Let it be granted, you have seen all this, (and praise 30 Of that most delicate lodging: By my life, Iach. If you feek For further fatisfying, under her breaft, (Worthy the preffing) lies a mole, right proud I kiss'd it; and it gave me present hunger Of what is in her chamber, nothing saves The wager you have laid. To feed again, though full. You do remember Iach. Then, if you can, [Pulling out the bracelet. Poft. Ay, and it doth confirm Were there no more but it. To that your diamond; I'll keep them. Poft. Jove! Iach. Will you hear more? [turns; Be pale; I beg but leave to air this jewel: See!- 35 Another stain, as big as hell can hold, And now 'tis up again: It must be married Once more let me behold it: Is it that [Gives the ring. 50 The government of patience! - You have won : It is a basilifk unto mine eye, Where there is beauty; truth, where semblance; love, Where there's another man: The vows of women 55 Phil. Have patience, fir, 1 i. e. fo near to fpeech. The Italians call a portrait, when the likeness is remarkable, a speaking picture. 2 The meaning is this: The fculptor was as nature, but as nature dumb; he gave every thing that nature gives, but breath and motion. In breath is included speech. 3 i. e. the token; the visible proof. And And that most venerable man, which I The woman's part in me! For there's no motion That tends to vice in man, but I affirm It is the woman's part: Be't lying, note it, The woman's; flattering, hers; deceiving, hers; 5 Lust and rank thoughts, hers, hers; revenges, hers; The non-pareil of this. - Oh vengeance, vengeance! A pudency so rosy, the sweet view on't [her Ambitions, covetings, change of prides, disdain, Might well have warm'd old Saturn; that I thought 10 Why, hers, in part, or all; but, rather, all: As chafte as unsunn'd snow: - O, all the devils! For even to vice This yellow Iachimo, in an hour, -was't not? Or less, at first: Perchance he spoke not; but, Like a full-acorn'd boar, a German one, They are not conftant, but are changing still Cry'd, oh!' and mounted: found no oppofition 15 Detest them, curse them:--Yet 'tis greater skill In a true hate, to pray they have their will: The very devils cannot plague them better, [Exit. OW fay, what would Augustus Cæfar with us? [yet Luc. When Julius Cæfar (whose remembrance Lives in men's eyes; and will to ears, and tongues, Be theme, and hearing ever) was in this Britain, And conquer'd it, Caffibelan, thine uncle, (Famous in Cæfar's praises, no whit lefs Than in his feats deserving it) for him, And his succession, granted Rome a tribute, 25 As eafily 'gainst our rocks: For joy whereof The fam'd Cafsibelan, who was once at point (O, giglet fortune!) to master Cæfar's fword, Made Lud's town with rejoicing fires bright, And Britons strut with courage. 30 Clot. Come, there's no more tribute to be paid: Our kingdom is stronger than it was at that time; and, as I faid, there is no more fuch Cæfars: other of them may have crook'd noses; but to own fuch strait arms, none. [bition, Yearly three thousand pounds, which by thee lately 40 with a blanket, or put the moon in his pocket, we It left untender'd. Qucen. And, to kill the marvel, Shall be so ever. Clot. There be many Cæfars, Ere such another Julius. Britain is A world by itself; and we will nothing pay Queen. That opportunity, Which then they had to take from us, to refume We have again. Remember, fir, my liege, With rocks unscaleable, and roaring waters; Cym. You must know, 'Till the injurious Roman did extort 45 This tribute from us, we were free: Cæfar's am(Which swell'd so much, that it did almost stretch The fides o' the world) against all colour, here Did put the yoke upon us; which to shake off, Becomes a warlike people, whom we reckon 50 Ourselves to be; we do. Say then to Cæfar, Our ancestor was that Mulmutius, which Ordain'd our laws; whose use the fword of Cæfar Hath too much mangled, whose repair, and fran chife, With sands, that will not bear your enemies' boats, 55 Shall, by the power we hold, be our good deed, But fuck them up to the top-mast. A kind of conquest Cæfar made here; but made not here his brag Of, came, and faw, and overcame; with shame (The first that ever touch'd him) he was carried From off our coast, twice beaten; and his shipping, (Poor ignorant baubles) on our terrible seas, Like egg-thells mov'd upon their furges, crack'd Though Rome be therefore angry. Mulmutids made our laws, Who was the first of Britain, which did put His brows within a golden crown, and call'd 60 Himself a king. Luc. I am forry, Cymbeline, That I am to pronounce Augustus Cæfar (Cæfar, that hath more kings his fervants, than * i. e. unscquainted with the nature of our boisterous feas. 2 i. e. without any pretence of right. Thyickf Thyself domestic officers) thine enemy : Pis. Madam, here is letter from my lord. Imo. Who? thy lord? that is my lord? Leo L natus? For fury not to be refifted: -Thus defy'd, O, learn'd indeed were that astronomer, I thank thee for myself. Cym. Thou art welcome, Caius. Thy Cæfar knighted me; my youth I spent Which he, to feek of me again, perforce, 5 That knew the stars, as I his characters; Behoves me keep at utterance. I am perfect, 10 (Some griefs are medicinable; that is one of them, That the Pannonians and Dalmatians, for For it doth phyfic love 6)-of his content, Their liberties, are now in arms: a precedent All but in that! Good wax, thy leave:-Bleft be You bees, that make these locks of counsel! Lovers, Luc. Let proof fpeak. 