me inimicorum multitudinem suscepisse video; sed eam esse iudico turpem et infirmam et abiectam. Quodsi aliquando alicuius furore et scelere concitata manus ista2 plus valuerit3 quam vestra ac rei publicae dignitas, me tamen meorum factorum atque consiliorum numquam, patres conscripti, paenitebit. Etenim mors, quam illi fortasse minitantur, omnibus est parata; vitae tantam laudem, quanta vos me vestris decretis honestastis, nemo est adsecutus. Ceteris enim bene gesta, mihi' uni conservata re publica gratulationem3 decrevistis.-20. (a) What were the views of D. Junius Silanus, the Consul elect, and of Julius Caesar with regard to the punishment of the conspirators? (b) What is the force of per in permagnam? (c) Decline ista in feminine singular. (d) What is the construction of bene gesta()? (e) Compare bene and give the positive and superlative of plus. Give the principal parts of redeo. Inflect imperative active and passive of video. (ƒ) What is the usual position of enim3 in a Latin sentence? (Smith.) Was the apprehension of future personal danger here hinted at justified by subsequent events? Explain. With what meanings is the pronoun iste (2) used in Cicero's speeches? Could valebit be substituted for valuerit(3)? Why is valuerit preferred? What constructions follow paenitebit? What other impersonal verbs admit the same construction? (Board.) What Roman What was the sententia mentioned in the first line? custom is alluded to in gratulationem(8)? How and when could the compliment mihi(7) re publica") be given to Cicero? ... 43. Tantam me1 inimicorum multitudinem suscepisse video, sed eam iudico esse turpem et infirmam et abiectam. Quod si aliquando alicuius furore et scelere concitata manus ista plus valuerit quam vestra ac rei publicae dignitas, me tamen meorum factorum atque consiliorum1o numquam, patres conscripti, paenitebit." Etenim mors, quam illi fortasse minitantur, omnibus est parata: vitae tantam laudem, quanta vos me decretis vestris honestastis, nemo13 est adsecutus.14-20. (a) Give the principal parts of suscepisse (2), video(3), valuerit("), adsecutus(14), (b) Decline in full alicuius(5), plus(6), rei publicae(8), nemo(13). (c) Explain the case of me), me), consiliorum (10), 'omnibus (12) ̧ (d) Explain the tense of suscepisse (2), the mood and tense of esse(4), the mood and tense of valuerit(), the mood of paenitebit(11). (e) Translate into Latin the following passage: You all see that the wickedness of my enemies has been stirred up by somebody. If they should repent of their fury they would gain great glory. But these men are so base that I am prepared to threaten them with death. (f) Explain fully the derivation of inimicorum, suscepisse, dignitas, conscripti. (g) Write out the following words and mark the quantities of their penults and final syllables: manus, valuerit, dignitas, paenitebit. (Harvard.) 44. Sit Scipio clarus ille cuius consilio atque virtute Hannibal in Africam redire atque ex Italia decedere coactus est; ornetur alter eximia laude Africanus, qui duas urbis huic imperio infestissimas, Karthaginem Numantiamque, delevit; sit aeterna gloria Marius, qui bis1 Italiam obsidione et metu servitutis liberavit; anteponatur omnibus Pompeius, cuius res gestae atque virtutes isdem quibus solis cursus regionibus ac terminis continentur; erit profecto inter horum laudes aliquid loci nostrae gloriae, nisi forte maius est patefacere nobis provincias quo exire possimus quam curare ut etiam illi qui absunt habeant quo victores revertantur.-21. (a) To whom was this speech delivered? What led to its delivery? (b) What course of action was urged by Silanus? What by Caesar? Which of the two courses did Cicero favor? (c) Where were Karthaginem, Numantiam? To what victories does bis(1) refer? (d) What force does nisi forte (2) give to the clause which it introduces? (Board.) What had Pompeius done to merit the high praise bestowed on him in this passage? To whom does nostrae refer? Explain exactly what is meant by curare(4) .. revertantur. 45. Quapropter de summa salute vestra populique Romani, de vestris coniugibus ac liberis, de aris ac focis, de fanis atque templis, de totius urbis tectis ac sedibus, de imperio ac libertate, de salute Italiae, de universa re publica decernite diligenter, ut instituistis, ac fortiter. Habetis eum consulem qui et parere vestris decretis non dubitet et ea1 quae statueritis, quoad vivet, defendere et per se ipsum praestare possit.