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which, if true, would be a serious charge; but the fact was, that on his appointment, he, for the first time, introduced the practice of trying the prisoners on the first day of the session, instead of the fourth, as had been usual before that time. The attorney-general on that circuit (Mr. Benyon) was the only person who could have uttered a complaint of any inconvenience from delay; but he could assure the House that that learned gentleman had never said a word on this subject. He was thankful for having had this opportunity of explaining his conduct, and was only anxious to show that he had not neglected the claims of public justice for the sake of private emolument.

Sir M. W. Ridley said, that it was with no view of calumniating the hon. and learned gentleman that he had put the question which had been alluded to. He had information on which he thought he could rely, that the sittings at Chester had been postponed, on account of other engagements of the hon. and learned gentleman; and although he was bound to give credit to all that had now been stated, yet he was not at all persuaded that the sittings at Chester had not commenced later than usual by nine days. The hon. and learned gentleman acknowledged, that of two plans which had been submitted to him, he had chosen that which gave him the opportunity of going to Launceston. It was not for him to determine any thing as to this, or whether it was usual for the attorney-general to take special retainers. He believed that he was correct in saying that the gentlemen of the bar had experienced great inconvenience from the arrangement made by the hon. and learned gentleman.

The Attorney-General declared, that he had never heard of any inconvenience to any body but the attorney-general for the circuit. When lord Ellenborough was attorney-general, he took special retainers to the last.

Mr. Wynn said, that he had been that circuit for seven years, and the chief justice had always thought himself at liberty to make very great deviations in fixing the time of the assize. In the present instance he did not think that any inconvenience had been occasioned by delay. He never remembered, however, that the associate opened the court. It was usual to appoint a barrister to do so, because it might be necessary to make a motion which could not be heard before the

clerk. This was the only deviation which he recollected from what he believed to have been the constant custom. He concurred in the very humane regulation of the learned chief justice, of bringing prisoners to trial on the first day, instead of the fourth. With respect to the motion then before the House, he thought it extremely wise and proper, and gave it his entire assent.

Mr. Abercrombie said, he had received communications from gentlemen in the profession, who thought very differently from the hon. and learned gentleman. He understood, with reference to Easter, that the Chester assizes were twelve days later than usual, and according to the most favourable way of viewing the subject, two days later than usual. They felt that something different from the ordinary course had taken place on the present occasion.

Mr. Macdonald expressed a hope, that this would be the last time that the two offices of attorney-general and chief justice of Chester, would be vested in the same person. Very considerable inconvenience must always arise from this union, and he trusted the committee would direct their attention particularly to this subject.

The motion was then agreed to.

USURY LAWS REPEAL BILL.] Mr. Serjeant Onslow, in moving for leave to bring in a bill for Repealing the Laws that regulate the rate of Interest, did not propose to go into the subject at length, as it had been fully discussed on a former occasion ;* but must remind the House, that these laws were not only attended with no good effects, but were productive of the most pernicious consequences; and though they had now existed for a great length of time, and derived some sanction from their antiquity, it was a most mistaken notion as to the views of the first framers, which had supported the sanction they enjoyed, and the prejudices which prolonged their existence. These laws had originated in a wish to open, not to limit, the rate of interest. Before their enactment it had been forbidden to take any interest at all on the loan of money. Every profit, even the smallest, derived from such a loan, was branded with the name of usury; and it was with a view not so much to limit the rate of interest, as to protect

* See Vol. 34, p. 723.

those who took any, that the laws in question were framed. He had last year proposed to press the measure of a repeal of these laws, but it had then been objected that the state of the funds was such, that it was improper to agitate the subject. He had not then felt the force of that argument for delay, but he had yielded to the authority of those by whom it was urged, and he was happy that he had done so; for since that time the public attention had been called to the subject, not only by Mr. Bentham's most able pamphlet, but by a periodical work (the Edinburgh Review) which usually advocated the soundest principles of political economy. By this time he trusted any doubts of the inexpediency of the measure which he had to propose were removed. He should, therefore, be brief in his remarks, and merely refer to what he had before said, namely that in their origin, the laws of which he now prayed the repeal, were founded on mistaken texts of scripture. The first law on this subject was enacted in the reign of Henry 8th, when it was declared that at ten per cent. it was lawfull to take interest. In the reign of Edward 6th this law was repealed, and it was again declared by the law unlawful to take any rate of interest whatever on money borrowed. Yet in that reign we are informed by acontemporary historian that the rate of interest was commonly 14 per cent., so impracticable was it to affect the rate of interest by legal enactments. It was perfectly clear, that the more restraints were laid on money transactions, the higher always was the amount of interest actually paid on loans; and the effect of these regulations had only been to oppress and ruin the sinking tradesman; who, but for them, might have saved his credit by obtaining a temporary assistance at the fair market rate of the commodity. He had been told, on a former occasion, that all this might be true, but that the repeal of these laws would have an ill effect on the contracts made for loans on the credit of the public funds, which being regulated by the legal rate of interest, the public at least was a gainer by borrowing money at that rate. The fact, however, was the very reverse of this; and the loans contracted for by the public were, in reality, never affected by the legal rate of interest, but regulated, like all other money transactions, by the relative state of demand and supply, the credit of the borrower, and the opportunities of the lender. It was

