2 Off. He hath deferved worthily of his country: And his afcent is not by such easy degrees as thofe, who have been supple and courteous to the people ;| bonnetted, without any further deed to heave them at all into their estimation and report: but 5 he hath so planted his honours in their eyes, and his actions in their hearts, that for their tongues to be filent, and not confefs fo much, were a kind of ingrateful injury; to report otherwife, were a malice, that, giving itself the lye, 10 would pluck reproof and rebuke from every ear that heard it. 1 Off. No more of him; he is a worthy man : Make way, they are coming. A Sennet. Enter the Patricians, and the Tribunes of 15 Men. Having determin'd of the Volces, and [you, Hath thus ftood for his country: Therefore, pleafe The prefent conful, and last general In our well-found fucceffes, to report A little of that worthy work perform'd By Caius Marcius Coriolanus; whom We meet here, both to thank, and to remember 1 Sen. Speak, good Cominius: Leave nothing out for length; and make us think, Than we to stretch it out.-Mafters o' the people, Sic. We are convented Upon a pleafing treaty; and have hearts Bru. Which the rather We shall be bleft to do, if he remember A kinder value of the people, than Men. That's off, that's off 2; I would you rather had been filent: Please you To hear Cominius speak? Bru. Moft willingly; But yet my caution was more pertinent, Men. He loves your people; 20 Com. I fhall lack voice: the deeds of Coriolanus The man I fpeak of cannot in the world 30 The briftled lips before him: he beftrid An o'er-preft Roman, and i' the conful's view I cannot fpeak him home: He ftopt the fliers; [ftamp) 45 And fell below his ftem: his fword (death's But tye him not to be their bed-fellow.-- Cor. Your honours' pardon; I had rather have my wounds to heal again, 2 i. e. that is nothing to the purpose. 3 i. e. raised a 1 Bonneter, Fr. is, to pull off one's cap. power to recover Rome. 4 i. e. his chin on which there was no beard. 5 The parts of women were, in Shakspeare's time, reprefented by the most smooth-faced young men to be found among the players. i. e. the gate was made the scene of death, Το To eafe his breaft with panting. Men. Worthy man! [nours 1 Sen. He cannot but with measure fit the hoWhich we devife him. Com. Our fpoils he kick'd at ; And look'd upon things precious, as they were Men. He's right noble; Let him be called for. 1 Sen. Call Coriolanus. Off. He doth appear. Re-enter Coriolanus. Men. The fenate, Coriolanus, are well pleas'd To make thee conful. Cor. I do owe them still My life, and services. Men. It then remains, That you do speak to the people. Cor. I do befeech you, Let me o'er-leap that cuftom: for I cannot Put on the gown, ftand naked, and entreat them [Act 2. Scene 3. 2 Cir. We may, fir, if we will. 3 Cit. We have power in ourselves to do it, but it is a power that we have no power to do: for if he fhew us his wounds, and tell us his deeds, we 5 are to put our tongues into those wounds, and fpeak for them; fo, if he tell us his noble deeds, we muft alfo tell him our noble acceptance of them. Ingratitude is monftrous: and for the multitude to be ingrateful, were to make a monster of the multitude; roof the which, we being members, should bring ourfelves to be monftrous members. 1 Cit. And to make us no better thought of, a little help will ferve: for once, when we ftood up about the corn, he himself stuck not to call us-the 15 many-headed multitude. 3 Cit. We have been call'd fo of many; not that our heads are fome brown, fome black, fome auburn, fome bald, but that our wits are so diverfly colour'd: and truly, I think, if all our wits were 20 to iffue out of one fcull, they would fly east, weft, north, fouth; and their confent of one direct way thould be at once to all the points o' the compafs. 2 Cit. Think you fo? Which way, do you judge, For my wounds' fake, to give their fuffrage: please 25 my wit would fly? you, That I may pass this doing. Si. Sir, the people Must have their voices; neither will they bate One jot of ceremony. Men. Put them not to 't: Pray you, go fit you to the custom; and Take to you, as your predeceffors have, Your honour with your form. Cor. It is a part That I shall blush in acting, and might well Bru. Mark you that? Cor. To brag unto them,-Thus I did, and thus ; Shew them the unaking scars, which I should hide, 40 never a worthier man. Enter Coriolanus, and Menenius. Here he comes, and in the gown of humility; 45gether, but to come by him where he stands, by mark his behaviour. We are not to stay all toones, by twos, and by threes. He's to make his requests by particulars; wherein every one of us has a fingie honour, in giving him our own voices with our own tongues: therefore follow me, and Bru. You fee how he intends to use the 50 I'll direct you how you shall go by him. Mifery for avarice. 2 Once here means the fame as when we say once for all. Cor. Cor. Think upon me? Hang 'em! I would they would forget me, like the virtues Men. You'll mar all; I'll leave you: Pray you, speak to 'em, I pray you, 5 Citizens approach. Cor. Bid them wash their faces, [Exit. And keep their teeth clean.-So, here comes a You know the caufe, firs, of my standing here. Cor. Mine own defert. 2 Cit. Your own defert? Cor. Ay, not mine own defire. 1 Cit. How! not your own defire? Cor. No, fir; 'Twas never my defire yet To trouble the poor with begging. Cor. I will not feal your knowledge with fhewing them. I will niake much of your voices, and fo trouble you no further. Both. The gods give you joy, fir, heartily! Cor. Moft fweet voices! Than crave the hire which first we do deserve. Why in this woolvish 2 gown fhould I ftand here, 10To beg of Hob, and Dick, that does appear, Their needlefs vouches? Cuftom calls me to 't :- 15 For truth to over-peer.