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surely these pleasure houses of one genera-mently suspected of witchcraft had cattle tion, become monuments in the second!

WHITTON LE WEIR. - Castle there, and tomb to Mr. Farrel, erected in the church by his pupils.

THIS Odd inscription over an inn at Garstang

"Address to Commercial Travellers. So much opposition from the south, and from the head inn and second inn, I can expect but little. Yet to that little every attention shall be paid, by good supplies, moderate charges, and grateful acknowledgment."

DANVERS addressed Mr. Lightbody by the name of Heavysides. A better blunder of the same kind was made to a schoolmistress near Reading, whose name was Littleworth, and who was once addressed Mrs. Goodfornothing.

also on the waste, and twice or three times prevented him from going to see his mare by saying she had seen her, and he need not go. At last, however, he went. He found the mare dead in the midst of a thicket, standing upright, her head raised, her eyes wide open. This woman went on crutches, -an unlucky lad had once offended her, and she began to strike him with her crutches, he ran away, but in vain, she followed as fast as a greyhound, beating him with both crutches, till she had well nigh killed him. There was an old elm in the village where she lived, one bough of which grew out at right angles from the tree; it was the general belief that she had bent it down to that shape by riding upon it.

THERE is a wild tradition of Sir Francis Drake current in Somersetshire, that when he set out on his voyage he told his wife if he was away ten years she might then marry HUNTINGDON, S. S. has married Lady again. Ten years elapsed, during which Saunderson, once Lady Mayoress.

A PONY bought at Banbury and taken to London, found his way back. James Rickards knew the circumstances. A sheep driven from Radnorshire into Essex for the London market, returned to his old pasture two succeeding years. This poor Thomas assured me of, naming place, owner, &c.

THE dust at Christ's Hospital. - It has been made a question at law whether the Hospital can dispose of it, or whether it belongs to the Ward of Farringdon Within,

in which it is situated.

STAGE coaches write licensed to carry so many insides, which is useless, because they cannot by any possibility stuff in more; it is the number of outsides that ought to be specified to public view.

Madam Duck was as true as Penelope, but when they were over she accepted the offer of a suitor. On her way to church a huge round stone fell through the air close by her, and fixed upon the train of her gown, - and she turned back, for she said she knew it came from her husband. It was not long before he returned, and in the shape of a beggar asked alms of her at his own door: in the midst of his feigned tale, a smile escaped him, and she recognized him and led him in joyfully. The stone still remains where it fell. It is used as a weight upon the harrow of the farm, and if it be removed from the estate always returns.

BIRMINGHAM.-Baskerville's dog by him. "Alas, poor Tray!" Hammering at three in the morning. Ale-houses called smockshops. Tripe and cow-heel cried at seven in the evening. Near 3000 houses empty last war. John Hunter's opinion. Smoke of the steam engines.

BURNETT'S uncle and the night-mare. He tells us this other story. He had a mare turned out in Sedgemoor-a woman vehe- | Cream of the jest.

My garter's loose. You tread on my toes.

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BULL baiting. They had a better sport at Ispahan a wolf was turned loose in the Meidan, and the mob baited him without weapons, and indeed without hurting him. They only provoked him by flapping their cloaks at him and shouting, and the amusement was to see one half the crowd running away while he pursued, and the other following, hallooing and teasing him till he turned, and they in turn took to flight. A fellow or two got bit sometimes, but with so many at hand no serious mischief could ever be done. Shah Abbas was often a spectator of this sport.

THE first ring of bells in England was at Croyland. The venerable Abbot Turketule who restored the monastery of Croyland (see his Hist. Cressy, 844-6-83), had left one very large bell there called Guthlac. His successor Egelric added six in this order, Bartholomew, Bertelin, Turketule, Tolwin, Pega, and Bega. The reason of these three names appears from Yepes. G. the man who sanctified the spot. B. his especial saint. P. his sister.

HANDEL asked the King, then a young child, and listening very earnestly while he played, if he liked the music, and the Prince warmly expressed his pleasure, "A good boy-a good boy," he cried, "you shall protect my fame when I am dead."

MUSIC-fingers moving like the legs of a millepedes.

which used to come and feed there. An annual song about this.

Their silver cups at the college are called ox-eyes, and an ox-eye of wormwood was a favourite draught there. Beer with an infusion of wormwood was to be had nowhere else.

Boar's head at Queen's. The legend that a scholar of this college walking out and studying Aristotle, was attacked by a wild boar, whom he killed by thrusting the book down his throat, and choking him with logic.

A row of elms before Balliol gateway, 1771. The old hall had its central fire, and every member of the University had a right once a year to spend an evening there, and be treated with bread and cheese and ale, on condition that when called upon he should either sing a song, tell a story, or let a -. Can this be true? Where did the five's court stand?

