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He took the dreadful Lawyer's Fees, That in his own allow'd Highway, Does Feats of Arms as great as his, Andwhen th' encounter in it wins theDay Safe in his Garifon, the Court, Where meaner Criminals are sentenc'd (for't, To the ftern Foe he oft gave Quarter. But as the Scotchman did to Tartar,

That he in Time to come,

Might, in return from him, receive his



He wou'd have starv'd this mighty Town
And brought its haughty Spirit down;
Have cut it off from all Relief;

And like a wife and valiant Chief,
Made many a fierce Affault

Upon all Ammunition-Carts,

And those that bring up Cheese andMalt, Or Bacon from remoter Parts.



No Convoy e'er fo ftrong, with Food, Durft venture on the desperate Road; He made th'undaunted Waggoner obey, And the fierce Higler Contribution pay; The favage Butcher and ftout Drover Durft not to him their feeble Troops


And if he had but kept the Field, In time he'd made the City yield; For great Towns like the Crocodiles,

(are found

I'th' Belly apteft to receive a mortal



But when the fatal Hour arriv'd,
In which his Stars began to frown,
And had in close Cabal contriv'd

To pull him from his height of Glory


When he by num'rous Foes opprefs'd, Was in the enchanted Dungeon caft, Secur'd

B 5.

Secur'd with mighty Guards,

Left he by Force or Stratagem, Might prove too cunning for their

(Chains and them,

And break tho' all their Locks, and (Bolts and Wards,

He'd both his Legs by Charms committed

To one another's Charge,

That neither might be fet at large, And all their Fury& Revenge outwitted. As Jewels of high Value are

Kept under Locks with greater Charge Than those of meaner Rates; So he was in Stone-Walls, and pond'rous (Chains, and Iron Grates.


Thither came Ladies from all Parts, To offer up clofe Pris'ners Hearts, Which he receiv'd as Tribute due,

And make 'em yield up Love and Ho

(nour too,


But in more brave Heroicks

Than e'er was practis'd yet in Plays; For those two spiteful Foes who never

(meet But full of hot Contest and Piques, About Punctilio's and meer Tricks, Did all their Quarrels to his Doom fub

(mit, And far more generous and free, With only looking on him did agree, Both fully fatisfyld, the one

With the fresh Laurels he had won, And all the brave renowned Feats

He had perform'd in Arms

The other with his Perfon and his

(Charms; For just as Larks are catch'd in Nets

By gazing on a Piece of Glass,

So while the Ladies view his brighter. !!! (Eyes, And smoother polish'd Face,

Their gentle Hearts, alas! were taken

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(by Surprize.


Never did bold Knight Errant to re


Diftreffed Dames, fuch dreadful Feats


As feeble Damfels for his fake

Would have been proud to undertake, And bravely ambitious to redeem

The World's Lofs and their own,

Strove who fhould have the Honour to

(lay down,

And change a Life with him:

But finding all their Hopes in vain,

To move his fix'd determin'd Fate.
They Life it self began to hate,

And all the World befide difdain:
Made loud Appeals and Moans

To lefs hard-hearted Grates and Stones,


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