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atre parts paned off, accordIn most cases of Tek saty to reduce the hard root by med trujung it, otherperjet zady z powd to the severe pressin of the bat she If the feat feel unnaYardy Yo, ms dot or poultices should be appard com tantly, oond the heat is removed, Some gunrant bores doctors cut out the com only but the bar and crust are left to form a juurture with the heel of the shor; but even if The who were made so as to bear off the quarter It would wwud little, for, in the course of exerFier, the hore's weight must press upon the shor, and consequently injure the affected part. Feattention to a proper mode of treatment, in the first instance, is the cause of so many fine ammula being left upon three legs during the whole period of their lives. The only remedy, in this extreme stage of corns, is the application of emollient poultices, and a complete excision

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; that is, between the sensible e coffin bone: this being let out, and all the surrounding for thinned away, the foot wrapped in a bran pou uice: the following day the police will perhaps be unnecessary, and it may then be found that a small part of the coffin bone is bare, which may be d. nctly felt when it is probed. This bare part of the bone should be scraped with a suitable instrument, and afterwards dressed with the tincture of myrrh: this will in the course of a short tune effect a cure. Before the horse is put to work the sole should be hardened; and this may be done by keeping it stopped with tar ointment. Tar ointment, tar and hog's lard equal parts; to be melted together, and when removed from the fire to be kept stirring until it is cold.

16. Over-reaching, over-lashing, or over-stepping. These in old books of farriery were termed according to their situation in the heel, or above the fetlock joint, the higher and the nether attaint; from the French atteint. These accidents sometimes happen from the toe of the hind foot being too long, and not squared off as I have advised. It may also occur from bad riding, in pulling up a horse badly, and making him gallop false, as it is termed. Whenever the wound is such as to leave a flap of skin, whe


ther it be upwards, downwards, or sideways, it should be immediately cut off as close as possible; a re-union of the parts can never happen, and by leaving the flap, and attempting to effect the re-union of the parts, there would be thickening and a greater blemish, and its removal would be found necessary at last. This may be considered as a contused wound, and to all such wounds I think a poultice the best remedy. This probably will be doubted by surgeons; but in horse surgery it will be found the best practice. When the inflammation has been completely subdued, by this poultice, the astringent paste may be applied, and nothing more done for two days, when it is to be soaked and washed off, and a similar dressing laid on. Three or four of these dressings will generally effect a cure. Astringent paste, finely powdered alum and pipe-clay, in equal proportions; water enough to give it the consistence of cream. When the wound is perfectly healed, a little sallad oil or hog's lard may be necessary to soften the cicatrix.

17. Thrush. In this disease the frog is ulcerated, causing a discharge of fœtid matter from the cleft or division. It is not always productive of lameness, particularly where the hind feet are affected, which is always the result of negligence, in allowing the horse to stand in his dung. The horny frog becomes soft and rotten, and the acrid matter penetrating through it in flames the sensible frog, and, instead of horn being secreted for its defence, a fœtid and acrimonious matter is discharged. Contraction in the heels will sometimes produce thrushes in the fore feet, but it is more generally the conse quence of want of elasticity and increased thickness of the hoof. The treatment of thrush must depend on the cause by which it is produced. That in the hind feet will be cured by proper washing and removing the filth, which occasions it; when however it has gone so far as to produce ulceration of the sensible frog, it must then be dressed with a solution of blue vitriol or oxymel of verdigrise, after cleansing the frog thoroughly with tow. One dressing will be sufficient to effect a cure. The tar ointment ordered in narrow heels should be applied hot, to promote the regeneration of horn. Thrush in the fore feet must be treated differently. The cause must be first removed, which is an increased quantity of blood thrown into the frog, from the compression which the sensible foot undergoes from the contraction of the heels. In this case, the animal suffers pain from his ineffectual efforts to expand the inelastic and inflexible heel; this causes him to lift the frog, and go chiefly on the toe. Thus it is that stumbling and falling are so common in this disease. By attempting to stop this kind of thrush with those preparations commonly used, the lameness is often increased. All that is necessary here is to rasp the quarters and heels of the hoof, attenuate the soles, and cover the frog with tar ointment; the foot should then be wrapped in an emollient poultice. Slight cases will be effectually relieved by this treatment. Should however the thrush remain, after these 'applications, apply the following mixture:-Take tar

four ounces, white vitriol half an ounce, aluni in powder two ounces; mix them, and add gradually sulphuric acid three drachms. It is necessary to describe a third kind of thrush, which is, in point of fact, nothing less than the commencement of canker; it is not so common as those already treated on. This species of thrush may be always removed by carefully cutting away from the frog all the horn that is detached from the sensible frog, and afterwards applying Egyptiacum with a few drops of oil of vitriol. The part affected should be kept clean with a sponge and warm water; and, when the ulcers are healed, the regeneration of horn must be assisted by applying the hoof ointment used in narrow heels.

