(f) Decline, in the singular, nullius(2), me(7), salute(11), quicquam(16) (g) Write the following words and mark the quantities of their penults and final syllables: improbos, velitis, salute, adquiri. (Harvard.) IN CATILINAM QUARTA 32. Sed ego institui referre ad vos, patres conscripti, tamquam integrum, et de facto quid iudicetis, et de poena quid censeatis. Illa praedicam quae sunt consulis. Ego magnum in re publica versari furorem, et nova quaedam misceri et concitari mala iam pridem videbam; sed hanc tantam, tam exitiosam haberi coniurationem a civibus numquam putavi. Nunc quicquam est, quocumque vestrae mentes inclinant atque sententiae, statuendum vobis ante noctem est. Quantum facinus ad vos delatum sit videtis. Huic1 si paucos putatis adfinis esse, vehementer erratis. Latius__ opiniones disseminatum est hoc malum: manavit non solum per Italiam, verum etiam transcendit Alpis, et obscure serpens multas iam provincias occupavit. Id opprimi sustentando ac prolatando nullo pacto' potest.-6. In what way did Cicero secure the information against the conspirators that led to their arrest? Where was this speech delivered? What two important speakers had preceded Cicero, and what had been the proposal of each of these? Give the reason for the mood and tense of censeatis(1). Explain the case of consulis(2), vobis3), huic, opinione(5), prolatando(), pacto(7). Williams.) 33. Video duas adhuc esse sententias, unam D. Silani, qui censet eos, qui haec delere conati sunt, morte esse multandos, alteram C. Caesaris, qui mortis poenam removet, ceterorum suppliciorum omnis acerbitates amplectitur. Uterque et pro sua dignitate et pro rerum magnitudine in summa severitate versatur. Alter eos, qui nos omnis vita privare conati sunt, qui delere imperium, qui populi Romani nomen extinguere, punctum temporis frui vita et hoc communi spiritu non putat oportere atque hoc genus poenae saepe in inprobos civis in hac re publica esse usurpatum recordatur. Alter intellegit mortem ab dis inmortalibus non esse supplicii causa constitutam, sed aut necessitatem naturae aut laborum ac miseriarum quietem esse. Itaque eam sapientes numquam inviti, fortes saepe etiam lubenter oppetiverunt. Vincula vero, et ea sempiterna, certe ad singularem poenam nefarii sceleris inventa sunt. Municipiis dispertiri iubet. Habere videtur ista res iniquitatem, si imperare velis, difficultatem, si rogare. Decernatur tamen, si placet. Ego enim suscipiam et, ut spero, reperiam, qui id, quod salutis omnium causa statueritis, non putent esse suae dignitatis recusare.-7-8. (a) When and where was this speech delivered? (b) Trace very briefly Catiline's history before this time. (c) Comment briefly on the passage with especial reference to the skill of the orator. (d) Write in Latin: But Cicero wished to be merciful. He was anxious amid such great perils not to be arbitrary. But he condemned himself for inactivity amid the perils to the state. The commander of the camp which was pitched in Etruria was in the city. Cicero says that the enemy increased daily. (Illinois.) 34. Municipiis dispertiri iubet. Habere videtur ista res iniquitatem, si imperare velis, difficultatem, si rogare; decernatur tamen si placet. Ego enim suscipiam et, ut spero, reperiam qui id quod salutis omnium causa statueritis non putent esse suae dignitatis recusare.9 Adiungit gravem10 poenam municipibus," si quis eorum12 vincula13 ruperit.—7, 8. (a) Give the principal parts of decernatur, suscipiam, reperiam, ruperit. (b) Explain the construction of velis3), decernatur(4), putent(), esse(7), recusare). (c) Explain the case of municipiis, dignitatis("), municipibus(11), eorum(12) (d) Translate into Latin the following sentences which are based on the passage printed above: Let Cicero find towns to undertake this matter.-If he should ask his own townsmen they would not refuse.-I think that those men will not break their chains. (e) Explain fully the derivation of dispertiri, difficultatem, suscipiam, vincula. (f) Decline, in singular and plural, ista, ego, gravem, eorum, vincula. (g) Write out the following words and mark the quantities of their penults and final syllables: dispertiri, videtur, velis, vincula. (Harvard.) Who proposed the plan under discussion here? What were municipia? Explain the meaning of the second sentence, showing what the “iniquitas" and the "difficultas" were. 35. Nunc, patres conscripti, ego mea video quid intersit1: si eritis secuti sententiam C. Caesaris, quoniam hanc is in re publica viam, quae popularis habetur, secutus est, fortasse minus erunt hoc auctore et cognitore hujusce sententiae mihi populares impetus2 pertimescendi3; sin illam alteram, nescio an amplius mihi negoti contrahatur; sed tamen meorum periculorum rationes utilitas rei publicae vincat. Habemus enim a Caesare, sicut ipsius dignitas et majorum ejus amplitudo postulabat, sententiam tamquam obsidem perpetuae in rem publicam voluntatis; intellectum est quid interesset inter levitatem contionatorum et animum vere popularem, saluti populi consulentem.