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21. Hanc autem Cethego1 cum ceteris controversiam fuisse dixerunt, quod Lentulo et aliis Saturnalibus caedem fieri atque urbem incendis placeret, Cethego nimium id longum videretur. Ac ne longum sit,7 Quirites, tabellas proferri iussimus, quae a quoque dicebantur datae. Primo ostendimus Cethego signum: cognovit. Nos linum incidimus: legimus.10 Erat scriptum ipsius manu" Allobrogum senatui et populo, sese12 quae eorum legatis confirmasset13 facturum esse: orare1 ut item illi facerent quae sibi1 legati eorum recepissent.16—10.

(a) Inflect aliis(2), caedem(4), Quirites(8), manu(11).

(b) Give the principal parts and the mode, tense, voice, person and number of incendi), placeret), legimus (10), confirmasset(13). Inflect ostendimus (9) in the imperfect indicative active and the pluperfect indicative and subjunctive active, and give all the infinitives.

(c) Explain the case-construction of Cethego), aliis(2), Saturnalibus(3), sese(12), sibi (15) ̧

(d) Explain the mode of placeret), sit(7), confirmasset(13), recepissent(16) ̧ What is the construction of orare(14)? (Yale.)

What was the caedem(4) referred to, and why was the Saturnalia(3) a favorable time?

What weakness in Lentulus, hinted at here, made him an ineffective conspirator?

22. Si quid de his rebus dicere vellet, feci potestatem. Atque ille primo quidem negavit; post autem aliquanto, toto iam indicio exposito atque edito, surrexit; quaesivit a Gallis quid sibi3 esset cum eis, quam ob rem domum suam venissent, itemque a Volturcio. Qui cum iili breviter constanterque respondissent, per quem ad eum quotiensque venissent, quaesissentque ab eo nihilne secum esset de fatis Sibyllinis locutus, tum ille subito, scelere demens, quanta conscientiae vis esset ostendit. Nam cum id posset infitiari, repente praeter opinionem omnium confessus est. Ita eum non modo ingenium illud et dicendi exercitatio, quas semper valuit, sed etiam propter vim sceleris manifesti atque deprehensi impudentia, qua superabat omnis, improbitasque defecit.-11.

(a) Explain the syntax of sibi(3), domum(4), qua(8).

(b) Account for the mode of vellet (2). State the nature of the condition (1-2).


(c) Account for the mode of venissent), posset(").
(d) Explain the reference in fatis Sibyllinis(").
To whom was this speech delivered? What led to its delivery?


How was the indicium secured, and what were its details? 23. Volturcius vero subito litteras proferri atque aperiri jubet, quas sibi a Lentulo ad Catilinam datas esse dicebat. Atque ibi vehementissime perturbatus Lentulus tamen et signum et manum suam cognovit. Erant autem scriptae sine nomine, sed ita: Quis sim scies ex eo quem ad te misi. Cura ut vir sis, et cogita quem in locum sis progressus, vide ecquid tibi iam sit necesse, et cura ut omnium tibi auxilia adiungas, etiam infimorum.1 Gabinius deinde introductus, cum primo impudenter respondere coepisset, ad extremum nihil ex eis quae Galli insimulabant negavit.-12.

(a) What was the outcome of the investigation here recorded? (b) What had the Galli to do with the case?

(Trinity.) Where was Catiline when this letter was written? Who are referred to in infimorum(1)?

24. Indiciis expositis atque editis senatum consului de summa rel publica quid fieri placeret3: dictae sunt a principibus acerrimae ac fortissimae sententiae, quas senatus sine ulla varietate est secutus: et quoniam nondum est perscriptum senatus consultum, ex memoria vobis, Quirites, quid senatus censuerit exponam". Primum mihi gratiae verbis amplissimis aguntur, quod virtute, consilio, providentia mea res publica maximis periculis sit liberatai; deinde L. Flaccus et C. Pomptinus praetores, quod eorum opera forti fidelique11 usus essem, merito ac iure12 laudantur.-13.


(a) Give the principal parts of fieri, placeret, est secutus, censuerit, aguntur.

(b) Account for the mood and tense of placeret3), censuerit(), sit liberata (10)

(c) Explain the case of quid(2), virtute(8), periculis(9).

(d) Translate into Latin the following sentences which are based on the passage printed above:

When Cicero asked the advice of the senate, the leading men expressed opinions which were pleasing to him. First of all, they thanked him for having saved the state from danger by his fore-thought.

(e) Decline in the singular re), quid(2); in the plural iure(12).

Give the first person singular of the pluperfect subjunctive active of exponam(6), aguntur(7), sit liberata(10).

(g) Compare acerrimae (4), fideli(1) ̧


What had Cicero done to deserve praise for virtus(8), consilium, providentia?

What was the opera fortis of Flaccus and Pomptinus?

What is the difference in meaning between opera and "opus"?