18. Canker. This obstinate and often incurable disease first makes its appearance in the frog, spreading thence to the surrounding parts, and at times affecting the coffin bone. In the first place it is necessary to pare the foot down, carefully removing every particle of horn which may conceal any part affected. This must be repeated each time the foot is examined, which should be daily. All the putrified flesh must be removed with the knife, taking care not to go deeper than the decayed part, otherwise the coffin bone will be in danger of injury. When this is properly done, let the shoe be fixed with two or three nails only on each side; and, if it it is necessary to stop the bleeding, lay over the incised part a handful of salt, and secure it with pledgets of tow. This application must be removed the following day, and the hoof examined, to ascertain whether or not it presses upon any tender part; if so, pare it thin, or, if thought necessary, remove it. Take corrosive sublimate two scruples, muriatic acid two drachms, Friar's balsam, compound tincture of myrrh, of each two ounces. Mix them, and put into a bottle. Let this tincture be applied over the whole of the diseased part, after which, take pledgets of tow and dip in the following mixture, applying them all over the affected parts:-Take white vitriol, blue vitriol in powder, of each two drachms, alum in powder half an ounce, Egyptiacum four ounces, sulphuric acid twenty drops. Mix well. Spread pledgets of tow with this mixture, as before stated, and fill up the vacancy over them with other pledgets spread with the tar mixture ordered in thrush: this is the best method of effecting a cure. The foot must be dressed every day, and should any fungus make its appearance, it will be easily removed by touching it with lunar caustic, or sprinkling over it a little powdered verdigrise. The cure is rendered more difficult in these cases where the horse loses his hoof, which sometimes occurs, and always occasions great inconvenience in dressing. If the hoof is in such a state as to prevent the shoe being fastened to it, the dressings must be secured by a boot made for the purpose. The quantity of cloths or rags which are generally applied often produce such heat in the foot as to increase the injury, every precaution must therefore be taken to prevent the hoof separating from the foot, and the following astringent lotion should be applied once or twice a day-Take sugar of lead, white vitriol, of each

half an ounce, alum five drachms, vinegar nine ounces, water four ounces. Mix, and put into a bottle. This lotion must be applied to the foot and instep as high as the fetlock joint, previous to its being dressed, and some of it may be poured round the fetlock joint, or at the edge of the cloths so as to be allowed to find its way down at any other part of the day. By pursuing this plan the hoof will often be preserved from entire separation. It is necessary to give two or three of the following balls :-Take calomel one drachm, ginger two drachms, red nitrate of quicksilver finely powdered one scruple, castile soap two drachms, add a sufficient quantity of syrup to make a ball. One of these balls should be given every third night, and worked off the following morning with a common purging ball; by this treatment the blood will be cooled and improved, and the disease checked. In about three weeks after he has taken the last ball, it will be necessary to give him two or three mild alterative balls every second night. By pursuing this plan of treatment with attention, a cure may be effected in the most serious cases.

19. Pomiced feet are the consequence of inflammation. It is a thickening internally, which displaces the coffin bone so as to make it bear on the sole. A pomiced foot is flat or convex on the sole, and fallen in on the front of the hoof. We can only palliate the disease.

20. Groggy feet, indebted for this very fanciful denomination to the ruling motion, which weakness of the joint imparts to the segments of the limb below. This is a diseased softening of the joint and ligaments. Blistering and entire rest only are useful here.

21. Sitfasts. These appear like dark colored scabs on the back, but are really dead hard skin, and cannot be removed until they have been poulticed a few days. Then they may be separated by means of a pair of pliers; but it requires some force to remove them, and generally a few strokes with the knife. When this has been done the cure may be completed with the astringent paste, applied once in two days, and the scab removed previously to each application. A little sallad oil may be necessary to soften the cicatrix after the wound is healed.