-9. Account for the construction of italicized words. (Cornell.) (a) What are the chief uses of the genitive? Illustrate from this passage. (b) Inflect impetus(2), alteram(4), majorum("), obsidem(8). Give the principal parts of intersit, pertimescendi(3), contrahatur (5). Inflect vincat() in the imperfect and future indicative and in the imperfect subjunctive, both active and passive. (Yale.) What was the "sententia Caesaris"? Who proposed the "illam alteram," and what was it? Explain what you think Cicero meant by the two contrasted phrases "inter levitatem contionatorum" and "animum vere popularem." 36. Quam ob rem, sive hoc statueritis, dederitis mihi comitem1 ad contionem populo carum atque iucundum, sive Silani sententiam sequi malueritis, facile3 me [atque vos] crudelitatis vituperatione1 exsolveritis, atque obtinebo eam multos leniorem fuisse. Quamquam, patres conscripti, quae potest esse' in tanti sceleris immanitate puniendas crudelitas? ego enim de meo sensu' iudico: nam ita mihi1 salva re publica11 vobiscum perfrui liceat,12 ut ego, quod in hac causa vehementior sum, non atrocitate animi moveor; quis est enim me mitior? sed singulari quadam humanitate13 et misericordia.-11. (a) Give the principal parts of dederitis, malueritis, exsolveritis. (b) Account for the tense of malueritis(2), the mood and tense of fuisse (6), the mood of esse(7), the mood of liceat(12) ̧ (c) Account for the case of vituperatione(4), multo(5), mihi(10), re publica(1), humanitate (13). Explain fully the construction of punienda(8). (d) Translate into Latin the following sentences which are based on the passage printed above: If you punish this crime all men will free you from the charge of cruelty. I shall judge that you were moved by kindness to the state. The crimes of these men are so great that we cannot be gentle to them. (e) Explain fully the derivation of crudelitatis, exsolveritis, singulari, misericordia. (f) Decline comitem(1), sensu(?), re publica(11). Compare facile). (g) Write the following words and mark the quantities of their penults and final syllables: comitem, obtinebo, perfrui. (Harvard.) Who was the "comitem"), and why would he be "populo carum atque iucundum"? What custom is referred to in "comitem ad contionem"? How could Cicero justify the statement that the death penalty would be “singulari humanitate et misicordia"? What penalty was adopted? 37. Atque eo tempore huius avus Lentuli, vir clarissimus, armatus Gracchum est persecutus. Ille etiam grave tum vulnus accepit, ne quid de summa re publica deminueretur: hic ad evertenda fundamenta rei publicae Gallos arcessit, servitia concitat, Catilinam vocat, attribuit nos trucidandos Cethego et ceteros cives interficiendos Gabinio, urbem inflammandam Cassio, Italiam totam vastandam diripiendamque Catilinae. Vereamini censeo, ne in hoc scelere tam immani ac tam nefando nimis aliquid severe statuisse videamini: multo magis est verendum ne remissione poenae crudeliores in patriam quam ne severitate animadversionis nimis vehementes in acerbissimos hostes fuisse videamini.-13. What part did Lentulus play in the conspiracy? What became of him? What effect did the punishment of the conspirators have on Cicero's career? (Yale.) 38. Sed ea, quae, exaudio,1 patres conscripti, dissimulare non possum. Iaciuntur enim voces, quae perveniunt ad aures meas, eorum, qui vereri videntur ut habeam satis praesidi' ad ea, quae vos statueritiss hodierno die, transigunda. Omnia et provisa et parata et constituta sunt, patres conscripti, cum mea summa cura atque diligentia tum etiam multo maiore populi Romani ad summum imperium retinendum et ad communes fortunas conservandas voluntate. Omnes adsunt omnium ordinum10 homines, omnium denique aetatum: plenum est forum, plena templa circum forum, pleni omnes aditus huius loci ac templi. Causa est enim post urbem conditam" haec inventa sola in qua omnes sentirent12 unum atque idem13 praeter eos, qui cum sibi viderent1 esse pereundum, cum omnibus potius quam soli perire voluerunt.16-14. (a) Inflect voces, maiore, idem, sibi. (b) Give the principal parts and the mode, tense, voice, person and number of exaudio), statueritis(8), conditam(11), sentirent (12). Inflect voluerunt(16), in the imperfect indicative, the imperfect subjunctive and give the participles and infinitives. (c) Explain the case-construction of eorum(4), praesidi("), multo(9), idem (13), omnibus(15). (d) Explain the mode of habeam(6), statueritis(8), sentirent (12), viderent(14), and all the gerund or gerundive constructions in the passage, (Yale.) What is the force of "ex" in exaudio), of "per" in perveniunt)? What is the difference in meaning between dissimulare(2) and “simulare"? Show the gender of ordinum(10) by writing it in the accusative singular with the proper form of the pronoun "hic." Mark the accented syllable in praesidi("). If ut) were changed to "ne," how would the meaning be affected? Express in Latin:-"From the founding of the city." (Board.) 