"And to this day as erst they wont, "Of sugar-sweet and liquorice, MR. JOHN HUTCHINSON'S By the public house in Newlands, there is a green cock-pit. LOOKING down from Hindscarth upon Buttermere, the light fell so upon the lake that one part, which was in shade, appeared like a hole in it, or pit. WHERE the hill has been burnt, the cranberry leaves are red. THE wooden railroad is said to have been first invented by Mr. Carlisle Spedding at Whitehaven. DR. DIXON'S Life of Dr. Brownrigg, p. 108. IN Mrs. Wilson's youth it would have been thought a sin for any one to have sold honey in this place. It was given freely to any who happened to want it. AMONG the Lansdowne MSS. (No. 17.7.) is a letter from Augsburg, written in Latin to the Lords Leicester and Burghley, by David Hang and John Languaver, co-partners with their Lordships in the mines at Keswick, concerning those mines. A. D. 1573. -Catal. p. 33. Ibid. p. 37, No. 18. 51. ARTICLES proposed to the Lord Treasurer to be entered into with the Queen, by the Company of the mines at Keswick. A.D. 1574. Ibid. p. 48, No. 24.1. EDWARD BRADDYL to the Lord Treasurer, wanting to know what must be done with the Queen's copper in her store-house at Keswick. A.D. 1576. MORE papers concerning these mines.P. 56, No. 28. 4-11. Ibid. p. 115, No. 61. 69. LETTER describing something of the country and people near Kendal, to Lord Burghley. Cotton MSS. Titus B. iii. 7. KESWICK mines. THE parsonage house in Langdale was licensed as an alehouse, because it was so poor a living, that the Curate could not otherwise have supported himself. Owen Lloyd who now holds the curacy told me this. "CARES and sorrows cast away, This is the old wives' holyday." BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, Women pleased, act v. sc. iii. A LARGE leaved sort of clover, with a purple spot in the centre of the leaves, grows as a weed in this nursery garden,the seed having been accidentally imported in some package from America. JOHN EARSDEN and George Mason composed the music in a work entitled, " The Ayres that were sung and played at Brougham Castle in Westmoreland, in the King's entertainment, given by the Right Hon. the Earl of Cumberland, and his right noble son the Lord Clifford. Fol. London, 1618." -HAWKINS, vol. 4, p. 25. Possibly here might be words by Daniel. Tuesday, 19 Jan. 1836. I WENT out at one o'clock to shake hands with my old friend G. Peachy before his departure. It was a bright frosty day, and my Scotch bonnet afforded no shelter to my eyes, which are however now so used to it as not to be inconvenienced by the light. I was reading as usual, Clarke's Christiad1 was the I had the Christiad in hand at this time, and had written to Southey on the subject. This induced him to turn to it. The underwritten is from the fly-leaf of his copy transcribed into my own: "Robert Clarke, educated at the English College at Douay, where, as I am informed, he was Professor of the Classics. He afterbook; and just on the rising ground where the view of the lake opens, the sun came I suppose more directly upon my eyelids, but the page appeared to be printed in red letters. The page before me was that on more reasonably for their gods; and at length nothing was to be done without consulting them through the priests or Krakenpates. These heads being fixtures, and having no means of seeing things for them which the last book begins, and the head-selves, believed of course what the kraken1809. June 2. Snow upon all the hills | fast at Lancaster, which is the more unrea ing is in larger type, these took the colour first, and were red as blood, the whole page presently became so. The opposite page had a confused intermixture of red and black types, when I glanced on it; but fixing the sight there the whole became rubric also, though there was nothing so vivid as in the heading of the book. The appearance passed away as my position with regard to the sun was altered. I particularly noticed this phenomenon, which never occurred to me before, but which if I am not deceived I have read of more than once as something preternatural. An enthusiast according to the mood of mind would take it for a manifestation of grace or of wrath, -I think it has had the latter interpretation. May 13, 1821. EARLY this morning, and more in a dream than awake, I fell into a train of fanciful thought, and imagined a great island in the Polar Sea, which was the Kraken, or, as the earth itself has been supposed by some wild theorists, a living and sentient creature. That sort of perpetual creation which Azara supposes was going on there, and the Kraken had in later years pushed out heads and feelers from his upper as well as under surface. These were in various forms and kinds, graminivorous, frondivorous, carnivorous, and omnivorous. Among these varieties, some human heads appeared at last; and the Krakeners, in evil hour for themselves, thought it a point of duty to educate their heads, and teach them to speak and to read: or rather they took them wards became a Carthusian Monk, and spent his leisure hours in an elaborate work, entitled Christiad." This meagre account is all that DODD gives (vol. 3, p. 311), and for this he referred to the Diary of Douay College, and the Diary of the Carthusians at Nieuport." - J. W. W. pates told them, but they had whims of their own also, and very seldom agreed,and when they were out of humour, they could shake part of the body, and bring various evils upon the land, by the feelers, water, volcanoes, &c. Something might be made of this. KESWICK. 