Genus V.-ABSORBENT SYSTEM. Species 1. Farcy, or Farcin, terminates, if not prevented in glanders, and may be either constitutional or local. This disease is, contrary to the opinion of some, extremely contagious; and when caught in this way is generally communicated to the horse by the rubbing of some parts of his body against the manger where a glandered horse has stood, or, perhaps, being touched with a currycomb that had glanderous matter upon it, or from the diseased horse biting or scratching another or himself; in short, by any means that brings the matter of a glandered horse in contact with a sound one. It is well known that a single drop of that poisonous matter is sufficient to produce both farcy and glanders however, farcy is much more frequently caused by bad living and hard work than by contagion: and, if it proceed in its course, it terminates by glanders and death.

Farcy has been, by the old farriers, thought to be a disease of the veins; but it is now fully proved to be a disease of the absorbent or lymphatic vessels; and farcy buds, as they are called, are the enlarged glands of that system in which the virus is acting, and are what, in the human system, are called buboes: like them, they are difficult to heal when once ulcerated. The ulceration of these farcy buds are termed farcy pipes, in the language of farriery. There are two kinds of farcy, one which commences in the surface of the body, and is termed the button, or bred farcy; the other commences in the hind legs, and sometimes in the fore. The swellings called farcy buds are not so apt to be found near or over the joints, but between them, and they may be distinguished from those tumors called surfeit, by not being so diffused, or so broad and flat, and by not being on the outside of the limb, or on the body, where surfeit tumors appear most commonly. Farcy buds are knotty, and when on the legs are to be found inside. Farcied limbs become swelled; but they differ from the swelling of mere debility in this, namely, that exercise and rubbing will remove the latter, but in farcy it cannot be removed, and there are knotty tumors to be felt, and an evident enlargement of what might be thought the veins, but what, in reality, are the absorbent vessels. The tumors of farcy, if allowed to go on, break and degenerate into foul ulcers, the matter of which is contagious. Bad cases of grease will become farcy, if neglected. Lameness sometimes attacks one leg, and then suddenly changes to the other. For the cure of this disease diluted sulphuric acid, as recommended by Mr. Rydge, who also recommends Mr. Blane's prescription. Six ounces of the expressed juice of goose-grass, six ounces of the decoction of hemp seed, and six ounces of the essence of spruce.

2. Glanders. The transition is ready from a highly inflamed state to ulcerating condition, whence we can account for the mutation of the farcy into glanders. The general symptoms of glanders are, a discharge, mostly from the left nostril, seldom from the right, and sometimes from both. This running, at first, is inconsiderable, and in substance resembles the white of an egg.

The membrane within the nostril is unusually red; the swelling of the glands or kernels under the jaw, and between the parts of the lower jaw, is almost invariably observable on the same side as the infected nostril. In other respects, the animal exhibits every appearance of soundness, as regard its appetite, condition, spirits, &c. The urine is generally crude and transparent. Glanders are not unfrequently accompanied by a cutaneous disease, of a scorbutic character, called farcin or farcy. Glanders may be divided into two stages; namely, the acute, or rapid violent stage, and the chronic, or slow mild stage. The acute glanders are frequently accompanied by acute farcy; in that case, large painful tumors in various parts, ulcers about the face, neck, or lips appear; also inflammation and ulceration of the fore or hind legs, testicles, and sheath. In short, when the disease has arrived at this frightful

stage, all hopes of cure are gone, and it would be an act of humanity to destroy the suffering animal at once, and rid him of his torture. It would also be the wisest plan, in order to prevent farther contagion among other horses. Chronic glanders are of an opposite character, and, in the early stages, so mild in their progress, that the health, condition, or appetite of the horse is not at all affected. If the animal be well kept, and moderately worked, he may continue a useful servant to his owner many years. The symptoms of chronic glanders, in their advanced stages, are ulcers inside the nostrils, which if too high up to be visible, may be known to exist from the suppurated running that drops from the nose; sometimes it exudes in such quantities, and is of so sticky and thick a substance, that it adheres to the orifice of the nostrils and upper lip, so as frequently to impede free nasal respiration, and cause the animal to snuffle and snore. Sometimes the matter has a sanguineous appearance, and if the animal be over-worked, in this advanced stage of the disorder, he will often bleed profusely from the nose. If in the mild or early stage of chronic glanders blood flow from the nose, or the matter have a foul smell, it is a sure signal of the second stage coming on; consequently, the running flows more copiously, and becomes more offensive, the glands under the jaw increase in size and hardness, and adhere close to the jaw bone. Matter appears also in the inner corners of the eyes. The horse falls off in condition, has a constant inclination to stool, coughs violently, and in a short time death closes the sufferings of the poor animal.

