter had whispered, tremblingly, "You do not think there is any danger ?" "My child," he answered, "do not use such a word; there is no danger to the Christian." (Hear, hear.) Then there ought to be no fear to the Christian. Let us be firm, not fearful; ardent, not anxious; calm, not cowardly; and, spite of the storm and the waves, we shall so pass through this troublesome world as to reach the land of everlasting rest. (The Rev. gentleman sat down amidst enthusiastic cheering.)

It being now past five o'clock, the resolution was very briefly seconded by the Rev. W. CARUS WILSON; and it being carried unanimously, a vote of thanks to the Chairman was passed in like manner, on the motion of Major-General MARSHALL, seconded by R. C. GLYN, Esq.; which being courteously acknowledged, a doxology was sung, and the meeting broke up.


(For the Protestant Magazine.)

LET other lands tell, in their warm glowing stories,

The blessings that on their renown'd shores attend,
I will sing of the joys, and give thanks for the glories
That crown and illumine our Protestant land.

Let some bright far-off isle boast her rose-mantled bowers,
All her clear crisped streams, and her fair myrtle groves;
A cloud of dark gloom o'er her smiling coasts lowers,
While unlit is the sunshine of gospel-toned love.

Let the high-soul'd Italian, in soft-flowing verses,

Sing his vine-cover'd hills and his warm sunny plains,
Oh! the blight of cramp'd priestcraft his noblest bliss curses,
While the black with'ring sway of proud Antichrist reigns!

Let the rough sledge-borne sons of the frosty-ridged mountains
Delight in the snows of their dear native home;

Let the swarthy Mede chant to his clear bubbling fountains
That sparkle amidst the sad wilderness' gloom;

I will cede them their blessings-the flowery-bank'd river,
The azure-tipp'd hills, and the gold-glittering sand,
Are dim, dull, and worthless-as dwell my thoughts ever
On thee, favour'd Britain-blest Protestant land!

Be Protestant still; and posterity's story

Shall yet sing thy peaceful and wide-spread command,
And grateful renown crown thy annals with glory,
And proudly rejoice in a Protestant land.

Roll on, gospel river-thou silvery-waved fountain,

Long chime England's church-bells, thy praise to proclaim
Oh long, from grey glen and from hoary-brow'd mountain,
Blest Protestant Church, be resounded thy name!

Green-green be the grass on the graves all around thee,
And verdant the ivy that mantles thy porch,
Bright be the clear cloudless skies that surround thee,
Thou bulwark of Britain-our Protestant Church!

S. K. C.


The Jesuits, their Principles and Acts. By Edward Dalton, Secretary to the Protestant Association. Dalton.

ALTHOUGH the very name of Jesuit is a by-word in everybody's mouth, the real origin, constitution, workings, and ultimate ends of this truly diabolical confraternity are but imperfectly known. The present volume is a most able, concise, yet comprehensive view of these points, and it ought at this time to be in as great request among us, as a good practical treatise on the Asiatic cholera was when that mysterious scourge devastated the corners of the land. The author has given us the personal history of Inigo Lopez de Recalde, better known as Ignatius Loyola; he

has explained the origin and design of his famous institution, exposed its nefarious principles, and traced its workings down to the present day. Extensively involved as we now are, beyond a question, in the toils of these unprincipled enemies, it becomes more than expedient, it is even a duty, to acquaint ourselves with their stated plans of procedure; and the value of this work can only be estimated by such as rightly comprehend the precise nature of our present position, ecclesiastical and political.

The Estacica of Youghal compared with the Wonders of the Tyrol. In a Letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Shrewsbury. By the Rev. John Aldworth, Rector of Youghal, Ireland. Dalton, Curry.

A VERY complete exposure of the recent scandalous fraud at Youghal, with some edifying recitals of Romish imposture in former ages. It is a pamphlet, but contains matter for a goodsized volume, exceedingly well worth an attentive perusal.

England's Exiles; or, a View of a System of Instruction and Discipline as carried into effect during the Voyage to the Penal Colonies of Australia. By Colin Arnott Browning, M.D., Surgeon, R.N. Darton and Clarke. We recommend this book especially to the commanders of ships, and to all such as have the oversight of mixed characters. It is a statement of surprising good wrought in a convict ship, and upon very unpromising materials, too, by means of admirable discipline, embracing no less admirable instruction.