1808. Sept. 27. Snow on Helvellin, some was seen yesterday, and some last week. Sept. 28. The snow continues there, and the frost in the night has killed all our nasturtiums, which were yesterday in full bloom and beauty. The potatoe tops also are withered and black. The lime at Jackson's new building here was frozen two inches deep, and one of the masons says there was ice an inch thick in a tin cup. The kidney beans also are killed, and made transparent by the frost. Sept. 29. The sunflowers and hollyhocks killed in the garden. Walking out I observed the ash leaves cut off and lying under the tree, before they had changed colour. The sycamore had lost some leaves in the same manner, but not so many. The elder berries were all killed. Snow fell upon all the mountains, and there was ice in the boat. Sept. 30. The sweet-peas and china-asters killed, a few of the latter which were more sheltered have escaped. and the vale of St. John's covered with it: a thing never before remembered. Within a fortnight grass which had then been buried beneath the snow, was mown. Nov. 3. The first effect of winter upon the flowers, the nasturtiums just touched by the frost. 1821. June 9. Snow upon Causey Pike and the Borrowdale Fells. sonable because the coach is changed there, and if you do not choose to run the risk of losing your luggage, you must lose your breakfast. I found time to abridge mine by swallowing two raw eggs; 18. 9d. each the charge, so that you must eat at the rate of two-pence a minute to make a saving bargain. Passed Hesketh Hall, and in the adjacent 1822. Sept. 26. First snow on Helvellin. | village was recognized to our mutual sur1828. Nov. 9. There has been no snow yet. Nov. 10. The first. 1833. Sept. 1. Cucumbers on the frame, vegetable marrows, and such kidney beans as were not sheltered from the east, cut off by frost. Monday, 24th Oct. 1836. LEFT Keswick with Karl in the stage. Found the squaw in it, and dropt her at what used to be John Stanley's-the public house in Legberthwaite. No other passenger the whole way. They have played the Quaker with Ivy Cottage. Saw Wordsworth and Mr. Robinson in Ambleside. Took our places for Liverpool at the Commercial Inn, Kendal, and slept there. Tuesday, 25th. Called at half-past four. Two heads are better than one, said a man who was assisting to pack the coach, and to enforce the remark he added, I had rather have two sovereigns than one. I dissented from the opinion, and reminded Karl of Eteocles and Polynices, -for we had been reading the Thebaid. Set off half-past five by moonlight. A man in the coach talked about Bishop Watson, and said that when a school-boy at Hensingham, his schoolfellows used to laugh at him for coming in a homespun coat and clogs, and gave him some nickname in consequence. I cannot think the clogs would have exposed him to any ridicule in this country, and especially at that time. They allow only ten minutes for break prize by Mr. Hodgeson, John Wordsworth's late curate, who had recently removed to this place. He introduced me to Mr. Addington, who was going to Liverpool on his way to London, a very agreeable, gentlemanly, well informed man, a friend of Mrs. Charles Warren. He told me that Sharpe had left his sister-in-law only £50 a year! It ought to have been £500. Reached Liverpool a little after three, and finding no place could be taken for Ellesmere till to-morrow evening, off we set for the Birkenhead steamer, and at half-past five were packed up in the mail for Chester. We had a very intelligent companion upon the stage, a most incurious one from Lancaster. He was a person in business at Liverpool, who had never been to London, nor indeed fifty miles from home, except once, for a fortnight to the Isle of Man by the steamer. He works in a counter from morning to night, and is evidently killing himself thereby: but broad hints and good plain advice seemed to be bestowed upon him in vain. Tuesday, 25th. Our way into the inn was up a flight of steps, and then across one of those rows which make Chester one of the most remarkable cities in England It is a large old rambling house, and our bedroom was so far back that we were not molested by any noise from the street. The gas was so offensive in the public room that we could not endure it. Walked round the walls before breakfast. Spirits. MISCELLANEOUS ANECDOTES AND GLEANINGS. ENRY MORE thought it was manifestly indicated in the Scriptures, "That there is no such necessary union between the soul and the body, but she may act as freely out of it, as in it: as men are nothing the more dull, sleepy, or senseless, by putting off their clothes, and going out of the house, but rather more awakened, active, and sensible." - Theological Works, p. 19. "Besides, it is not unreasonable but that she (the soul) and other spirits, though they have no set organs, yet for more distinct and full perception of objects, may frame the element they are in into temporary organization: and that with as much ease and swiftness as we can dilate and contract the pupil of our eye, and bring back or put for ward the crystalline humour."