3. Lampas. La Fosse was the first person who pointed out the absurdity of cauterising this swelling, since it accompanies the cutting of the grinding teeth, and merely points out to us that something ought to be done to humor a stomach rendered delicate by sympathising with

the mouth.

4. Bags or washes.

Genus VI.-CONGLOMERATE GLANDS. Species 1. Strangles is a disease affecting the kernels and other glands of the neck. General fever, swelling of glands, under and within the lower jaw, cough, drought, and loss of appetite; sometimes there is very little general fever, and the glands swell, suppurate, and burst, without much notice; generally, however, the disease is mistaken for the distemper. It is distinguished from this by the swellings, which are hot, more tender, and larger, than in the distemper. A similar case, in each treatment, is proper; but it is advantageous to bring the swellings to a head in strangles as soon as possible; for this purpose use strong, hot, stimulating poultices. In the distemper, we must use a liniment of hartshorn, vinegar, and oil: if we are in doubt, therefore, we must use only warm fomentations; this removes tightness and irritability, without occasioning suppuration. Sometimes, in strangles, there is a discharge from the nose, before the kernels come to a head-this is called the bastard strangles. When the fever is considerable, we must not bleed, unless upon a great emergency;

that is, when the pulse is hard and quick, the flanks heave, the legs cold, the cough painful, and the nostrils red; if the throat be sore, stimulate it, but do not blister; apply constantly a nosebag, with a warm mash in it, frequently changed; rub the swellings with an ointment, made of equal parts of suet and turpentine; do this twice a day, and keep on a warm poultice; if necessary, shave the hair off the kernels. When the swellings burst internally, nature must effect the cure,: the horse must have light food, and mild exercise. When there is a proper point to the abscess, open it with a lancet, and press out the matter gently; then keep the wound open with a piece of lint, covered with lard, and continue the poultice for a day or two.

2. Vives. The parotid or great salivary gland, situated close under the ear, becomes inflamed and swollen, and, if the vein should have received glanderous poison, the inflammation may reach the heart, when the rapid destruction of the horse must be the consequence. If the excretory passage or duct of the parotid gland be only affected, there is no danger; it is merely necessary to let the matter flow off from the orifice, and not prevent its current; the secreting powers of the gland, and the gland itself, will be at last annihilated without any injurious effects to the animal.


Blood spavin. This disease consists in an enlargement of the saphena vein, which passes over the bog spavin, and often accompanies that disease. The remedy employed by farriers is to make an incision in the skin, and pass some thread, by means of a crooked needle, under the vein below the dilated part. In one case, after the vein had been securely tied, and the wound in the skin stitched up, the horse was turned to grass; sometimes with a strengthening plaster or charge placed all over the joint.

Genus VIII.-INTERNAL MEMBRANES. Hernia. When we can push back the gut it is called reducible hernia; but, when we cannot, it is called irreducible; and, if the gut becomes obstructed, it is called strangulated. It is only in the last that we can be of any real use; and that is, to prevent immediate death, by reducing the gut into the abdomen; for nothing can remove the common affection of reducible hernia but pressure, and this cannot be permanently applied with horses. Our services can only be required in strangulated hernia. To reduce this, the horse must be thrown down with hobbles and secured; the legs are then to be placed so as to relax the muscles of the belly, and then the arm gently introduced into the anus, when, by cautious pressure, the gut may be brought back into the abdomen; however, this will not happen often, and if it do not on the first trial, recourse must be had to a clyster of tobacco smoke and cold application to the tumor; but time must not be wasted with such remedies, and the operation must be resorted to in the following manner an opening is to be made cautiously into the external integuments, so as not to wound the gut itself, which would be fatal. The

finger is then to be passed up the opening along the spermatic cord, and so as to feel where the stricture or tightness is; and then a blunt pointed bistoury is to be steadily passed on the finger, so as to divide the stricture, which, when done, will allow the gut to pass back immediately. When this is performed, close the wound, and apply such compress and bandage as will prevent the return of the gut.


Epilepsy. The symptoms of this disorder are as follows:-The horse at first stops suddenly, shakes his head, and looks frightened; he then proceeds as before. The symptoms increase in proportion to the violence of the attack, and he perhaps falls, suddenly becoming violently convulsed, during which convulsions he passes his urine and dung involuntarily. After a few minutes he recovers his senses, and appears as well as before the fit. The cure consists in purging the animal every second day gently by calomel and aloes, and then turning out to grass for a couple of months or more, bleeding him once a month.

