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present a body of materials of instruction, and to propose organizations of this material that will be valid not only for junior high schools conducted as separate schools, but also for years seven and eight in the traditional eight-year elementary school and the first year of the four-year high school.

While Chapter III is devoted to a consideration of the body of material of instruction in mathematics that is regarded as of sufficient importance to form part of the course of study for all secondary school pupils, Chapter IV is devoted to consideration of the types of material that properly enter into courses of study for pupils who continue their study of mathematics beyond the minimum regarded as essential for all pupils. Here will be found recommendations concerning the traditional subject matter of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth school years, and also certain material that heretofore has been looked upon in this country as belonging rather to college courses of study; as, for instance, the elementary ideas and processes of the calculus.

Chapter V is devoted to a study of the types of secondary school instruction in mathematics that may be looked upon as furnishing the best preparation for successful work in college. This study leads to the conclusion that there is no conflict between the needs of those pupils who ultimately go to college and those who do not. Certain very definite recommendations are made as to changes that appear desirable in the statement of college-entrance requirements and in the type of college-entrance examination.

Chapter VI contains lists of propositions and constructions in plane and in solid geometry. The propositions are classified in such a way as to separate from others of less importance those which are regarded as so fundamental that they should form the common minimum of any standard course in the subject. This chapter has close connection with the two chapters which immediately precede it. The statement previously made in our preliminary reports and repeated in Chapter II, that the function concept should serve as a unifying element running throughout the instruction in mathematics of the secondary school, has brought many requests for a more precise definition of the rôle of the function concept in secondary school mathematics. Chapter VII is intended to meet this demand. Recommendations as to the adoption and use of terms and symbols in elementary mathematics are contained in Chapter VIII. It is intended to present a norm embodying agreement as to best current practice. It will tend to restrict the irresponsible introduction of new terms and symbols, but it does not close the door entirely on innovations that may from time to time prove serviceable and desirable.

The chapters of the complete report thus far referred to appear in full in this summary. The remaining chapters of the complete report give for the most part the results of special investigations prepared for the national committee. The contents of these chapters are indicated sufficiently at the end of the present summary to enable the reader to decide whether or not he is interested in the studies mentioned, and whether or not he desires the complete report.

Copies of the complete report of the national committee, which will probably be ready for distribution in the spring of 1922, may be had, free of charge, upon application addressed to the chairman, Prof. J. W. Young, Hanover, N. H.

Chapter II.




A discussion of mathematical education, and of ways and means of enhancing its value, must be approached first of all on the basis of a precise and comprehensive formulation of the valid aims and purposes of such education. Only on such a basis can we approach intelligently the problems relating to the selection and organization of material, the methods of teaching and the point of view which should govern the instruction, and the qualifications and training of the teachers who impart it. Such aims and purposes of the teaching of mathematics, moreover, must be sought in the nature of the subject, the rôle it plays in the practical, intellectual, and spiritual life of the world, and in the interests and capacities of the students.

Before proceeding with the formulation of these aims, however, we may properly limit to some extent the field of our enquiry. We are concerned primarily with the period of secondary education— comprising, in the modern junior and senior high schools, the period beginning with the seventh and ending with the twelfth school year, and concerning itself with pupils ranging in age normally from 12 to 18 years. References to the mathematics of the grades below the seventh (mainly arithmetic) and beyond the senior high school will be only incidental.

Furthermore, we are primarily concerned at this point with what may be described as "general" aims, that is to say aims which are valid for large sections of the school population and which may properly be thought of as contributing to a general education as distinguished from the specific needs of vocational, technical, or professional education.


With these limitations in mind we may now approach the problem of formulating the more important aims that the teaching of mathematics should serve. It has been customary to distinguish three

1 Reference may here be made to the formulation of the principal aims in education to be found in the Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education, published by the U. S. Bureau of Education as Bulletin No. 55, 1918. The main objectives of education are there stated to be; 1. Health; 2. Command of fundamental processes; 3. Worthy home membership; 4. Vocation; 5. Citizenship; 6. Worthy use of leisure; 7. Ethical character. These objectives are held to apply to all education-elementary, secondary, and higher-and all subjects of instruction are to contribute to their achievement.


classes of aims: (1) Practical or utilitarian, (2) disciplinary, (3) cultural; and such a classification is indeed a convenient one. It should be kept clearly in mind, however, that the three classes mentioned are not mutually exclusive and that convenience of discussion rather than logical necessity often assigns a given aim to one or the other of the classes. Indeed any truly disciplinary aim is practical, and in a broad sense the same is true of cultural aims.