25. Atque ea1 lenitate2 senatus usus est,3 Quirites, ut ex tanta coniuratione tantaque hac multitudine domesticorum hostium novem hominum perditissimorum poena re publica conservata reliquorum mentes sanaris posse arbitraretur.10 Atque etiam supplicatio dis11 immortalibus pro singulari12 eorum merito meo nomine decreta est,13 quod1 mihi primum post hanc urbem conditam togato contigit,15 et his verbis16 decreta est, QUOD URBEM INCENDIIS, CAEDE CIVES, ITALIAM BELLO LIBERASSEM. Quae supplicatio si cum ceteris supplicationibus conferatur, hoc interest, quod ceterae bene gesta, haec una conservata re18 publica constituta est. Atque illud, quod faciendum primum fuit, factum atque transactum est.19 Nam P. Lentulus, quamquam patefactis indiciis, confessionibus suis, iudicio senatus20 non modo praetoris ius, verum etiam civis amiserat, tamen magistratu22 se abdicavit,23 ut, quae religio C. Mario, clarissimo24 viro, non fuerat,25 quo minus C. Glauciam, de quo nihil nominatim erat decretum, praetorem occideret,20 ea nos religione27 in privato P. Lentulo puniendo28 liberaremur.29—14-15.

(a) Inflect ea), multitudine(4), reliquorum"), singulari(12), quod(14), re(is), senatus (20). Compare clarissimo(24). Give the Latin names of the numerals, both cardinals and ordinals, from 11 to 20.

(b) Give the principal parts of the following verbs, and tell explicitly where each of the forms cited is found (i. e., give person, number, tense, mode, and voice, or other distinctive characteristics): usus est(8), posse, decreta est(13), contigit (15), conferatur (17), transactum est (19), оссіderet (26), puniendo (28). Give a synopsis of amiserat (21) in the 3d person singular, active and passive, together with all infinitives and participles. Inflect abdicavit (23) in the imperfect subjunctive active, and posse(9) in the perfect subjunctive.

(c) Explain the case construction of lenitate(2), hostium (5), reliquorum(7), dis(11), verbis (16), re publica(18), magistratu (22), religione (27). Mention and define several leading types of the genitive construction in Latin.

(d) Explain the mode of sanari(8), posse(9), arbitraretur(10), conferaturi), amiserat (21), fuerat (25), occideret(26), liberaremur (29). What is the construction of puniendo(28)? Distinguish the several forms of con(Yale.)

ditional clause in Latin.

What was the poena(6)? What effect did this action have on Cicero later?

Why does the orator take so much satisfaction in the fact that the supplicatio... mihi togato contigit?

What achievements entitled Marius to the praise clarissimo?
What was the fate of Catiline?

26. Iam ad certas res conficiendas1 certos homines delectos2 ac descriptos habebat; neque vero cum aliquid mandarat, confectum putabat; nihil erat quod non ipse obiret occurreret vigilaret laboraret; frigus, sitim, famem ferre poterat. Hunc ego hominem . . . nisi ex domesticis insidiis1o in castrense latrocinium11 compulissem, dicam id quod sentio, Quirites, non facile hanc tantam molem mali12 a cervicibus13 vestris depulissem.11-16-17.

(a) Give the principal parts of delectos(2), confectum, occurreret("), depulissem(14)

(b) Decline in full frigus(8), sitim(9), insidiis(10), cervicibus(18).

(c) Explain the case of conficiendas, latrocinium(11), mali(12), cervicibus (13).

(d) Explain the mood of mandarat3), the tense of putabat (5), the mood and tense of obiret(“).

(e) Translate into Latin:

If Catiline had not chosen these men, he would have accomplished nothing. He chose them because he thought they would bear hunger and cold. For the purpose of repelling his plots Cicero drove him into open brigandage.

(f) Explain fully the derivation of descriptos, domesticis, insidiis, depulissem.

(g) Write out the following words and mark the quantities of their penults and final syllables: occurreret, hominem, domesticis, Quirites. (Harvard.)

27. Hunc ego hominem tam acrem, tam audacem, tam paratum, tam callidum, tam in scelere vigilantem, tam in perditis rebus diligentem, nisi ex domesticis insidiis in castrense latrocinium compulissem-dicam id quod sentio, Quirites,-non facile hanc tantam molem mali a cervi

cibus vestris depulissem. Non ille nobis Saturnalia constituisset, neque tanto ante exsili ac fati diem rei publicae denuntiavisset; neque commisisset ut signum, ut litterae suae testes manifesti sceleris deprehenderentur.-17.

Comment on the passage Non ille... deprehenderentur, showing at what persons and at what acts the thrusts contained in it are aimed. Give the syntax of hominem. Give the principal parts of compulissem. Compare facile. Account for the mood and tense of depulissem. Explain the derivation of Saturnalia. Describe the character of the Saturnalia and state the time of year at which this festival was celebrated. (Board.)

28. Quae nunc illo1 absente sic gesta sunt, ut nullum2 in privata domo3 furtum umquam sit tam palam inventum, quam haec tanta in re publica coniuratio manifesto inventa atque deprehensa est. Quod si Catilina in urbe ad hanc diem remansisset, quamquam, quoad fuit, omnibus eius consiliis occurri' atque obstiti, tamen, ut levissimeR dicam,10 dimicandum nobis11 cum illo fuisset, neque nos12 umquam, dum ille in urbe hostis esset, tantis periculis1 rem publicam tanta pace,15 tanto otio,16 tanto silentio liberassemus.-17.

