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the Rev. W. Baggaly preach. They were much profited by the discourse, and, after some deliberation and prayer, they united with our people saying, "This people shall be my people, and their God shall be my God."

Our sister continued a member until her death. She took a lively interest in the cause of God, and was peculiarly active in connexion with the Ladies' Sewing Meeting, of which she was the treasurer. Her outward frame, however, was very feeble; and, for a great length of time, she was almost perpetually confined at home by a very severe affliction. This was, no doubt, to her a fiery trial, and she felt that in herself she was weak and helpless; but by the grace of God she was enabled to bear it with Christian patience, and generally enjoyed true peace of mind. Her desire, her hope, her trust were in the living God, and he was her joy and her guide even unto death. In an interview which the writer had with her a few days before her death, she expressed great confidence in God, and said, respecting her affliction, "It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth good in his sight." Her composure and peace of mind were now more and more manifest as her end drew near, and especially during her last day in this world.

Feeling that she could not long survive, and perceiving her beloved partner was deeply affected, she said, "My dear, you must give me up; let us try to give one another up, and we shall soon meet again in a better world." After a little while, he asked her if she felt anything of the sting of death, and she at once replied, "My Jesus has taken it all away; glory, glory, glory to God!" "How beautiful," he said, "are the words of Jesus: In my father's house are many mansions.'" "Oh, yes," she answered, "he will come for me, and take me to himself, which will be far better." about twenty minutes past four o'clock she closed her eyes in Jesus.


May her bereaved husband one day meet her again in the realms of bliss ; and may all that read these lines be prepared by divine grace for the same glorious reward.


[The following particulars have been furnished by Mr. Baggaly, at the request of Dr. Crofts.]

Liverpool, Dec. 18th, 1851. DEAR BROTHER,-Had you written earlier it would have given me great pleasure to meet your wishes respecting

my late estimable friend Mrs. Hawkins. But at this late period, and surrounded as I am by many other pressing engagements, it really is not in my power to give you any lengthened sketch of her character, or even to gather up those little incidents in her history which might otherwise prove useful to you on Sunday


Of the time and circumstances under which Mrs. H. became a subject of grace I can give you no information.

I believe she and Mr. H. joined our Society in 1836, or just about the close of my appointment to Birmingham. On my first return to the Circuit after twelve years absence I found Mr. and Mrs. H. holding a prominent place amongst our worthy friends in Oxford-street. This led me to a very close and intimate acquaintance with them; and I soon discovered that our dear departed friend was worthy of the highest esteem.

She was a sincere Christian. I soon found that the work of grace was thoroughly wrought in her heart, and that she had no higher happiness than to know and to do the will of God.

There was a frank and generous spirit about her piety that I always admired. She made no secret of her religion, but, whether in the world or in the Church, she readily professed to be herself a follower of Christ. And yet there was nothing forward or presumptuous about her; but whilst she prudently guarded against that shy and retiring spirit which prevents so many excellent saints from openly avowing themselves the disciples of Christ, our sister nobly stood forth in his name, and evidently wished to let her light so shine before men that they, seeing her good works, might be led to love and serve that God who had made her a subject of his grace.

Naturally buoyant and of a lively turn of mind, religion shone in her to great advantage; she was a cheerful and happy Christian. I believe she always retained a lively sense of the divine favour, and her peace flowed as a river. If the countenance be anything like a faithful index of the heart, when Mrs. H. was in health there was not often much difficulty in determining the state of things within. A pleasant smile, and a few of her brief and touching remarks, were enough to show that she was generally under the wings of the cherubin, and that it was her happiness to walk in the light of God's


This naturally awakened a spirit of benevolence, and drew her out in desire and efforts to do good. Whilst she had

health and strength, she was generally found ready to devote her energies to the best interests of the Church; and in supporting its institutions, I am disposed to think she did more than some of her most intimate friends were ever made acquainted with.

She studiously preserved the tone of her piety by a proper attention to those means which are provided for our edification and instruction in righteousness. She loved the Scriptures, and no doubt read them daily, and with care; and I believe she was regular and conscientious in her attention to her closet. In the social means of grace she took great delight; and her habitual attention to the services of the sanctuary bespoke her intense desire to know and do the will of God. It was pleasing to see her when under the word; and I have often remarked with what eagerness she appeared to drink in the water of life, and how sweet and refreshing it seemed to be to her mind.

In a word, there was a degree of earnestness and uniformity about her religious character which did honour to her profession, and sufficiently proved that she had not received the grace of God in vain.

But for a long time, perhaps two years, our dear friend was severely afflicted. I believe but few individuals had a proper idea of what she suffered.