-24. What was the fate of the conspirators? Who opposed the death penalty and what did he suggest in its place? (Yale.) Was Cicero ever called on to make good his claim ea(1) quae. possit? If so, when and how? State briefly the place, circumstances, and the main thought or purpose of each of the four speeches against Catiline. GENERAL QUESTIONS ON CICERO'S ORATIONS AGAINST CATILINE-I-IV IN CATILINAM I 46. 1. Give the date and place of this oration. Why was the senate convened in this place? What event immediately preceding had roused the consul to action? 2. Name the different charges which Cicero brought against Catiline. What prevented more vigorous action by the consul? What substitute did he use for direct action? 3. Outline Catiline's plot. What was the source of Cicero's information? 4. What was the effect of the speech? IN CATILINAM II 47. 1. Give the date and place of this oration. What was the double theme of this speech? 2. Name the different classes which Cicero mentions as members of the conspiracy, and characterize each class briefly. 3. What allusion is made to Massilia, Sulla, the gladiators? 4. Compare this oration with the first in thought and spirit. IN CATILINAM III 48. 1. Give the date and place of this oration; mention the events that occurred between the time of the first two and this. 2. How were the Allobroges brought into the plot, and how did Cicero get hold of them? 3. Outline briefly the capture of the conspirators. 4. What allusion is made to Romulus, Jupiter, the Sibyl? 5. What reference is made to supernatural occurrences and what use does the orator make of these references? 6. What reward does the consul ask for his services, and what does he lay down as his policy for the rest of his life? IN CATILINAM IV 49. 1. Give the date and occasion of this oration. What were the two methods suggested for punishing the prisoners, and which was finally adopted? 2. How much power did the senate have in this matter? Did this body exceed its authority in this instance? 3. What reference did Cicero make in his comment on the two suggested penalties to show that most of the people were apparently in favor of the extreme penalty? 4. What appeal does the orator make to the senate in his own behalf? How was this appeal complied with in after years? 5. What was the result of the conspiracy at Rome, outside of Rome? DE IMPERIO CN. POMPEI 50. Atque ut inde oratio mea proficiscatur, unde haec omnis causa ducitur, bellum grave et periculosum vestris vectigalibus ac sociis a duobus potentissimis regibus infertur, Mithridate et Tigrane, quorum alter relictus, alter lacessitus occasionem sibi ad occupandam Asiam oblatam esse arbitratur. Equitibus Romanis, honestissimis viris, afferuntur ex Asia cotidie litterae, quorum magnae res aguntur in vestris vectigalibus exercendis occupatae3; qui ad me pro necessitudine,4 quae mihi est cum illo ordine, causam rei publicae periculaque rerum suarum detulerunt; Bithyniae, quae nunc vestra provincia est, vicos exustos esse complures; regnum Ariobarzanis, quod finitimum est vestris vectigalibus, totum esse in hostium potestate; L. Lucullum magnis rebus gestis ab eo bello discedere; huic qui successerit,' non satis esse paratum ad tantum bellum administrandum; unum10 ab omnibus sociis et civibus ad id bellum imperatorem deposci atque expeti, eundem hunc unum ab hostibus metui," praeterea neminem.12 4, 5. (1) Who were Mithridates and Tigranes? Describe the political situation so far as their relations with Rome were concerned. What had been accomplished by Lucullus? Why had he been obliged ab eo bello discedere(7)? (2) What was the regnum Ariobarzanis? Who are meant by huic qui successerit(8), and by unum (10)? Explain the meaning of relictus(1), pro necessitudine(4), and magnae res · occupatae (2,3). (3) State the main grounds urged by Cicero for the support of the Lex Manilia. In what year was this speech delivered? (4) Explain the use of the moods in the following: exustos esse(); quod finitimum est(); qui successerit. Account for the case of huic(8) (Williams.) 51. Et quoniam semper appetentes gloriae praeter ceteras gentis atque avidi laudis fuistis, delenda est vobis illa macula bello superiore concepta, quae penitus iam insedit ac nimis inveteravit in populi Romani nomine, quod is, qui uno die, tota in Asia, tot in civitatibus, uno nuntio atque una significatione litterarum civis Romanos necandos trucidandosque denotavit, non modo adhuc poenam nullam suo dignam scelere suscepit, sed ab illo tempore annum iam tertium et vicesimum regnat, et ita regnat ut se non Ponti neque Cappadociae latebris occultare velit, sed emergere ex patrio regno atque in vestris vectigalibus, hoc est, in Asiae luce versari. Etenim adhuc ita nostri cum illo rege contenderunt imperatores ut ab illo insignia victoriae, non victoriam reportarent. Triumphavit L. Sulla, triumphavit L. Murena de Mithridate, duo fortissimi viri et summi imperatores; sed ita triumpharunt ut ille pulsus superatusque regnaret. Verum tamen illis imperatoribus laus est tribuenda quod egerunt, venia danda quod reliquerunt, propterea quod ab eo bello Sullam in Italiam res publica, Murenam Sulla revocavit. 