4. Comment on the historical references contained in this passage. PART III Translate the following passage: (Euryalus and Nisus are discovered by horsemen of the Latins.) Interea praemissi equites ex urbe Latina, 367 cetera dum legio campis instructa moratur, ter centum, scutati1 omnes, Volcente magistro. 370 Iamque propinquabant castris murosque subibant cum procul hos laevo flectentis limite cernunt, prodidit immemorem radiisque adversa refulsit. Haud temere est visum. Conclamat ab agmine Volcens: 375 'State, viri. Quae causa viae? Quive estis in armis? hinc atque hinc, omnemque abitum custode coronant. 380 horrida, quam densi complerant undique sentes,* 385 -Virgil Aen. 9. 367-388 1 Compare scutum, shield. 2 dim. forks in the roads. 4 brambles. paths, ways. 1. Write out verses 375 and 376, divide them into feet, and mark the quantities of the syllables and the chief caesuras. 2. What is the principal difference between Latin and English verse? 3. How far, according to Virgil, does Fate determine the actions of Aeneas? PART IV Translate into Latin, paying careful attention to word order and marking the quantities of the penults: When the Senator from Indiana was speaking of this dreadful war, he declared that we should be worthy of scorn' if we were to disregard what the war had taught. "For," said he, "the times are changed, and our policies must be changed in accordance with the times. Don't you realize that during these years, owing to the scarcity of our ships, not even our wealthiest cities have been safe? We are very like the foolish bird which, to avoid danger, hides its head in the sand." Let us, therefore, my friends, urge the American people to take the necessary action. For I myself have no doubt that, now the matter has been clearly stated, you all think as I do." 1 contemptio. 4 pro. paucitas. 6 stultus. arena. 8 = to do what is necessary. (Board, Comprehensive.) 7 3 ratio. 2 neglego. 5 121. PART III (A) VERGIL QUESTIONS AND PASSAGES IN POETRY FOR TRANSLATION AENEIDOS LIBER I Illi se praedae accingunt dapibusque futuris: Pars in frusta secant veribusque trementia figunt, Spemque metumque inter dubii seu vivere credant 210 215 Where and under what circumstances did this incident take place? Explain the number of figunt (212). Explain the derivation of aẽna (213). Explain the figure illustrated in Bacchi (215). Give the principal parts of requirunt (217). Restore credant (218) to its form in direct discourse. 122. "Antenor potuit, mediis elapsus Achivis, (Board.) 245 250 Who was Antenor? Explain case of Achivis (242). What is the metrical license in compostus (249)? Explain the syntax of infandum (251). What is the difference between ob (251) and propter? 123. "His ego nec metas rerum nec tempora pono, (Board.) 280 Romanos, rerum dominos, gentemque togatam. 285 290 295 (a) By whom were these words spoken? To whom? In what connection? (b) Discuss verses 278-282 and 286-288 with reference to the purpose of the Aeneid. (c) To what historical event do verses 284, 285 refer? Explain the references in Assaraci, Phthiam, Mycenas. (d) Who were Caesar (286), Iulo (288), Quirinus (292)? (e) What is the point of aspera (279), Troianus (286)? (f) What does Vergil mean by Oceano in 287? (g) How was the prophecy caelo accipies (289, 290) fulfilled? (h) Explain the allusion in claudentur Belli portae (294). (i) Copy verse 287, and indicate the quantity of each syllable, the division into feet, and the principal caesura. 124. (Board.) Sic Venus, et Veneris contra sic filius orsus: O dea certe! An Phoebi soror? An Nympharum sanguinis una? Multa tibi ante aras nostra cadet hostia dextra." 325 330 (b) Tell in what case mihi (326) is, and why this case is used. What kind of accusative is hominem (328)? (c) Tell in what mood memorem (327) is, and why this mood is used. (d) Explain the allusion in Phoebi soror (329). (e) Write the principal parts of orsus (325). (f) In what way does the scansion help you to determine the meaning in verse 334? (g) Copy verses 326 and 327, and indicate the quantity of each syllable, the division into feet, and the principal caesuras. 125. quibus aut venistis ab oris? "Sed vos qui tandem? Quaerenti talibus ille quove tenetis iter?" (Board.) 350 suspirans imoque trahens a pectore vocem: 375 380 With whom and where is Aeneas here talking? Explain the meaning of Vesper and of Olympo. What have you read in Virgil about the penates? Why is Italy called patriam? Why did Aeneas wish to go there? How did Juno try to prevent him from going there and why? (Harvard.) 126. Interea ad templum non aequae Palladis ibant Ter circum Iliacos raptaverat Hectora muros 480 485 490 (a) Explain the construction of pectora (481), peltis (490), viris (493). Who it the subject of dat (485)? (b) Mention some of the principes Achivi. Who was Memnon? Who were the Amazons? (c) Copy verses 485, 486, 488 and mark the scansion. 127. Haec dum Dardanio Aeneae miranda videntur, dum stupet obtutuque haeret defixus in uno, regina ad templum, forma pulcherrima Dido, incessit magna iuvenum stipante caterva. (Vassar.) 495 Qualis in Eurotae ripis aut per iuga Cynthi exercet Diana choros, quam mille secutae hinc atque hinc glomerantur Oreades (illa pharetram 500 fert umero, gradiensque deas supereminet omnis; talis erat Dido, talem se laeta ferebat 505 (a) What had caused the feeling described in the first two verses of this passage? (b) What are the two important elements in this description of Dido? Why was Aeneas already disposed to sympathize with her? (c) Where were the iuga Cynthi (498)? (d) Who were the Oreades (500)? (e) Copy verses 494 and 495, and indicate the quantity of each syllable, the division into feet, and the principal caesuras. (f) What place in the temple is indicated by the words of verse 505? 128. (Board.) 520 525 Postquam introgressi et coram data copia fandi, Maximus Ilioneus placido sic pectore coepit: “O regina, novam cui condere Iuppiter urbem Iustitiaque dedit gentis frenare superbas, Troes te miseri, ventis maria omnia vecti, Oramus: prohibe infandos a navibus ignis, Parce pio generi et propius res aspice nostras. Non nos aut ferro Libycos populare Penatis Venimus aut raptas ad litora vertere praedas; Non ea vis animo nec tanta superbia victis." To whom and in what circumstances was the foregoing appeal made? Scan the first verse, and point out and describe the figure of prosody illustrated. Either point out the significance of the order of the words in Troes te miseri or comment on the mood of vertere. Explain the figure illustrated in Libycos Penatis. Give the syntax of either maria or victis. Explain the derivation of either frenare or infandos. (Board.) 129. Tum breviter Dido vultum demissa profatur: Quis genus Aeneadum, quis Troiae nesciat urbem, (a) Under what circumstances does Dido speak these words? 530 565 570 Of what facts is Dido thinking when she says res dura et regni novitas (563)? (d) Write the longer form of Aeneadum (565). (e) State in simple English the thought which is expressed figuratively in verse 568. (f) Why was,Italy called Hesperiam (569)? Where were the Erycis finis (570)? (g) Copy verses 568 and 569, and indicate the quantity of each syllable, the division into feet, and the principal caesuras. (Board.) |