15 And men in dangerous bonds, pray not alike; end. Luc. So, fir. [mine: II. to me, as you, O the dearest of creatures, would even renew me with your eyes. Take notice, that I am in Cambria, at Milford-Haven: What your own love will, out of this, advise you, fol[Exsunt. 25 low. So, he wishes you all happiness, that remains loyal to his vow, and your, increasing in love, Clot. His majesty bids you welcome. Make paftime with us a day, or two, or longer: If you seek us afterwards in other terms, you shall find us in our falt-water girdle: if you beat us out of it, it is yours; if you fall in the adventure, our 2016 take me in his dominion, could not be so cruel crows shall fare the better for you; and there's an Cym. I know your master's pleasure, and he All the remain is, welcome. SCENE Another Room. Enter Pifanio. Pif. How! of adultery? Wherefore write you 30 not What monsters her accuse?-Leonatus! O master! what a strange infection Is fallen into thy ear? What false Italian LEONATUS POSTHUMUS." He is at Milford-Haven: Read, and tell me (As poisonous tongu'd, as handed) hath prevail'd 35 (Who long'st, like me, to see thy lord; who long'ft On thy too ready hearing? - Disloyal? No: blood? If it be so to do good service, never So much as this fact comes to? Do't: The letter That I have fent her, by her own command, O, let me 'bate, but not like me: yet long'ft,- To this fame bleffed Milford: And, by the way, 45 That we shall make in time, from our hence-going Why should excuse be born or e'er begot? We'll talk of that hereafter. Pr'ythee, speak, 50 How many score of miles may we well ride 'Twixt hour and hour? Pif. One fcore, 'twixt fun and fun, Madam's, enough for you; and too much too Imo. Why, one that rode to his execution, man, 55 Could never go so sflow; I have heard of riding Where horfes have been nimbler than the fands wagers, 3 To At utterance means to keep at the extremity of defiance. 2 i. e. I am well informed. take in a town is to conquer it. 4 A feodary is one who holds his eftate under the tenure of fuit and fervice to a superior lord. 5 i. e. I am unpractifed in the arts of murder. That is, grief for absence keeps love in health and vigour. 7 The meaning is, that the bees are not bleft by the man who forfeiting a bond is fent to prifon, as they are by the lover for whom they perform the more pleasing office of sealing letters. That That run i' the clock's behalf: -But this is fool ery: Go, bid my woman feign a fickness; fay She'll home to her father: and provide me, presently, A riding fuit; no costlier than would fit Pif. Madam, you're best confider. Nor what ensues; but have a fog in them, A cell of ignorance; travelling abed; Arv. What should we fpeak of, 5 When we are as old as you? When we shall hear That I cannot look through 3. Away, I pr'ythee; 10 Like warlike as the wolf, for what we eat: [Excunt. Changes to a Forest in Wales, with a Cave. Enter Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus. Bel. A goodly day not to keep house, with fuch Whose roof's as low as ours! Stoop, boys: This gate Our valour is, to chace what flies; our cage 15 Did you but know the city's ufuries, Instructs you how to adore the heavens; and bows 20 A pain that only feems to feek out danger I' the name of fame, and honour; which diesi' the fearch; Are arch'd fo high, that giants may jet through And keep their impious turbands 4 on, without And hath as oft a slanderous epitaph, Good morrow to the sun.-Hail, thou fair heaven! 