-Ibid. p. 26. Why has not man a microscopic eye? Because it is impossible: that is, not only inconsistent with his nature, and the order of the universe, but incompatible with it. But a pneumascopic or angeloscopic eye is not impossible. "THE Battas (Sumatra) think their ancestors are a kind of superior beings attendant on them always."-Phil. Trans. Abr. vol. 14, p. 317. "NUMBER in the air."-BISH. HACKETT, Sermon, p. 212. "SOME Jewish Rabbins have presumed to teach more than Scripture, that the bodies of Enoch and Elias were dissolved into elements in their rapture, and nothing but their soul was received into Abraham's bosom. I smell the leaven of the Sadducees here; for certainly the origin of it came from such as they, who resisted the truth, and held that a body could not be exalted to heavenly places."-Ibid. p. 428. "The spirits of the faithful may appear; those of the wicked not."-Ibid. p. 436. A forcible passage. PROCLUS, according to Rabelais (vol. i. p. 102), says, "Qu'en forme leonine ont esté diables souvet veus, lesquels en la pre sence d'un coq blanc soudainement sont disparus." But M. le Duchat says, the colour of the cock is not specified. "THE miracle of the herd of swine has never been better explained than thus; that the devils were suffered to go into the swine, to make it appear that they were indeed evil spirits which had possessed the men, and thus practically confute the doctrine of the Sadducees, who denied that there were any spirits." JENKINS' Reas. of Christianity, vol. 1, p. 259. "Good spirits as numerous and active as bad."-Ib. p. 325. Dryden's Philidel (a poor imitation of Ariel) laments "For so many souls as, but this morn, Were clothed with flesh, and warmed with vital blood, But naked, now, or shirted but with air." King Arthur, vol. 6, p. 284. Monthly Review, vol. 2, p. 427. A CURIOUS argument for the existence of evil spirits, drawn from dreams, by Seed. * Ibid. vol. 16, p. 308. Query? To the number of those on which they prey?-or does he mean that creatures of prey are few in proportion as they are large? IN Pierce Penniless his Supplication, it | portion to the number of the smaller."is said, "The spirits of the air will mix themselves with thunder and lightning, and so infect the clime where they raise any tempest, that suddenly great mortality shall ensue to the inhabitants. The spirits of fire have their mansions under the regions of the moon."-BOSWELL'S Shakspeare, vol. 15, p. 287, n. GHOST in the form of a dog. - Gent. Mag. vol. 1, p. 31. Animals. "THEIR more refined properties." HENRY MORE, Theol. Works, p. 33. "Their shadow of religion."-Ibid. p. 34. "NATURAL religion, historians tell us, is observable in other creatures as well as men."-ADAM LITTLETON, p. 96. MUSSEL-Elephants-MARIGNY, Revolution, vol. 1, p. 274. WALKING Stuart called himself an Homoousiast, as akin to all animated beings. -MRS. BRAY'S Letters. "FISH that are kept in jars, when they have lived awhile together, contract so great an affection for each other, that if they are separated they become melancholy and sullen, and are a long time before they forget the loss." Phil. Tran. Abr. vol. 9, p. 323. ~ [Horses.] "JOHN DUCROw, the clown at Astley's, buried in the burial ground of Lambeth Old Church, 27 May. The hearse was preceded at his particular desire, by his two favourite small white and chestnut coloured ponies, each led by an attendant, and having on its head a plume, and a rich velvet cloth spread over the back." -Times, 31 May, 1834. LEO X., crowned Pope the anniversary of his capture in the battle of Ravenna, in the preceding year; and "il monta le cheval Ture qu'il avoit eu le jour de cette battaile; car l'ayant retiré des mains des François a rançon il l'aima d'une façon particulière, et le fit nourrir jusqu'à une extrême vieillesse avec un grand soin."-BAYLE, vol. 2, p. 300. "Summâ cum indulgentiâ alendum curavit." -are the words of Jovius. wwwwwww [Elephants.] MAJOR MOIR Says "There is a something in the elephant, independently of its bulk, I think, which distinguishes it from other quadrupeds. No person or persons would commit any act of gross indelicacy or indecency in the presence of an elephant, more than in the presence of the wholly reasoning. The same feeling would not prevail touching the presence of a stupid rhinoceros, almost as bulky." - Oriental Frag "Mr. Anderson put two ruffs into a jar of water about Christmas; and in April he gave one of them away. The fish that remained was so affected that it would eat nothing for three weeks; so that fearing it would pine to death, he sent it to the gen-ments, p. 485. tleman on whom he had bestowed its companion. On rejoining it, it eat immediately, and recovered its former briskness." -Ibid. WATTS thought their spirits might perpetually transmigrate. Sometimes he thought it hard to ascribe sensation to them: sometimes could hardly avoid think " SIZE, I believe, says J. Hunter, is in those animals who feed on others, in pro-ing them reasonable. -Vol. 7, p. 579. |