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relations may be studied directly by means of graphs without the intervention of any algebraic formula. Thus such a graph as a population curve, or a curve representing wind pressure, obviously represents a relationship between two quantities, but there is no known formula in either case. The idea that the three concepts, tables, graphs, algebraic formulas, are all representations of the same kind of connection between quantities, and that we may start in some instances with any of the three, is a most valuable addition to the student's mental equipment, and to his control over the quantities with which he will deal in his daily life.


Thus far the instances mentioned have been largely algebraic, though certain mensuration formulas of geometry have been mentioned. While the mensuration formulas may occur to one first as an illustration of functional concepts in geometry, they are by no means the earliest relationships that occur in that study.

1. Congruence.-Among the earliest theorems are those on the congruence of triangles. In any such theorem, the parts necessary to establish congruence evidently determine completely the size of each other part. Thus, two sides and the included angle of a triangle evidently determine the length of the third side. If the student clearly grasps this fact, the meaning of this case of congruence will be more vivid to him, and he will be prepared for its important applications in surveying and in trigonometry. Even if he never studies those subjects, he will nevertheless be able to use his understanding of the situation in any practical cases in which the angle between two fixed rods or beams is to be fixed or is to be determined, in a practical situation such as house building. Other congruence theorems throughout geometry may well be treated in a similar


2. Inequalities. In the theorems regarding inequalities, the functional quality is even more pronounced. Thus, if two triangles have two sides of one equal respectively to two sides of the other, but if the included angle between these sides in the one triangle is greater than the corresponding angle in the other, then the third sides of the triangles are unequal in the same sense. This theorem shows that as one angle grows, the side opposite it grows, if the other sides remain unchanged. A full realization of the fact here mentioned would involve a real grasp of the functional relation between the angle and the side opposite it. Thus, if the angle is doubled, will the side opposite it be doubled? Such questions arise in connection with all theorems on inequalities.

3. Variations in figures.-A great assistance to the imagination is gained in certain figures by imagining variations of the figure through

all intermediate stages from one case to another. Thus, the angle between two lines that cut a circle is measured by a proper combination of the two arcs cut out of the circle by the two lines. As the vertex of the angle passes from the center of the circle to the circumference and thence to the outside of the circle, the rule changes, but these changes may be borne in mind, and the entire scheme may be grasped, by imagining a continuous change from the one position to the other, following all the time the changes in the intercepted arcs. The angle between a secant and a tangent is measured in a manner that can best be grasped by another such continuous motion, watching the changes in the measuring arcs as the motion occurs. Such observations are essentially functional in character, for they consist in careful observations of the relationships between the angle to be measured and the arcs that measure it.

4. Motion. The preceding discussion of variable figures leads naturally to a discussion of actual motion. As figures move, either in whole or in part, the relationships between the quantities involved may change. To note these changes is to study the functional relationships between the parts of the figures. Without the functional idea, geometry would be wholly static. The study of fixed figures should not be the sole purpose of a course in geometry, for the uses of geometry are not wholly on static figures. Indeed, in all machinery, the geometric figures formed are in continual motion, and the shapes of the figures formed by the moving parts change. The study of motion and of moving forms, the dynamic aspects of geometry, should be given at least some consideration. Whenever this is done, the functional relations between the parts become of prime importance. Thus a linkage of the form of a parallelogram can be made more nearly rectangular by making the diagonals more nearly equal, and the linkage becomes a rectangle if the diagonals are made exactly equal. This principle is used in practice in making a rectangular framework precisely true.

5. Proportionality theorems.—All theorems which assert that certain quantities are in proportion to certain others, are obviously functional in character. Thus even the simplest theorems on rectangles assert that the area of a rectangle is directly proportional to its height, if the base is fixed. When more serious theorems are reached, such as the theorems on similar triangles, the functional ideas involved are worthy of considerable attention. That this is eminently true will be realized by all to whom trigonometry is familiar, for the trigonometric functions are nothing but the ratios of the sides of right triangles. But even in the field of elementary geometry a clear understanding of the relation between the areas (and volumes) of similar figures and the corresponding linear dimensions is of prime importance.


The existence of functional relationships in trigonometry is evidenced by the common use of the words "trigonometric functions" to describe the trigonometric ratios. Thus the sine of an angle is a definite ratio, whose value depends upon and is determined by the size of the angle to which it refers. The student should be made conscious of this relationship and he should be asked such questions as the following: Does the sine of an angle increase or decrease as the angle changes from zero to 90°? If the angle is doubled, does the sine of the angle double? If not, is the sine of double the angle more or less than twice the sine of the original angle? How does the value of the sine behave as the angle increases from 90 to 180°? From 180 to 270° From 270 to 360°? Similar questions may be asked for the cosine and for the tangent of an angle.

Such questions may be reinforced by the use of figures that illustrate the points in question. Thus an angle twice a given angle should be drawn, and its sine should be estimated from the figure. A central angle and an inscribed angle on the same arc may be drawn in any circle. If they have one side in common, the relations between their sines will be more apparent. Finally the relationships that exist may be made vivid by actual comparison of the numerical values found from the trigonometric tables.