In this protracted affliction I visited her regularly, and was perhaps quite as well acquainted with her peculiar situation, state of mind and general conduct, as any individual could be. At times she appeared to be of rather a hasty and irritable temper, which betrayed itself by short and somewhat unguarded expressions. There were those who could hardly excuse this, and I could generally excuse those who might not exactly excuse her. But what I heard, or saw, during that tremendous affliction, in no way changed my estimate of her moral worth, or in any way lowered her in my esteem. And for this reason I found, from close observation, that that which might appear to a superficial observer as a fretful spirit was really the effect of intense suffering. She was often in agony. Her sufferings were extreme. This shook her nervous system, and produced those results to which I have adverted. Such being my views, I must remark

That I always found her ready to acknowledge the hand of God in her affliction. She received it as "from the Lord"not as coming from one who might err

in his dispensations, but as inflicted by a fatherly and compassionate hand. She evidently felt that in love and tenderness he had afflicted her.

She was humbled before God in her affliction. She felt her unworthiness, and daily deplored it. I shall never forget how feelingly she once confessed to me that she felt her heaviest afflictions were needful to humble her proud spirit and lay her in the very dust before the Lord.

She was patient. It would be too much to expect from human nature to suppose that an individual could endure all that amount of suffering which our dear friend passed through, without giving expression to one single remark which might be construed into an indication of impatience; but, all things taken into account, I do not remember having seen an individual who endured so severe a trial with more entire submission to the will of God.

She was fully resigned to Jehovah's rule. She could not but apprehend that her affliction would end fatally; but, so far as she was concerned, I believe she had no anxiety about that. I know she had a wish to live, if it were possible, on her dear partner's account. All the tender feelings of her heart gathered round him, and she dreaded the idea of his being left behind in this vale of tears. Had not that tie existed, I believe she would have felt perfectly free from the world, and not have cherished so much as a desire to remain in it for one single day. But, taking both her own state and that of Mr. Hawkins into account, I believe that, much as she felt for him, she was quite prepared and fully resigned either for life or for death. Her language appeared to be, "Not my will but thine be done."

In her affliction she cultivated a devotional spirit, and thus kept near to God. She loved prayer.

She lived by faith. Her mind was much engaged by divine things. Her estimate of the Saviour and the efficiency of his sacrifice were of the highest order; and her devout mind clung to that cheering and soul-reviving truth, "He loved me, and gave himself for me."

She cherished the most exalted antici

pations of future bliss. Heaven and heavenly objects were much in her thoughts; and the prospect of seeing God and being eternally happy in his presence, did not merely reconcile her to her change, but it rendered death an object of desire. She longed to "depart and be wit Christ, which is far better."

I had many pleasurable interviews with our dear friend, and had the fullest opportunity of becoming acquainted, not only with her prospects of eternal life, but with the grounds on which those prospects rested; and you may be assured that "the Rock of Ages" was her only hope.

If she erred-and pray who has not some faults?—I say, if she erred, it was in burying herself too much in the world. She made a slave of herself. Providence smiled on their industry, and she kept close enough to her work. Perhaps that might be accounted for from the fact that she had a sort of business of her own; and, like many others similarly situated, she thought nobody could do it so well as herself. And it was quite clear that nobody was allowed to do it, whilst she was able to give it attention.

But, though Martha-like, I believe she was a great favourite with our Lord. She loved him supremely, and rejoiced to follow him in the regeneration.

Our dear Sister Bradburn told us how she died-it was just such an end as I expected. Her precious dust sleeps in peace, but her deathless spirit is now associated with a Beswick, a Taylor, a Bonney, and many others, who are gone from Oxford-street Chapel to glory. Dear Crofts, may you and I meet them there, and be for ever with the Lord. Remember me kindly to your family, Mr. Hawkins and the friends and believe me Yours affectionately,


JAMES LANCELOT IREDALE. JAMES LANCELOT IREDALE, the eldest son of our esteemed friends, Lancelot and Ann Iredale, was born in Newcastleupon-Tyne, Nov. 26th, 1833. When a child he was remarkable for the serious turn of his mind and his great love of reading. The time that is usually spent by children in frivolous amusements was devoted by him to the perusal of interesting books and the preparation of his school exercises. From the earliest dawn of reason upon his understanding, his heart seems to have been peculiarly susceptible of religious impressions. His parents state that they never knew him, except on one occasion, to utter a falsehood; and that when he was betrayed into this evil by the instigation of a servant-girl, he evinced deep compunction of heart, though only six years of age. In reference to this circumstance his father makes the following remarks, which we earnestly commend to the attention of all those who have children

committed to their care. "Anxious to check the first appearance of evil, I took him into a room and endeavoured to show him the evil nature of sin, and especially that of lying; his whole frame shook and he was covered with perspira. tion, whilst with faltering voice and heart-felt sorrow he said, 'Father, you may correct me now, but you shall never have to find fault with me again on this account.' And by divine grace he was

enabled to keep his vow."