Practical aims.-By a practical or utilitarian aim, in the narrower sense, we mean then the immediate or direct usefulness in life of a fact, method or process in mathematics.

1. The immediate and undisputed utility of the fundamental processes of arithmetic in the life of every individual demands our first attention. The first instruction in these processes, it is true, falls outside the period of instruction which we are considering. By the end of the sixth grade the child should be able to carry out the four fundamental operations with integers and with common and decimal fractions accurately and with a fair degree of speed. This goal can be reached in all schools-as it is being reached in many-if the work is done under properly qualified teachers and if drill is confined to the simpler cases which alone are of importance in the practical life of the great majority. (See more specifically, Ch. III, pp. 7, 18.) Accuracy and facility in numerical computation are of such vital importance, however, to every individual that effective drill in this subject should be continued throughout the secondary school period, not in general as a separate topic, but in connection with the numerical problems arising in other work. In this numerical work, besides accuracy and speed, the following aims are of the greatest importance: (a) A progressive increase in the pupil's understanding of the nature of the fundamental operations and power to apply them in new situations. The fundamental laws. of algebra are a potent influence in this direction. (See 3, below.)

(b) Exercise of common sense and judgment in computing from approximate data, familiarity with the effect of small errors in measurements, the determination of the number of figures to be used in computing and to be retained in the result, and the like.

(c) The development of self-reliance in the handling of numerical problems, through the consistent use of checks on all numerical work.

2. Of almost equal importance to every educated person is an understanding of the language of algebra and the ability to use this language intelligently and readily in the expression of such simple quantitative relations as occur in every-day life and in the normal reading of the educated person.

Appreciation of the significance of formulas and ability to work out simple problems by setting up and solving the necessary equations

must nowadays be included among the minimum requirements of any program of universal education.

3. The development of the ability to understand and to use such elementary algebraic methods involves a study of the fundamental laws of algebra and at least a certain minimum of drill in algebraic technique, which, when properly taught, will furnish the foundation for an understanding of the significance of the processes of arithmetic already referred to. The essence of algebra as distinguished from arithmetic lies in the fact that algebra concerns itself with the operations upon numbers in general, while arithmetic confines itself to operations on particular numbers.

4. The ability to understand and interpret correctly graphical representations of various kinds, such as nowadays abound in popular discussions of current scientific, social, industrial, and political problems will also be recognized as one of the necessary aims in the education of every individual. This applies to the representation of statistical data, which is becoming increasingly important in the consideration of our daily problems, as well as to the representation and understanding of various sorts of dependence of one variable quantity upon another.

5. Finally, among the practical aims to be served by the study of mathematics should be listed familiarity with the geometric forms common in nature, industry, and life; the elementary properties and relations of these forms, including their mensuration; the development of space-perception; and the exercise of spatial imagination. This involves acquaintance with such fundamental ideas as congruence and similarity and with such fundamental facts as those concerning the sum of the angles of a triangle, the pythagorean proposition and the areas and volumes of the common geometric forms.

Among directly practical aims should also be included the acquisition of the ideas and concepts in terms of which the quantitative thinking of the world is done, and of ability to think clearly in terms of those concepts. It seems more convenient, however, to discuss this aim in connection with the disciplinary aims.

Disciplinary aims.-We would include here those aims which relate to mental training, as distinguished from the acquisition of certain specific skills discussed in the preceding section. Such training involves the development of certain more or less general characteristics and the formation of certain mental habits which, besides being directly applicable in the setting in which they are developed or formed, are expected to operate also in more or less closely related fields—that is, to "transfer" to other situations.

The subject of the transfer of training has for a number of years been a very controversial one. Only recently has there been any

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