Not only in these first functional definitions, however, but in a variety of geometric figures throughout trigonometry do functional relations appear. Thus the law of cosines states a definite relationship between the three sides of a triangle and any one of the angles. How will the angle be affected by increase or decrease of the side opposite it, if the other two sides remain fixed? How will the angle be affected by an increase or a decrease of one of the adjacent sides, if the other two sides remain fixed? Are these statements still true if the angle in question is obtuse?

As another example, the height of a tree, or the height of a building, may be determined by measuring the two angles of elevation from two points on the level plain in a straight line with its base. A formula for the height (h) in terms of these two angles (A, B) and the distance (d) between the points of observation, may be easily written down (hd sin A sin B/sin (A-B)). Then the effect upon the height of changes in one of these angles may be discussed.

In a similar manner, every formula that is given or derived in a course on trigonometry may be discussed with profit from the functional standpoint.


In conclusion, mention should be made of the great rôle which the idea of functions plays in the life of the world about us. Even when no calculation is to be carried out, the problems of real life frequently


involve the ability to think correctly about the nature of the relationships which exist between related quantities. Specific mention has been made already of this type of problem in connection with interest on money. In everyday affairs, such as the filling out of formulas for fertilizers or for feeds, or for spraying mixtures on the farm, the similar filling out of recipes for cooking (on different scales from that of the book of recipes), or the proper balancing of the ration in the preparation of food, many persons are at a loss on account of their lack of training in thinking about the relations between quantities. Another such instance of very common occurrence in real life is in insurance. Very few men or women attempt intelligently to understand the meaning and the fairness of premiums on life insurance and on other forms of insurance, chiefly because they can not readily grasp the relations of interest and of chance that are involved. These relations are not particularly complicated and they do not involve any great amount of calculation for the comprehension of the meaning and of the fairness of the rates. Mechanics, farmers, merchants, housewives, as well as scientists, and engineers have to do constantly with quantities of things, and the quantities with which they deal are related to other quantities in ways that require clear thinking for maximum efficiency.

One element that should not be neglected is the occurrence of such problems in public questions which must be decided by the votes of the whole people. The tariff, rates of postage and express, freight rates, regulation of insurance rates, income taxes, inheritance taxes, and many other public questions involve relationships between quantities--for example, between the rate of income taxation and the amount of the income-that require habits of functional thinking for intelligent decisions. The training in such habits of thinking is therefore a vital element toward the creation of good citizenship.

It is believed that transfer of training does operate between such topics as those suggested in the body of this paper and those just mentioned, because of the existence of such identical or common elements, whereas the transfer of the training given by courses in mathematics that do not emphasize functional relationships might be questionable.

While this account of the functional character of certain topics in geometry and in algebra makes no claim to being exhaustive, the topics mentioned will suggest others of like character to the thoughtful teacher. It is hoped that sufficient variety has been mentioned to demonstrate the existence of functional ideas throughout elementary algebra and geometry. The committee feels that if this is recognized, algebra and geometry can be given new meaning to many children, and that all students will be better able to control the actual relations which they meet in their own lives.

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A. Limitations imposed by the committee upon its work. The committee feels, that in dealing with this subject it should explicitly recognize certain general limitations, as follows:

1. No attempt should be made to impose the phraseology of any definition, although the committee should state clearly its general views as to the meaning of disputed terms.

2. No effort should be made to change any well-defined current usage unless there is a strong reason for doing so, which reason is supported by the best authority, and, other things being substantially equal, the terms used should be international. This principle excludes the use of all individual efforts at coining new terms except under circumstances of great urgency. The individual opinions of the members, as indeed of any teacher or body of teachers, should have little weight in comparison with general usage if this usage is definite. If an idea has to be expressed so often in elementary mathematics that it becomes necessary to invent a single term or symbol for the purpose, this invention is necessarily the work of an individual; but it is highly desirable, even in this case, that it should receive the sanction of wide use before it is adopted in any system of examinations.

3. On account of the large number of terms and symbols now in use, the recommendations to be made will necessarily be typical rather than exhaustive.


B. Undefined terms.-The committee recommends that no attempt be made to define, with any approach to precision, terms whose definitions are not needed as parts of a proof.

Especially is it recommended that no attempt be made to define precisely such terms as space, magnitude, point, straight line, surface, plane, direction, distance, and solid, although the significance of such terms should be made clear by informal explanations and discussions. C. Definite usage recommended. It is the opinion of the committee that the following general usage is desirable:

1. Circle should be considered as the curve; but where no ambiguity arises, the word "circle" may be used to refer either to the curve or to the part of the plane inclosed by it.

The first draft of this chapter was prepared by a subcommittee consisting of David Eugene Smith (chairman), W. W. Hart, H. E. Hawkes, E. R. Hedrick, and H. E. Slaught. It was revised by the national committee at its meeting December 29 and 30, 1920.

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