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true that, at the time that argument had been used, some circumstances then affecting the price of stocks gave it the appearance of having weight; but those stocks had now risen 10 per cent.; the rate of interest paid by government had lowered in just the same proportion as in every other quarter, and the argument could no longer have any force.-Other objections that had been urged were, the apprehension of detriment to the landed interest, and loss to those who had borrowed money on mortgage. It was proved, that the fluc tuations which the rate of interest might experience, in consequence of the repeal of the usury laws, would induce the lenders of money on mortgage security, frequently and suddenly to call in their principal, and expose the borrower to the danger of a foreclosure, or to the expense and trouble of repeated conveyances and reconveyances: but that inconvenience had been felt, and was daily felt under the existing system to a much greater degree than it possibly could under any other. Nothing was more common than for a lender to call for a repayment of his principle at a time when the market rate of interest, being 6 or 7 per cent. it was impossible for the mortgager to prevent a foreclosure, except on the most ruinous terms: either he was driven to sell his land at a time of sudden depression, when half its value could not be obtained, or (as he was precluded by law from raising money on the usual security at 6 or 7 per cent. if that happened to be the market rate) he was compelled to borrow by granting annuities at the most exorbitant rate. The common mode of late years had been, to grant annuities for a term of ninety-nine years, determinable on three lives, at fifteen per cent.; or determinable on four lives, at fourteen per cent. He knew an instance of an hon. member, a most respectable man, who, being called on to repay money he had borrowed on mortgage for the improvement of his estate, could only meet the demand by borrowing at this ruinous rate. It was owing to this that estates had been sold for almost nothing in the very worst of times; for, though the courts sat their faces as much as possible against foreclosures, yet they could not be altogether prevented. It had farther been objected, that the repeal of these laws would be hurtful to the monied interest, who would be tempted to loss by lending their money at high rates to speculators and projectors. He left it to the good

15. This statute showed the necessity of
abolishing a settled rate of interest. By
that act the interest of money in this coun-
try was reduced to 5 per cent.
Any per-
son who read this statute would see, that
it proclaimed the great benefits which had
arisen from the repeated reduction of the
rate of interest; and must admit, that a
long and expensive war was alleged as a
reason for still farther lowering it. If the
usury laws were done away, the money-
lender, instead of getting 14 or 15 per
cent. by the annuity system, would be
content with five or six. The repeal of
those laws would be beneficial to this coun-
try, but still more so to Ireland, into
which it would be the means of pouring
money, and, consequently, of encourag-
ing commerce, agriculture, and manu-

The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, that in the general principle of the measure proposed, he perfectly coincided. It was, however, to be recollected, that when a system of laws existed to which the com

sense of the House to determine, whether | so circumspect a body as monied men were in general, would be likely to lose much from a neglect to exact sufficient security on their loans. It was absurd to conceive them incapable of directing their own affairs, and unjust as well as impolitic to intermeddle. Adam Smith had said, with great truth, that they were always more likely to lend to the thrifty than to the improvident. Besides the word "projectors" was an unmeaning and idle word, conveying an indefinite interpretation, on an indefinite class of men. For himself, he deemed it impossible to draw any line, and say who were projectors and speculators; and certain it was, that the most successful schemes, as well as the ordinary progress of improvement, must, in the outset, have been no other than projects, and the production of projectors. He should merely add, for the present, that every part of the empire suffered from these laws; but if any part suffered more than another, it was Ireland. Ireland had a fertile soil, a great population, a favour-munity had been long accustomed, and able climate; it was deficient only in capital: it was the want of that which repressed the national energy, and prevented any increase in the stock of national happiness. He should only add, that in moving for leave to bring in the bill, he should not propose to fill up the blanks under a period of several years. The learned serjeant then moved, "That leave be given to bring in a bill for repcaling the laws which prohibit the taking of interest for money, or limit the rate thereof." Sir F. Flood gave the motion his hearty concurrence, being convinced that the measure must be of essential advantage to the empire in general, but particularly to Ireland, which possessed such natural advantages, as, if properly cultivated by means of capital, would enable her to vie with any country in the world. He observed, that money ought to be permitted to regulate its own price, and in this opinion he was supported by the experience of time, as it would appear developed in the acts of the legislature. The first of these acts restrained the interest of money to 10 per cent; the next reduced it to 8, observing in its preamble, "that the high interest of money was injurious to agriculture;" the next statute lowered the interest of money to 7 per cent.; and that which followed brought it down to 6 per cent. The last statute on this subject was the 12th of Anne, chap.