An urn at St. John's containing the heart of Dr. Rawlinson.

Here is the portrait of Charles I. of which the face and hair contain the whole Book of Psalms-the writing forming the picture.

Altar-piece at Wadham. Cloth of ashes colour, the linen and shades in brown crayon, the lights with a white one. These were pressed on with a hot iron, which producing an exsudation from the cloth, so fixed them that they were proof against a brush. Isaac Fuller was the artist, who lived in the 17th century. The subjects are these-the Last Supper, Abraham and Melchisedec, and the Gathering the Manna-well drawn.

St. Mary Hall, -the heart of the principal Dr. Key in a marble vase.

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SOME fifty years ago, when there were scarcely any houses between Ely Place and the Foundling Hospital, at one of these houses, then considered as in the country, there was a little boy about three years old ALL SOULS. A noise often heard under who used to have his bason of bread and the kitchen, and exorcised; at length on milk given him for his breakfast; and to eat opening the drain, a swopping mallard found | it sitting upon the step of the door. It was noticed that he became hungry unusually soon after breakfast; but one day the mother overheard him talking at his meal. "Now your turn, now my turn, now your turnno, no, you take too much-my turn now." Upon this she looked to see who it was that shared the child's breakfast; and she could see nobody; but coming nearer she perceived a snake, who it seems came regularly from his hole in the opposite bank to breakfast with the boy upon bread and milk. I am afraid the poor reptile paid his life for this intimacy.


THE Philipsons of Colgarth coveted a field like Ahab, and had the possessor hung for an offence which he had not committed. The night before his execution the old man (for he was very old) read the 109th Psalm as his solemn and dying commination, v. 2. 3. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. The curse was fully accomplished; the family were cut off, and the only daughter who remained sold laces and bobbins about the very country in which she had been born to opulence.

BRISTOL water in clean vessels may be kept for any length of time. This has been attributed to the lime which it contains. A pint of quicklime should be put into every butt of water when it is filled.

bled. The ready solution was that it was the ghost of a man who had hanged himself in the rigging house. A little investigation ascertained that it was the reflection of a light from an apple stall on Parson's Hill, a rising ground opposite, a little to the east of the churchyard, and it was sometimes at one window, sometimes at the other, as people stopped at the stall and impeded the light.

A SIR SIMEON STUART is said in looking over some family paper to have met with a memorandum that 15000 (00?) pieces of gold were buried in a certain field, so many feet from the ditch, towards the Forth. He dug there, and found the money in a large iron pot, with these words written on a parchment which covered it, "The devil shall have it sooner than Cromwell."

BACK-SCRATCHER. MACGILL, vol. 2, p. 136, says that certain dervises in Turkey use them, because they are not permitted to scratch themselves with their fingers.

SOME fifty or sixty years ago, Henry Erskine travelling through Winsley Dale, halted at Askrigg, and while his horse was resting, inquired of the landlord whether there was any thing in the neighbourhood worthy of a stranger's notice. The landlord answered with alacrity that there was, and that he should be happy to show it him. Boniface led him - not to the falls of the Ure, nor to Hardra Scar, but into a field which had a cow-house in it, and a solitary tree besides, like all the fields at the upper end of that beautiful dale where it runs up into the mountain. "There, Sir," said the landlord, rubbing his hands with delight, "do you see that cow-house, Sir?" "Yes." "And do you see that tree, Sir? That, Sir, is a very remarkable place-un

SEPT. 1808. A supernatural appearance at Woolwich, a faint but very evident blue light in two windows of the rigging house, sometimes at one sometimes at the other, appearing and disappearing at unequal intervals. The inside of the windows was stopped with double canvas, and therefore it could not possibly proceed from any thing in the room. It was from the churchyard that it was visible, and hundreds assembled there. A sentinel was said to have left his post on first discovering it, the sentinels therefore, report added, had all been dou- | der that tree, Sir, Rockingham was foaled."


Doctor Daniel Dove.


Somewhat above our art.

Prologue to the Captain.

"THOSE that love to laugh, and those that think,

And damsels, if they mask the matter thro',
May stumble on a foolish toy or two,
Will make 'em show their teeth." - Ibid.

"RIEN ne pousse davantage les curieux à faire part au public de leurs éclaircissemens, que l'aveu que font les auteurs qu'ils ne savent pas telle ou telle chose. C'est ce qui m'obligera à proposer souvent mes doutes."-BAYLE, Dict. tom. 1, p. 67.

BALZAC says of an exuberant youthful style, "Facile est remedium ubertatis, sterilia nullo labore superantur." - BAYLE, tom. 1, p. 121. The latter part of this remark is true; the former not always so. Very many remaining leafy and florid to the last.