-Rather than fool it fo, To one that would do thus.-I am half through; 1 Cit. You must think, if we give you any 20 Here come more voices.thing, we hope to gain by you. Car. Well then, I pray, your price o' the confulfhip? 1 Cit. The price is, to ask it kindly. Cor. Kindly? Sir, I pray, let me ha't: I have wounds to fhew you, Which fhall be yours in private.-Your good voice, fir; What fay you? Both Cit. You fhall have it, worthy fir. Car. A match, fir:-There's in all two worthy voices begg'd: I have your alms; adieu. 1 Cit. But this is something odd. Your voices; for your voices I have fought; I have feen, and heard of; for your voices, have 2 Cit. Therefore let him be conful: The gods 30give him joy, and make him good friend to the people! Endue you with the people's voice: Remains, 40 Anon do meet the fenate. 1 Cit. You have been a scourge to her enemies, you have been a rod to her friends; you have not, 45 indeed, loved the common people. Cor. You should account me the more virtuous, that I have not been common in my love. I will, fir, flatter my fworn brother the people, to earn a dearer eftimation of them; 'tis a condition they ac-50 count gentle and fince the wisdom of their choice is rather to have my hat than my heart, I will practise the infinuating nod, and be off to them moft counterfeitly; that is, fir, I will counterfeit the bewitchment of fome popular man, and give it 55 bountifully to the defirers. Therefore, befeech you, I may be conful. 2 Cit. We hope to find you our friend; and therefore give you our voices heartily. 1 Cit. You have received many wounds for 6c your country. 1 I will not ftrengthen or compleat your knowledge. writing. 2 i. e. this rough hirfute gown. Sic. How now, my mafters? have you chofe 1 Cit. He has our voices, fir. [this man? Bru. We pray the gods, he may deserve your loves. The feal is that which gives authenticity to a 2 Cit. 2 Cit. Amen, fir: To my poor unworthy notice, He mock'd us, when he begg'd our voices. Cit. Certainly, he flouted us down-right. 1 Cit. No, 'tis his kind of fpeech, he did not 2 Cit. Not one amongst us, save yourself, but says, [try. Sic. Why, either, were you ignorant to fee 't * ? Or, feeing it, of fuch childish friendliness To yield your voices? Bru. Could you not have told him, Sic. Say, you chofe him More after our commandment, than as guided As you were leffon'd,--When he had no power, 25 Pre-occupy'd with what you rather must do Your liberties, and the charters that you bear Sic. Thus to have said, Than what you should, made you against the grain As you were fore-advis'd, had touch'd his fpirit, [40] Bra. Did you perceive, He did folicit you in free contempt 2, When he did need your loves; and do you think, Bru. Say, you ne'er had done 't, (Harp on that still) but by our putting on : And prefently, when you have drawn your number, 50 Repair to the Capitol. All. We will fo: almost all Bru. Let them go on; [Exeunt Citizens. This mutiny were better put in hazard, Sic. To the Capitol, come; 6cWe will be there before the ftream o' the people; And this fhall feem, as partly 'tis, their own, Which we have goaded onward. [Excunt i. e. did you want knowledge to difcern it? 3 Object his pride. 4. c. carriage. 5 i. e. weighing his past and present behaviour. mark, catch, and improve the opportunity which his hasty anger will afford us. 2 i. e. with contempt open and unrestrained. • i. c. ACT Lart. How often he had met you, fword to fword: That, of all things upon the earth, he hated 20 Each way, to better yours. Cor. Why then fhould I be conful? By yon Let me deferve fo ill as you, and make me Your fellow tribune. Sic. You fhew too much of that, For which the people ftir: If you will pafs Your perfon moft: that he would pawn his fortunes 25 To where you are bound, you must enquire your To hopeless reftitution, so he might Be call'd your vanquisher. Cor. At Antium lives he? Lart. At Antium. The tongues o' the common mouth. I do defpife 35 Com. Hath he not pafs'd the nobles, and the Cor. Have I had children's voices? Sen. Tribunes, give way; he fhall to the Bru. The people are incens'd against him. Or all will fall in broil. Cor. Are these your herd ? Must thefe have voices, that can yield them now, And straight difclaim their tongues !-What are your offices? [teeth You being their mouths, why rule you not their] 1 Plume, deck, dignify themselves. upon any one. 3 i. e. fhuffling. with the corn. way, Which you are out of, with a gentler fpirit; Or never be fo noble as a conful, Nor yoke with him for tribune. Men. Let's be calm. [t'ring 3 Com.The people are abus'd :-Set on. This palBecomes not Rome; nor has Coriolanus Deferv'd this fo difhonour'd rub, laid falfly 4 I' the plain way of his merit. Cor. Tell me of corn! This was my fpeech, and I will speak 't again;- Sen. Not in this heat, fir, now. Cor. Now, as I live, I will.-My nobler friends, 40I crave their pardons : For the mutable, rank-fcented many, let them Therein behold themfelves: I fay again, In foothing them, we nourish 'gainst our fenate 45 The cockle 5 of rebellion, infolence, fedition, Which we ourfelves have plough'd for, fow'd, and fcatter'd, By mingling them with us, the honour'd number; Men. Well, no more. Sen. No more words, we beseech you. As for my country I have shed my blood, 2 The metaphor is from men's fetting a bull-dog or mastiff Mefell is used in Pierce Plowman's Vision for a leper. Which |