Letters from Oxford, in 1843. By "Ignatius." With Notes. Milliken,


THIS pamphlet is the work of a scholar, a Christian, and a gentleman, who passed some little time in Oxford, to judge for himself of what is going on there. He takes a very temperate, discriminating view, and appears to be the reverse of an alarmist; yet no one can rise from the perusal of his "Letters" without feeling that the actual peril of the church from these pestilent doctrines cannot be over-estimated. The author has probed deeply the hurt of the daughter of our people, and sees clearly what may too probably ensue.

The Papal Antichrist: the Church of Rome proved to have the Marks of Antichrist, &c. By the Rev. Hugh M'Neile. Protestant Association, Hatchards, &c. A SPEECH delivered at Manchester by this able champion of Protestant truth, and one of the most important things that he has ever uttered. We hear many objections against fastening on Rome the brand of being THE Antichrist described in the 2 Thess. ii. &c. Let those who question the fact, attentively read this masterly exposition, to convince them of error; and those who do not doubt it, to arm them doubly for the controversy.

Proposed Protest against Puseyism, for the Laity of the Church of England. With Illustrative Notes. Hatchards.

VERY good, and very necessary.

It is but a tract; soon read,

and well worth an attentive perusal by all whom it concerns, and that we take to be the whole body of the English laity.


THE SOUTHWARK OPERATIVE PROTESTANT ASSOCIATION held their WhitMonday Festival in the National and Parochial School-room, Borough-road. As on the last occasion, the room was tastefully decorated with flags, and the words "No Popery" were beautifully festooned in choice flowers across the front of the platform. There was an excellent provision of tea and cakes, with their usual et ceteras; and after the feasting was over, the tea-things were removed, and a meeting was held. The Rev. Henry O'Neal, M.A., in the chair. The meeting was addressed by the Rev. M. H. Seymour, Mr. Chapman, Mr. E. H. Stogden, and Mr. Sykes. A feeling of deep interest and satisfaction seemed to pervade the entire assembly.

CITY OF LONDON TRADESMEN AND OPERATIVE PROTESTANT ASSOCIATION. -A Sermon will be preached (D.v.) on behalf of this Association, at St. Luke's Church, Old Street, by that uncompromising champion of the cause of truth, the Rev. R. J. McGhee, on Wednesday Evening, July 5th, 1843. Divine service will commence at half-past 6. A collection will be made at the doors.

STATISTICS OF EDUCATION.-Out of nearly one million and a quarter of children receiving daily instruction, less than fifty thousand are supplied with schools by the Dissenters.-Christian Guardian.

SUSPENSION OF THE REV. DR. PUSEY.-The Rev. Dr. Pusey has been sentenced by a board of the Oxford University, Dr. Wynter, the vice-chancellor, being president, to suspension from preaching before the university for two years. The members of the board were, Dr. Faussett, Dr. Jelf, Dr. Ogilvy, Dr. Jenkyns, the Master of Baliol, Dr. Hawkins, Provost of Oriel, and Dr. Symons, Warden of Wadham.

LORD LISTOWELL'S DECLARATION AGAINST THE CHURCH.-Lord Listowell opposed the bill, (the Irish Arms Bill.) He affirmed the right of the people to petition for the repeal of any law whatever. The great grievance of Ireland was an Established Church, which was the church of a minority. He wished to see a government that would grapple with that mischief. The present bill would only aggravate the evils of Ireland.

POPISH EFFRONTERY.-It appears that a Romish priest, who attended to give spiritual instruction to some convicts of his faith in the hulks at Woolwich, actually applied to Sir James Graham for payment! To this he received the following reply "Whitehall, March 15, 1843,-Sir,-I am directed by Sir James Graham to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th instant, in which you apply for compensation for attending as Catholic priest on some Catholic convicts on board one of the hulks; and to inform you that as there is no public fund applicable to such service, and none from which he can direct compensation to be made, Sir James Graham is under the necessity of declining to accede to your application. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, J. M. PHILLIPS.

"Rev. W. Marshall, Roman-catholic Chapel, Deptford."

ENGLISH ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP FOR MALTA. We have heard from the best authority that a reverend gentleman of the name of Sharples is about to be created a bishop by the court of Rome, and immediately after he is to be sent as envoy extraordinary to administer the ecclesiastical affairs of Malta, the great age

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