the night came in which it was no longer appointed that he should labour. And be it ever recollected, that although he wrote for his daily bread, and it never failed him, (which was a reward of his faith and truthfulness), yet did he never write a single word or line populo ut placerent fabulæ !
It is the learned BARROW, in his Sermon Of Industry in our Particular Calling as Scholars, that has these words: -" Dignum laude virum Musa vetat mori; learning consecrateth itself and its subject together to immortal remembrance. It is a calling that fitteth a man for all conditions and fortunes; so that he can enjoy prosperity with moderation, and sustain adversity with comfort; he that loveth a Book will never want a faithful friend, a wholesome counsellor, a cheerful companion, an effectual comforter. By study, by reading, by thinking, one may innocently divert and pleasantly entertain himself, as in all weathers, so in all fortunes." Thus did the lamented SOUTHEY, rooted and grounded in the Faith! And with these words, GENTLE AND COURTEOUS READER, I commend to thee the several Series of his Common Place Books
"He that affecteth God in chief, And as himself his neighbour;
May still enjoy a happy life,
Although he live by labour!"-G. WITHER.
ABBE DU BOS, saying of, that different ideas are as plants or flowers, 612.
Abdera, law at, relative to the dissipation of patrimony, 456. ABDOL MOTALLEB, father of Mahomet, 177. Aberfraw Palace, 61. Abrojos, used in Columbus' Journal, 699.
Adam, yearly meeting of those so called in 1681, 373. Adam's first Wife, 85. Adder's-tongue Fern, 29. Adites, tribe of, 97. Advocate of Poictiers, story of, and results, 713. Æsor, good morals in, and in Reynard the Fox too, 621. African Mule Monsters, 75. Aggawam, cobler of, 622. Ex- tracts, 681. Agla, what, 432.
AGNES, ST. name explained,
Agriculturists, seditious when provisions are cheap, 667. Agues cured by electricity, 436. By fear, 441. By the fourth Book of the Iliad. 507.
Agyei, sort of directing Posts,
ALEANDER, CARDINAL, his epi-Ancestry, one good effect of, 79. ANCILLON, remarks of, 439. Anecdotes for Espriella, 358.
BACON, LORD, remarks of, 637. | BEAUCHAMP, RICHARD, Earl of BADDELEY, the comedian, be-
taph, 390. Ale bottles, letters sent in, 505. Alerion, heraldic term, 399. Alhama, La gran Perdida de, original and translation, 262- 265. Like the Ranz de Vuches forbidden to be sung, 265. Alhambra, perfumed room in,
Ali's Sons, Death of, celebrated,
ciæ Pietatis, 399. All Souls' Day, customs on, at Naples and Salerno, 163. Allumée, heraldic term, 432. Alnwick, the miry pool of, 419. ALPHERY MOKEPHER, history of, 399.
Almanack, Egyptian, 165. Story of one at Kendal, 354. Aloes, cloth for pantaloons made from, 395. Alphington, near Exeter, wo- men freak there, 380. ALONSO DE ERCILLA, author of the Araucana, so called from Arauco, a mountain province of Chili. Q. R. vol. 87, p. 317, 16.
AMANT, ST. extracts, 433. Amatory Poems, general con- demnation of, 258.
American Savage, old age of, 39. Servants, object to answor- ing a bell, 365.
AMPHIARANS, Descent of, 227. Amreeta-cup of Immortality,
Amusements, Public, 368. Anatomy, subjects begged for, 588. Discovery of the Lac- teals, ib.
Anatto, use of, 399.
And gleanings, 540, &c. ANGER, remark on, 625. Animals, Arabian, 110-112, 175. Not morally respon- sible, 593. Saying of Cana- dian Indians about, 607. Slaughtered in London, in the year 1810, 392. Have rea- soning, 428. Redemption for, 446. Extracts, 541. Antimony, red oil of the glass of, 436, 546.
Apes, venerable ones in Guinea,
Apium Raninum, root of, best medicine for swine, 574.
Apollo, victim to, 58. Appleby Assizes, way of doing justice at, 397. Appleby, pretty town, 532. Apple trees, wassailing and howling of, 380-1. Arabian Scenery, extracts rela- tive to, 102. Horses, 109. Atmosphere, birds, beasts, and plants, 110-112. Hospi- tality, ib.
Arabs, devotement of, 105. Corrupted the science of me- dicine, 438.
Araucan Song during Thunder Storm, 199. Araucana, extracts from, 630. ARC, JOAN OF, 17. ARCHIMEDES, his rams, who by their bleating shewed which way the wind blew, 613. ARCHY, Charles the First's fool, died at Arthuset, in Cumberland, 368. ARETINE LEONARDO, his use of michi for mihi, 643.
Army, Pomp of, 62. Remarks
on the reduction of, after a war, 666.
ARNOLD OF BRESCIA, account of, 28, 141.
Arrows, 62. Of disease, 431. Art, Benefit of, at Vicenza, ana- logous to our old Benefit of Clergy, 399.
Arundel Marbles, how abused,
Arundela, what, and whence de- rived, 238.