25 Doth ill deferve by doing well; what's worfe, We house i' the rock, yet use thee not so hardly Muft curt'fy at the cenfure:-O, boys, this story As prouder livers do. Guid. Hail, heaven! Arv. Hail, heaven! The world may read in me: My body's mark'd Was not far off: Then was I as a tree, 35 And left me bare to weather. Bel. Now for our mountain sport: Up to yon hill, 30 And when a foldier was the theme, my name Your legs are young; I'll tread these flats. Confider, When you above perceive me like a crow, That it is place, which lessens, and fets off. And you may then revolve what tales I have told you, Of courts, of princes, of the tricks in war: This fervice is not service, so being done, But being fo allow'd: To apprehend thus, Draws us a profit from all things we fee: And often, to our comfort, shall we find The sharded 5 beetle in a fafer hold Than is the full-wing'd eagle. O, this life Is nobler, than attending for a check; Richer, than doing nothing for a babe 7; Prouder, than ruftling in unpaid-for filk: [oft) Bel. My fault being nothing (as I have told you But that two villains, whose false oaths prevail'd Before my perfect honour, swore to Cymbeline, 401 was confederate with the Romans: fo, Follow'd my banishment; and, these twenty years, This rock, and thefe demesnes, have been my world: Where I have liv'd at honest freedom; pay'd Such gain the cap of him, that makes them fine, 45 More pious debts to heaven, than in all [tains; Yet keeps his book uncross'd: no life to ours. The fore-end of my time. But, up to the moun- Guid. Out of your proof you speak: we, poor unfiedg'd, [know not Have never wing'd from view o' the nest; nor What air's from home. Haply, this life is best, 50 And we will fear no poison, which attends If quiet life be best; sweeter to you, That have a sharper known; well corresponding With your ftiff age: but, unto us, it is In place of greater state. I'll meet you in the valleys. [Exeunt Guid. and Are. How hard it is, to hide the fparks of nature! This fantastical expreffion means no more than fand in an hour-glass, used to measure time. A franklin is literally a freeholder, with a small eftate, neither villain nor vaffal. 3 That is, "I can fee neither one way nor other, before me nor behind me, but all the ways are covered with an impenetrable fog." + The idea of a giant was, among the readers of romances, who were almost all the readers of those times, always confounded with that of a Saracen. 5 i. e. the beetle whose wings are enclofed within two dry busks or shards. 6 Check may mean in this place a reproof; but it rather seems to fignify command, controul. 7 Dr. Johnson fufpects, that the right reading of this passage is as follows: "Richer than doing nothing for a brabe." Brabium is a badge of honour, or the enfign of an honour, or any thing worn as a mark of dignity. The word is found (he adds) in Holyoak's Dictionary, who terms it a reward; and that Cooper, in his Thefaurus, defines it to be a prize, or reward for any game. & To overpass his bound. Thefe 2 These boys know little, they are fons to the king; They think, they are mine: and, though train'd up thus meanly And you shall find me, wretched man, a thing Imogen reads. Thy mistress, Pifanio, bath play'd the ftrumpet in I' the cave, wherein they bow 1, their thoughts do hit 5 my bed; the teftimonies whereof lie bleeding in me. The roofs of palaces; and nature prompts them, In fimple and low things, to prince it, much Beyond the trick of others. This Polydore, The heir of Cymbeline and Britain, whom The king his father call'd Guiderius,-Jove! When on my three-foot stool I fit, and tell The warlike feats I have done, his spirits fly out Into my story: say, Thus mine enemy fell; And thus I fet my foot on bis neck; even then I speak not out of weak furmises; but from proof as strong as my grief, and as certain as I expect my revenge. That part, thou, Pifanio, must alt for me, if thy faith le not tainted with the breach of bers. 10 Let thine own bands take arvay ber life: I shall give thee opportunity at Milford-Haven: she bath my letter for the purpose: Where, if thou fear to Strike, and to make me certain it is done, thou art the pandar to ber dishonour, and equally to me disloyal. The princely blood flows in his cheek, he sweats, 15 Pif. What shall I need to draw my sword? Strains his young nerves, and puts himself in posture the paper That acts my words. The younger brother, Cadwal, (Cnce, Arviragus) in as like a figure, Hath cut her throat already. - No, 'tis slander; Strikes life into my speech, and shews much more tongue His own conceiving. Hark! the game is rouz'd! - 20 Out-venoms all the worms 3 of Nile; whose breath Myfelf, Belarius, that am Morgan call'd, They take for natural father. The game is up. 30 And cry myfelf awake? that's falfe to his bed? To break it with a fearful dream of him, i [Exit. Is it? Pif. Alas, good lady! Was near at hand: - Ne'er long'd my mother fo To fee me first, as I have now: Pifanio! Man! 40 I must be ript:-to pieces with me!-0, i. e. Thus meanly brought up. Yet in this very cave, which is so Tow that they must bow or bend in entering it, yet are their thoughts so exalted, &c. poifons. rank. 2 This is another allufion to Italian 3 Serpents and dragons by the old writers were called worms. 4 Perfons of highest $ That is, Some jay of Italy, made by art the creature, not of nature, but of painting. In this sense painting may be not improperly termed her mother. Thy |