About this time he became a scholar in our Sabbath-school, Bethesda Chapel, Gateshead. His propriety of conduct, and his rapid progress in knowledge, soon won for him the approval and admiration of his teachers; and at the age of ten he was advanced to the select class. In two years after this he was appointed to take the charge of a junior class, and he performed the duties thus assigned him with punctuality and zeal.

In the December of 1848 he became a candidate for Church membership, and not many weeks passed away before his soul fully entered into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Respecting the fact of his adoption into the divine family through faith in the blood of Christ, he testified in his class, with great confidence and delight. No sooner had he found the grace of life himself, than he began to manifest a strong desire for the salvation of others. His younger brothers were the objects of his special solicitude, and his Christian deportment and earnest intreaties were not without effect upon them. Alluding to the time when one of his brothers accompanied him to the class-meeting, his leader observes, "Long shall remember the night when he entered the class-room followed by a younger brother, whom his affection and piety had won to the pursuit of religion. Oh, it was a lovely sight to behold one so young himself leading a younger brother to the fountain where his own sins had been washed away, thus combining the affection of a brother with the care of a spiritual father."

Like many others, during the first impressions of divine love, and the first gushings-forth of the "joy unspeakable," he spoke, and rejoiced, and triumphed as if all his spiritual conflicts were terminated, and all his difficulties vanished, and as if nothing remained but uninterrupted sunshine and calm. But he soon found that the Christian's life is a constant warfare, and that he who would "fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life," must put on the


whole armour of God and give himself to unslumbering watchfulness, unwearied self-denial, and unceasing prayer. these important exercises he devoted himself with the utmost decision and earnestness, until he was called away from the Church militant on earth to the Church triumphant in heaven.

Considering his youth, his views of Scripture truth were singularly clear and comprehensive. This is readily accounted for by his intense love of reading, and by the character of the books which he read. He was not satisfied with those flimsy and frivolous productions in the perusal of which too many young persons waste their time, corrupt their tastes, and enfeeble their minds. He loved the Bible, regarding it as the perfection of Divine wisdom; and many of his evenings were spent in searching its sacred pages. And next to this book of books, he prized the works of religious authors. He carefully read the new edition of the Rev. T. Allin's "Discourses on Modern Atheism;" the Rev. W. Cooke's "Christian Theology" and "Theiotes" (the latter he read through three times); the Rev. P. J. Wright's "Study of Creation;" the Rev. W. Hamilton's prize essay


"Missions, their Divine Authority, Scope, and Encouragement;" Bishop Berkeley's Works; the American periodical entitled, "Bibliotheca Sacra," &c. We mention these works because he had read them with special attention and interest. He was a member of our Young Men's Improvement Meeting, where he proposed his inquiries and stated his opinions with a degree of modesty highly commendable in а youthful inquirer after truth, and distinguished himself by a courtesy and kindness which endeared him to all our hearts. My late colleague, the Rev. T. D. Crothers, who had many opportunities of intercourse with him, thus writes respecting him: "He was a youth in whom all the graces that adorn the Christian character and shed a fragrance on this passing scene clustered and shone like a morning without clouds." His life was indeed like a sweet, tranquil, lovely morning, which passes away regretted as it was admired. He was amiable, intelligent and pious. His intellectual faculties, happily combined, as they were, with the graces of the spirit, gave promise of future eminence in the Church of God.

But the fond expectations of his friends and the sanguine hopes of the Church were not to be realized. He was destined to finish his course in the

morning of his days. In December last he was seized with an illness which in a few days was found to be typhus fever. He had two medical attendants, yet their skill was unavailing; but while the power of medicine failed to restore his body, the influence of religion sustained and comforted his soul. For several days after he began to be ill, he was almost continually engaged in prayer, praising God and singing some of his favourite hymns, such as, "On Zion we shall stand," or "When I can read my title clear," &c. After his complaint had assumed a severe form, he was visited by our excellent friend, Mr. Holliday, his leader; and, in answer to the question, "Is all well, James ?" he said, "All is well," and added, "Precious Jesus!" On being asked if he had any fears in regard to the future, he emphatically replied, "No; I rely on the atoning blood." To his father he said, "Father, I hope Christ will strengthen me to do and to suffer his will, and that he will be my refuge and support in this affliction." And on being reminded that God had promised never to leave his children, and to give them grace according to their day, he responded, in a tone of confidence and satisfaction, "Oh, yes!" When his father quoted the words which Job was enabled to utter under his accumulated trials, "I know that my Redeemer liveth," &c., he replied, with peculiar emphasis, "Yes, and I know that my Redeemer liveth too." On one occasion he remarked to his leader, "A great change has come over me since I saw you last; I hope, I wish now to get better." And when asked why he desired to recover, he answered, "That I may do something for God;" and then added, "but the Lord's will be done!" I saw him a few days before his death, and whilst speaking to him respecting the precious promises of God, and the delightful prospect of his people, he fixed his eye upon me, and said, 'Tis like a little heaven below."

