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Iseo, 197

Eugenia of

Isola Bella, 33, 34
Comacina, 46, 47, 50
dei Pescatori, 33
Madre, 33, 34
Isolfo, Bishop, 209
Isonzo, the, 25

Italy, its relation to Europe, 3
Ivrea, 152

JOHN of Bohemia, 270
John XXII., Pope, 270
Joseph 11., Emperor, 139, 158
Julia, 266

Julian Alps, the, 19, 20, 23, 26
Julier Pass, the, 16, 17 note
Julius II., 74

Jungfrau, the, 32

Justina, Empress, 86

Justinian, Emperor, 25
Juvara, 210

LAGO di Bolsena, battle of, 8

Como, 31, 39, 45, 53
Garda, 4, 196-203, 298
Iseo, 196

Lecco, 39
Lugano, 30, 37


Monate, 32

Orta, 31

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MADERNO, 146, 201

Madonna del Frassine, 203
del Monte, 53
della Pace, 45
del Sasso, 36

del Soccorso, 46

Magenta, battle of, 79, 204
Maggia, the, 32
Maggiore, 38

Magi, tomb of the, 65 note,


Mago, 12, 246
Maguzzano, 198
Malaguzzi, Valerio, 285
Malatesta, Pandolfo, 171
Malcesine, 202

Malpaga, Castle of, 183
Manerba, 200
Manichees, the, 131
Manlius, Lucius, 245
Mantegazza, Antonio and
Cristoforo, 142

Mantegna, Andrea, 176, 180
his work in Mantua, 210,
213, 215, 218

his work in Milan, 118, 119
Mantegna, Francesco, his work
in Mantua, 210
Mantovano, Rinaldo, 218
Mantua, 120, 254, 303

churches of, 209–212
forlornness of, 206, 218
history of, 5, 6, 26, 68 note,

69, 203, 207-209, 219

Marquis of, 282

palaces of, 212-218

Virgil's birthplace, 206, 208
Manzone, Fabio, his work in
Milan, 114

Marcellus, M. Claudius, 9
Marcus, 58

Marches, the, 262
Marchigiani, the, 233
Marcignago, 63
Marenzio, 237, 274

Maria Luisa, Empress, 271
Maria Theresa, Empress, 158
Marignano, battle of, 74, 141,

Mariotto, Bernardino, 180
Maritime Alps, Coast Road, 16,
17 note

Marius, 21, 266

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Molesme, Abbot of, 129, 136
Molza, Francesco, 292
Mommsen, Theodor, quoted, 10
note, 15 note, 16, 246

Monaco, 15

Monaco, Lorenzo, his work in
Bergamo, 179

Monate, 53
Mongiovanni, 299
Monselice, 26

Montagna, Bartolommeo, 146,

his work in Bergamo, 127
his work in Milan, 125
Montalto, Barbara di, 37
Mont Cenis, the, 16, 150, 302
Monte Cassino, 259
Cervano, 53
del Castello, 184

Generoso, view from, 29-31,
37, 38, 57

Monteghezzone, 241

Monte Lucio, 299

Motterone, 32, 35

Rosa, 32, 53, 171
Salvatore, 39
Vecchio, 299

Viso, 32, 53, 171

Montferrat, Marquis of, 68 note,

69, 217

Mont Genèvre Pass, 16, 17

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Morone, Domenico, 181, 197,


Moroni, Francesco, his work in
Bergamo, 170, 176, 181
his work in Milan, 115, 123,

Moroni, Giovanni Battista, 184,


Mozzanica, battle of, 71
Muratori on Guglielmina, 131
note, 132 note, 135
Musso, Marquis of, 42-44
Mutina. See Modena

NANI, Sebastiano, 226
Naples, 27

Charles VIII. claims, 73, 74
Napoleon I., 278
at Pavia, 154

coronation of, 166

crosses the Alps, 16, 76, 77
defeats the Austrians, 202,
203, 241, 242

enters Milan, 76, 77, 100
in Mantua, 203, 214.
Napoleon III. enters Milan, 79
Narbonne, 94

Narses, 25, 27, 223

National Gallery, London, 142,

143, 287
Naviglio, the, 64

Nero, C. Claudius, defeats Has-
drubal, II

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Moore, Sturge, Correggio, 278 | Novara, 64 note, 68, 74, 114,

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Novellara, 287, 297,

Nufenen Pass, the, 16

ODOACER, crushed by Theo-
doric, 24, 25

Olano, 58

Oldrado da Lampugnano, 144

Olger, King, 150

Olgiate, 52

Olgiati, 72

Ombrone, the, 9

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Paul v., Pope, 34
Pavia, 240, 247, 250

Certosa, 102, 136-147
churches of, 158-161
Duomo, 157

history of, 24, 26, 43, 69,
74, 148-154, 237-239

rivals Milan, 59, 64, 65,
66 note

S. Michele Maggiore, 152,

154-157, 172, 173
Stilicho at, 23

University of, 146, 154,

Pax Romana, the, 17
Pellegrino, Galeazzo, 145
Pennine Alps, the, passes of, 6
16, 17 note

Perugia, 26, 107
Perugino, Pietro, 127, 277
his work in Cremona, 231
his work in Pavia, 142
Pesaro, 27

Peschiera Maraglio, 24, 196,

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