on which private arrangements and legal transactions were founded, to repeal them, even if they should be erroneous in principle, was a matter of some difficulty and delicacy. He doubted whether as yet the public mind was prepared for the measure; but he acknowledged the state of public credit was such that the question might be agitated without inconvenience, and he had hopes it might lead to a successful issue. The difficulty in raising money on landed securities was now less than it had been, and the state of the money market was such, that great accommodation to the agricultural interest might be hoped for from the diffusion of capital through the country. He should reserve his judgment on the measure proposed till he saw the particular enactments of it, to which he should give his utmost attention.

Mr. Lockhart said, the learned serjeant seemed to be perfectly aware of the inconvenience to which persons would be exposed, to whom land had been mortgaged, if a lower rate of interest were introduced; but, to obviate this difficulty, he had very properly stated, that he would postpone the operation of the bill to a very distant period, that parties might be enabled to make every necessary arrangement. He thought the operation of the bill would fall heavily on the landed interest. The money market would be in a constant state of fluctuation. Per

haps not in a very great degree, but if the interest were left unfettered by from five to six, or perhaps to seven law. There should be but two parties in per cent. Would not, therefore, those transactions of that description-those who had lent money on mortgage, be who borrowed, and those who lent. The constantly changing their securities, in legislature ought not to interfere. order to get a higher rate of interest; and Mr. H. Martinexpressed his approbation could the landed interest of this country of the bill, which, he doubted not, would suffer this fluctuation? Could persons, enable the public to borrow money at a whose property was subject to such enor- lower, rather than at a higher rate of mous expenses, for conveyances, &c. interest, than that now sanctioned by bear still greater burthens ? law.

Sir J. Newport said, that the fluctuations in the money-market, to which the learned gentleman alluded, were experienced at present, and the bill, he believed, would tend to lower them. What was the state of the law now? The legislature had enacted a statute, preventing a larger rate of interest than five per cent., from being taken by the lender of money.. "The effect of that law, in its operation, had been so ruinous, that the legislature itself had been obliged to depart from its provisions, by having recourse to the annuity system, which, in some degree, relieved the country from its effects. The legislature should certainly do one of two things-either have no fixed rate of interest, or, if they sanctioned one, they ought to enforce it. They had not done either. They had established a fixed rate of interest, and they had then departed from their own principle, by giving persons an opportunity of borrowing on annuity, by which, in effect, a very large interest was realised, and a great degree of obloquy was cast on the lender upon annuities. He begged the House to recollect that in those countries where no fixed rate of interest existed, money was borrowed at a lower rate than in those where a contrary system prevailed. He could instance, as a proof of this, Holland, Flanders, and, indeed, all countries where the principle of a fixed rate of interest was not sanctioned; and, if they travelled from Holland and Flanders to Russia and Great Britain, the effect of the system, in both cases, would bring the subject fairly under their view. In the two latter countries provisions restricting the rate of interest within a certain boundary, had been introduced, and in both they had been evaded. In Great Britain, the principle of leaving money to find its own level, was sanctioned by the annuity act; and he was convinced, that not only the borrower on mortgage, but borrowers of every class in society, would procure money at a much cheaper rate


Leave was given to bring in the bill.


Friday, May 2.