His short but severe affliction was terminated on Saturday, January the 17th, when his spirit took its flight from this sinful and suffering state to a world of perfect holiness and joy. His death was improved by the writer of this brief memoir, in a discourse from Ecclesiastes, xii. chapter and 1st verse, delivered in Bethesda Chapel to a densely crowded and deeply affected audience.

Though taken away at so early a period of his life, he has not lived in vain. He will be remembered as a bright and beautiful example of youthful piety; as a

young disciple in whom humility and gentleness of spirit were combined with strength of principle and stedfastness of purpose. Our hope is that his death will be instrumental in warning and saving many whom he was not permitted, to the extent of his wishes, to benefit by his life. The circumstance of his early departure gives a new interest, and therefore additional force, to his lovely example. Death has preserved the bloom and beauty of his character. "Just at that age when the painter would have wished to fix his likeness, and the lover of poetry would delight to contemplate him; in the fair morning of his virtues, in the full spring blossom of his hopes, hath Death set the seal of eternity upon him and the beautiful hath been made permanent." In regard to his bereaved parents and friends, our prayer is, that the loss of one in whom there was so much to engage their affection and to excite their hopes may be abundantly sanctified to their good, and that it may be their happiness to meet him in a better world. W. COCKER.

Gateshead, March 18th, 1852.

ELEANOR BUTTLER. DIED at Hull, on the 30th January, 1852, after a few days' illness, Eleanor Buttler, aged fifty-two. Our departed sister had been connected with the Church and congregation worshipping in Bethel Chapel for upwards of thirty years. The particular circumstance connected with her conversion to God I have not been able to ascertain; but if it be true that the tree is known by its fruit, we have had ample evidence that she was made a new creature in Christ, and that old things were done away, and all things in her had become new. It may be said

that she had the root of the matter within her. To God be all the glory!

The grace of God implanted in her heart generated a strong attachment to the Church and all its holy ordinances, and an ardent desire to be useful to her

family and neighbours. In the early part of her Christian life she became a Sabbath-school teacher, and was also as sociated with the prayer-leaders in conducting the prayer-meetings held in private houses on the Sabbath evenings; and to the end of life would willingly, either by night or by day, go to any part of the town to do good to those in need.

She was frequently the subject of severe affliction, and more than once or twice, to all appearance, was brought down to the verge of the grave; but she never complained or charged God foolishly. On the contrary, she kissed the

rod and calmly said, "It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him meet."

Her last affliction, though short, was very severe; she had been ailing for a few days, but continued to attend the Lord's house up to the Sabbath evening prior to her departure into a world of spirits. On the Wednesday she became so much worse that it was deemed necessary to call in medical aid; still no immediate danger was apprehended. During that day and the following the symptoms became more alarming, and late on the Thursday evening her now bereaved husband requested that I would call and see her. I went immediately, and found her suffering the most excruciating pain of body, but calm and serene in spirit. I said, "Mrs. B., what a mercy it is that you have not religion to seek now!" She promptly replied and said, "Oh, yes, it is a mercy-it is a mercy!" "Then you now feel your feet to be firmly fixed on Christ the rock of ages?" "Yes, yes! bless the Lord!" I gently intimated that to all appearance her affliction would terminate in mortality, when she emphatically replied, "The will of the Lord be done." A female friend repeated the beautiful words of David, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." She said, "Oh, that's a firm staff, and I am leaning upon it, and it sustains me."

I called to see her the next morning, and found her still suffering most acutely, and little able to converse; I therefore proposed to pray with her. She said, "Oh,

yes, pray, pray, pray always, without ceasing and without fainting!" While engaged in prayer the pain appeared to abate, and I afterwards said, "You seem a little relieved." She immediately responded and said, "Yes, bless the Lord! bless the Lord! bless the Lord for all his mercies, both of providence and grace !" I then said, "I hope you have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ." She said, "Bless the Lord, I have."

She made many other remarks, all tending to show that the anchor of her soul was cast within the vail, whither Christ her forerunner had entered, and that she could rejoice in hope of the glory of God. She died shortly after I

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