(a) Inflect nullum(2), domo3), hostis (13), otio(16). Compare levissime(9). (b) Give the principal parts and the mode, tense, voice, person and number of remansisset(), occurri("), obstiti(8), dicam (10). Inflect deprehensa est(4) in the future perfect indicative and present subjunctive, active and passive, and give the infinitives.

(c) Explain the case-construction of illo(1), consiliis(6), nobis(11), nos(12), periculis, pace(15)

(d) Explain the mode of all subjunctives in the passage.


29. Atque illae tamen omnes dissensiones erant eius modi, Quirites, quae non ad delendam,1 sed ad commutandam rem publicam2 pertinerent3: non illi nullam esse rem publicam, sed in ea, quae esset, se esse principes, neque hanc urbem conflagrare, sed se in hac urbe? florere voluerunt. In hoc autem uno post hominum memoriam maximo crudelissimoque bello, quale' bellum nulla umquam barbaria cum sua gente gessit, quo in bello lex haec fuit a Lentulo, Catilina, Cethego, Cassio constituta, ut omnes, qui salva urbe salvi esse possent, 12 in hostium numero ducerentur, ita me gessi, Quirites, ut salvi omnes conservaremini,14 et, cum15 hostes vestri tantum civium16 superfuturum17 putassent,18 quantum infinitae1o caedi2o restitisset,21 tantum autem urbis, quantum flamma obire non potuisset, et urbem et cives integros22 incolumesque servavi.-25.


(1) Inflect nullam(4), se(6), quale), caedi (20).

(2) Inflect voluerunt(s) in the imperfect and perfect subjunctive. Give the participles of gessit (10) and decline the present participle. Give the mode, tense and voice of conservaremini(14) ̧

Give the principal parts of delendam(), constituta(11), restitisset(21) ̧

(3) Explain the case-construction of rem publicam (2), urbe(7), civium(16), caedi (20)

(4) Explain the subjunctives esset(), possent (12), ducerentur (13), putassent (18)

Illustrate by Latin examples the condition contrary to fact (unreal) and the construction with cum in a clause of cause. (Yale.) What was the relation of Lentulus and Cethegus to Catiline's conspiracy, and what were their personal characteristics? If cum(15) were changed to 'quamquam,' what would putassent become? Give the infinitives of superfuturum(17). Explain the derivation of either infinitae(19) or integros (22). Restore restitisset(21) to the direct form and name the mood and tense of the original verb form. (Board.)

30. Sed quoniam earum rerum quas ego gessi non eadem est fortuna atque condicio quae illorum qui externa bella gesserunt-quod mihi cum eis vivendum est quos vici ac subegi, isti1 hostis aut interfectos aut oppressos reliquerunt-vestrum est, Quirites, si ceteris facta sua recte prosunt, mihi mea ne quando obsint providere. Mentes enim hominum audacissimorum sceleratae ac nefariae ne vobis nocere possent ego providi; ne2 mihi noceant vestrum est providere. Quamquam,3 Quirites, mihi quidem ipsi nihil1 ab istis iam noceri potest.-27.

Give the syntax of illorum and mihi. Give the active and passive participles of oppressos. Inflect prosunt in both numbers of the present indicative. Explain the derivation of either sceleratae or nefariae. Using mihi ipsi nihil ab istis noceri potest as a model, express in Latin 'What injury can be done to us by Catiline?' (Board.) (a) What commander could properly have been in Cicero's mind when he said isti(1) reliquerunt?

(b) Explain fully how far the orator's confidence in the people and his own position (see ne2 and nihil .) was justified by later


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(c) What other meaning has quamquam(3), and how can you decide which meaning to use?


31. Est etiam nobis is animus, Quirites, ut1 non modo nullius audaciae3 cedamus, sed etiam omnis improbos ultro semper lacessamus.5 Quod si omnis impetus domesticorum hostium, depulsus a vobis, se in me7 unum convertit, vobis erit videndum, Quirites, qua condicione posthac eos esse velitis,10 qui se pro salute11 vestra obtulerint 12 invidiae periculisque omnibus: mihi quidem ipsi quid est quod iam ad vitae fructum possit adquiri,15 cum praesertim neque in honore vestro neque in gloria virtutis quicquam16 videam altius, quo mihi libeat ascendere1?? -28.

(a) Give the principal parts of cedamus(4), lacessamus(5), adquiri(15), ascendere (17).

(b) Explain the construction of the clause with ut), and of the clause with si(6). Account for the mood of velitis(10), the mood and tense of obtulerint(12), the mood of possit (14),

(c) Account for the case of audaciae(3), vobis(8), condicione(9), mihi(13) ̧ (d) Translate into Latin the following sentences, which are based on the passage printed above:

Tell me what purpose Cicero has. He will drive away danger from us and attack bad citizens. If he offers himself to danger for our safety, he will gain glory.

(e) Explain fully the derivation of audaciae, depulsus, obtulerint, invidiae.

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