LORD SIDMOUTH'S CIRCULAR LETTER.] The Lord Chancellor stated the result of his inquiries respecting the cases of Spence and Hogg, mentioned in the opinion of the law officers referred to in Lord Sidmouth's Circular Letter. With respect to the case of Spence, it appeared, that on the 13th of April, 1801, an information upon oath was sworn before Mr. Ford, then at Bow-street, by a person of the name of Searle, that he had printed for Thomas Spence a work intituled "The Restorer of Society to its Natural State," and for that work Mr. Ford held Spence to bail, to appear in the court of King'sbench on the first day of the ensuing term. On the first day of the term, the then attorney-general filed an information against Spence, who was called on his recognizance, and appeared. He was subsequently tried and convicted. With regard to the case of Hogg, it appeared that an information was sworn before the then lord mayor, by a person who had purchased at Hogg's shop the trials for adultery. The lord mayor held Alexander Hogg to bail, to appear in the court of King'sbench on the first day of the ensuing term, and the recognizance was drawn up by the then attorney-general. On the first day of the ensuing term, the late Mr. Perceval, having in the mean time become attorney-general, that gentleman filed an information against Hogg, who was called upon his recognizance, and appeared. Subsequently, upon Hogg's delivering up all the books charged against, the prosecution was dropped. There was no opinion given with respect to these cases in any other way than by the proceedings he had stated.

Earl Grey expressed his acknowledgments for the candid statement of the noble and learned lord, but observed, that

it did not appear that in either of the cases the point had been disputed, or that there had been any question raised as to the legality of the proceeding. There was only the opinions of attorney-generals, but no decision of any court of law that could be recognized as an authority. He still considered, therefore, the Circular of the noble viscount as unconstitutional, in attempting to interfere with the administration of justice, and he feared it would lead to a practice productive of the greatest mischief to individuals. In this view, after taking considerable pains to inform himself upon the subject, and having been able to find no competent authority to sanction such a measure, he felt it his duty to bring it under the consideration of the House, and on Monday se'nnight he should move for the case referred to the law officers of the Crown, upon which their opinion had been given, and which was of great importance, with a view to form a proper estimate of that opinion.


Friday, May 2.

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author of the work in question.-But be-
fore he proceeded to state what had taken
place on that occasion, he would request
the clerk to read from the book the pas-
sages which were the subject of complaint.
The Clerk accordingly (after repeating
the title of the work) read as follows:-
"I have inquired into the constitution
of these committees of the House of Com-
mons, and the mode of their proceedings,
and I have no doubt others will be sur-
prised as well as myself at the description.
My impression was, that a committee is
composed of a number of members who
personally attend, that the evidence of
every witness, and the whole entire evi-
dence of each witness, are entered in the
minutes, literatim et verbatim, and printed
for the use of the House.

"My information, however, has taught me that my impression is most erroneous, and that this was not the mode at least pursued in the examination of witnesses, upon the charges against the magistrates of the Tower division. During the examination of several of the witnesses, the chairman only was present. Mr. Calvert is the only member I could learn who did assist him occasionally, particularly when the House of Hanbury was in question. This hon. member very much wished Mr. Fox, of Shadwell, to give his evidence, but the private explanation of that gentleman induced him not to insist upon it.

"A considerable part of the evidence given in was not entered on the Minutes, and a very material part that was offered was not accepted. I have not the smallest knowledge of the chairman, other than by his occasional speeches as an opposition member, by the name of captain Bennet, from which I infer, he has not dedicated much of his time to the profession of the law, and directed his studies to the nature of legal evidence.

BREACH OF PRIVILEGE-THE REV. THOMAS THIRLWALL.] Mr. Bennet said, it was with great concern that he felt it to be his duty, as chairman of the committee appointed to inquire into the state of the police of the metropolis, to bring under the consideration of the House a Breach of Privilege contained in a book recently published, and which had been sent to the committee by the author purporting to be "A Vindication of the Magistrates acting in and for the Tower Division, from the Charges contained in a printed work, intituled, The Report of the Committee on the State of the Police of the Metropolis; together with the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee of the House of Commons. By Thomas Thirlwall, M. A. Rector of Bow- "It is pretty well known my loyalty to ers Gifford, Essex, and magistrate for the my king and attachment to the constitucounties of Middlesex and Essex." Without tion; and I had almost said enthusiastic making any comment on the general tone of admiration of its forms. I have contrithe work, which was by no means respect-buted my part in the worst of times to its ful towards the committee, he would only safety. I hope, therefore, that my obserobserve, that several passages were so ex-vations will not be tortured into any intentremely offensive to the feelings of the committee and so hostile to the privileges of the House, that it was thought fit to summon Mr. Thirlwall before them, to require some explanation of his conduct. When Mr. Thirlwall appeared before the committee, he avowed himself to be the

tional disrespect to the committee. I acknowledge its authority, and bow to its decisions. But when I make this declaration, it does not follow that I am bound against my conscience to admit either candour or impartiality in the proceedings, or that if the body of magistrates are to be

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