Asinitas hominum, Casaubon's remark on, 644. Asker, An, i. e. a beggar, 364. Aspalux. See Schol. in Ly- cophr. v. 121, and Etymol. Mag. in v. Aristotle writes ̓Ασφάλαξ. Cf. Hist. Animal. lib. i. 1, 9. viii. 28, 433. Aspen-poplar, Tafod y Mirchens, or, Woman's Tongue, 172. Ass, singular taste of one for tobacco, 593. A student of philosophy, 368. Astraa, remarks on, 279. Astronomy, Turkish, 156. Hin- doo prolixity, 435. Atone, meaning of, 288. ATTILA, the sword of, 241. AUGUSTINE, saying of, 630. Anecdote of, unde? 436. Opi- nion of the human soul, 479. Aurora Borealis, Captain T. Southey's account of, 6, 162. North and South Indian's name for, Ed-thin, 168. AUSONIUS, beautiful epigram of, 456,
Avale, i. e, to descend, 89. Avarice ever finds in itself mat- ter of ambition, 637. Its own plague, 718.
Awkwardness at Court, 44. AYSCOUGH, Sir Izaac Newton's uncle, his absence of mind,
![[blocks in formation]](,1026,272,111)
BABER EMPEROR, saying of, when speaking of an infa- mous deed, 684.
Babel, derivation of! 582. BACHAUMONT, Мет. Sec. ex- tracts, 573, 617, 621, Bachelors' Buttons, 244.
Bachelor, i. e. Bas Chevalier,
Beards, extracts relative to, 500, 598. Beasts, examples to men, 592. BEATTIE, extracts from, and remarks on, 334.
Warwick, 270. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER, re- marks on, 306, &c. Extracts, 457,9; 635, &c. 646, &c. 657, &c.
Beavers, formerly in Wales, 140. Account of one, 438. Bedminster, subject for an Ec- logue, 193. Bee, why a fool, 198. Beech and Beech-mast, 164. Richness of the beech-trees in the Forest of Dean, 201. Bedare and dare, the same word,
Bhurtpore, an officer's observa-
Birds, extracts relative to, 168. | Brazil, thick heads in, 171.
Of the Bermudas that bur- row, 592. Education of sing- ing birds, 510.
BISHOP, SAMUEL, Poetical Works, 309. Shews in his domestic poems a very ami- able and kappy feeling of du- ties and enjoyments, &c. ib. Bisk, i. e. to ink so as to be il- legible, 399.
Blackbird and Woodlark, notice of, 152.
Blame my Nose! softened im- precation, 477. BLANCHARD ALAIN, 70. Blank Verse, Irregular, re- marks on, 1.
Blind, funds for, at Christ's Hospital, 387.
Blood, Circulation of? allusion
to, in Eccles. xii. 546.
Boar, a Norfolk one, ridden four and a quarter miles by his master, 415.
Boar's head, 174.
Boat like an Eagle, 67. BODMER'S
Calvin's Institutes, reported through Madan, 410.
Bombast, Spanish, 259. Bonaparte and Dr. Solomon,
confusion of, 365. Bone Manure, 388. Bonfires, Festival, 116. Book, occupations necessary to produce one, 450. When new, 692. A friend, 725. Bons Esprits, and beaux esprits,
Book-keeper, correct and in- correct, P. Tompkin's, death of, 390.
BOSWELL had a faculty for man- ners, said Adam Smith, 617. Botany, Medical, extracts, 573. BOUCHET, Serées, 704.
Bourg de Bar, le Capitaine, 170. BOVIUS, THOMAS, an Empiric, his Hercules and Aurum Po- tabile, 436.
BOWDWOIN, JAMES, astrono- mical opinions of, 431. BOWLES CAROLINE, i. e. Mrs. Southey, remark of, 621. Bracha, Gallia Braccata, &c.40. Brama, how he first made man,
Breath, III, strange cure for,
Burgomaster, strange mode of choosing, 454.
BURGOINGNE, DUC DE, Lettres envoyées de, par le Roy d'An- gleterre au, 21. Charles the Warlike, Duke of, 104, 109, 115, 164.
Burial, Royal and Noble Modes of, 133.
Buried Money, story of, 426. Burke the miscreant, affrighted
in his sleep, 708.
BURKE, his admiration of Spen- ser, 312. Complimented by Lord G. Gordon, 689. His saying on Pitt's Economical Bill, 689. On the Growth of Atheism, 700. BURNET, SIR THOMAS, son of Bishop, saying of, 350. BURNET'S Theoria Sacra, ad- mired by Southey and Wordsworth, 184.
Burning, better than Inter-
Burrough, or Burgh, Hutchin- son's remark on name, 618. BURTON, Anat. of Mel. ex- tracts, 467-8, 473-4. BUSHELL'S Wells, account of at Enstone, 405.
BROUGHTON'S Dict. of all Re- ligions, extracts from, 121, 2. SIR THOMAS, traditionabout, Butterfly, pretty lines of Hall
Hartston's, 661. C.
Cader Idris, 242. CECILIA, ST., 67; sermons preached on her day as late as 1713, 703. CAFFARELLI, the singer, his wealth, 433. CALDERON, extracts, 468, 471,
501, 640. 658. CALVERT, F. LORD BALTI- MORE, works of, 348. Calvinistic Teachers, 716. CALVIN'S Institutes, Boling- broke's remarks on, 410. CAMDEN, Gough's, quotations from, 57, 61, 62. Camel, called the Ship of the Land, 176; conveyors of souls, Ib.; taught to dance,
of Stones, 46. CAMOENS, 627. Canary Fanciers, pattern bird of, 433. CANOVA's genius first manifest ed in modelling butter, 510.
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