ACHILLES was bred up by Chiron on lion's marrow, and that of other wild beasts, instead of bread and milk, bears, wild boars, and wolves' marrow and lions' entrails.

BOILEAU.-"Combien de gens, dit Leclerc, ne comprendront pas que cela veut dire, buveur d'eau." - BAYLE, Dict. tom. 1, p.


ALLALIUS, who was librarian at the Vatican, was grieved almost to tears when he lost a pen with which he had written Greek forty years."-Ibid. p. 456.

EITHER Amphitryon, Alcmena's husband, or Amphictyon, King of Athens, invented wine and water, a marvellous invention, forsooth!-Ibid. p. 553.

"COULD I but unthink the thought." DANIEL, vol. 1, p. 219.

"But this is only sweet and delicate, Fit for young women, and is like the herb John,

Doth neither good nor hurt: but that's all


For if they but conceive it doth, it doth,
And it is that physicians hold the chief
In all their cures, conceit and strong be-
Ibid. p. 184.

ANAXAGORAS said snow is black. His reason for so saying being as absurd as the assertion; for he said it was nothing but condensed water, and black is the proper colour of water.-BAYLE, vol. 2, p. 21.

WHEN Anaxagoras was dying, the magistrates of Lampsacus requested to know his last wishes; and he asked that the month in which he died should be always a month's holydays for the boys, which was granted, and observed in the time of Diog. Laertius. - Ibid. p. 23. More likely, as in the note, p. 26, he asked for a day.

In the pronunciation of the modern Greek, been supposed to be produced by enchantALFIERI says the most melodious language ment. For which vide the great Bombast. in the world becomes a continual iotacism, like the neighing of a horse.

CAMELS have been taught to dance exact measures, which is no more strange, says LANCELOT ADDISON, than the Balletto di Cavalli, that not long since graced the nuptials of a Duke of Florence.

"SOME One mentioned to Pope the opinion that animals have reasoning. He replied, 'So they have, to be sure. All our disputes about that are only a dispute about words. Man has reason enough only to know what it is necessary for him to know, and dogs have just that too.' 'But then,' it was rejoined, 'they must have souls too, as imperishable in their nature as ours.' 'And what harm,' said Pope, 'would that be to us."-SPENCE's Anecdotes, p. 60.

Ibid.p.281. He thought that the metempsychosis was a very rational scheme, and would give the best account for some phenomena in the moral world.

"On the 6 Germinal will be performed a Miaulic concert, in which twenty-six cats will execute the air of Ran tamplan tire lire, and of the Epoux assortis. The concert will conclude with a grand chorus by all the twenty-six cats in perfect concord and excellent time."

The English Gruntetto was produced by a pig-piano-forte, every note of which corresponded to a nail or other sharp point.

KING of the Maldives. "Il s'estonnoit fort quand je luy disois que la teinture d'escarlate rouge se faisoit avec de l'urine d'homme qui ne beuvoit que du vin; de sorte qu'il se fist oster un bonnet d'escarlatte qu'il portoit, et il ne s'en voulut plus servir a cause de cela."-PYRARD, p. 168.

"Je crois que les François descendent des Centaures qui étoient moitié hommes et moitié chevaux de bât; ces deux moitiés-là se sont séparées; il est resté des hommes comme vous, par exemple, et quelques autres, et il est resté des chevaux qui ont acheté des charges de conseiller, ou qui se sont fait docteurs en Sorbonne." -VOLTAIRE to HELVETIUS. Caligula's horse.

BRAMA first made man with one leg and one eye; seeing that did not do, he unmade him and tried another with three legs. At last he hit upon the present form.-Memorias, vol. 1, p. 2.

A PERSONAGE was very desirous of believing in Kreeshna, and yet doubted of his divinity. At length it was put to a pretty good test, "Topou com outro, que havia doze annos não tinha comido, e estava em jejum, o qual lhe disse, se he verdade que Cusna he Deos, hei de eu puder comer doze candius de arroz, e ficar sempre em jejum." The rice was brought, ready boiled, he eat it all, and remained fasting still!-Ibid. p. 16.

THE Bramins opine that a man has a right to live one hundred years, and dying before that term, returns to earth to make it up in another body. - Ibid. p. 125.

CARDINAL ASCANIUS had a parrot who could say the Creed. Aldobrandus has immortalized him. - MARQUIS DE SORITO, Exam. Apol. p. 16.

THE pride of old Cole's dog, who took the wall of a dungcart, and got his guts squeezed out.

WITHOUT a daily supply as well from PAGOYUM, the Paracelsian Being who celestials as terrestrials, the Archeius, the presides over unknown diseases, which have | Red Man, the servant of Nature, could not

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