7, 8. Give an account of the events alluded to in this passage. Explain syntax of: gloriae, latebris, versari, reportarent. (Wellesley.) 52. Mithridates autem omne1 reliquum tempus non ad oblivionem veteris belli, sed ad comparationem novi contulit: qui3 postea, cum maximas aedificasset ornassetque classes exercitusque permagnos quibuscumque ex gentibus potuisset comparasset et ses Bosporanis finitimis suis bellum inferre1o simularet, usque in Hispaniam legatos ac litteras misit" ad eos12 duces, quibuscum tum bellum gerebamus, ut, cum duobus in locis disiunctissimis maximeque diversis uno consilio1 a binis hostium copiis bellum terra marique gereretur,15 vos ancipiti contentione1 districti de imperio dimicaretis.17 Sed tamen alterius partis periculum, Sertorianae atque Hispaniensis, quae multo18 plus1 firmamenti20 ac roboris habebat,21 Cn. Pompeii divino consilio ac singulari virtute depulsum est22: in altera parte ita res23 a L. Lucullo summo24 viro25 est administrata, ut initia illa rerum gestarum magna atque praeclara non felicitati eius, sed virtuti, haec autem extrema, quae nuper acciderunt,26 non culpae, sed fortunae tribuenda esse videantur.27-9, 10. I. Inflect fully omne(1), qui(3), eos(12), res(23), and indicate the quantity of the penult of each word that has more than one syllable. Compare maximas(4), plus (19), and summo (24). II. Give the principal parts of the following verbs, and state explicitly where each of the forms cited is found: contulit, comparasset(7), gereretur (15), habebat (21), depulsum est(22), and videantur (27) Give a synopsis of misit() in the third person singular, active and passive, together with all infinitives and participles. Inflect potuisset(6) in the future perfect indicative and the imperfect subjunctive. How are the two periphrastic conjugations formed and what force do they have? III. Explain the case-construction of se(s), finitimis(9), consilio (14), contentione(16), multo(18), firmamenti (20), and viro (25). How are relations of time and place expressed by cases in Latin. IV. Explain the mood and tense of aedificasset(5), potuisset(6), inferre (10), gereretur (15), dimicaretis (17), acciderunt (26), and videantur (27), Define three uses of the independent subjunctive in Latin. (a) Locate the Bosphorus. (Yale.) (b) What would be suggested to a well-informed Roman by Cicero's allusion to “partis periculum, Sertorianae”? (c) Give the facts about Lucullus necessary to the understanding of the reference to him here. 53. Vident et sentiunt1 hoc idem, quod vos, unum2 virum3 esse, in quo1 summa sint omnia, et eum propter esse, quo etiam carent' aegrius; cuius adventu ipso atque nomine,' tametsi ille ad maritimum bellum venerit, tamen impetus hostium10 repressos11 esse intellegunt ac retardatos. Hi vos, quoniam libere loqui non licet, tacite rogant, ut se quoque sicut ceterarum provinciarum socios dignos existimetis, quorum salutem tali viro commendetis12 atque hoc13 etiam magis,14 quod ceteros in provinciam eius modi homines cum imperio mittimus, ut, etiamsi ab hoste defendant, tamen ipsorum adventus in urbes sociorum non multum ab hostili expugnatione differant.15-13. (a) Tell in what mood each of the following verbs is found and why this mood is used: sint(6), carent(7), commendetis (12), differant (15). Give the principal parts of sentiunt, and repressos esse(11). Give the third person singular of the future indicative active and of the present and perfect subjunctive active and passive of vident, esse, intellegunt, and all the participles of differant. Tell in what case quo), and hoc(13) are and why this case is used. Give the genitive singular of unum(2), accusative plural of virum3), nomine(9), hostium (10). Compare summa(5) aegrius(8), magis (14). (b) Who is 'unum virum' (2,3)? Where was he at this time and what had he been doing? When and why was this oration delivered? (Holyoke.) 54. Nam ceterarum provinciarum vectigalia, Quirites, tanta sunt, ut iis ad ipsas provincias tutandas vix contenti esse possimus, Asia vero tam opima est ac fertilis, ut et ubertate agrorum et varietate fructuum |