A NEW EDITION OF THE HOLY BIBLE, With Introductions and Notes by CHRISTOPHER WORDSWORTH, D.D., BISHOP OF LINCOLN. THE OLD TESTAMENT, In the Authorized Version, with Introduction, Notes, and PART In Parts. Index. £ s. d. VOL. 1. Genesis and Exodus. o 14 0 II. Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy . O 12 O 90 II. Joshua to Samuel In Volumes. £ s. d. I. The Pentateuch 0 15 0 IV. Job to Song of Solomon I . O II O V. Isaiah to Ezekiel . I 50 III. Joshua, Judges, Ruth o Esther VI. Book of Job VII. Psalms VIII. Proverbs, Ecclesias tes, Song of Solo III. Kings to Esther VI. Daniel, Minor Pro- 50 . 0 15 0 £600 THE GREEK TESTAMENT, With Introductions, Notes, and Index. BY CHRISTOPHER WORDSWORTH, D.D. Any Part, or any Volume, may be had separately. RIVINGTONS, London, Oxford, and Cambridge. |