Spasms. If a twitching or spasm take place, in any of the muscles, it must be treated with genthe frictions with a brush, opening the bowels, and then administering opium liberally. The best form to give this powerful, and at present only antispasmodic, in veterinary medicine is as follows:-Take infusion of bark a quart, of tincture of opium half an ounce. Mix.

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Stringhalt. This is a spasmodic affection of the hind leg or legs well known; there is little inconvenience arising from it, and it is out of the power of the veterinary art to remove it. Mr. Blane gives the best opinion as to its immediate cause, which is, that some nervous twig in its passage meets with continual irritation, probably from mechanical obstruction over an exostosis or ligamentous enlargement; or from some pressure, as nipped between two tendons,' &c. &c. When the affection is in both hind legs it is not so remarkable, as the animal appears only to lift them a little higher and more suddenly than others.

Tetanus or Locked Jaw. This melancholy disease may originate from various causes, viz : bungling operations in gelding, nicking, or docking, worms (called bots) in the entrails of the horse, over-working, wounds in the feet, &c. The principal antidotes at present used in the removal of this disorder by veterinarians are camphor and opium, which are injected into the stomach by clysters, if the medicine cannot be passed down by the mouth; the animal may also be supplied with nutritious clysters, until the jaws expand sufficiently to enable him to swallow his food. Wilkinson, who seems to have effected many successful cures in locked jaw, proposes the following treatment:-In the first place he recommends an emollient clyster and a purgative; unless the pulsation be very quick, he does not approve of blood-letting. The jaws and every other part spasmodically affected should be thoroughly well rubbed with liquid ammonia, mustard, olive-oil, and oil of turpentine, mixed up together. Then all the

parts so affected should be covered with fresh sheep-skins, the fleshy sides of the skin to be kept inside; they must be changed as frequently as is requisite, in order to keep the parts in continued perspiration. When the purgative has operated, a drench, composed of asafoetida, camphor, and opium, about one drachm each, is given; and, at the same time, he serves the horse with a clyster of similar medicines, with the addition of a decoction of rue. Should the horse not improve, but appear costive, Mr. W. recommends the purgative and emollient clyster to be repeated, and the opiate to be discontinued, until the purgative has fully operated.

Order II.

Genus I-SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. Species 1. Synochus, that kind of fever which depends upon excess of blood, is generally produced by taking up a horse from grass, and putting him suddenly into a warm stable upon oats and hay; or by feeding a borse high and giving him little or no exercise. Fever thus produced is always to be cured by early and copious bleeding, that is, by bleeding until faintness is produced; for which purpose it is generally necessary to take off from one to two gallons, and sometimes more. Medicine is of no use in this disorder, unless it is caused by an acrimonious state of the blood and humors, and then it will be useful.

2. Phrenitis, mad staggers. The leading symptoms of this disease are, unusual drowsiness, loss of appetite, and an inflamed appearance under the eye-lids. As the disorder advances the animal becomes suddenly ferocious,endeavours to bite and destroy any other horse near, or any being who atempts to approach him. After those convulsive efforts he sometimes lies down; and, when recovered from exhaustion, rises up suddenly, and resumes his furious operations. This desperate disease originates sometimes from worms in the stomach, called botts; and, in other cases, from too much confinement in the stable, and high feeding. The horse should be immediately secured in this violent stage of the disorder; the two jugular veins should be opened, and, as in the case of inflammatory fever, the animal should be bled even to fainting; and, if convulsive symptoms should again appear, the operation must be repeated. When the animal is thus rendered quiescent, he should be served with a few emollient clysters, and one or two purgative doses. As soon as his strength is sufficiently recruited, give him occasional bran mashes, and green herbage in small proportions. In some time after (if the weather be favorable) send him to grass on a light wholesome pasture. The remedies to be relied upon most are repeated bleedings and purging.

3. Peripneumonia, rot, or rising of the lights. Pleurisy, bronchitis, peripneumony, the rot, or rising of the lights, is of frequent occurrence, and is one of the most destructive diseases which the horse is subject to. As such, therefore, it merits our peculiar attention. The lungs are of a delicate texture, and it is necessary for the certain existence of the animal functions that the

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