39. Causa est enim post urbem conditam1 haec inventa2 sola in qua omnes sentirents unum atque idem1 praeter eos qui, cum sibi viderent" esse pereundum, cum omnibus potius quam soli perire voluerunt.8 Quid ego hic equites Romanos commemorem10? qui vobis11 ita summam ordinis consilique concedunt,12 ut vobiscum de amore rei publicae certent13; quos ex multorum annorum dissensione huius ordinis14 ad societatem concordiamque revocatos hodiernus dies vobiscum atque haec causa coniungit15: quam si coniunctionem,16 in consulatu confirmatam meo, perpetuam in re publica tenuerimus,17 confirmo vobis nullum posthac malum civile ac domesticum ad ullam rei publicae partem esse venturum." Pari studio19 defendundae rei publicae convenisse video tribunos20 aerarios, fortissimos viros; scribas item universos, quos cum casu21 hic dies ad aerarium frequent asset, 22 video ab exspectatione sortis23 ad salutem communem esse conversos.24 Omnis ingenuorum25 adest26 multitudo, etiam tenuissimorum. Quis27 enim est cui28 non haec templa, aspectus29 urbis, possessio libertatis, lux denique haec ipsa et hoc commune patriae solum cum sit3o carum tum vero dulce atque iucundum?-15. (a) Inflect fully (i. e., in all persons, numbers, and genders) haec, omnes, idem, sibi, equites, dies, ullam, quis (27), and aspectus (29). Give the Latin words for 7, 11, 12, 20, seventh, eleventh, twelfth, and twentieth. How are adverbs usually formed from adjectives? (b) Give the principal parts of the following verbs, and tell explicitly where each of the forms cited is found (i. e., give person, number, tense, mood, and voice, or other distinctive characteristics): conditam(1), inventa(2), sentirent(3), viderent(), esse pereundum("), voluerunt(8), coniungit (15), tenuerimus (17), and adest (26). Give a synopsis of esse conversos (24) in the first person plural, active and passive, together with all infinitives and participles. Inflect concedunt(12) in the imperfect and pluperfect indicative and subjunctive. What verbs form the present singular imperative without a final vowel? (c) Explain the case-construction of unum atque idem(4), sibi(5), vobis(11), studio(19), tribunos (20), casu (21), sortis (23), ingenuorum(25), (25), and cui(28). Give the rules for the use of cases in expressions of time and place. (d) Explain the mood and tense of sentirent(3), viderent(), esse pereundum"), commemorem (10), certent (13), tenuerimis(17), esse venturum(18), frequentasset (22), and sit (30) In what ways may purpose be expressed in Latin? Ditto prohibition? (Yale.) Who are alluded to in "praeter eos qui")? in "equites Romanos"(9)? in "huius ordinis"(14)? in “ingenuorum" (25)? What civil strife is alluded to in "coniunctionem" (16)? What date is suggested by "urbem conditam"? Give the date of this oration and the place of its delivery. 40. Operae pretium libertinorum hominum studia cognoscere, qui, sua virtute fortunam huius civitatis consecuti, hanc suam patriam iudicant-quam quidam hic nati, et summo loco nati, non patriam suam sed urbem hostium esse iudicaverunt. Sed quid ego hosce homines ordinesque commemoro quos privatae fortunae, quos communis res publica, quos denique libertas ad salutem patriae defendendam excitavit? Servus est nemo, qui modo tolerabili condicione sit servitutis, qui non haec3 stare cupiat, qui non quantum audet conferat ad salutem voluntatis.-15. Give two meanings of civitas. Give the participles of consecuti. Change the verb in quid commemoro to the subjunctive and translate the changed form of question. Explain the derivation of tolerabili. Give the syntax of condicione. Account for the mood of sit. Give the principal parts of audet. (Board.) Who are alluded to in "libertinorum"(1)? What Roman practice is alluded to in ". sua virtute. . . consecuti"(2)? What did "haec" (3) suggest to Cicero's hearers? 41. Habetis consulem ex plurimis periculis et insidiis atque ex media morte non ad vitam suam, sed ad salutem vestram reservatum. Omnes ordines ad conservandam rem publicam mente, voluntate, studio, virtute, voce consentiunt. Obsessa facibus et telis impiae coniurationis vobis supplex manus tendit patria communis, vobis se, vobis vitam omnium civium, vobis Arcem et Capitolium, vobis aras Penatium, vobis illum ignem Vestae sempiternum, vobis omnium deorum templa atque delubra, vobis muros atque urbis tecta commendat.-18. Who is referred to in consulem? To what occurrence does ex media morte refer? What were the ordines? Give the construction of rem publicam, conservandam, mente, supplex. (Board.) Explain what would be suggested to a Roman by Arcem, Capitolium, Penatium, Vestae. 42. Nunc, antequam ad sententiam redeo,1 de me pauca dicam. Ego, quanta manus est coniuratorum, quam videtis esse permagnam, tantam |