The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes, Volume 11J. Nichols and Son, 1813 |
From inside the book
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Page 24
... sweet : O thou , the earthly author of my blood , - [ To GAUNT . Whose youthful spirit , in me regenerate , Doth with a two - fold vigour lift me up To reach at victory above my head , Add proof unto mine armour with thy prayers ; And ...
... sweet : O thou , the earthly author of my blood , - [ To GAUNT . Whose youthful spirit , in me regenerate , Doth with a two - fold vigour lift me up To reach at victory above my head , Add proof unto mine armour with thy prayers ; And ...
Page 27
... sweet infant breath of gentle sleep ; ] Which so rous'd up with boisterous untun'd drums , With harsh resounding trumpets ' dreadful bray , And grating shock of wrathful iron arms , have been a kind of truncheon carried by the person ...
... sweet infant breath of gentle sleep ; ] Which so rous'd up with boisterous untun'd drums , With harsh resounding trumpets ' dreadful bray , And grating shock of wrathful iron arms , have been a kind of truncheon carried by the person ...
Page 28
... sweet infant breath of gentle sleep , as pretty as it is in the image , is absurd in the sense : for peace awake is still peace , as well as when asleep . The difference is , that peace asleep gives one the notion of a happy people sunk ...
... sweet infant breath of gentle sleep , as pretty as it is in the image , is absurd in the sense : for peace awake is still peace , as well as when asleep . The difference is , that peace asleep gives one the notion of a happy people sunk ...
Page 34
... sweet to taste , prove in digestion sour . You urg'd me as a judge ; but I had rather , You would have bid me argue like a father : O , had it been a stranger , not my child , 9 To smooth his fault I should have been more mild : A ...
... sweet to taste , prove in digestion sour . You urg'd me as a judge ; but I had rather , You would have bid me argue like a father : O , had it been a stranger , not my child , 9 To smooth his fault I should have been more mild : A ...
Page 39
... sweet soil , adieu ' ; My mother , and my nurse , that bears me yet ! Where - e'er I wander , boast of this I can , - Though banish'd , yet a trueborn Englishman . ' [ Exeunt . SCENE IV . The same . A Room in the King's Castle . Enter ...
... sweet soil , adieu ' ; My mother , and my nurse , that bears me yet ! Where - e'er I wander , boast of this I can , - Though banish'd , yet a trueborn Englishman . ' [ Exeunt . SCENE IV . The same . A Room in the King's Castle . Enter ...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-One Volumes, with the ... Samuel Johnson,Isaac Reed,George Steevens No preview available - 2015 |
Common terms and phrases
ancient appears arms Aumerle Bagot Bardolph Ben Jonson blood BOLING Bolingbroke BUSHY called castle cousin crown death dost doth Douglas DUCH duke earth Enter Exeunt eyes face fair Falstaff Farewell fear folio fool Gadshill Gaunt GLEND Glendower grace grief hand Harry Harry Percy hath head hear heart heaven Henry VI Hereford Holinshed honour horse Hotspur JOHNSON King Henry King Henry IV King Richard King Richard III king's LADY lord Maid Marian majesty MALONE MASON means Morris dance Mortimer never night noble Norfolk Northumberland old copies passage peace Percy perhaps play POINS Pope Prince Prince of Wales quarto Queen RICH Richard II RITSON sack says scene Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir John Oldcastle soul speak STEEVENS suppose sweet sword tell thee THEOBALD thou art thou hast tongue uncle Wales WARBURTON word YORK